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INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Desember, Data Mining, Image Processing, and artificial intelligence
Publisher : Sean Institute

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Data security in accessing computers and laptops is one form that must be considered both physically and non-physically because Spyware is a program that is able to spy on the activities of computer users and data recording techniques by recording typing or events carried out by a laptop called a keylogger. can also be one of the data security techniques that the user does on the laptop to prevent someone from stealing data on the laptop by using a refog keylogger
Jurnal Teknovasi : Jurnal Teknik dan Inovasi Vol 7, No 3 (2020): TEKNOVASI DESEMBER 2020
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik LP3I Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55445/teknovasi.v7i3.498


The world is increasingly developing, along with the development of the times we have to explore ourselves, take advantage of existing technology for daily life. Technological developments are very rapid in various parties and any aspects. The world is now shocked by the corona virus disease, as if it reminds us to better save our health and save our immune system by take a rest and consume vitamins. Viruses that are currently being discussed can be prevented by saving our health, washing hands diligently, maintaining distance and avoiding crowds. Researchers took the initiative to look directly at the field where technology could be inserted in our healthy. From the results of research in the field, researchers found a problem in washing hands. Everyone, before or after washing their hands must be holding a soap bottle and water tap. It can cause new problems, which the virus can stick to the hands again through the water tap that the person had previously held. From the analysis of this problem, researchers want to make new innovations to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. This innovation is a smart system design, where the system is integrated on its own without anyone's help. The work system uses sensors that are fully automatic. It is hoped that this tool can function and be applied to the society
Implementation of OSI Layer Based on Interactive Education Media Chairul Imam; Muhammad Furqon Siregar; Auliana Nasution
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 4 No. 4 (2021): February: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mantik.Vol4.2021.1206.pp2545-2551


The design of basic network learning media using computer technology based on interactive educational media aims to facilitate the introduction of basic networks using interactive educational media so that they are more interested and able to follow and pay attention to the explanation conveyed through an OSI Layer work process in learning the basic network. In order to make it easier for readers, and faster to master and be able to practice for students who want to learn about the basic network introduction to the OSI Layer.
INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 03 (2022): August, Data Mining, Image Processing, and artificial intelligence
Publisher : Sean Institute

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Nowadays, technology is evolving with the times. Technology is applied and makes it easier for humans to carry out all activities. Researchers take the initiative to see and use technology in daily life, supporting our health. From the research of the results in the field, researchers find problems with washing hands. Everyone is still interacting directly by holding the faucet and soap bottle. From this habit, the virus can be reattached to the hands through the faucet that people have held before. From the research analysis, researchers will make designs to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria by washing hands. This is an intelligent system design, where is the system integrated with a microcontroller. The prototype system uses a fully automated sensor implementation. It is hoped that this prototype can be applied by segments of the wider community. Keywords: Technology for Health, Prototype, Innovation Smart System Design
INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 5 (2022): December, Computer and Communication
Publisher : Sean Institute

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The Huffman algorithm is a time complexity of 0(n log n), because the Huffman algorithm performs one iteration process when merging two trees that have the smallest frequency at a root takes 0(log n), and the process is done many times until only there is only one tree left with a combination of the LZ78 algorithm using a dictionary technique in compressing one of the characters in the form of a string replaced by a table code that is made for reference in extended ASCII in inputting characters or strings.
Application of the Fuzzy Logic Method in Determining the Volume of Water Discharge to the Number of Humans Based on a Microcontroller Muhammad Furqon Siregar; Chairul Imam
Journal of Science Technology (JoSTec) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Science Technology (JoSTec)
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55299/jostec.v4i1.260


This research discusses the implementation of fuzzy logic in the design of an automatic water valve system. Fuzzy logic is used to calculate input values to avoid inappropriate power due to excessive sensor input variations. The system performance assessed is the success of the system in regulating the number of people at the capacity of water volume availability. The sensor system detects the number of people entering to determine the capacity according to the given input. The system is designed using an ATmega328 microcontroller. Ultrasonic & PIR sensors are used to predict the number of people passing by the door. To evaluate the performance of the system, the maximum number of 800 people, to avoid system failure. Experiments showed better accuracy in determining the degree of rotation of potentials and relays when the Tsukamoto fuzzy logic model was implemented. The system is more stable and the average value obtained is 34.1%.
Fuzzy logic to adjust room temperature depending on the number of people Muhammad Furqon Siregar; Chairul Imam
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mantik.v7i1.3792


This study focuses on discussing how fuzzy logic can be used in temperature control systems. To avoid unsuitable and excessive performance as a result of the growing number of individuals entering the room, fuzzy logic is utilized to determine the amount of values provided. The effectiveness of the system in controlling the temperature and the quantity of individuals entering the space is its performance. When people enter the space, the sensor system counts them to establish the room's capacity. The ATmega328 microcontroller was used in the creation of this system. The quantity of people entering the room is forecast using PIR and ultrasonic sensors. To prevent system failure, the maximum number is restricted to 250 persons for calculating and evaluating system performance. In this case, the Tsukamoto fuzzy logic model was applied, with experimental results showing increased accuracy in determining how many rotations the dynamo and relay experience. The measured average value of the results obtained an accuracy of 54.11%, and the system shows that it is more stable than without applying the fuzzy logic model.
Utilizing fuzzy logic to create a prototype robot for load detection Muhammad Furqon Siregar; Chairul Imam
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 7 No. 4 (2024): February: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mantik.v7i4.4876


The application of fuzzy logic in a load-lifting arm robot is covered in this work. Input values are computed using fuzzy logic to prevent inappropriate power usage caused by variations in load weight. The robot's ability to successfully lift the load is the performance that is being evaluated. To choose the motor rotation, the system should calculate the mass of the load. System design is done with an Arduino Uno. For pinching and driving levers, servo motors are used. A mass sensor is used to estimate the mass of the load. Robot construction limits the load to a maximum weight of 900 grams in order to assess robot performance. The findings demonstrate that using Tsukamoto's fuzzy logic model improves accuracy outcomes when determining the degree of slope servo
Implementation of Data Mining on Sales Data of Bambu Ungu Cafe to Find out Consumer Purchasing Patterns Using the Apriori Algorithm Rahmad Fadli; Fahmi Ruziq; Chairul Imam
Journal of Technology and Computer Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): May 2024 - Journal of Technology and Computer
Publisher : PT. Technology Laboratories Indonesia (TechnoLabs)

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In today's digital age, restaurants or cafes face increasing competition and complex challenges. To stay relevant and succeed in this business, the use of data mining is crucial, as it becomes a valuable tool in optimizing sales, increasing customer satisfaction, and achieving long-term success in the restaurant and café industry. Data mining helps in effective marketing strategies. By analyzing customer data, purchase information, and preferences restaurants and cafes can identify different customer segments and create customized marketing. With so much sales transaction data, it will certainly be difficult if the data is analyzed manually, therefore information will be obtained if there is processing with the help of a system to get sales patterns. The results of this processing will produce transaction information to support product transaction decisions. To solve this problem, the researcher designed a calculation information system. In this case the author uses the waterfall method in the research process.  For system design the author uses the PHP programming language with a database format using MySQL. Finally, with this information system, the calculation process can be done automatically without the need to calculate manually is appropriate, provided that all data inputted is valid.
Decision Support System For The Specification Of The Best Quality Corn Kernels With Multi Attribute Utility Theory Method Chairul Imam
Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Vol. 14 No. 01 (2024): Informatika dan Sains , Edition January - March 2024
Publisher : SEAN Institute

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Farmers sell corn kernels to the company PT Charoen Pokphan Indonesia Tbk Medan, the corn kernels are used for a mixture of feed raw materials in order to fulfill the protein and nutritional value of the feed to be of quality. The company PT Charoen Pokphan Indonesia Tbk Medan buys corn seeds to farmers with the best quality corn seed specifications, so that they know the total price of the corn seeds according to the quality needed. This research determines the criteria for the best quality corn kernels and how to apply the Multi Attribute Utlity Theory Method to the decision support system to determine the quality of these corn kernels, to be able to help the company PT charoen pokphan indonesia tbk Medan in determining the quality of corn kernels. Based on the criteria that have been set at the company PT Charoen Pokphan Indonesia Tbk Medan to get the best quality corn seed value using grade 1 to grade 4 and ranking. The result of testing these methods is that a decision is made on an alternative with a total value of 86.7%. So this method is needed to evaluate the determination of the best quality corn kernel specifications so as to produce the best decision