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Bangun Rekaprima Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (876.629 KB) | DOI: 10.32497/bangunrekaprima.v7i2.2992


Pengolahan limbah padi (jerami) kering masih sangat minim, mayoritas petani akan membakar jerami padi kering supaya lahan dapat ditanami kembali. Padahal jika dikelola dengan baik, jerami padi kering dapat dibuat tepung yang digunakan sebagai campuran pakan bagi hewan ternak unggas. Untuk mengubah sampah jerami padi kering menjadi campuran pakan hewan unggas diperlukan alat teknologi tepat guna yang efektif dan praktis, sehingga mudah diopersikan dan menghasilkan bentuk produk pengolahan jerami yang sesuai kebutuhan. Beberapa studi dan pembuatan alat sudah dilakukan dengan menggunakan berbagai mekanisme. Pada penelitian kali ini akan dibuat mesin penghancur jerami padi dengan mengoptimalkan bentuk dan dimensi pisau potong sehingga dapat menghasilkan ukuran potongan yang sesuai dan mempunyai kapasitas dan kecepatan potong yan besar. Proses rancang bangun pisau pemotong jerami pada mesin penghancur jerami padi ini menggunakan metode perancangan VDI 2222 untuk mempermudah dalam proses perancangan, yaitu dengan melakukan tahapan merencana, mengkonsep, merancang, penyelesaian. Dari hasil perancangan didapatkan bahwa pisau penghancur pada mesin penghancur jerami padi memiliki beberapa komponen yaitu bilah pisau, piringan atas, ring kipas, kipas pendorong, pilar penopang, dan piringan bawah. Pisau potong berbentuk serrated edge atau mata pisau yang bergerigi. Hasil perencanaan pisau penghancur pada mesin penghancur jermi padi, ditetapkan jumlah pisau sebanyak 8 (delapan) buah. Dengan jumlah pisau tersebut kecepatan hasil potong yang dihasilkan adalah 0,018 m3/menit serta kapasitas pemotonganya sebanyak 25,9 kg/menit. Ukuran hasil potongan menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pisau bergerigi menghasilkan ukuran potong antara 7-10 mm, sedangkan bentuk pisau rata menghasilkan potongan 10 – 15 mm.
Desain dan Analisis Karakteristik Pegas Koil Sistem Suspensi Belakang untuk Kendaraan Ringan Sepeda Motor Listrik Nur Akhlis Sarihidaya Laksana; Bayu Aji Girawan; Joko Setia Pribadi
Infotekmesin Vol 13 No 1 (2022): Infotekmesin: Januari, 2022
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Cilacap

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35970/infotekmesin.v13i1.908


The vehicle's suspension system have function to reduce vibrations from the shock between the wheels and the road. Previous research discussed the simulation of spring loading with material variations. This research focuses on the design and analysis of springs that will be used in Electric Motorbikes (SEMOLI). Spring analysis between cast stainless steels and carbon stainless steels is done by calculating displacement transmissibility. The analytical method used is the SDOF harmonic method to determine the system response. The results of the analysis are considered for the selection of springs by determining the displacement transmissibility and the response of the suspension system. The results of the analysis of the characteristics of cast stainless steels and carbon stainless steels for active springs 6, 7, and 8 at speeds of 10 km/hour, 20 km/hour, 40 km/hour, 80 km/hour showed a decrease in displacement transmissibility. Characteristics for stainless steel material at steady state condition with active spring 6 is 0.3 second, while 7 and 8 are 0.25 second. The characteristics of overshoot for cast stainless steel material with active spring 6 are 55.3%, 7 are 52.7% and 8 are 50.3%. Stainless steel material has the characteristics of overshoot on active spring 6 is 55.8%, active spring 7 is 53.3%, and active spring 8 is 51 From the characteristic analysis, the best material obtained is cast stainless steel with a smaller displacement value dan good respon.
Pembuatan Sistem Desalinasi Kapasitas 240 liter/jam di Dusun Bondan Kecamatan Kampung Laut Cilacap Bayu Aji Girawan; Agus Santoso; Joko Setia Pribadi; Supriyono Supriyono
Madani : Indonesian Journal of Civil Society Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): Madani, Agustus 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Cilacap

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35970/madani.v4i2.1446


Dusun Bondan is a district located in a tidal area. Various problems arise in Dusun Bondan because of the use of water that doesn’t meet the quality of sanitation water causing several diseases. The water crisis experienced by the residents of Dusun Bondan becomes the worst disaster especially in summer because the water at Dusun Bondan is salty with high total dissolved solids. A water desalination system has been made to produce sanitation water that meets the standard based on Minister of Health Regulation No. 32 of 2017. The methods used to overcome these problems are water source identification, design of desalination system, purchasing, fabrication and testing of desalinated water. The result of the activities is a desalination system which consists of pre-treatment using 4 filtration stages ended with reverse osmosis desalination using a special membrane. The result of desalinated water test shows that the water is odourless, tasteless, and other parameters meet the requirement of the standard.
Laju perambatan retak fatik dan sifat mekanik pada pengelasan friction stir welding (FSW) aluminium AA2024-T3 dengan perlakuan transient thermal tensioning (TTT) Pujono Pujono; Dian Prabowo; Ipung Kurniawan; Joko Setia Pribadi; Muhamad Yusuf
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 11, No 2 (2022): TURBO : Jurnal Program Studi Teknik Mesin
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v11i2.2270


One type of engineering material that is often used in transportation construction, especially for aircraft, automotive, ships, and other industries is aluminum alloy. Aluminum alloys have excellent mechanical properties, including corrosion resistance, lightweight, and good formability. However, in addition to these good properties, aluminum also has a weakness, namely the appearance of porosity and cracks when connected using arc welding (TIG, MIG). Friction stir welding (FSW) is an appropriate welding method for aluminum alloys to overcome these weaknesses, but the next problem will arise, namely related to distortion, decreased mechanical properties, and residual stress. For this reason, additional treatment is needed in order to improve the mechanical properties of the FSW welding results. The research method to be carried out is to carry out the FSW welding process on 2024 T3 aluminum alloys by adding moving local heat or transient thermal tensioning (TTT) using a heater placed in front of the tool and a heating temperature of 200°C. Some of the characterizations that will be carried out are microstructure tests, tensile tests, and fatigue tests. The results showed that the highest tensile strength value was obtained in the 1500 specimen, which was 312.2 MPa. The microstructure in the nugget zone (NZ) is fine-grain equiaxed. The lowest fatigue crack propagation rate at ΔK values of less than 7 MPa.m0.5 occurred in the 1100 specimen, while in other specimens the fatigue crack propagation rate was higher.
Analisis Performa PLTS Off Grid Untuk Sistem Desalinasi Metode Osmosis Terbalik Supriyono Supriyono; Purwiyanto Purwiyanto; Bayu Aji Girawan; Joko Setia Pribadi; Agus Santoso
Infotekmesin Vol 14 No 1 (2023): Infotekmesin: Januari, 2023
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Cilacap

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35970/infotekmesin.v14i1.1651


Bondan Hamlet is a hamlet in Kampung Laut District, Cilacap. One of the community's problems is the lack of clean water and the PLN electricity network. In 2020, a desalination facility named Sidesi Mas will be built in Bondan Hamlet with a capacity of 240 liters/hour and using the reverse osmosis principle. The energy source for desalination uses a solar power plant (PLTS). Desalination management requires economic analysis, especially in determining the selling price of desalinated water. The cost of producing desalinated water can be calculated using the Cost of energy (CoE) value of the PLTS or the costs incurred to produce electrical energy per 1 kWh. To get the PLTS CoE, this article discusses a simulation to analyze the performance of PLTS desalination systems with Homer software. Homer performs analytical calculations based on a location input, solar energy potential, capacity, and costs of PLTS components as well as electrical load data. The simulation results show that PLTS energy production is 535 kWh/year, the CoE value is IDR 21,975/kWh and the production cost for producing clean water is IDR 183.13/liter.
Desain dan Perancangan Alat Welding Holder untuk Pengelasan Pelat pada Las GMAW Ipung Kurniawan; Jenal Sodikin; Pujono; Joko Setia Pribadi; Agus Santoso
Accurate: Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Cilacap

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35970/accurate.v4i1.1870


One of the metal welding processes required by the manufacturing industry is gas arc welding (GMAW). The welding process that is capable of transmitting large amounts of heat at high speeds is gas electric welding or GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding). The design mechanism for the movement of the X and Y axes in the development of GMAW welding holders uses the stages of finding ideas, studying literature, identifying problems, designing, making tools and testing machines. The purpose of this study was to design a mechanism for moving the X and Y axes in the development of an automatic GMAW torch holder machine and to calculate the machine elements in the development of an automatic GMAW torch holder machine. The process of designing and constructing the movement of the X and Y axes in the development of an automatic GMAW welding torch holder machine is carried out with a design procedure that is used as a reference in solving problems. The track shaft uses chrome steel with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 800 mm, Linear bearings use type SCS25UU with an inner diameter of 25 mm, Linear rail shafts use aluminum alloy material with a diameter of 25 mm which is used to support the end of the track shaft, Ballscrew uses the SFU 2005 type with a size of 3/4 inch which is equipped with a ballscrew nut and also a nut housing, Bearing block uses a UCP type with a diameter of 20 mm, Flexible coupling measuring 5 mm to 10 mm is used to connect the drive screw with the stepper motor, The stepper motor is used as the main power to drive the drive screw type Nema 17 (17HD48002H-22B) with the specifications Step Angle: 1.8o, Rated Current: 1.5 Ampere, Voltage : 2.7V.
Karakterisasi Valve Stem Genuine dan Non-Genuine Engine SAA6D170E-5 Akibat Kesalahan Proses Pemasangan Wahyu Anhar; Fajar Mardika; Hadi Hermansyah; Joko Setia Pribadi
JURNAL ALAT BERAT Vol 1 No 1 (2024): Januari 2024
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jab.v1i1.9


Komponen valve stem pada engine SAA6D170E-5 mengalami kerusakan berupa goresan setelah dilakukan overhaul engine. Kerusakan yang terjadi berupa goresan pada bagian valve stem. Adapun komponen valve stem yang digunakan merupakan komponen genuine (G) maupun non-genuine (NG). Goresan disebabkan penggunaan alat cotter ring yang sudah tidak sesuai standar penggunaan. Karakterisasi valve stem menggunakan pengamatan visual, pengujian kekerasan metoda Rockwell superficial dan pengamatan struktur mikro. Hasil pengamatan visual menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kedalaman goresan pada valve stem intake G lebih rendah daripada valve stem intake NG. Selain itu, tingkat kedalaman goresan pada valve stem exhaust G juga lebih rendah dibandingkan valve stem exhaust NG. Rendahnya tingkat kedalaman goresan pada valve stem intake G disebabkan angka kekerasan permukaan valve stem intake G lebih tinggi daripada valve stem intake NG. Demikian juga pada valve stem exhaust G yang memiliki angka kekerasan lebih tinggi dibandingkan valve stem exhaust NG. Valve stem intake G memiliki kekerasan lebih tinggi dikarenakan fasa yang terbentuk adalah fasa bainit, sedangkan pada valve stem intake NG adalah fasa perlit. Adapun valve stem exhaust G memiliki kekerasan lebih tinggi dibandingkan valve stem exhaust NG karena fasa perlit yang terbentuk pada valve stem exhaust G lebih rapat.