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Penerapan Metode OCRA dalam Menentukan Media Pembelajaran Online Terbaik di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 dengan Pembobotan ROC Dwina Pri Indini; Khairunnisa Khairunnisa; Nola Dita Puspa; Tesa Aurelia Siregar; Mesran Mesran, M.Kom
Jurnal Sistem Komputer dan Informatika (JSON) Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/json.v3i2.3576


Right now the Covid-19 pandemic is very troubling where people must comply with regulations that have been made by the government, namely reducing non-essential activities outside the home so that there are no crowds, at this time many educational institutions are closed for face-to-face learning activities and then online or online learning is applied. online. In this online learning there are many media that can be used so that it makes teachers and students confused to determine which media is the most appropriate to use. This study uses a Decision Support System as a system in selecting which online learning media is the best. In determining the best online learning media, it must meet criteria such as User Capacity, Visual Interaction, Friendly Features, Application Features and Internet Data Usage. Therefore, a Decision Support System (DSS) is needed in solving existing problems by applying the ROC (Rank Order Centroid) and OCRA (Operational Competitiveness Rating Analysis) methods that can generate weight values and preference values from the first ranked alternative. So that the best online learning media during the Covid-19 pandemic lies in the A3 alternative, namely Moodle with a value of 2,296.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif dengan Power Point di MIS Al Hidayah Muhammad Syahrizal; Soeb Aripin; Khairunnisa Khairunnisa; Dwina Pri Indini
Journal of Social Responsibility Projects by Higher Education Forum Vol 2 No 3 (2022): Maret 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (429.896 KB) | DOI: 10.47065/jrespro.v2i3.1321


The use of learning media is needed by teachers in the teaching process, one of which is easy to use, namely Microsoft Power Point. Power Point software can be used to present learning materials to students to assist teachers in delivering material that is more interesting and easy to understand. Currently, most of Al-Hidayah's MIS teachers do not understand Power Point, so they only use conventional learning media. With the service activities at MIS Al-Hidayah with the theme of using interactive learning media with power points in the new normal era, it is hoped that it can become useful knowledge for teachers to be more creative and innovative in making learning media facilities for the teaching process
Penerapan Metode WASPAS dan ROC (Rank Order Centroid) dalam Pengangkatan Karyawan Kontrak Fahrul Mahdi; Faisal; Dwina Pri Indini; Mesran
Bulletin of Computer Science Research Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/bulletincsr.v3i2.232


The important determinant factor for the success of a service company in achieving its established objectives is its workforce. The selection process for new and contract employees in the company should be objective in order for them to become permanent employees. However, many companies still lack measures to evaluate the level of objectivity in their selection process. In this study, the author observed that sometimes companies experience difficulty in determining which contract employees should be promoted to permanent employees due to the lack of objectivity in the selection process. Therefore, the author used the Simple Additive Weighting (WASPAS and ROC) method to determine the best employees who can be promoted to permanent employees with criteria such as participation, level of education, competency, workplace, knowledge, teamwork, work quality, English language skills, and others. Based on the research results, the ROC and WASPAS methods are very useful in determining the best employee candidates and solving identified problems, as well as providing better and more optimal results in decision-making. In this study, variant A2 with the highest utility value of 0.982 was chosen as the best contract employee to be employed as a permanent employee.
Penerapan Metode MOORA Dalam Pemilihan Bimbingan Belajar Terbaik Sriwahyuni Hutagalung; Dinda Saputri Gea; Dwina Pri Indini; Mesran
Journal of Informatics Management and Information Technology Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): January 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/jimat.v3i1.226


Tutoring is one of the most effective alternatives that can be used by parents who want to provide additional courses or tutoring to their children, bearing in mind that learning at school is less effective if it is only obtained at school, especially for students who wish to continue their tertiary education so students need additional tutoring. to deepen the material so that later you can pass the desired tertiary institution. Tutoring is one of the activities that involves teaching students so that they achieve maximum academic achievement or learning outcomes at the institution or place where they study. from the research on the Application of Multi-Objective Optimization on the basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) in the Selection of the Best Tutoring, namely that it can make it easier for writers to solve complex problems by using a decision support system and the results of calculations applied by the writer which cannot be changed by anyone. because the results are absolute and real without any fraud in the calculation process using ROC (Rank Order Centroid) weighting which is useful for calculating the value of tutoring criteria effectively with the Multi-Objective Optimization on the basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) method. Tutoring is a non-formal institute that has more effective and reliable teaching quality for the last 5 years. by implementing a decision support system using the MOORA method and ROC weighting can help provide accurate results in selecting the best tutoring. There are three criteria, namely Price, Installment Amount, Discount Type. The results of selecting the best tutoring using the MOORA method are A4 with a score of 11.7171 as rank 1 on behalf of the ASC institution.
Implementasi Metode MABAC dalam Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Lokasi Instalasi WI-FI Publik Oleh Dinas KominfoStan Kabupaten Deli Serdang Dwina Pri Indini; M Reinaldi
Jurnal Kajian Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer Vol 1 No 1 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : CV. Graha Mitra Edukasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62866/jutik.v1i1.36


The need for public Wi-Fi installations is increasing with the aim of being able to meet the needs of the community in accessing the internet for free in public places. Thus, the Deli Serdang Regency Government through the Deli Serdang Regency KominfoStan Service installs a public Wi-Fi network with a limited budget every year. In determining the location of the public Wi-Fi installation, there are many public places, so that the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology is hesitant to determine the right location for the installation of public Wi-Fi. Decision Support System is applied in this study as a system for determining the location of public Wi-Fi installations. In determining the location of the right public Wi-Fi installation, it must meet criteria such as Distance, Accessibility, Economy, Crowd, and Facilities. Therefore, a Decision Support System (DSS) is needed in solving existing problems by applying the MABAC (Multi-Attributive Border Approximation area Comparison) method which can generate preference values from the first ranked alternative. So that the location for the installation of Public Wi-Fi is located on the A4 alternative, namely the Sultan Thaf Grand Mosque with a value of 0.480.
Penerapan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan dalam Penentuan Alat Bantu Media Pembelajaran Fisika Terbaik Menggunakan Metode PSI Dwina Pri Indini; Mesran Mesran; Agung Triayudi
Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) Vol 4 No 4 (2023): August 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josyc.v4i4.3466


Technology in the Revolutionary Era 4.0 and Society 5.0 made changes in the manual learning system to digital. Along with the development of technology that makes technology and humans very difficult to separate. There are many ways to acquire learning knowledge, one of which is to use learning media tools that are already available on mobile phones. There are so many physics learning media tools available that make students confused in determining the best media to use. In determining physics learning media tools when learning online there are several criteria for Storage Capacity, Application Features, Number of Materials, Number of Language Choices, Number of Users and Rating Reviews. Based on these problems, a decision support system is needed as a problem solving technique and is assisted by a method that can produce an accurate final value. The method is the Preference Selection Index (PSI) method which is very helpful in generating the best weight and preference values ​​from alternative data and criteria so that the final result is that the best physics learning media tool is in Alternative F4 with a value of 0.79563, namely the PhyWiz application.
Analisis Dalam Pendukung Keputusan Seleksi Content Creator Mahasiswa Terbaik Menerapkan Metode EDAS dan ROC Mesran Mesran; Dwina Pri Indini
Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) Vol 4 No 4 (2023): August 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josyc.v4i4.4093


One of the uses of technology is social media, which is an application that can convey information to many people. Around 49 percent of Indonesia's population are active users of social media because the use of social media as a means of promotion is considered easier and more efficient to get a wider target audience. In creating content on social media, a quality content creator is needed. The selection of student content creators at Budi Darma University in Medan is important to be able to get students who are creative and have the potential to become social media content creators. In selecting content creators, students at Budi Darma University have several predetermined criteria, namely the number of social media, the number of tiktok followers, the number of Instagram followers, content production per day, content creativity and content design updates. In the process of selecting student content creators, a system is needed that can speed up and simplify the process of selecting student content creators, namely the SPK (Decision Support System). In this study the EDAS (Evaluation Based on Distance from Average Solution) method and the Rank Oder Centroid (ROC) method used are expected to help the selection process for accepting student content creators. So the best alternative to become a student content creator lies in alternative A8 on behalf of Arsyillah with a score of 182001