Dwi Suyatmi
Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Journal of Oral Health Care Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): 1
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (506.516 KB) | DOI: 10.29238/ohc.v9i1.1092


Caries is a disease dental infections that exist in the oral cavity that is often found in people age young, mature and old so that if not treated can cause pain that may potentially lead to tooth loss. Based on the results of a preliminary study conducted for only 2% of housewives who come to the health service to do fillings because of its own accord, the results of preliminary studies indicate the lack of knowledge about dental caries will affect the motivation of someone doing a dental filling. The purpose of this study knowing the relationship of knowledge about dental caries with the motivation to do fillings in housewives. This type of research is analytic survey with survey design cross-sectional population housewife age range 35 – 44 years. Sample research used total sampling method with data collection technique using purposive sampling. Data collection using a questionnaire. The result showed the average of respondents knowledgeable high (55%) and have the motivation is low (45%). The data analysis in this research using the test provided by kendall's Tau-b with hypothesis testing based on the significance level ? <0.05 with a confidence level of 95%. Known significant value ? = 0,003, ? < 0.05 with a coefficient of correlation = 0,436. The conclusion of study is knowledge about dental caries were significantly related to motivation to do fillings
Snakes and Ladders Game Innovation on Increasing Knowledge and Behavior Changes About Oral Dental Health in Children at Al Barokah Orphanage Sukini Sukini; Jeineke E Ratuela; Fuad Faturrohman; Dwi Suyatmi
Journal of Oral Health Care Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): 1
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29238/ohc.v10i1.1269


The traditional game of snakes and ladders is a local wisdom, educative for children to play while learning so that it can be used to increase knowledge and skills of dental health. The purpose of this study was to design an innovative snake and ladder game that serves to increase knowledge about dental and oral health.This research is the development of existing research. In this study, an innovation of the snake and ladder game was developed for dental and oral health. Research designquasi experiment by design Pretest-Posttest control group design.The sample is elementary school age children at the Al Barokah Orphanage. 17 children became the control group and 17 as the neutral group. The independent variable is Snake Ladder Game Innovation, the dependent variable is knowledge and changes in dental health behavior, with instruments in the form of a questionnaire and a check list of 25 questions on an ordinal scale of pre-test and post-test instruments..The most pre-test results with sufficient knowledge category are 22 respondents (64.7 %), the most final knowledge score (Posttest) with good knowledge category is 26 respondents (76.4%). The results of the Mann Whitney statistical test showed that there was a difference between the experimental group and the control group on dental and oral health knowledge with a value of 0.02 < 0.05.The results of the Wilcoxon Test statistical test showed that there was
Booklet Maloklusi Sebagai Media Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Perawatan Gigi Berjejal Anterior (Orthodontie) Dwi Suyatmi; Taadi Taadi; Yonan Heriyanto
Journal of Oral Health Care Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): 2
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29238/ohc.v10i2.1625


Latar Belakang:. Maloklusi memiliki dampak terhadap pengunyahan, estetik wajah, dan status psikososial seseorang. Psikososial merupakan keterkaitan antara 2 aspek yaitu aspek psikologis dan sosial. Masa remaja adalah masa penuh dinamika, terutama pada fase remaja awal pada rentang usia 12-15 tahun. Fase remaja awal berlangsung bersamaan dengan masa pubertas atau masa perubahan fisik dari masa anak-anak menuju dewasa. Gigi anterior yang tidak rapi seperti gigi berjejal, gigi bercelah, dan gigi protrusi. Tujuan: Tujuan Penelitian ini diketahuinya Pengaruh Penggunaan Booklet Maloklusi Gigi Terhadap Minat Perawatan Gigi Berjejal Anterior (Orthodontie). Manfaat hasil penelitian sebagai masukan bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan masyarakat dalam membuktikan tentang Penggunaan Booklet Maloklusi Gigi Terhadap Minat Perawatan Gigi Berjejal Anterior (Orthodontie). Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimen dengan rancangan Pre- test-Post-test Design. Sampel adalah siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama, di wilayah kecamatan Kasihan, Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta sejumlah 100 siswa. Variabel pengaruh penggunaan booklet maloklusi gigi dan Variabel terpengaruh Minat perawatan gigi. Hasil: Hasil pengukuran pengetahuan awal pada kelompok eksperimen responden memiliki pengetahuan cukup sebanyak 29 orang (58%) sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol memiliki pengetahuan baik dan cukup 50 orang (50%). Pada hasil pengukuran pengetahuan akhir pada kelompok eksperimen responden memiliki pengetahuan baik sebanyak 34 orang (68%) sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol responden memiliki pengetahuan baik 45 orang (75%). Hasil pengukuran tingkat minat awal pada kelompok eksperimen memiliki minat sedang 49 orang (98%), sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol memiliki minat sedang 49 orang (98%). Hasil pengukuran minat akhir pada kelompok eksperimen responden memiliki minat tinggi sebanyak 45 orang (90%) sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol minat tinggi dan sedang sebanyak 34 orang (68%). Kesimpulan: Booklet maloklusi gigi berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan minat perawatan gigi berjejal anterior (orthodontie). Penggunaan booklet maloklusi gigi lebih berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan minat perawatan gigi berjejal anterior (orthodontie) dari pada dengan media power point.