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Masker Medika Vol 7 No 1 (2019): Masker Medika
Publisher : IKesT Muhammadiyah Palembang

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Data yang diperoleh dari RSUD Kota Prabumulih tahun 2014 terdapat 194 (14,87%) kasus BBLR, tahun 2015 212 (16,12%) kasus BBLR, dan pada tahun 2016 terdapat 241 (16,71%) kasus BBLR dari bayi yang lahir di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Prabumulih. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui Hubungan antara Paritas dan Jarak Kehamilan dengan Kejadian Berat Badan Lahir Rendah di RSUD Kota Prabumulih Tahun 2017. Metode : Dari penelitian ini digunakan metode survey analitik dan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Populasi penelitiannya semua bayi baru lahir diruang kebidanan di RSUD Kota Prabumulih Tahun 2017 yang berjumlah 1442 orang. Instrument yang digunakan dengan cara pengisian checklist. Analisa yang digunakan adalah analisa univariat dan bivariat. Hasil : Dari analisa univariat yang dilakukan pada 313 responden, yang dikatakan Beresiko Paritas yaitu 160 (51,1%) lebih besar dari responden yang tidak beresiko dikatakan Paritas yaitu 153 (48,9%). Sedangkan pada Jarak Kehamilan yaitu sebanyak 164 (52,4%) lebih besar dari responden yang tidak beresiko dikatakan Jarak Kehamilan yaitu sebanyak 149 (47,6%). Dari hasil uji statistik pada variabel Paritas menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna (signifikan) dengan kejadian Berat Badan Lahir Rendah dimana ρ value 0,000 (0,000 ≤ 0,05). Dan pada variabel Jarak Kehamilan menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna (signifikan) dengan kejadian Berat Badan Lahir Rendah dimana ρ value (0,000 ≤ 0,05). Simpulan: Ada Hubungan bermakna pada Paritas dan Jarak Kehamilan dengan Kejadian Berat Badan Lahir Rendah Based on the data from RSUD Kota Prabumulih, there were 194 (14,87%) Low Birth Weight Infant case in 2014, 212 (16,12%) in 2015, and 241 (16,71%) in 2016, from infants born in Regional General Hospital Prabumulih City. Purpose : To know the relationship between parity and pregnancy spacing towards low birth weight infant in RSUD Kota Prabumulih in 2016. Method : In the study, Analytical Survey and Cross Sectional approach was used. The population of the study was all infants born in midwifery care in RSUD Kota Prabumulih in 2016. They were 1442 infants. The instrument which was used in the study was filling the Check List . The analysis of the study was univariat and bivariat. Result : Based on univariat analysis and been done to 313 respondents. It was gotten that 160 (15,1%) had parity risk was bigger than those did not have parity risk 153 (48,9%). Meanwhile, for pregnancy spacing, it was gotten 164 (52,4%) was bigger than those did not, they were 149 (47,6%). From statistical test of parity variable, it showed that there was the significant relationship towards low birth weight infant, where ρ value 0,000 (0,000 ≤ 0,05). And on pregnancy spacing variable, it showed there was significant relationship towards low birth weight infant where ρ value 0,000 (0,000 ≤ 0,05). Conclusion : There was significant relationship between parity and pregnancy spacing towards low birth weight infant
Jurnal Seni dan Pembelajaran Vol 2, No 1 (2014): jurnal seni dan pembelajaran
Publisher : Jurnal Seni dan Pembelajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (343.886 KB)


This research aimed to describe the application of character value and learning of Bedana dance at XI IPA 1 class SMA Al-Kautsar Bandar Lampung. Qualitative descriptive method was applied during the research. The result of the research showed that learning Bedana dance practically with two steps: giving variety of movement in bedana dance by teacher and assessing practical test of the students.The assessment that was done by teacher considers two aspects : memorization of movement and the accuracy of movement with music.The application of character value could be seen at the teacher's activity and students in the learning process of bedana dance. It can be seen the teacher gave stimulants to the students to apply character value therefore the students could apply discipline value, responsible, confidence, innovative and creative thinking,and polite based on the attitude descriptor that had been determined.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan nilai karakter dan pembelajaran tari bedana di kelas XI IPA 1 SMA Al-Kautsar Bandar Lampung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pembelajaran tari bedana dilaksanakan secara praktik dengan dua tahapan yaitu pemberian ragam gerak tari bedana oleh guru dan pengambilan nilai tes praktik oleh peserta didik. Penilaian yang dilakukan oleh guru mempertimbangkan dua aspek yaitu hafalan gerak dan ketepatan gerak dengan musik. Penerapan nilai karakter terlihat pada aktivitas guru dan peserta didik dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran tari bedana. Guru terlihat memberikan stimulan kepada peserta didik untuk menerapkan nilai karakter sehingga peserta didik mampu menerapkan nilai disiplin, bertanggung jawab, percaya diri, berpikir kreatif dan inovatif serta santun sesuai dengan deskriptor perilaku yang telah ditetapkan.  Kata kunci : nilai karakter, pembelajaran, tari bedana
Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Ibu Tentang Breastcare Pada Ibu Nifas Rani Oktarina
Citra Delima : Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Citra Delima Bangka Belitung Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Citra Delima: Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Citra Delima Bangka Belitung
Publisher : STIKES Citra Delima Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (59.073 KB) | DOI: 10.33862/citradelima.v4i1.102


WHO and IDAI (Indonesia Pediatrician League) recommended the giving of eclusive mother’s milk for 6 months and could be continued for 2 years. The breastcare to childbirth mother was needed to be done to get exclusive mother’s milk. The purpose of the research was to know the relation between mother’s and manner about breastcare to childbirth mother in district hospital of Prabumulih in 2019. The research was analytic survey by using cross sectional approach. The population of the research was mother who did breastcare in district hospital of Prabumulih in 2019, were 68 people. By univariate analysis known that from 68 respondents, the well knowlegde respondents were 45 respondents (66,2%) and the unwell knowledge respondents were 23 respondents (33,8%). The result of univariate analysis known that from 68 respondents, the respondents who had supporting manner were 41 respondents (60,3%) and the respondents who had not were 27 respondents (39,7%). Bivariate analysis showed that the knowledge had significant relation about breastcare to childbirth mother ( p value 0,002) and mother’s manner had significant relation about breastcare to childbirth mother (p value 0,000). The conclusion of the research was the significant relation between knowledge and mother’s manner about breastcare to childbirth mother in district hospital of Prabumulih in 2019.
Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Ibu Tentang Breastcare Pada Ibu Nifas Rani Oktarina
Citra Delima Scientific journal of Citra Internasional Institute Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Citra Delima: Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Citra Delima Bangka Belitung
Publisher : Ilmiah Institut Citra Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (59.073 KB) | DOI: 10.33862/citradelima.v4i1.102


WHO and IDAI (Indonesia Pediatrician League) recommended the giving of eclusive mother’s milk for 6 months and could be continued for 2 years. The breastcare to childbirth mother was needed to be done to get exclusive mother’s milk. The purpose of the research was to know the relation between mother’s and manner about breastcare to childbirth mother in district hospital of Prabumulih in 2019. The research was analytic survey by using cross sectional approach. The population of the research was mother who did breastcare in district hospital of Prabumulih in 2019, were 68 people. By univariate analysis known that from 68 respondents, the well knowlegde respondents were 45 respondents (66,2%) and the unwell knowledge respondents were 23 respondents (33,8%). The result of univariate analysis known that from 68 respondents, the respondents who had supporting manner were 41 respondents (60,3%) and the respondents who had not were 27 respondents (39,7%). Bivariate analysis showed that the knowledge had significant relation about breastcare to childbirth mother ( p value 0,002) and mother’s manner had significant relation about breastcare to childbirth mother (p value 0,000). The conclusion of the research was the significant relation between knowledge and mother’s manner about breastcare to childbirth mother in district hospital of Prabumulih in 2019.