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MORAL VALUE AND CHARACTER BUILDING EDUCATION IN FOLKLORE: LUBUK EMAS Silvania Sefaca Sipahutar; Raees Narhan; Ratna Paramita; Yenita Br Sembiring
PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) Vol 4, No 1 (2021): VOLUME 4 NUMBER 1, JANUARY 2021
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/project.v4i1.p148-155


The folklore entitled Lubuk Emas is one of the stories that come from North Sumatra, Indone-sia. The aim of this study is the researcher wants to show the importance of moral value and character-building education through the Lubuk Emas folklore. This research used the library research method, where the researcher will gathering information about the moral value and character-building education through Lubuk Emas folklore.  The results of this study are to show that the character has a different characterization and also give the reader a different mo-rality include individual morality and social morality. Which later can be applied in everyday life through studying the characters so that the children will grow with a commendable person-ality and character. Keywords:  Character Building, Education, Folklore, Lubuk Emas, Moral Value
Character Value Depicted In The Character Of “Finding Nemo” Nelpa Juliana Br Tarigan; Belinda Vista Biru; Yenita Br Sembiring
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 8 No 6 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (237.567 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6420821


This study aims to determine the value of education in the film Finding Nemo. Researcher chose this film because the film Finding Nemo has educational. Value that can shape the character of students and this film can also be reached by all groups. Researcher use the method is qualitative descriptive method will data collection through observation. The result of the study show that the education values contained in the film Finding Nemo can build the character of student through a material lesson plan designed with the educational value found in the film Finding Nemo
The Exploration of Lae Une Folklore and Pakpak Bharat Culture Yenita Br Sembiring; Yoyan Riris Sinurat; Feby Radila Pinem; Kristina Bangun; Lastri Mariana Manalu
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 4 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute November
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i4.3434


The researcher raised the fact that the Pakpak Bharat culture was not widely known as a research problem. This study tries to provide a solution to the problem through written analysis of Pakpak culture which is reflected in the Lae Une folklore. This research utilizes the descriptive qualitative method. Research data was obtained from informants who are natives. The researcher used interviews as a research instrument and then the data collected was analyzed using the content analysis method. The result of the research is the complete text of the Lae Une folklore and its cultural analysis. Researchers found the potential of culture in teaching in various related and unrelated fields in language, thus confirming the theoretical basis presented at the beginning of the study.
Analysis the Moral Value and Character Building in the " Siberu Dayang " North Sumatera's Folklore Devia Silviana br Sitepu; Lawelin Magdalena br Kembaren; Megawati Sihombing; Yenita br Sembiring; Ira Maria Fran Lumbanbatu
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 8 No 18 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (249.39 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7134062


A character can bring someone to the succeed and unsucceed life. That’s why someone should able to create a good character in their life, especially for the children because they still have so many chances to pursue their future. Thus, this research paper wants to give some discussions about a method that wil be used to solve the problems in students’ character and moral, and that is making a learning resource for the students about moral value and characterbuilding by using folklore. This research used a research design in qualitative research method. Thus, this research would be contained of research instruments, technique of data collection, research method, data resource, and data analysis as the research design of this research, to findout the answer of this research’s problems. The researchers had found out that there were many moral values and character buildings in this folklore. The moral values were wisely govern, patient in life, cooperate, obey the rules, and fulfill the promise. The character buidings were responsible, caring each other, affectionate, never give up, and willing to sacrifice.
Designing English Reading Text Based on Dalihan Na Tolu Batak Culture Yenita br Sembiring; Dewi Mariani; Wanti Elprida Purba; Ermin Avianti Amazihono; Elvira Rosyida MR
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 8 No 24 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (203.125 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7486485


Dalihan Na Tolu system is one element in the culture of Batak Toba. Dalihan Na Tolu is a system of kinship that is used as a basis and reference for the Batak Toba community within their social life. The Dalihan Na Tolu system contains statuses and roles. In determining social status, Batak Toba people first consider their lineage and clan. Outlined by Dalihan Na Tolu and established specific guidelines and laws for different social relationships such as those between a husband and wife, parents, and siblings from each party, additionally each party performed boru and hula-hula. Dalihan Na Tolu becomes the ideal form of kinship for the Batak people of Toba only if implemented in accordance with its principles. This research is descriptive qualitative research obtained through literature study, interview and observation data collection techniques. The material object of this study is the kinship system of the Batak Toba community. Based on the study is findings , it is known that dalihan na tolu dalam culture is the key in the implementation of marriage ceremonies. boru duties as part of the pretext na tolu in every marriage ceremony and other traditional ceremonies have been arranged. The Batak community has clear rules, who does what, who receives and gives what. Perfection of a traditional ceremony for the Batak people is measured by the completeness of the elements of the pretext na tolu to attend the ceremony women and her husband's group (boru) occupy a lower position while the giver of women (hula- hula) occupy a higher position. In this case, women become the object while men become the determining subject of one's position in the structure of dalihan na tolu
DESIGNING ENGLISH READING TEXT BASED ON “ULOS BINTANG MARATUR" BATAKNESE FOLKLORE Evi Novalin Bako; Tunsri Keumala; Yeni Leoni; Veranti Serena; Elda Setiani; Yenita Br Sembiring
BAHAS Vol 33, No 4 (2022): BAHAS
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/bhs.v33i4.43348


Abstract  Ulos Bintang Maratur is drenched in love, warmth, protection, and respect. This research aims: first, to develop Batak folklore. Secondly, to find out the influence of Batak folklore on reading comprehension and more knowledge of SMK Telkom-2 Medan community and ethnicity about Batak Folklore "Ulos Bintang Maratur" in Huta. This research describes the traditional tribes of the Batak community which includes the types of ulos and their history 1) the types of ulos and their history, one of which is Ulos Bintang Maratur, 2) to find out the Toba Batak tribe who make ulos as symbolic in every event, and finally this research aims to increase interest in reading and knowing the folklore of the Batak Ulos Bintang Maratur for students of SMK Telkom 2 Medan.  This type of research is descriptive qualitative obtained in writing to describe the moral values and character building contained in the depiction of traditional tribal tales of the Batak people. Data collection is done by reading the story text and describing the traditional tribes of the Batak people about "Ulos Bintng Maratur". From the research, it can be concluded that Batak folklore and the meaning of ulos Bintang Maratur can increase people's interest in reading and can be a motivation for every community, especially the Toba Batak ethnicity. The findings obtained by researchers are that they understand more about Batak customs, especially in the function of Ulos Bintang Maratur where parents are highly respected by their children, because the struggle of Batak parents for their children is extraordinary. As children, we must respect our parents. So when their children are successful they (parents) hold events in the village such as giving appreciation to Ulos Bintang Maratur as proof that their struggle is not for their children so that success will come to their children.Keywords : Batak Folklore, Respect, Reading Comprehension   Abstrak  Ulos Bintang Maratur penuh dengan cinta, kehangatan, perlindungan, dan rasa hormat. Penelitian ini bertujuan: pertama, untuk mengembangkan Cerita Rakyat Batak. Kedua, untuk mengetahui pengaruh cerita Rakyat Batak terhadap pemahaman membaca dan pengetahuan lebih lanjut dari masyarakat. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang suku adat masyarakat Batak yang meliputi jenis-jenis ulos dan sejarahnya 1) Jenis-jenis ulos dan sejarahnya, salah satunya Ulos Bintang Maratur, 2) Untuk mengetahui suku Batak Toba yang menjadikan ulos sebagai simbolis dalam setiap acara, dan yang terakhir penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat baca dan untuk mengetahui seberapa paham mereka tentang cerita rakyat Batak Ulos Bintang Maratur pada siswa-siswi SMK Telkom 2 Medan.  Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif yang diperoleh secara tertulis untuk mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai moral dan pendidikan karakter yang terkandung dalam penggambaran cerita rakyat suku Batak. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara membaca teks cerita dan mendeskripsikan cerita suku tradisional masyarakat Batak tentang "Ulos Bintang Maratur". Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa cerita rakyat Batak dan makna ulos Bintang Maratur dapat meningkatkan minat baca masyarakat dan dapat menjadi motivasi bagi setiap masyarakat khususnya etnis Batak Toba. Temuan yang didapatkan oleh peneliti adalah lebih memahami tentang adat istiadat Batak khususnya dalam fungsi Ulos Bintang Maratur dimana orang tua sangat dihormati oleh anaknya, karena perjuangan orang tua Batak untuk anaknya sangat luar biasa. Sebagai anak, kita harus menghormati orang tua. Maka ketika anaknya sukses mereka (orang tua) mengadakan acara di kampung seperti memberikan penghargaan Ulos Bintang Maratur sebagai bukti bahwa perjuangan mereka tidak sia-sia untuk anaknya, sehingga kesuksesan itu datang kepada anak mereka. Kata kunci : Cerita Rakyat Batak, Rasa Hormat,Pemahaman Membaca