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Free Amino Acid Enriched Rotifer for Larval Grouper Cromileptes altivelis (Pengkayaan Rotifer dengan Asam Amino Bebas Untuk Larva Kerapu Bebek Cromileptes altivelis) Dedi Jusadi; Tulas Aprilia; Muhammad Agus Suprayudi; Deddy Yaniharto
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 20, No 4 (2015): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (267.353 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.20.4.207-214


Pembenihan ikan kerapu dihadapkan pada rendahnya sintasan, terutama fase awal hidupnya. Rendahnya sintasan diduga berhubungan dengan belum berkembangnya organ pencernaan larva dan tidak tersedianya pakan yang siap diserap tubuh. Pemberian asam amino bebas seperti taurin dan glutamin melalui rotifer diharapkan dapat meningkatan ketersediaan nutrien yang dapat diserap dengan cepat oleh larva, sehingga sintasan larva tinggi dan dapat tumbuh lebih cepat. Penelitian bertujuan mengukur pengaruh glutamin atau taurin terhadap sintasan dan pertumbuhan larva kerapu bebek Cromileptes altivelis. Larva umur 1 hari (10 ekor.L-1) dipelihara dalam bak fiberglass volume 500 L yang diisi air laut sampai 330 L. Larva diberi pakan rotifer diperkaya 0,5 g glutamin, 0,5 g taurin, atau tanpa glutamin dan taurin. Larva dipelihara selama 16 hari dengan pemberian pakan 2 kali  per hari. Satu jam setelah pemberian pakan dilakukan pengamatan terhadap jumlah rotifer dalam saluran pencernaan larva ikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah rotifer dalam saluran pencernaan larva meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya umur. Namun, jumlah rata-rata rotifer yang dikonsumsi larva pada perlakuan 0,5 g glutamin atau 0,5 g taurin lebih banyak dibanding perlakuan tanpa taurin dan glutamin. Larva yang diberi rotifer hasil pengkayaan dengan 0,5 g glutamin atau 0,5 g taurin memiliki sintasan yang tidak berbeda (P>0,05), masing-masing 19,2±2,25%, dan 24,5±1,20%, dan secara signifikan lebih banyak dibanding larva di perlakuan tanpa glutamin dan taurin yang nilainya 13,0±1,70%. Larva yang diberi rotifer hasil pengkayaan dengan 0,5 g taurin secara signifikan lebih panjang (5,5±0,18 mm) dari ikan di perlakuan 0,5 g glutamin (5,3±0,12 mm). Demikian juga, larva di perlakuan glutamin lebih panjang dari pelakuan tanpa glutamin dan taurin (5,0±0,16 mm). Pengkayaan rotifer menggunakan asam amino bebas taurin atau glutamin dapat meningkatkan sintasan dan pertumbuhan larva kerapu bebek. Namun, taurin lebih baik dibanding glutamin karena memberi efek ke pertumbuhan ikan yang lebih cepat. Kata kunci: taurin, glutamin, kerapu bebek, Cromileptes altivelis. The hatchery production of grouper faced to the problem of low surival rate, especially during the first feeding period. During this period, the digestive organ of larvae was underdeveloped, and the nutrient in live food was not readily absorbed by larvae. Feeding on free amino acids, such as taurine or glutamine, enriched rotifer would be enhanced the nutrient readily absorbed thereby resulting to the improvement of growth and survival rate of larvae. A duplicate experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of rotifer enriched with free amino acid of glutamine or taurine, on the growth and survival rate of larval grouper Cromileptes altivelis. One day old larvae were cultured in 500 l fiberglass containing 330 l of sea water with a density of 10 ind.L-1. Larvae were fed on rotifer enriched with either 0.5 g glutamine, 0.5 g taurine, or without glutamine nor taurine. Larvae were fed on rotifer twice a day at 08.00 and 14.00, and cultured for 16 days. One h after feeding, rotifer content in the gut of larvae were observed. Results showed that larvae fed on rotifer enriched with 0.5 g taurine or 0.5 g glutamie had higher rotifer content in the gut than that in the other group. Larvae fed on rotifer enriched with 0.5 g glutamine or 0.5 g taurine had the same survival rate (P>0.05), 19.2±2.25% and 24.5±1.20%, respectively; these values were significantly higher than that in the other group which was 13.0±1.70%.  The total length of larvae fed on rotifer enriched with 0.5 g taurine (5.5±0.18 mm) significantly was the biggest compared than others; while those fed on rotifer enriched with 0.5 g glutamine (5.3±0.12 mm) was bigger than fish fed on rotifer without glutamine nor taurine (5.0±0.16 mm). Thus, it can be concluded that survival rate and growth of larvae were improved when feeding on rotifer enriched with taurine or glutamine. Nevertheless, taurine was more efective than glutamine due to its effect resulted the highest growth performance of larval grouper. Keywords: taurine, glutamine, grouper, Cromileptes altivelis
Sistem Akuaponik “Kulkas Hidup” Untuk Daerah Lahan Terbatas, Sulit Air dan Daerah Pasca Bencana Tulas Aprilia
Jurnal Perikanan Terapan Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Perikanan Terapan
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (304.902 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/peranan.v2i1.2203


The high population growth has led to less land for agriculture and fisheries, while the demand for food is increasing. The purpose of this study was to determine the survival rate of fish, daily growth rate, feed convertion ratio, character of aquaponic media, vegetable productivity, and water quality in a aquaponics.The results obtained by the survival rate at a fish density of 5 kg/bucket were 77-81%. The daily weight growth rate and feed convertion ratio at a fish density of 5 kg/bucket with feeding frequency of one time more effective. The character of the live system aquaponics media has many advantages, namely: water saving, simple system, no need for electricity, suitable for areas with minimal land, low investment costs, easy to implement, suitable for household production, the density of fish being raised is quite high. The productivity of vegetables is also good, the plant density is quite high, and good water quality. The aquaponics system of “kulkas hidup” can be used as a solution for food availability in densely populated areas, limited water areas and post-disaster areas. Keywords: Aquaponics, Kulkas Hidup, Food, Post Disaster
e-Jurnal Rekayasa dan Teknologi Budidaya Perairan Vol 9, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : University of Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/.v9i2.p1101-1108


Providing high-quality feed is one of the efforts to increase fish productivity and growth and reduce fish mortality. One of the additional alternative feed ingredients as a source of vegetable protein is dragon fruit peel which can be used as an additional ingredient in fish feed. The study of the chemical composition of feed with the addition of dragon fruit peel flour is essential information to determine the effect of addition and the benefits of by-products (waste) from food processing in aquaculture development. This study aims to evaluate the quality of the chemical composition of feed after being treated with the addition of dragon peel flour through proximate analysis. The test was carried out at the Agricultural Product Technology Laboratory of Lampung State Polytechnic, from June to August 2020. The test results showed that dragon fruit peel flour had a carbohydrate content of 50.74%, crude fiber 26.22%, ash 21.35%, protein 5.08%, and fat 4.80% (dry weight). The test results showed that the addition of dragon fruit peel flour increased the protein content in the feed, which increased with the increase in the added dragon fruit flour. The highest protein content in treatment was 1.5%, namely 37.79% (dry weight), and decreased in the addition of dragon fruit flour by 2.0%. The highest ash content in the addition of 2.0% was 11.32% (dry weight). The content of crude fiber, carbohydrates and fat has decreased with the increasing dose of dragon fruit flour. The addition of dragon fruit peel flour can increase the protein content in the feed to substitute in the manufacture of fish feed. This also increases the utilization of dragon fruit peel waste, especially in aquaculture, to reduce waste disposal into the environment.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (246.826 KB) | DOI: 10.51673/jaltn.v2i3.822


Keterbatasan lahan budidaya akibat semakin banyaknya lahan yang digunakan untuk pembangunan infrastruktur dan pemukiman menjadi permasalahan hangat yang harus segera dicari solusinya. Kabupaten Lampung Selatan merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Lampung yang menjadi sentra produksi ikan air tawar nasional dengan kapasitas produksi yang terus meningkat setiap tahun. Akan tetapi, pesatnya pembangunan pemukiman menyebabkan semakin berkurangnya lahan produksi. Salah satu cara mengatasinya adalah dengan melakukan kegiatan budidaya ikan dalam media ember (Budikdamber). Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi dan ketrampilan masyarakat baik kalangan ibu rumah tangga, kalangan pemula maupun para pembudidaya ikan yang sudah lama berkecimbung dalam kegiatan budidaya di Desa Sidosari tentang budikdamber. Melalui kegiatan ini, ibu rumah tangga pun bisa menjadi lebih produktif karena hasil budikddamber tidak hanya ikan tetapi juga memberikan hasil samping sayuran seperti kangkung, bayam, sawi dan sayuran lainnya. Berdasarkan uraian permasalahan dan tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini, maka dilakukan kegiatan penyuluhan terkait budikdamber, pemberian modul, pemberian alat dan bahan seperti ember, media tanam, ikan, bibit sayuran, dan pellet ikan. Hasil yang diperoleh mitra pengabdian adalah panen ikan mulai dari 2 bulan pemeliharaan sampai bulan ke-4, panen sayur kangkung mulai dari 2 minggu pemeliharaan sampai bulan ke-4 pemeliharaan dengan jumlah panen rata-rata 1-1,5 ikat dari setiap embernya.
Enhancement The Growth of Snakehead (Channa striata) With Addition of Dragon Fruit Peel Flour to the Diet Rakhmawati Rakhmawati; Tulas Aprilia; Agung Kurniawan
Sriwijaya Journal of Environment Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Environmental Risks and Resources Management
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (405.018 KB) | DOI: 10.22135/sje.2021.6.2.53-58


Snakehead (Channa striata) is a fish that grows relatively slowly, but is a typical Sumatran fish with high albumin content and economic value. This makes this fish a very prospect to be developed. Meanwhile, dragon fruit peel is one of the wastes that can be used for diet raw materials and contains vitamins and minerals that have the potential to be useful for increasing growth in fish. This study aims to determine the growth performance of snakehead fed by adding dragon fruit peel flour. This study used test animals, namely snakehead fish juvenile with size of 1.06 ± 0.02 g/fish. Experiment of fish reared in aquarium measuring of 35 x 45 x 90 cm, filled with water as high as 15 cm without aeration. The experiment diets consisted of 5 types, namely feed added with 0% dragon fruit flour (control); 0.5; 1.0; 1.5 and 2.0% of feed. Each treatment was repeated three times. Snakehead was reared for 60 days and fed three times a day on an ad satiation basis. The parameters observed in this study were the survival rate and growth performance of snakehead fish. The results showed that the survival rate between treatments was not significantly different, namely in the range of 97.76 - 100%. Meanwhile, the specific growth rate and feed efficiency of snakehead which added 2% to the diets were the highest, namely 8.66 ± 0.04% and 67.83 ± 2.31%. The conclusion of this study was the addition of dragon fruit peel flour at 2% enhanced the growth performance of snakehead.
DISEMINASI PEMANFAATAN HIDROLISAT TEPUNG DAUN INDIGOFERA UNTUK PAKAN IKAN GURAME PADA POKDAKAN ULAM GADING MAS PEKON BULUKARTO, KABUPATEN PRINGSEWU Rakhmawati Rakhmawati; Tulas Aprilia; Nur Indariyanti; Eulis Marlina; Rio Yusufi Subhan; Juli Nursandi; Agung Kurniawan; Rietje JM Bokau; Anjar Sofiana
Jurnal Pengabdian Nasional Vol 4 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra Ulam Gading Mas adalah harga pakan yang dari tahun ke tahun meningkat, sehingga meningkatkan biaya produksi. Sementara daya beli masyarakan akan menurun jika harga jual ikan gurame dinaikkan, mengingat kondisi pandemi yang berdampak pada ekonomi. Di sisi lain, pemerintah telah menggalakkan penanaman indigofera di Pringsewu sebagai pakan ternak. Saat ini masyarakat belum mengerti pemanfaatan tanaman tersebut untuk pakan ikan. Diseminasi dan bimbingan teknis aplikasi teknologi hidrolisis tepung daun indigofera sebagai bahan baku pakan perlu dilakukan. Bahan yang mudah didapatkan dan murah, namun dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ikan ketika disuplementasikan ke pakan. Pemanfaatan daun indigofera dengan aplikasi teknologi ini berpeluang besar untuk meningkatkan produktivitas budidaya karena dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ikan dan harga pakan yang dihasilkan lebih ekonomis. Program pengabdian masyarakat ini meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan pembuatan pakan serta mampu mengapikasikan teknologi hidrolisis enzim selulose pada tepung daun indigofera yang akan disuplementasikan pada pakan ikan gurame. Kata kunci: hidrolisat, tepung daun indigofera, pakan Ikan gurame
Color quality improvement of Cherax quadricarinatus with dragon fruit peel meal utilization Rakhmawati Rakhmawati; Tulas Aprilia; Nur Indariyanti; Andre Saputra; Eulis Marlina
Depik Vol 12, No 3 (2023): DECEMBER 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.12.3.28628


This study aims to determine the effect of dragon fruit peel meal utilization in the diet to improving the color quality of freshwater crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus). This research was done from May to June 2022 at the Lampung State Polytechnic Fisheries Laboratory. The test animals used were freshwater crayfish with an average weight of 6.7 – 6.8 g/crayfish and a stocking density of 7 crayfish/aquarium. Feeding with a feeding rate of 3% twice a day. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 3 repetitions. The treatments were A = commercial feed (control), B = 5% dose, C = 10% dose, D = 15% dose, E = 20% dose. The parameters observed in this study were an increase in color quality and water quality. The results of this study indicate that the difference in the dose of red dragon fruit peel meal in the diets can have a significant effect on the color brightness of freshwater crayfish (86.01 in claws and 87.59 in Chepalotorax to teslon). The conclusion of this research is that supplementation of red dragon fruit peel meal mainly at a dose of 10% in the feed can improve the color quality of freshwater crayfish from brown to bluish color.Keywords:Dragon fruit peel meal UtilizationDietColor qualityCherax quadricarinatus
Growth performance and survival rate of vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) post-larva stages in a super intensive cultivation system with varied densities Tulas Aprilia; Yoka Agustama; Rakhmawati Rakhmawati; Eulis Marlina
Depik Vol 12, No 3 (2023): DECEMBER 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.12.3.30546


Vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) holds significant economic importance in Shrimponesia as a prominent shrimp commodity. The post-larval stage often encounters challenges, primarily due to the shrimp's limited ability to adapt and survive in a new environment. Stocking density is a crucial factor influencing the growth and production performance of vannamei shrimp culture. This study aims to assess the optimal stocking density for achieving optimal growth and survival in L. vannamei. A 40-day maintenance trial was conducted at UD Mina Rahayu Kalianda to investigate the impact of different stocking densities on water quality in the maintenance media. The study utilized containers with varying stocking densities: treatment A (1 shrimp/L), treatment B (1.5 shrimp/L), and treatment C (2 shrimp/L), each with three replications. The findings revealed survival rates (SR) of 83.33% for treatment A, 62.78% for treatment B, and 58.33% for treatment C. Mean Body Weight (MBW) values were recorded as 1.2592 g/shrimp for treatment A, 1.1216 g/shrimp for treatment B, and 0.7728 g/shrimp for treatment C. Average Daily Growth (ADG) results showed 0.0313 g/shrimp for treatment A, 0.0279 g/shrimp for treatment B, and 0.0192 g/shrimp for treatment C. Based on the study, the recommended stocking density for white vannamei shrimp is 40 shrimp/L, demonstrating improved growth and survival rates for this species.