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Journal of Energy and Electrical Engineering (JEEE) Vol 3, No 1: Oktober 2021
Publisher : Teknik Elektro Universitas Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37058/jeee.v3i1.3673


Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Air (PUSAIR) merupakan salah satu lembaga litbang milik kementrian PUPR yang memiliki berbagai fungsi beberapa diantaranya adalah penelitian dan pengembangan, pelayanan uji laboratorium dan lapangan, sertifikasi, inspeksi, kalibrasi, dan advis teknis di bidang sumber daya air. Seiring meningkatnya berbagai kegiatan penelitian serta kebutuhan pencatatan data yang praktis, maka PUSAIR mulai meningkatkan kemampuan beberapa alat laboratoriumnya dimana salah satunya adalah mekanisme pencatatan data. Sangat penting untuk melakukan pencatatan hasil pengukuran yang praktis, cepat dan tepat agar para peneliti dapat meningkatkan kualitas dan kapasitas penelitian. Namun kondisinya belum semua alat yang ada mendapatkan digitalisasi, salah satunya alat pembacaan ketinggian permukaan air pada model bendungan yang mana masih menggunakan alat ukur manual dan melibatkan beberapa orang untuk melakukannya serta data yang didapat perlu konversi dari catatan dikertas kepada perangkat lunak spreadsheet. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang dan membuat sistem pemantauan ketinggian permukaan air pada model bendungan secara “realtime” berbasis wireless untuk memudahkan pengguna dalam kegiatan pengambilan data percobaan. Rancangan desain sistem terdiri dari 2 buah perangkat yaitu Sensor Node dan Receiver Node yang diimplementasi menggunakan Sensor Waterlevel Sensor sebagai sensor ketinggian permukaan air, mikrokontroler ATMega328 sebagai pengolah data, Xbee-Pro S2C 2.4 Ghz sebagai modul komunikasi, Buck-Converter, DC power Supply sebagai supply daya, serta LCD 16x2 dan buzzer sebagai indikator. Hasil pengujian system menunjukan bahwa komponen dan modul yang digunakan sudah bekerja sesuai fungsi yang dikendalikan mikrokontroler. Pembacaan ketinggian permukaan air oleh Etape waterlevel sensor mampu membaca dengan rata-rata penyimpangan kurang dari 1%. Pengiriman data berhasil mengirim data sebanyak 100% data ke Receiver Node sesuai dengan harapan dan tanpa adanya gangguan koneksi. Pengguna sistem dapat melakukan pengukuran dan perekaman data ketinggian air secara real time dari ruang pantau tanpa perlu mendatangi model bendungan.
Pelatihan Robotika Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kompetensi Keahlian Siswa SMK Daarut Tauhiid Bandung Muhammad Taufik Dwi Putra; Deden Pradeka; Anugrah Adiwilaga; Munawir Munawir; Dhimaz Purnama Adjhi
Jurnal Pengabdian UNDIKMA Vol 4, No 1 (2023): February
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika (UNDIKMA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jpu.v4i1.6516


The rapid scientific development of robotics technology must be in line with efforts to increase the creativity and skills of human resources. Responding to these challenges, it is necessary to implement a robotics technology-based learning curriculum as early as possible starting from the school. However, there are some problems such as curriculum with robotics technology which is still rarely found in Indonesian schools. The purpose of this service is to improve the skills of students of SMK Daarut Tauhid through Robotics training. This method of devotion uses the method of lectures, hands-on practice, and interactive discussions. The number of participants in this training was 20 (twenty) students with activity evaluation instruments using g-form surveys and was analyzed descriptively. The results of this service show that student participants tend to better understand the scientific concepts of robotics technology when faced with real hardware compared to simulations using software. With this training, it’s hoped that knowledge and skills in robotics technology and science among students will increase.
End-To-End Evaluation of Deep Learning Architectures for Off-Line Handwriting Writer Identification: A Comparative Study Wirmanto Suteddy; Devi Aprianti Rimadhani Agustini; Anugrah Adiwilaga; Dastin Aryo Atmanto
JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization Vol 7, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/joiv.7.1.1293


Identifying writers using their handwriting is particularly challenging for a machine, given that a person’s writing can serve as their distinguishing characteristic. The process of identification using handcrafted features has shown promising results, but the intra-class variability between authors still needs further development. Almost all computer vision-related tasks use Deep learning (DL) nowadays, and as a result, researchers are developing many DL architectures with their respective methods. In addition, feature extraction, usually accomplished using handcrafted algorithms, can now be automatically conducted using convolutional neural networks. With the various developments of the DL method, it is necessary to evaluate the suitable DL for the problem we are aiming at, namely the classification of writer identification. This comparative study evaluated several DL architectures such as VGG16, ResNet50, MobileNet, Xception, and EfficientNet end-to-end to examine their advantages to offline handwriting for writer identification problems with IAM and CVL databases. Each architecture compared its respective process to the training and validation metrics accuracy, demonstrating that ResNet50 DL had the highest train accuracy of 98.86%. However, Xception DL performed slightly better due to the convergence gap for validation accuracy compared to all the other architectures, which were 21.79% and 15.12% for IAM and CVL. Also, the smallest gap of convergence between training and validation accuracy for the IAM and CVL datasets were 19.13% and 16.49%, respectively. The results of these findings serve as the basis for DL architecture selection and open up overfitting problems for future work.
Fault Coverage Testing on the ISCAS’89 S1423 Sequential Circuit using Scan Based Design and Synopsis Tetramax Wirmanto Suteddy; Anugrah Adiwilaga; Dastin Aryo Atmanto
Journal of Computer Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology Vol 1, No 2 (2022): COELITE: Volume 1, Issue 2, 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (646.038 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/coelite.v1i2.43826


We tested the ISCAS'89 S1423 series with a scan design method, both non-scan, full-scan, and partial-scan, but for the partial-scan, the method we propose uses a structured random approach. The purpose of this study is to determine the evaluation and performance with the best computational time with the proposed method to produce high fault coverage results. Testing the ISCAS'89 S1423 circuit in the form of verilog was carried out using tetramax synopsis, the partial-scan test requires a strategy in determining the flip flop to be used as a scannable flip flop, the test results using the full scan method produce 100% test coverage and fault coverage, but this method provides gate overhead loss of 24.06% and slower chip performance. To reduce the gate overhead loss, a partial-scan method will be applied with the approach of choosing from 74 DFF which will be used as scannable flip flops, the test with the best results we did through the 37 DFF approach with the highest input obtained test coverage of 98.17% and fault coverage 96.76% with 171.11 CPU Time with gate overhead reduced by 12.03%. The next approach with the best results with the approach of 50 DFF highest output plus DFF which is not self-loop obtained test coverage of 99.24% and fault coverage of 98.47% with gate overhead successfully reduced by 16.26% with CPU Time 43.39.
Teacher and Student Attendance System at Noor Faqih Usman Foundation Based on RFID Integrated with Raspberry Pi Dhimaz Purnama Adjhi; Mohamad Rizal Hanafi; Rastra Wardana Nanditama; Rifqi Alamsya; Hafidz Rizki Fahriza; Anugrah Adiwilaga
Journal of Computer Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology Vol 2, No 2 (2023): COELITE: Volume 2, Issue 2, 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/coelite.v2i2.59723


In educational institutions, tracking attendance is crucial for ensuring effective administration and student engagement. This abstract presents the development of a Teacher and Student Attendance System at the Noor Faqih Usman Foundation, leveraging Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology integrated with Raspberry Pi. The proposed system aims to automate the attendance recording process, streamline administrative tasks, and enhance the overall efficiency of attendance management. This can create gaps in the development of data manipulation, data frameworks, and rigid systems. The purpose of this study was to create an RFID-Based Teacher and Student Attendance System integrated with Raspberry Pi. This study was conducted using a quantitative method of study and development study. This RFID-based attendance technology will later replace the role of paper to record the attendance of teachers and students using cards/keychains to make it easier to report attendance; data can be stored in digital form such as Excel, can be accessed via wireless smartphones, interested parties can monitor through the website, and the educational institution will be touched by at least technology. The results showed that the system was able to control the attendance process and succeeded well.
Alat Bantu Tuna Netra Berbasis Arduino Uno dan Artificial Intelligence dengan metode YOLO v7 Muhammad Taufik Dwi Putra; Anugrah Adiwilaga; Adelia Clarissa; Anggita Apriliani Putri Gustiansyah; Antonius Didi Kurniadi; Zahra Mumtaz
Jurnal Ilmiah FIFO Vol 15, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/fifo.2023.v15i2.007


Pembuatan tongkat ini yaitu untuk memudahkan para penyandang tunanetra mengetahui apa saja objek yang berada di depannya saat tongkat tersebut mendeteksi dengan menggunakan fitur Artificial Intelligence pada tongkat tunanetra yang dilengkapi dengan deteksi objek atau obstacle menggunakan YOLO v7, kemudian fitur pelengkap lainnya adalah tombol Emergency Contact pada alat bantu tunanetra sangat penting dalam situasi darurat serta fitur Answer Back System pada alat bantu tunanetra juga penting untuk membantu para tunanetra menemukan kembali alat bantu tunanetra mereka jika tercecer atau hilang. Metode perancangan sistem alat menggunakan Blok Diagram dan Flowchart. Untuk hasil pengujian dan hasil akhir dalam pembuatan alat ini yaitu Fitur Object Detection telah berfungsi untuk mendeteksi benda dan mengubah teks menjadi suara dan dihubungkan kepada earphone. Fitur Answer Back System untuk memudahkan penyandang tuna netra apabila kesulitan dalam menemukan tongkat. Selain itu, fitur Emergency Contact digunakan untuk mengirimkan pesan pada contact yang telah ditentukan dengan pesan berisi longitude dan latitude lokasi keberadaan tongkat. Hasil dari pengujian tersebut sesuai dengan tujuan dan blok diagram yang dibuat.