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Comparison of Inverse Distance Weighted and Natural Neighbor Interpolation Method at Air Temperature Data in Malang Region Musashi, Jaka Pratama; Pramoedyo, Henny; Fitriani, Rahma
CAUCHY Vol 5, No 2 (2018): CAUCHY
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1040.43 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/ca.v5i2.4722


The purpose of this study was to compare the results of Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) and Natural Neighbor interpolation methods for spatial data of air temperature in the Malang Region.  Interpolation is one way to determine a point of events from several points around the known value.  Spatial interpolation can be used to estimate an area that does not have a data record using the value of its known surroundings.  38 points observation air temperature of Malang Region in 2016 is used as a sample point to interpolate the surrounding air temperature.  Obtained optimum parameter power value is 2 for IDW interpolation method.  The RMSE comparison results show that IDW method is better to be used than the Natural Neighbor Interpolation method with the RMSE values of 1,2292 for the IDW method and 1,6173 for the NN method.
ACCELERATED FAILURE TIME MODEL CURE RATE Primandari, Liduina Asih; Pramoedyo, Henny; Fitriani, Rahma
Jurnal Industri Inovatif Vol 3 No 2 (2013): Jurnal Industri INOVATIF

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Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) adalah metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan antar peubah yang mempengaruhi waktu survival. Metode ini diperluas dengan menggunakan model cure rate. Model cure rate digunakan apabila data survival terbagi menjadi dua kelompok pasien yaitu susceptible dan immune. Pasien dikatakan susceptible apabila pasien mengalami kejadian yang diamati (kematian) dan dikatakan immune apabila pasien tersebut masih hidup pada akhir penelitian. Model AFT dengan penambahan model cure rate diterapkan dalam 3 sebaran yakni sebaran Eksponensial, Weibull dan Log – Logistik kemudian diaplikasikan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara usia pasien (Y1) dan waktu menunggu hingga memperoleh donor (Y2) terhadap waktu survival pasien penerima sumsum tulang belakang (X). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperolehkesimpulan bahwa model AFT parametrik dapat digabungkan dengan model cure rate dengan terlebih dahulu membentuk fungsi survival dari model AFT parametrik. Model AFT parametrik dengan penambahan model curerate hanya dapat digunakan apabila waktu survival terbagi menjadi dua kelompok pasien, yakni susceptible dan immune. Penambahan model cure rate memberikan tambahan informasi, yakni dapat diketahui pula proporsi individu yang masih hidup (tersensor) dalam kasus ini. Informasi ini dapat berguna untuk mengetahuikeefektifan dari pengobatan yang telah dilakukan
Estimator’s Property of Spatially Corrected Blundell-Bond on Dynamic of Spatial Durbin Panel Model Using Monte Carlo Simulation reza, widya; Pramoedyo, Henny; Fitriani, Rahma
ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications Vol 10, No 2 (2019): ComTech
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/comtech.v10i2.5665


This research discussed the properties of Spatially Corrected Blundell-Bond (SCBB) in overcoming the problem of endogeneity and spatial dependence that occur in dynamic Spatial Durbin Model (SDM) panels. The properties of the estimator tested were unbiased and normality. The properties test of the estimator was carried out using the Monte Carlo simulation approach. From the results of this research, it finds that the SCBB estimator has unbiased properties and follows a normal distribution. Based on the property of the estimator obtained, the SCBB parameter estimation method in the dynamic SDM panel model works well in overcoming endogeneity and spatial dependence problems.
IMPLEMENTATION OF LOCALLY COMPENSATED RIDGE-GEOGRAPHICALLY WEIGHTED REGRESSION MODEL IN SPATIAL DATA WITH MULTICOLLINEARITY PROBLEMS (Case Study: Stunting among Children Aged under Five Years in East Nusa Tenggara Province) Fadliana, Alfi; Pramoedyo, Henny; Fitriani, Rahma
MEDIA STATISTIKA Vol 13, No 2 (2020): Media Statistika
Publisher : Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/medstat.13.2.125-135


East Nusa Tenggara Province, according to the findings of 2013 Baseline Health Research and 2016 and 2017 Nutritional Status Surveys, was recorded as the province with the highest prevalence of stunting in Indonesia. Efforts should be made to formulate policies that are integrated with spatial aspects in order to reduce the prevalence of stunting. The LCR-GWR model approach is used by using locally compensated ridge, which were meant to adjusts to the effect of collinearity between predictor variables (i.e., the factors affecting the prevalence of stunting) in each area. Results of the analysis showed that factors affecting the prevalence of stunting in all districts/cities in East Nusa Tenggara Province are the percentage of children aged under five who were weighed ≥ 4 times, the percentage of children aged under five who receive complete basic immunization, the percentage of households consuming iodized salt, the percentage of households with decent source of drinking water and the real per capita expenditure. The analysis showed that LCR-GWR is able to produce a better model than the GWR model in overcoming local multicollinearity problems in stunting in East Nusa Tenggara Province, with lower RMSE value (0.0344) than the GWR RMSE model (3.8899).
Determination of Stunting Risk Factors Using Spatial Interpolation Geographically Weighted Regression Kriging in Malang Pramoedyo, Henny; Mudjiono, Mudjiono; Fernandes, Adji Achmad; Ardianti, Deby; Septiani, Kurniawati
Mutiara Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Vol 20, No 2: July 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/mm.200250


Stunting is the condition toddlers have Stunting is the condition toddlers have less length or height if compared to age. The high percentage of stunting is influenced by several factors, namely access to healthy latrines, quality drinking water, hand washing behavior with soap, coverage of posyandu access and coverage of breast milk 1-6 months, and there are indications that if an area has a high stunting percentage, then there is a possibility that the nearest area has the same condition. So, the statistic method for this research use the spatial interpolation Geographically Weighted Regression Kriging. Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) is a weighted regression in which the weighting function is used to describe the closeness of relations between regions. The weight used is distance based weight dan weighting by area (contiguity). Ordinary kriging method calculated with semivariogram which is one function to describe and model the spatial autocorrelation between data of a variable and function as a measure of variance. The results showed that based on value GWR model with weight Fixed Gaussian Kernel better to use then the weighted GWR model Rook Contiguity. The Predicted of prevelensi stunting in the form of map based on interpolation GWR Kriging. Keywords: Stunting, GWR, and Kriging.
Distance and Areas Weighting of GWR Kriging for Stunting Cases In East Java Ardianti, Deby; Pramoedyo, Henny; Nurjannah, Nurjannah
CAUCHY Vol 6, No 4 (2021): CAUCHY: Jurnal Matematika Murni dan Aplikasi
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/ca.v6i4.10455


Spatial heterogeneity shows the characteristic location from one location to others location and it is the main assumption in Geographically Weighted Regression.  The location becomes a weight on GWR model, There are two groups of location weight namely based on distance and area. The weight considers the closeness between the location. The accuracy weighted is needed because the weighting represents the data location. The aim of this research was to get a suitable weighting method for stunting data. This research used secondary data about stunting and the influence factors of stunting such as coverage visiting of pregnant women (K1), consumption of FE tablet, exclusive of breastfeeding, immunization coverage, and clean health behaviour. Those data obtained from the Healthy Ministry of East Jawa.Based on the results of this research show that the goodness weighting for GWR modell is Adaptive Bisquare Kernel (distance weighting). The predicted mapping stunting is showed by interpolation Kriging with a range of 27%  to 49,5%.