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Journal : SAINTEK

Penerapan Arsitektur Venturi Pada Pembangunan Komplek Perkantoran Pusat Pemerintahan Kabupaten Cianjur Ahmad Aguswin; Aria Wirata Nudatar
Prosiding Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi (SAINTEK) ke 1 - Juli 2022
Publisher : DPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa

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Cianjur is a district in West Java Province, Indonesia. The capital city is located in the Cianjur district. Cianjur has a district form of government led by a regent and his staff and agencies. There are several duties and obligations of the government, one of which is to provide equitable public services for the community, but what has happened in Cianjur is the lack of distribution of public services, especially for residents of South Cianjur, because of the distance from the current government office location. Based on the problems that occurred, there are several objectives of the construction of this office complex, the first aims to provide equitable public services for all residents of Cianjur, with the relocation of the Cianjur government office to the Campaka District making the location quite strategic and easy to reach because it is in the middle Cianjur Regency. Another goal is to unite all Cianjur offices in the same office complex, so that people who want to take care of their interests can be more effective because they don't have to move from office to office. In the construction of this office complex, using architectural concepts that highlight the traditional values and culture of Cianjur with the theme Venturi Architecture. Venturi architecture itself is an architectural concept that emphasizes traditional and cultural values. After going through a maximum planning process with the concept of Venturi Architecture, we got an office design that is closely related to the traditional values and culture of Cianjur. Keywords : Cianjur Regency, Office Complex, Government, Venturi Architectur
Perancangan Apartemen Green City Bekasi Dengan Tema Green Nature Dengan Pendekatan Konsep Green Building di Kawasan Bekasi Town Square Ahmad Aguswin; Arman Bagastama
Prosiding Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi (SAINTEK) ke 1 - Juli 2022
Publisher : DPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa

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The large number of people and their activities have an impact on increasing the need for shelter, the need for land for residence is even less so because of the vertical housing development. indispensable, but the construction of vertical housing can cause problems, one of which can cause Global Warming or global warming, therefore the design of the apartment must be aware also to protect the environment, the purpose of this study is to find out how necessary the construction of apartments with the green building concept approach and with the theme of green nature and using descriptive, documentative, comparative methods, with the design of apartments with the concept of green building so that the construction of vertical housing or apartment can solve the problem of residential needs in the City Bekasi, can accommodate many dwellings in a narrow area, and also by designing the concept of green building apartments that also take care of the environment around him and can also reduce the effects of global warming, his conclusion The need for residential housing in the area of Bekasi City is increasing but the land for housing is also getting smaller and therefore vertical housing development is really needed for the Bekasi City area. In designing a building with the concept of green building we must meet several variable requirements, namely appropriate land use, energy efficiency and conservation, water use efficiency, material source & cycle, indoor air quality & air comfort, building environmental management. Keywords: Design, Apartment, Green Building
Perancangan Resort Pantai Pendekatan Konsep Neo Vernakular di Pangandaran Ahmad Aguswin; Dikri Muklis Pirdaus
Prosiding Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi (SAINTEK) ke 1 - Juli 2022
Publisher : DPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa

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Pangandaran Beach is designated as one of the National Tourism Strategic Areas namely KSPN Pangandaran with an emphasis on the theme of tourism development based on local wisdom of local culture. In the current condition in Pangandaran dwellings In all Pangandaran destinations, the resort accommodation accommodation facilities are only 2 units, namely the beautiful resort and blue sea resorts, the decline in the image of tourist attractions due to the mushrooming of unfit residential places along the coast of Pangandaran, the absence of residential resorts that have complete facilities and infrastructure. Therefore a resort resort with a neo vernacular concept approach is needed to bring Sundanese culture that has complete facilities. While the translation analysis is done descriptively based on local existing conditions. So that it can produce neo vernacular building concepts that combine modern and traditional concepts that reflect Pangandaran culture. the concept used is the Sundanese architecture approach which applies Sundanese philosophical concepts in the form of the middle syneger, glass, uga, pamali and weak cai. Based on the observation that the resort area which is very suitable to be built is located in Wonoharjo Village, Pangandaran District, Pangandaran Regency, West Java Province. This location was chosen with consideration of the views directly overlooking the beach to the south and also located in the tourism center of Pangandaran Regency. Keywords: Resort, Neo Vernacular, Sundanese Architecture, and Pangandaran Beach
Perencanaan Bandung Cinema Center Dengan Pendekatan Rekreasi Perkotaan dan Art Deco Pada Bangunan Ahmad Aguswin; Herwadi Sahid
Prosiding Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi (SAINTEK) ke 1 - Juli 2022
Publisher : DPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa

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The development of world technology is growing rapidly, as well as technological developments in Indonesia. Currently, technology dominates various fields and one of the fields that is heavily affected by technological developments is the world of cinema. The city of Bandung is a city that has a strong historical value with the development of films in Indonesia, starting from 1920 where the premiere of the film was played by indigenous people and aired in the city of Bandung, precisely in the elite cinema which had become the most popular cinema in its mass. In addition, the city of Bandung still requires additional recreational facilities, especially cinemas in each zone of its territory. The identity of Bandung City as the largest Art Deco City in the world is slowly starting to be forgotten along with the popularity of buildings with modern concepts. The planning of this building is expected to reawaken public awareness of the importance of preserving cultural heritage in the city of Bandung and become a building that can revive the film industry that is able to compete globally. Based on some background that became the basis for consideration required additional recreational facilities specifically in the field of film in the city of Bandung. The planning theme for this Bandung Cinema Center is Art Deco Architecture with an Approach to Utilization of Cultural Heritage Areas as a form of building style. So that later it is hoped that the Bandung Cinema Center building will produce an iconic building and can revive the feel of the city of Bandung as the city with the largest number of Art Deco buildings in the world. Keywords : Cinema Center, Bandung City, Cultural Heritage, Art Deco
Perencanaan dan Perancangan Pusat Pemerintahan Baru di Kabupaten Garut Bagian Selatan Dengan Konsep Pendekatan Arsitektur Neo Vernakular Ahmad Aguswin; Hasanudin Hasanudin
Prosiding Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi (SAINTEK) ke 1 - Juli 2022
Publisher : DPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa

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West Java is a province whose territory is divided into regency and city areas. Each regency and city area has a regional government which is regulated by law. Garut Regency is one of the regencies in West Java province which in its development process has progressed and developed quite significantly, both from the economic, socio-cultural, and political sectors. Regional expansion can be regarded as a strategic government step to improve the implementation of government tasks both in the context of service, empowerment and development towards the realization of an advanced, independent and prosperous society. to accelerate the surrounding community to make government administration so that people who are located far from the city center are easier to manage. The theme that will be used in the Planning and Design of the new Government Center in the Southern Garut Regency with the concept of the Neo-Vernacular Architecture approach itself is a blend of architectural styles. modern with traditional architectural style. Because for a modern era like today, many traditional values are gradually fading away. Keywords: Garut Regency, Regional Expansion, Neo-Vernacular Architecture
Perencanaan dan Perancangan Wana Wisata Waduk Kedungombo Di Wonoharjo Kabupaten Boyolali Dengan Konsep Waterfront Ahmad Aguswin; Eddy Shaka Saputra
Prosiding Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi (SAINTEK) ke 1 - Juli 2022
Publisher : DPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa

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Boyolali Regency is one of the regencies in Central Java, which has a very rapid industrial development, and Boyolali Regency itself has many natural resources, including oil mines, teak forests, onyx stone mines, as well as abundant agricultural and plantation products. Meanwhile, the development of tourism in Boyolali is no less important. Many areas have their own tourism attractions, including Boyolali which has a lot of natural potential that is used as tourism. Therefore, the Planning and Design of the Kedungombo Reservoir Reservoir in Boyolali is very important, besides the Waterfront concept approach is an attraction for the Boyolali community to move forward. The application of the Waterfront Concept in Boyolali is marked by several forms and symbols that contain elements of Waterfront. One of the concepts inherent in Boyolali is the Kedungombo Reservoir, because in ancient times the reservoir was a means of supporting the economic activities of the Boyolali people, the Kedungombo Reservoir in Boyolali has also become a center for the development of fish farming at the national level. So on that basis the Kedungombo Reservoir in Boyolali became the main concept of tourism and then packaged through the development of modern times with the concept of Waterfront City. With the Kedungombo Reservoir Tourism Wana, Boyolali's achievement to increase the Regional Income Budget (APD) can be achieved. Keywords : Boyolali, Kedungombo Reservoir, Waterfront
Perencanaan dan Perancangan Kawasan Karawang Creative Hub Dengan Pendekatan Eco Tech Architecture Di Kab. Karawang Sutrisno Aji Prasetyo; Ahmad Aguswin; Rizky Andhika Wijaya; Herol Herol
Prosiding Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi (SAINTEK) ke 2 - Februari 2023
Publisher : DPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa

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Kabupaten Karawang masih belum memiliki pusat creative, padahal potensi yang dimiliki Kabupaten Karawang cukup pontensial. Selain itu, banyak di antara komunitas kaum milenial creative, pelaku UKM, dan bidang kreatif lain di Kabupaten Karawang masih belum banyak yang memiliki fasilitas dan ruang untuk mengembangkan segala kreatifitasnya di bidang masing-masing, sehingga segala kemampuan yang dimiliki masih terbatas. Perancangan Karawang Creative Hub berupa kawasan ini dimaksudkan untuk memfasilitasi serta mewadahi para pelaku kreatif dari segala sub sektor sehingga nantinya para pelaku usaha kreatif ini dapat memaksimalkan segala proses kemampuan dan mengerjakan di bidangnya sendiri, yang mana dari semua itu diharapkan bisa menjadi pusat pendukung serta menambah pertumbuhan ekonomi yang baik lagi khusus di Kabupaten Karawang. Konsep kawasan, gedung dan bangunan penunjang lainnya, akan menerapkan konsep Eco Tech Architecture. Sehingga harapannya semua pengguna bisa merasakan kenyamanan fasilitas yang disediakan melalui pendekatan konsep desain eco tech architecture yang mana bisa menjawab semua permasalahan dan isu untuk menciptakan lingkungan serta sarana prasarana yang baik.