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Journal : Jurnal Polimesin

Analisa pengaruh perlakuan kimia pada serat terhadap kekuatan impak charpy komposit serat sabut kelapa bermatriks epoxy Zulkifli Zulkifli; Ida Bagus Dharmawan; Wahyu Anhar
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 18, No 1 (2020): Februari
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jpl.v18i1.1583


Penggunaan serat sabut kelapa pada material komposit akan menaikkan nilai komersial dari perkebunan kelapa. Kekuatan komposit berpenguat serat alam dipengaruhi oleh penyebaran serat, interaksi antara serat dengan matriks, bagaimana serat itu diperoleh, ukuran serat, dan bentuk serat. Untuk memperoleh ikatan yang baik antara matriks dan serat dilakuan modifikasi permukaan serat. Alkalisasi pada serat alam adalah metode yang telah digunakan untuk menghasilkan serat berkualitas tinggi. Penelitian ini menganalisis dan mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan kimia pada serat  terhadap kekuatan impak material komposit diperkuat serat sabut kelapa bermatriks epoxy. Adapun tahapan pada penelitian ini yaitu dilakukan perendaman serat sabut kelapa pada larutan NaOH dengan konsentrasi 10%, 15%, dan 20%, selama 2 jam, lalu serat dicuci dengan menggunakan larutan H2O2 dengan konsentrasi 3% selama 1 jam. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu perlakuan alkalisasi terhadap komposit serat sabut kelapa mempengaruhi sifat kekuatan impak dari material komposit dengan kekuatan impak dan energi serap material komposit memiliki hubungan terbalik terhadap jumlah konsentrasi larutan alkalinya. Makin tinggi konsentrasi larutan alkalinya yang diberi pada serat akan menyebabkan makin kecilnya energi serap dan kekuatan impak dari material komposit berpenguat serat sabut kelapa.Kata kunci : komposit, serat sabut kelapa, NaOH, H2O2, kekuatan impak Effect of chemical treatment of composite coir fiber with epoxy matrix on the Charpy impact strengthAbstractThe use of coconut fiber in composite materials will increase the commercial value of coconut plantations. The strength of a natural fiber-reinforced composite is influenced by the spread of the fiber, the interaction between the fiber and the matrix, how the fiber is obtained, the size of the fiber, and the shape of the fiber. To obtain a good bond between the matrix and the fiber surface fibers are modified. Alkalization of natural fibers is a method that has been used to produce high-quality fiber. This study analyzes and examines the effect of chemical treatment on fiber on the impact strength of composite materials reinforced with epoxy coconut fiber coir fiber. The stages in this study were first carried out soaking coconut coir fiber in NaOH solution with a concentration of 10%, 15%, and 20%, for 2 hours, then the fiber was washed using H2O2 solution with a concentration of 3% for 1 hour. The results of this study are the alkalization treatment of coconut coir fiber composites affecting the impact strength properties of composite materials where the impact strength and absorption energy of composite materials have an inverse relationship to the amount of alkaline solution concentration. Where the higher the concentration of the alkaline solution given to the fiber will cause the smaller the absorbing energy and the impact strength of the composite fiber-reinforced coconut fiber.
Analysis of wind speed and direction as support for green buildings in urban areas using the weibull method Yudi Kurniawan; Ida Bagus Dharmawan; Wahyu Anhar; Akhmad Nurdin
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 21, No 2 (2023): April
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jpl.v21i2.3266


Currently, the dominance of electricity in Indonesian providers comes from fossil energy which has the potential to increase the average temperature in various parts of the world or is called global warming. The contribution of the national renewable energy potential mix in 2016 ranging from 6.27%, then reaching 11.28% in 2020. The Government has made a long-term plan for the national renewable energy mix to reach 25% in 2025 and 31% in 2050. One of the renewable energy sources is wind energy, which is usually built on a large scale and is separated from settlements so that a long distribution network is required. Conversely, on a small scale, wind energy can be utilized with a simpler distribution network, this concept is called Small Wind Turbine. For a good wind turbine is designed according to the wind characteristics in real-time, so it is necessary to study wind mapping. This research was conducted as a prelude to observing wind characteristics in the form of mapping wind speed and direction in real-time in the northern part of Balikpapan City Region, using the Automatic Weather Station instrument which was carried out August 6 to September 26, 2022. Data processing in this study using the Weibull distribution method with Microsoft Excel. This study shows an average speed of 1.118 m/s in wind conditions with high wind variability with strong gusts, with a power density value of 1.157 Watts/m2. The wind direction tends to be east after the wind gusts are blocked by the building profile.