Tantri, Aida Rosita
Department Of Anesthesiology And Intensive Therapy, Faculty Of Medicine, University Of Indonesia – Ciptomangunkusumo National Center General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia

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Penyebaran Zat Pewarna Metilen Biru di Ruang Paravertebral: Penelitian Blok Paravertebral Lumbal 4 Teknik Injeksi Satu Titik pada Kadaver , Pryambodho; Prawiro, Eric; Tantri, Aida Rosita; Sukmono, R. Besthadi
Majalah Anestesia dan Critical Care Vol 32 No 2 (2014): Juni
Publisher : Perdatin Pusat

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Blok paravertebral lumbal secara teori dapat dijadikan alternatif dari blok psoas dan dapat dilakukan secara blind/landmark-based. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebaran zat pewarna pasca injeksi 1 titik di ruang paravertebral L4 terkait area pleksus lumbalis. Penelitian menggunakan kadaver segar yang tidak dikenal. Pada semua kadaver dilakukan penyuntikan 30 mL zat pewarna metilen biru 1% pada injeksi 1 titik di ruang paravertebral L4 menggunakan jarum blok standar, kemudian dilakukan diseksi untuk mengetahui penyebaran zat pewarna tersebut. Penelitian ini mengikutsertakan 16 kadaver yang memenuhi syarat. Didapatkan penyebaran terjauh ke arah sefalad mencapai level L1 (6,25%) dengan rata-rata mencapai level L3 (50%). Penyebaran terjauh ke arah kaudad mencapai level S2 (12,5%) dengan rata-rata mencapai level L5 (56,25%). Penyebaran kontralateral sebanyak 18,75%. Penyebaran segmental paling sedikit sebanyak 2 segmen (6,25%), paling banyak sebanyak 5 segmen (12,5%), dan sebaran segmental terbanyak (43,75%) ialah sebanyak 4 segmen. Injeksi 1 titik 30 mL metilen biru 1% pada blok paravertebral L4 dapat mencapai area pleksus lumbalis. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk mengetahui volume optimal serta lokasi injeksi teraman dan efektif untuk menghasilkan penyebaran yang lebih baik pada pleksus lumbalis maupun pleksus lumbosakral. Kata kunci: Blok paravertebral, blok psoas, kadaver, metilen biru, pleksus lumbalis Lumbar paravertebral block theoretically can be used as an alternative for psoas block, furthermore it can be done with a landmark-based technique. The object of this study was to determine the spreading of 30 ml 1% methylene blue dye after single point injection in the L4 lumbar paravertebral space, regarding the area of lumbar plexus. The study used fresh unclaimed cadavers. On all cadavers, a single dose of 30 mL 1% methylene blue injected in the L4 lumbar paravertebral space, using a standard b-bevel needle. Then the cadavers dissected on lumbar area to determine the spreading of the methylene blue. Sixteen cadavers which met the criteria were included. The most cephalad spread was at L1 level (6.25%) with average at the L3 level (50%). The most caudad spread was at the S2 level (12.5%) with average at the L5 level (56.25%). The contralateral spread was found in 18.75% of cadavers. The minimal segmental spread were 2 segments (6.25%) and the maximum segmental spread were 5 segments (12.5%), and the average segmental spread were 4 segments (43.75%). Single point injection of 30 mL 1% methylene blue in the L4 lumbar paravertebral space can cover the lumbar plexus area. Further studies are needed to determine the optimal volume, the effective and safer site for injection technique to produce better spread in the lumbar plexus and lumbosacral plexus innervation as well. Keywords: Cadaver, methylene blue, lumbar plexus, paravertebral block,psoas block Reference Hala. EA Paravertebral block : an overview. Curr Anaesth & Crit Care. 2009;20:65–70. Dodd M, Hunsley J. Thoracic paravertebral block: landmark techniques. Anaesthesia tutorial of the week 224. May 2011 [diunduh 28 Januari 2013]. Tersedia dari: http://www.frca.co.uk/Documents/224%20Paravertebral%20block,%20Landmark%20techniques.pdf Naja ZM, El Rajab M, Al Tannir MA, Zaide FM, Tayara K, Youne F, dkk. Thoracic paravertebral block: influence on the number of injections. Reg anesthesia Pain Med. 2006;31:196–201. Batra RK, Krishnan K, Agarwal A. Paravertebral block. J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol. 2011 Jan–Mar;27(1):5–11. Lee EM, Murphy KP, Ben-David B. Postoperative analgesia for hip arthroscopy: Combined L1 and L2 paravertebral blocks. J Clin Anesth. 2008;20:462–5. Moller JF, Nikolajsen L, Rodt SA, Ronning H, Carlsson PS. Thoracic paravertebral block for breast cancer surgery: a randomized doubleblind study. Anesth Analg. 2007;105:1848–51.[diunduh 11 Januari 2013] Tersedia dari: http://www.northeasternanesthesia.com/youranasthesia/peripheral.php. Hocking G, McIntyre O. Achieving change in practice by using embalmed cadavers to teach ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia. Ultrasound. 2011;19:31–5. Azharflz. Standard IMT (indeks massa tubuh) untuk orang Indonesia. 2011.[diunduh 27 Mei 2013]. Tersedia dari: http://www.medicalera.com/3/9599/standard-imt-indeks-massatubuh-untuk-orang-indonesia. Thoraco lumbar paravertebral block. The New York School of Regional Anesthesia. 2009 [diunduh 3 Oktober 2011]. Tersedia dari: http://www.nysora.com/peripheral_nerve_blocks/classic_block_tecniques/3068-thoraco_lumbar_paravertebral_block.html. Karmakar MK, Kwok WH, Kew J. Thoracic paravertebral block: radiological evidence of contralateral spread anterior to the vertebral body. Br J Anesth. 2000;84(2):263–5. Cheema SP, Ilsley D, Richardson J, Sabanathan S. A thermographic study of paravertebral analgesia. Anaesthesia. 1995;50:118–21. Saito T, Den S,Tanuma K, Tanuma Y, Carney E, Carlsson C. Anatomical bases for paravertebral anesthesia block: fluid communication between thoracic and lumbar paravertebral regions. Surg Radiol Anat. 1999;21:359–63.
Pengaruh Eksorotasi Tungkai Bawah terhadap Jarak Saraf Femoralis dan Arteri Femoralis: Observasi dengan Panduan Ultrasonografi Tantri, Aida Rosita; Satoto, Darto; Hirda, Reni
Majalah Anestesia dan Critical Care Vol 34 No 1 (2017): Februari
Publisher : Perdatin Pusat

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Teknik blok saraf femoralis menggunakan stimulator saraf merupakan teknik yang sering digunakan di Indonesia. Terdapat perbedaan anatomi antara ras Melayu dengan ras Kaukasoid dan ras Mongoloid sehingga menyebabkan perbedaan landmark jarak saraf femoralis ke arteri femoralis untuk blok saraf femoralis. Penelitian ini mengobservasi pengaruh eksorotasi tungkai bawah terhadap jarak saraf femoralis dan arteri femoralis pada lipatan inguinalis dengan panduan ultrasonografi pada ras Melayu. Studi potong lintang pada pasien bedah elektif di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta dilakukan selama Februari 2016. Ultrasonografi dua dimensi digunakan untuk mendapatkan gambaran saraf femoralis pada empat posisi kedua tungkai bawah yaitu: eksorotasi tungkai bawah 0o, 15o, 30o dan 45o. Jarak saraf ke arteri dan jarak saraf ke kulit pada setiap sudut dibandingkan. Data dianalisis dengan uji T dan uji Anova. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna jarak saraf femoralis dan arteri emoralis pada berbagai derajat eksorotasi 0o, 15o, 30o, dan 45o pada kaki kanan maupun kaki kiri (p<0,001). Tidak ada perbedaan jarak saraf femoralis ke arteri femoralis antara kaki kanan dan kaki kiri pada semua derajat eksorotasi. Tidak ada perbedaan bermakna jarak saraf femoralis ke kulit pada semua sudur eksorotasi tungkai bawah. Pada ras Melayu, semakin besar sudut eksorotasi tungkai bawah semakin jauh jarak saraf femoralis ke arteri femoralis. Kata Kunci: Arteri femoralis, eksorotasi tungkai bawah, saraf femoralis, ras melayu, ultrasonografi The Effect of Lower Extremity Exorotation on the Distance Between the Femoral Nerve and the Femoral Artery an Observational Study Using Ultrasound Guidance   Femoral nerve block with nerve stimulation guidance technique is a common technique in Indonesia. Malayan race has a different landmark anatomy used in femoral nerve block with Caucasian and Mongoloid races, thus Malayan race has a different femoral nerve-femoral artery distance from other races. This study observed the effect of lower extremity exorotation on the femoral nerve-the femoral artery Malayan race. A cross-sectional study on 30 elective surgery patients in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital was done in February 2016. Two-dimensional ultrasonographic images of the femoral nerve were obtained by ultrasound guidance in the inguinal crease in four positions of the bilateral lower extremities: 0°, 15°, 30°and 45° exorotation of each extremity. Nerve to artery There were significant differences of the femoral nerve-femoral artery distance at all exorotation angles (0o, 15o, 30o and 45o) in both feet (p<0.001). There was no significant difference of femoral nerve-femoral artery distance between the right foot and the left foot in all measurements. There was no significant difference of femoral nerve-skin distance at all exorotation angles.In Malayan race, the greater the degrees of lower extremity exorotation resulted in the greater  distance of the femoral nerve to the femoral artery. Key words: Femoral artery, femoral nerve, lower extremity exorotation, Malayan race, ultrasonography
Feokromositoma: Seri Kasus Rachmat, Linda; Djaja, Anne Suwan; Tantri, Aida Rosita
Majalah Anestesia dan Critical Care Vol 34 No 3 (2016): Oktober
Publisher : Perdatin Pusat

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Feokromositoma adalah tumor penghasil katekolamin yang berasal dari sistem simpatoadrenal. Feokromositoma dapat mengakibatkan hipertensi dan dapat berakibat fatal. Terapi definitif untuk feokromositoma adalah pembedahan. Anestesia dan tatalaksana perioperatif pada kasus feokromositoma membutuhkan pendekatan dan teknik khusus yang bertujuan untuk menghindari terjadinya krisis adrenergik selama induksi anestesia, laringoskopi, dan intraoperasi. Pada pembedahan pengangkatan tumor feokromositoma juga perlu diantisipasi perubahan hemodinamik yang terjadi saat manipulasi tumor. Seri kasus ini melaporkan tiga orang pasien feokromositoma; semuanya memiliki riwayat hipertensi berat. Pada pasien pertama didapatkan peningkatan katekolamin yang signifikan dalam urin 24 jam dan variasi tekanan darah (antara 80–140/40–90 mmHg) dan laju nadi (80–100x/menit) intraoperasi. Pasien kedua mengalami peningkatan tekanan darah hingga 200/100 mmHg saat induksi. Pasien ketiga mengalami peningkatan katekolamin urin 24 jam dan peningkatan tekanan darah (220/100 mmHg) saat induksi. Setelah operasi ketiganya diekstubasi dan dirawat di ICU sebelum dipulangkan. Feokromositoma adalah salah satu tumor yang berakibat fatal apabila tidak ditatalaksana dengan baik sebelum dilakukan pembedahan. Hal ini dipicu oleh rangsang simpatis yang menyebabkan pelepasan katekolamin berlebihan saat induksi anestesia, laringoskopi, dan manipulasi tumor akibat pembedahan. Tatalaksana farmakologi sebelum operasi, pengawasan ketat selama pembedahan, dan keseimbangan antara vasodilatasi dan vasokonstriksi selama pembedahan sangat penting dalam tatalaksana perioperatif feokromositoma. Kata Kunci: Adrenergik, anestesia, feokromositoma, hipertensi, katekolamin Pheochromocytoma: Case SeriesPheochromocytoma is a catecholamine-producing tumor derived from the sympathoadrenal system. Complete tumor removal is the main therapeutic goal. The perioperative objective is to avoid adrenergic crisis during anesthesia induction, laryngoscopy, and tumor manipulation. This case series reported three patients with pheochromocytoma; in which all of them had severe hypertension history. The first patient had a significant cathecholamine increase in the 24 hours urine and a wide blood pressure range (between 80–140/40–90 mmHg). The heart rate also varied (80–100x/minute) intraoperatively. The second patient had a blood pressure increase up to 200/100 mmHg during anesthesia induction. The thirs patient had a significant cathecholamine increase in the 24 hours urine and a blood pressure increase up to 220/100 mmHg during anesthesia induction. After operation, all patients were extubated and admitted to ICU before going home. Pheochromocytoma is a catecholamine-producing tumor which may be lethal if not properly treated. Catecholamine release during anesthesia may happen during induction, laryngoscopy and tumor manipulation. Preoperative pharmacological intervention, intraoperative monitoring, and balanced between vasodilatation and vasoconstriction during surgery are essential in pheochromocytoma perioperative management. Key words: Adrenergik, anesthesia, cathecolamine, hypertension, pheochromocytoma
Waktu Pulih Anestesia Spinal pada Brakhiterapi Intrakaviter: Perbandingan Levobupivakain 5 mg Hiperbarik + Fentanil 25 mcg dengan Bupivakain 5 mg Hiperbarik + Fentanil 25 mcg Tantri, Aida Rosita; Kapuangan, Christopher; Edwin, Fahmi Agnesha
Majalah Anestesia dan Critical Care Vol 34 No 3 (2016): Oktober
Publisher : Perdatin Pusat

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Brakhiterapi intrakaviter merupakan terapi keganasan pada stadium lanjut yang sering digunakan pada bidang ginekologi. Pasien brakhiterapi pada umumnya dilakukan dengan pelayanan rawat jalan sehingga anestesia yang menjadi pilihan selama ini adalah anestesia spinal. Pemilihan obat yang memiliki waktu pulih anestesia spinal yang lebih cepat membuat pasien dapat pulang kerumah lebih cepat. Penelitian ini menelitiwaktu pulih anestesia spinal levobupivakain 5 mg hiperbarik + fentanil 25 mcg dibandingkan dengan bupivakain 5 mg hiperbarik + fentanil 25 mcg pada brakhiterapi intrakaviter rawat jalan. Metode: Setelah mendapatkan izin dari Komite Etik penelitian FKUI RSUPN Ciptomangunkusumo dan persetujuan dari pasien, dilakukan uji klinik acak tersamar ganda di unitradioterapi RSCM. Sebanyak 60 subyek dibagi menjadi dua kelompok perlakuan yaitu levobupivakain 5 mg hiperbarik + fentanil 25 mcg (LV) dan bupivakain 5 mg hiperbarik + fentanil 25 mcg (BV) untuk menilai waktu pulih anestesia spinal. Hasil: Pengukuran waktu pulih dilakukan dengan menilai waktu kesiapan pulang pasien, waktu ambulasi dan waktu pasien dapat miksi spontan. Pada variabel waktu ambulasi, miksi spontan, dan waktu kesiapan pulang didapatkan hasil berbeda bermakna (p<0,05). Simpulan: Waktu pulih anestesia spinal,waktu ambulasi dan waktu miksi pada kelompok levobupivakain 5 mg hiperbarik + fentanil 25 mcg lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan bupivakain 5 mg hiperbarik + fentanil 25 mcg pada brakhiterapi intrakaviter rawat jalan. Kata kunci: Brakhiterapi intrakaviter rawat jalan, levobupivakain, bupivakain, waktu pulih, anestesia spinal Spinal Anesthesia Recovery Time of Brachytherapy Outpatient Clinic: Comparison of 5 mg hyperbaric Levobupivacaine + 25 mcg Fentanyl and 5 mg Hyperbaric Bupivacaine+ 25 mcg FentanylIntracavitary brachytherapy is one modality treatment for advanced stage cervical cancer. These patients were treated in the outpatient clinic and thus the chosen anesthesia was spinal anesthesia. The regimen of spinal anesthesia influences the recovery time. The aim of the study was to compare the recovery time between two spinal anesthesia regimens, Levobupivacaine + 25 mcg fentanyl and 5 mgs Hyperbaric Bupivacaine+ 25 mcg fentanyl for brachytherapy outpatient clinic patient. Method: This was a double blind randomized control trial study. In the radiotherapy unit of RSCM. After approval from The Ethics Committee Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital and consent from patients, 60 patients weredivided into two groups,Levobupivacaine + 25 mcg fentanyl group and 5 mgs Hyperbaric Bupivacaine+ 25 mcg Fentanyl group. The recovery time of both groups were recorded. Result: The spinal anesthesia recovery time was measured by discharge time, ambulation time, and spontaneous micturition time. all of these three variables were significantly different between the two groups (p<0,05). Conclusion: spinal anesthesia recovery time, ambulation time, spontaneous micturition time of Levobupivacaine + 25 mcg fentanyl group were faster than 5 mgs Hyperbaric Bupivacaine+ 25 mcg fentanyl group in intracavitary brachytherapy patients. Key words: intracavitary brachytherapy outpatient clinic, Levobupivacaine, bupivacaine, spinal anesthesia recovery time
Estimation of surgical blood loss and transfusion requirements in orthopaedic soft tissue tumor surgery: associated factors Auerkari, Aino Nindya; Tantri, Aida Rosita; Alatas, Anas
Bali Journal of Anesthesiology Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (306.902 KB) | DOI: 10.15562/bjoa.v3i2.156


Over half of soft tissue tumor surgeries require intraoperative Packed Red Cell (PRC) transfusion. Transfusion should be sufficient, as inadequacy will increase risk of tissue ischemia, morbidity and mortality. On the other hand, liberal transfusion is related to infection, tumor recurrence, and immunosuppression. Therefore, good PRC planning measures in preoperative period are essential. Several factors that can be identified in the preoperative period, have been associated with surgical bleeding and transfusion in soft tissue tumor surgery. These factors are ASA score, preoperative hemoglobin (Hb) value, malignancy, size, and location of tumor. By acknowledging influencing factors, a system for predicting blood requirement can be established to promote patient safety and avoid waste. This study aimed to determine factors associated with surgical blood loss and intraoperative PRC transfusion.A retrospective cohort was analyzed on 84 records of orthopaedic soft tissue tumor surgery during 2014-2018. In all subjects, the aforementioned factors, amount of intraoperative bleeding and intraoperative PRC transfusion was recorded. Data was analyzed by linear regression to see the relationship of factors to the amount of bleeding and by logistic regression to assess the probability of receiving intraoperative PRC transfusions. A multivariate analysis identified tumor size as an independent determining factor of bleeding. In further analysis, it was found that tumor size and preoperative Hb value were predictors of the probability of requiring intraoperative PRC transfusion. 
Oxygenation and Hemodynamic Changes in Traumatic Brain Injury: A Literature Review Riyadh Firdaus; Aida Rosita Tantri
Bioscientia Medicina : Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research Vol. 6 No. 4 (2022): Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine & Translational Research
Publisher : HM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37275/bsm.v6i4.480


Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major public health problem and the main cause of death and disability worldwide. TBI can causing primary and secondary injury. Primary brain injury occurs within a moment after a collision and worsen by acute systemic damage such as hypoxia, bleeding, and neurotoxic pathway activation. Under normal conditions, brain has several mechanisms for regulating pressure and volume to prevent ischemia. The purpose of these mechanisms is to maintain a continuous cerebral blood flow (CBF) and adequate oxygen supply.
Prevalence and risk factors of irritable bowel syndrome in adolescents Muzal Kadim; Aida Rosita Tantri; Muhammad Indera Ramadani
Paediatrica Indonesiana Vol 61 No 6 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : Indonesian Pediatric Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14238/pi61.6.2021.299-305


Background Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder in children and adults. The IBS is diagnosed by symptoms that fulfill the Rome IV criteria. This condition can impact quality of life, especially in adolescents. Objectives To investigate the prevalence of IBS in high school students and analyze its risk factors. Methods This cross-sectional study was done with e-questionnaires from Rome IV Diagnostic Questionnaire on Pediatric Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (R4PDQ). Students from high school and occupational schools age 14 to 18-years-old in Jakarta were included in this study. Possible risk factors for IBS were analyzed using Fisher’s exact test for bivariate analysis and logistic regression for multivariate analysis. Results Of 210 subjects, 10 (4.8%) had IBS. The IBS-M and IBS-C subtypes were more common than IBS-D. Gastrointestinal infection history was significantly associated with IBS (OR 7.1; 95%CI 1.7 to 29.3; P=0.013). Other factors such as gender, corporal punishment, asthma, spicy and fatty food consumption, as well as socioeconomic status were not significantly associated with IBS (P>0.05). Conclusion The prevalence of IBS in adolescents is 4.8%. History of gastrointestinal infection is a risk factor for IBS.
Peran blok servikal superfisialis pada timpanomastoidektomi dalam anestesia umum Pryambodho Pryambodho; Ruth Evlin Margaretha; Aida Rosita Tantri; Harim Priyono
Oto Rhino Laryngologica Indonesiana Vol 45, No 1 (2015): Volume 45, No. 1 January - June 2015
Publisher : PERHATI-KL

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1779.824 KB) | DOI: 10.32637/orli.v45i1.100


Pendahuluan: Blok perifer yang digunakan saat pasien teranestesi akan mengurangi kebutuhan anestesia dan analgesia selama pembedahan. Berkurangnya pemakaian opioid intraoperatif juga akan mengurangi morbiditas pascaoperatif yang berkaitan dengan opioid. Tujuan: Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui peran Blok Pleksus Servikal Superfisialis (BPSS) dalam mengurangi konsumsi fentanil intraoperatif, menstabilkan hemodinamik intraoperatif, dan mempercepat waktu pulih pada timpanomastoidektomi dalam anestesia umum. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis acak tersamar tunggal yang dilakukan di RSCM selama bulan September-November 2013 pada 32 pasien usia 19-65 tahun, ASA I-III dengan berat badan 35-80 kg yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok. Hasil: Pada kelompok BPSS, dilakukan BPSS sebelum induksi menggunakan bupivakain 0,5%, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol tidak dilakukan. Anestesia dipertahankan dengan FGF 0,8-1,6 lpm, compress air: O2 (konsentrasi 40%); isofluran ±1 MAC dan atrakurium 0,25 mg/kgBB setiap 30 menit untuk menjaga nilai BIS 45-60. Fentanil diberikan setiap ada peningkatan tekanan darah sistolik atau frekuensi nadi ≥20% dari nilai 5 menit sebelumnya. Saat 30 menit sebelum operasi selesai diberikan parasetamol 1 gram iv dan ondansetron 4 mg iv. Rerata konsumsi fentanil intraoperatif, tekanan darah sistolik, dan frekuensi nadi kelompok BPSS lebih rendah dan bermakna secara statistik dibandingkan kelompok kontrol: 150 mcg vs 262,5 mcg, p<0,001; 104 (90-112) vs 120 (110-130), p<0,001 dan 68 (62-86) vs 80 (68-100), p<0,001. Kesimpulan: Pemberian blok pleksus servikal superfisialis sebelum induksi mengurangi konsumsi fentanil intraoperatif, menekan respon hemodinamik terhadap insisi kulit, dan mempercepat waktu pulih pada timpanomastoidektomi dalam anestesia umum. Kata kunci: anestesia umum, blok pleksus servikal superfisialis, kecepatan waktu pulih, konsumsi fentanil, timpanomastoidektomiABSTRACT Background: The peripheral block combined with general anesthesia reduces intraoperative anesthesia and analgesia requirement. Reduced opioid consumption decreases postoperative morbidity related to opioid. Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the role of superficial cervical plexus block (SCPB) before induction in reducing fentanyl consumption, stabilizing intraoperative hemodynamic, and speeding up recovery time in tympanomastoidectomy.  Methods: This single blind randomized clinical trial was conducted in RSCM from September to November 2013 on 32 ASA I-III patients, 13-65 years old, with body weight range 35-85 kg which were randomized into 2 groups. Result: SCPB was performed in SCPB group before induction using bupivacaine 0.5%, whereas in the control group was not performed. Anesthesia was maintained with FGF 0,8-1,6 lpm, compress air: O2 with O2 consentration 40%, isoflurane ± 1 MAC, and atracurium 0,5 mg/kgBW every 30 minutes to keep BIS level 45-60. Fentanyl was given when there was an increase in systolic blood pressure or pulse rate ≥20% more than the value of 5 minutes previously. Paracetamol 1 g iv and ondansetron 4 mg iv were given 30 minutes before the end of the surgery. The average intraoperative fentanyl consumption, systolic blood pressure, and pulse rate was lower and statistically significant in BPSS group compared to the control group: 150 mcg vs 262,5 mcg, p<0,001; 104 (90-112) vs 120 (110-130), p<0,001 and 68 (62-86) vs 80 (68-100), p<0,001 Conclusion: Administration of SCBP before induction, reduced the intraoperative fentanyl consumption, suppressed hemodynamic responses to skin incision and speed up recovery time on tympanomastoidectomy in general anesthesia. Keywords: general anesthesia, superficial cervical plexus block, recovery time, fentanyl consumption,tympanomastoidectomy
Oxygenation and Hemodynamic Changes in Traumatic Brain Injury: A Literature Review Riyadh Firdaus; Aida Rosita Tantri
Bioscientia Medicina : Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research Vol. 6 No. 4 (2022): Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine & Translational Research
Publisher : HM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37275/bsm.v6i4.480


Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major public health problem and the main cause of death and disability worldwide. TBI can causing primary and secondary injury. Primary brain injury occurs within a moment after a collision and worsen by acute systemic damage such as hypoxia, bleeding, and neurotoxic pathway activation. Under normal conditions, brain has several mechanisms for regulating pressure and volume to prevent ischemia. The purpose of these mechanisms is to maintain a continuous cerebral blood flow (CBF) and adequate oxygen supply.
Penggunaan Lidokain Intravena untuk Adjuvan Obat Analgesik pada Operasi Bedah Saraf Riyadh Firdaus; Aida Rosita Tantri; Teddy Kurniawan; Laksmi Senja Agusta; Fulki Fadhila; Gunawan Sukoco; Harris Putra Reza
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia Vol 11, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : https://snacc.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/fall/Intl-news3.html

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (223.975 KB) | DOI: 10.24244/jni.v11i2.448


Nyeri merupakan suatu perasaan atau pengalaman yang bersifat subjektif yang melibatkan sensoris, emosional, dan tingkah laku yang tidak menyenangkan yang disebabkan oleh kerusakan jaringan. Manajemen nyeri pascaoperasi dinilai esensial karena akan memberikan hasil luaran yang baik pada pasien serta meningkatkan kualitas hidup pascaoperasi. Opioid merupakan obat analgesik intravena yang paling sering digunakan sebagai terapi nyeri perioperatif, namun memiliki efek samping yang kurang menyenangkan. Pengembangan dalam penggunaan obat analgesik yang lebih efektif diperlukan, salah satu adalah lidokain intravena yang memiliki efek samping yang lebih kecil dibandingkan opioid. Beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan lidokain sebagai obat analgesik intraoperatif memiliki efek samping minimal dan pemulihan lebih cepat. Penelitian lain juga menunjukkan penggunaan lidokain sebagai analgesik pada operasi bedah saraf memiliki efek yang cukup baik. Maka dari itu, tinjauan pustaka ini akan membahas mengenai penggunaan lidokain sebagai terapi adjuvan obat analgesik, khususnya pada operasi bedah saraf. The Use of Intravenous Lidocaine as Adjuvant Analgesia in NeurosurgeryAbstractPain is a subjective feeling or experience involving sensory, emotional, and unpleasant behavior caused by tissue damage. Postoperative management is considered essential because it will provide excellent results for patients and improve postoperative quality of life. Opioids are intravenous analgesic drugs that are most often used as perioperative pain therapy but have unpleasant side effects. Developments in using more effective analgesic drugs are needed, one of which is intravenous lidocaine which has fewer side effects than opioids. Several studies have shown that lidocaine as an intraoperative analgesic drug has minimal side effects and faster recovery. Other studies have also shown lidocaine as an analgesic in neurosurgery surgery to have a fairly good effect. Therefore, this literature will discuss lidocaine as an adjuvant therapy, especially in neurosurgery operations.