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Free testosterone level in patients with homozygous beta thalassemia on regular transfusions regimen Riadi Wirawan; Elly Santosa; Lyana Setiawan; Bulan Ginting Munthe; Dalima AW Astrawinata
Paediatrica Indonesiana Vol 44 No 2 (2004): March 2004
Publisher : Indonesian Pediatric Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (453.514 KB) | DOI: 10.14238/pi44.2.2004.73-9


Background Patients with homozygous beta thalassemia requireregular transfusions which will lead to iron deposition in tissuesincluding testicles.Objective This study aimed to evaluate testicular function in syn-thesizing testosterone by measuring free testosterone level. Thecorrelation between free testosterone level and transferrin satura-tion was evaluated.Methods This was a cross sectional study. Sampling was doneconsecutively. Free testosterone level was measured by radioim-munoassay in 20 homozygous beta thalassemic patients receiv-ing regular transfusions and compared to 20 healthy subjects.Results Fourteen out of 20 patients showed free testosterone levelbelow the reference range. Out of 20 thalassemic patients, onepatient’s serum was not enough for transferrin saturation determi-nation. Among the 19 patients, 18 had transferrin saturation above55%, 1 less than 55%, while all healthy subjects had normal trans-ferrin saturation. A significant difference was found between thetwo groups, both in the free testosterone level (p=0.001) and trans-ferrin saturation (p<0.001). A very weak correlation was found be-tween free testosterone level and transferrin saturation (r=-0.215).Conclusion We concluded that there might be a relationship be-tween iron overload and testicular endocrine function in patientswith homozygous beta thalassemia receiving regular transfusions
NILAI RUJUKAN SOLUBLE TRANSFERRIN RECEPTOR (sTfR) {(Soluble Transferrin Receptor Refence Value (sTfR)} Anggraini Iriani; Endah Purnamasari; Riadi Wirawan
Publisher : Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologist and Medical laboratory

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24293/ijcpml.v21i3.1268


Iron in plasma is carried by transferrin delivered to cells through the interaction with a specific membrane receptor, namelytransferrin receptor. The soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) is a transferrin receptor monomer which lost its first 100 amino acids, andcirculates in the form of transferrin and its receptor complex. Erythroblasts and reticulocytes are the main source of serum TfR Theconcentration of sTfR in serum is useful to diagnose iron deficiency, especially for patient with chronic disease. A new parameter sTfRis reported to be a surrogate marker of bone marrow iron store. The sTfR concentration can describe the functional iron status whileferritin reflects the iron storage status. The aim of this study was to know a reference interval of sTfR in normal adults by provision.Subjects were 157 healthy adults from clinical medical check up who had met the inclusion criteria and were willing to participate asresearch subjects. Soluble Transferrin Receptor (sTfR) examination was performed using reagents from Roche. The statistical calculationswere performed by SPSS 22. The results showed that there was no significant difference between sTfR levels in men and women as wellas in the age group ≤40 years and >40 years. The STfR reference value in this study was calculated based on 95% CI (X±2SD), is0.197–0.598 mg/dL. It can be concluded that the sTfR reference value is 0.197–0.598 mg/dL.
Publisher : Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologist and Medical laboratory

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24293/ijcpml.v15i1.943


A research was conducted to 69 female students from a junior high school (SLtP) Negeri I Curug, tangerang aged 12–14 yearsto obtain percentages of anemia and iron deficiency in female adolescents. Anemia was found on 10.2% of the students, with 4.3%of normocytic normochromic anemia and 5.8% of microcytic hypochromic anemia. Microcytic hypochromic erythrocytes was foundon 21.7% of the subjects which consist of 2.9% iron deficiency anemia, 1.4% phase 2 iron deficiency (latent) with possibility ofhemoglobinopathy, and 2.9% phase 1 iron deficiency (pre-latent) with possibility of hemoglobinopathy. Anemia without iron deficiencywith possibility of chronic diseases and/or hemoglobinopathy was 2.9%, and without anemia nor iron deficiency but with possibility ofhemoglobinopathy was 11.6%. Iron deficiency was found among 26.1% of subjects which consist of 11.6% pre-latent iron deficiency,8.7% latent iron deficiency, and 5.8% iron deficiency anemia with 2.9% and 2.9% were normocytic normochromic anemia andmicrocytic hypochromic anemia, respectively.
ERYTHROLEUKEMIA Ailinda Theodora Tedja; Riadi Wirawan
Publisher : Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologist and Medical laboratory

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24293/ijcpml.v23i2.1146


Leukemia eritroid akut dibagi menjadi dua (2) subtipe berdasarkan penggolongan World Health Organization (WHO) 2008,yaitu eritroleukemia dan pure erythroid leukemia. Penggolongan WHO 2008 menganjurkan diagnosis leukemia eritroid akutcukup berdasarkan hasil menilai sumsum tulang, berdasarkan jumlah eritroblas dan sel blas, keberadaan diseritropoiesis, sertadisgranulopoiesis. Eritroleukemia merupakan bentuk leukemia mieloid akut yang jarang terjadi, yaitu <5% kasus leukemia mieloidakut. Eritroleukemia terutama terjadi di orang dewasa dan lebih sering terjadi di laki-laki. Satu kasus dilaporkan perempuan berusia42 tahun dengan hasil memeriksa pansitopenia di laboratorium, kemudian dinilai sumsum tulangnya dan didapatkan eritroblas 67%All Nucleated Cells (ANC), disertai diseritropoiesis yang jelas dan blas 25% Non-Erythroid Cells (NEC) dengan disgranulopoiesis 35%.Hasil ini menetapkan diagnosis eritroleukemia (AML-M6) berdasarkan penggolongan WHO 2008. Hasil memeriksa imunofenotip flowcytometry didapatkan komponen eritroid dan mieloid yang mendukung diagnosis eritroleukemia. Pemeriksaan imunofenotip denganflow cytometry tersebut sebenarnya tidak diperlukan untuk menetapkan diagnosis eritroleukemia. Pemeriksaan sitogenetika disarankanuntuk menentukan peramalan perjalanan penyakit.
NILAI RUJUKAN FREE LIGHT CHAIN SERUM DENGAN IMUNOTURBIDIMETRI Lidya Utami; Riadi Wirawan; Alida R Harahap; Abdul Muthalib; Harny Edward
Publisher : Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologist and Medical laboratory

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24293/ijcpml.v18i2.1006


The light chains of immunoglobulin are produced in larger quantity rather than heavy chains, therefore small amount of free lightchains (FLC) can be found in the blood of healthy individuals. Free light chain production is increased in the clone’s proliferation ofmalignant B cells, i.e. in myeloma. Therefore the FLC level measurement can be used for diagnosis aid of myeloma and related B cellsdisorders. The aim of this study is to establish reference range of serum FLC κ, FLC λ, and κ/λ ratio in population ≥40 year’s old usingimmunoturbidimetry assay. Serum FLC κ, FLC λ and κ/λ ratio were measured in 240 healthy male and female attending medical checkup in MMC hospital. Healthy subjects were determined by anamnesis and physical examination, with routine haematology, ESR, andserum creatinine level within normal ranges. The serum FLC assays were performed in the Clinical Pathology Laboratory, RSCM, usingHitachi 912 with immunoturbidimetry method. The results were analyzed by SPSS 11.5 program. Serum FLC normal reference valuein 40-84 years old healthy subjects are: FLC κ 11.7–30.6 mg/L, FLC λ 9.7–25.0 mg/L, and κ/λ ratio 0.79–1.75. This research is thefirst study for finding serum FLC values in the Indonesian population. The normal reference value found is similar with another studyusing the same platform analyzer.
A Randomized Trial Comparing The Effect of Soy Protein Diet Supplement Versus Hospital Standard Supplement on Clinical and Laboratory Parameters in Malnutrition Patients Ari Fahrial Syam; Marcellus Simadibrata; Chudahman Manan; Daldiyono Hardjodisastro; Riadi Wirawan; Helsi Helsi
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Digestive Endoscopy VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3, December 2003
Publisher : The Indonesian Society for Digestive Endoscopy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24871/43200370-74


Background: Studies have shown that soy protein diet may improve clinical nutrition status of malnutrition patients. Soybeans itself are unique foods because of their rich nutrient content. The complete nutrient in soybean is important and also offers many health benefits especially in malnutrition patient during hospitalization. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the effect of soy protein supplement and hospital standard supplement (animal protein) on anthropometries and laboratory findings in malnutrition patients during hospitalization. Method: Forty-eight patients with malnutrition (confirmed by Body Mass Index 20 kg/m2) aged 14- 70 years old were recruited from Internal Medicine wards in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. The study design was randomized controlled trial. The subjects were randomly divided into 2 groups were fed supplement diet contained soy protein supplement diet (40 g/d) or hospital standard supplement (40 g/d) for 2 weeks. Body weight was measured in the first day (base line data), 7-dayand 14-day after intervention. Blood and urine was collected at baseline, 7-day and 14-day for measuring transferin, prealbumin and nitrogen balance. The intake of supplement, gastrointestinal symptoms and others adverse event were noted every day. Result: From 48 subjects, there were only 32 patients that completed the study during 2 weeks. In the base line data there were no significant different for intake diet calculation, anthropometrics and laboratory  parameters in study group and control group. A total of patients 32 consist of 20 (62,5 %) female and 12 (37,5%) male with a mean age 31,8 + 12,9 years old. Anthropometrics evaluation after 1 week and 2 weeks intervention in soy protein supplement showed significantly increased every week in 2 weeks. In control group, significantly increased showed only after two weeks intervention. But there was no significantly increased of BMI of two groups. Serum transferin concentration increased from 1,489 ± 0,502 at base line to be 1,600 ± 0,502 at week 1 and to bel, 695 ± 0,402 in study group. But this increasing was no significantly between two groups. No significant differences were found between two groups for prealbumin level after 1 week and 2 weeks intervention. Nitrogen balance improved significantly (p0,05) more with soy protein supplement than hospital standard supplement (animal protein). In this study, there was no side effect in soy protein supplement diet and 1 case with diarrhea and nausea in hospital standard supplement (animal protein) Conclusion: Soy protein supplement diet improved both of nutrition parameter: anthropometrics and laboratory parameter. There were no significantly different in anthrometrics and laboratory parameter berween soy protein supplements tahan hospital standar supplement (animal protein). But nitrogen balance improved significantly in study group than control group. Substitution of soy protein for animal protein has the potential role for the patient with malnutrition Keywords: Soy protein diet, Malnutrition