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LOGOS - Jurnal Filsafat Teologi Vol 8, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Sumatera Utara

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John Henry Newman is an outstanding pupil. He had a great desire for knowledge, falls in love with music, poem and expressed his thought in speech and writing, always ready for wonder, wholly hearted and entirely ready to the call of everything around him, loved solitude, and ready to seek the Lord will provide in every changes in the external circumstances of life. For Newman, Evangelical teaching had been a great blessing for England and had led him to a spiritual life. Together with his knowledge of the doctrine of Calvinism and Catholic delivered Newman in a big conflict of his mind in one side, but in another side he looked it as a source of a personal encounter with God. Since the first conversions of 1816, Newman who has a sharp consciousness of the realities of the world beyond knew that he was powerless without Divine assistance.
LOGOS Vol 8 No 1 (2011): Januari 2011
Publisher : UNIKA Santo Thomas

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John Henry Newman is an outstanding pupil. He had a great desire for knowledge, falls in love with music, poem and expressed his thought in speech and writing, always ready for wonder, wholly-hearted and entirely ready to the call of everything around him, loved solitude, and ready to seek the Lord will provide in every changes in the external circumstances of life. For Newman, Evangelical teaching had been a great blessing for England and had led him to a spiritual life. Together with his knowledge of the doctrine of Calvinism and Catholic delivered Newman in a big conflict of his mind in one side, but in another side he looked it as a source of a personal encounter with God. Since the first conversions of 1816, Newman who has a sharp consciousness of the realities of the world beyond knew that he was powerless without Divine assistance.
LOGOS Vol 5 No 1 (2007): Januari 2007
Publisher : UNIKA Santo Thomas

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Gagasan manusia tentang Allah mengalami perkembangan dalam sejarah, karena gagasan itu selalu mempunyai arti yang sedikit berbeda bagi setiap kelompok manusia yang menggunakannya di berbagai zaman yang berbeda. Pada zaman tertentu Allah yang maha agung itu diperkenalkan sebagai Allah yang menakutkan dan penghukum. Pada zaman lain Allah dihayati sebagai kasih. Setiap generasi memang dapat menciptakan citra Allah yang sesuai bagi generasinya, walau Allah melampaui segala ekspresi anak zaman. Newman yakin bahwa Allah yang diwahyukan Yesus adalah Allah yang dekat, yang berbicara dari hati ke hati dengan insan ciptaan-Nya. Ia adalah Pribadi dan hanya dalam Dialah manusia dapat memenuhi segala kerinduan batinnya yang terdalam.
LOGOS Vol 8 No 1 (2011): Januari 2011
Publisher : UNIKA Santo Thomas

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John Henry Newman is an outstanding pupil. He had a great desire for knowledge, falls in love with music, poem and expressed his thought in speech and writing, always ready for wonder, wholly-hearted and entirely ready to the call of everything around him, loved solitude, and ready to seek the Lord will provide in every changes in the external circumstances of life. For Newman, Evangelical teaching had been a great blessing for England and had led him to a spiritual life. Together with his knowledge of the doctrine of Calvinism and Catholic delivered Newman in a big conflict of his mind in one side, but in another side he looked it as a source of a personal encounter with God. Since the first conversions of 1816, Newman who has a sharp consciousness of the realities of the world beyond knew that he was powerless without Divine assistance.
LOGOS Vol 5 No 1 (2007): Januari 2007
Publisher : UNIKA Santo Thomas

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Gagasan manusia tentang Allah mengalami perkembangan dalam sejarah, karena gagasan itu selalu mempunyai arti yang sedikit berbeda bagi setiap kelompok manusia yang menggunakannya di berbagai zaman yang berbeda. Pada zaman tertentu Allah yang maha agung itu diperkenalkan sebagai Allah yang menakutkan dan penghukum. Pada zaman lain Allah dihayati sebagai kasih. Setiap generasi memang dapat menciptakan citra Allah yang sesuai bagi generasinya, walau Allah melampaui segala ekspresi anak zaman. Newman yakin bahwa Allah yang diwahyukan Yesus adalah Allah yang dekat, yang berbicara dari hati ke hati dengan insan ciptaan-Nya. Ia adalah Pribadi dan hanya dalam Dialah manusia dapat memenuhi segala kerinduan batinnya yang terdalam.
Nostra Aetate and the Spirit of Dialogue among Religious Believers in Larantuka City, East Flores Dominikus Doni Ola; Ahmad Singgih Basuki; Yusuf Nataeli Lase
Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 30, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : LP2M - Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ws.30.2.13219


This study analyzed the community interaction in Larantuka City, East Flores with the aim of determining the implementation of the Nostra Aetate document and the reciprocity between Muslims, Catholics, and Protestants. The qualitative data of this study were obtained from studies on documents and interviews with sources from Catholics, Muslims, and Protestants living in Larantuka. This study was conducted between January and June 2021. The researcher drew three conclusions from this study. First, Larantuka residents are open to accepting and acknowledging the presence of other religions besides Catholicism. Other religions are given the liberty to express their faith in Larantuka. Second, the Nostra Aetate document has been practiced, albeit not perfectly. The spirit of rivalry that grew among Catholics in the past is turning into a spirit of dialogue. Third, the “tulun talin" spirit, the Lamaholot customs and habits of supporting those in need or helping each other, which are the cultural background of the Larantuka people, serves as a way for the people to express the spirit of equal reciprocity among religious believers in Larantuka which Nostra Aetate inspired. The dominant attitudes are cooperation, mutual respect, and mutual acknowledgment that the presence and existence of other people with all religious and cultural backgrounds attached to them is a prerequisite for building human civilization and the common good.
Lumen: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Katekese dan Pastoral Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Desember : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Katekese dan Pastoral
Publisher : Publisher STPKat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (125.34 KB) | DOI: 10.55606/lumen.v1i2.41


In essence, every religion wants its adherents to live peacefully in the midst of religious and cultural diversity. However, this hope does not always materialize in the construction of real life on Indonesian soil with the presence of inter-religious and inter-ethnic conflicts. Conflict experiences become endless lessons as an effort to maintain peace and harmony in religious life. A number of local praxis and initiatives were raised to untangle the tangled threads of inter-religious conflicts in Indonesia by prioritizing a balanced way of religious life that does not view others as opponents. This study of reciprocity in relation to religious moderation originates from the local context of Larantuka and draws its relevance to efforts to inculcate religious moderation in Indonesia. In a more specific context, the focus of this study is to describe the practical life of religious communities in the city of Larantuka, East Flores, East Nusa Tenggara which can be seen as the foundation and medium for grounding the ideals of religious moderation in Indonesia. The praxis of life in question is the reciprocity of young students in the city of Larantuka both within the school environment and among people who have different religious and ethnic backgrounds. Therefore, the basic question is how reciprocity among students in the city of Larantuka can become an inspiration and basis for efforts to instill religious moderation.
Implementation of Intercultural Dialogue at Saverius Gunungsitoli Nias High School Dominikus Doni Ola*; Renata Dewi Yulianti Waruwu; Antonius P Sipahutar
Riwayat: Educational Journal of History and Humanities Vol 6, No 3 (2023): Social, Political, and Economic History
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jr.v6i3.33516


Cultural pluralism at Saverius Gunungsitoli Nias High School triggers conflict among students when the learning process ignores the implementation of cultural values held by students in the curriculum. This study aims to explore the idea of implementing intercultural dialogue into the learning curriculum at SMA Saverius Gunungsitoli Nias. The aim is to educate and guide students to be able to accept, appreciate, and respect others with different cultural backgrounds. Library research (library research), which is supported by existing reference sources, such as documents, books, journals, magazines, and other print media related to the research theme was chosen as the method. This research found that educators in Catholic school foundations had not yet implemented an integrated curriculum with the theme of intercultural dialogue. The basic spirit of Catholic schools, namely brotherly love among fellow human beings and the characteristics of Catholic schools as a place for dialogue and peaceful encounters to encourage an attitude of recognizing and respecting differences, is expected to be truly implemented through its curriculum. The goal is that students are able to make friends and work together with people of different cultural backgrounds. This research can add to the body of knowledge in the field of education and intercultural dialogue, including interreligious dialogue.
Implementation of Intercultural Dialogue at Saverius Gunungsitoli Nias High School Dominikus Doni Ola*; Renata Dewi Yulianti Waruwu; Antonius P Sipahutar
Riwayat: Educational Journal of History and Humanities Vol 6, No 3 (2023): Social, Political, and Economic History
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jr.v6i3.33516


Cultural pluralism at Saverius Gunungsitoli Nias High School triggers conflict among students when the learning process ignores the implementation of cultural values held by students in the curriculum. This study aims to explore the idea of implementing intercultural dialogue into the learning curriculum at SMA Saverius Gunungsitoli Nias. The aim is to educate and guide students to be able to accept, appreciate, and respect others with different cultural backgrounds. Library research (library research), which is supported by existing reference sources, such as documents, books, journals, magazines, and other print media related to the research theme was chosen as the method. This research found that educators in Catholic school foundations had not yet implemented an integrated curriculum with the theme of intercultural dialogue. The basic spirit of Catholic schools, namely brotherly love among fellow human beings and the characteristics of Catholic schools as a place for dialogue and peaceful encounters to encourage an attitude of recognizing and respecting differences, is expected to be truly implemented through its curriculum. The goal is that students are able to make friends and work together with people of different cultural backgrounds. This research can add to the body of knowledge in the field of education and intercultural dialogue, including interreligious dialogue.
Proses Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Moral Kristiani Melalui Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler di Asrama Putri St. Anna Gunungsitoli dan Asrama Putri Bintang Laut Teluk Dalam Dominikus Doni Ola; Megawati Naibaho; Blasius Superma Yesse
Didaktika: Jurnal Kependidikan Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024): DIDAKTIKA Februari 2024
Publisher : South Sulawesi Education Development (SSED)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58230/27454312.389


Penelitian ini merupakan salah satu strategi untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai moral di Asrama Putri St. Anna Gunungsitoli dan Asrama Putri Starfish Teluk Dalam. Proses penanaman nilai-nilai moral Kristen sangat mendasar bagi pengembangan karakter generasi muda, khususnya bagi siswi asrama. Penelitian ini merupakan strategi untuk merenungkan fenomena kenakalan remaja yang mengancam masa depan mereka sebagai pewaris warisan bangsa. Kenakalan remaja merupakan indikasi kurangnya pemahaman dan penghargaan terhadap nilai-nilai moral. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan interpretatif-hermeneutik. Peneliti membatasi variabel penelitian pada Asrama Putri St. Anna Gunungsitoli dan Asrama Putri Starfish Teluk Dalam. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner, wawancara, dan studi dokumen yang relevan. Tujuan jangka panjangnya adalah menciptakan generasi muda yang beriman dan memiliki nilai-nilai moral Kristen. Sasaran khusus dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan model pengembangan karakter berdasarkan pendekatan personal dan komunal sesuai dengan ajaran Kristen. Peneliti meyakini bahwa kegiatan ekstrakurikuler merupakan salah satu program terintegrasi, terencana, dan komprehensif sebagai strategi khusus untuk membina iman dan karakter generasi muda.