Raju Kapadia
Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak

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Pengaruh Participatory Learning Approach (PLA) terhadap Pengetahuan dan Kesadaran Ibu dalam Pencegahan Stunting Raju Kapadia; Nurbani Nurbani; Mita Agustina
Bima Nursing Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2022): Mei
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32807/bnj.v3i2.873


A mother in the family has an important in fulfilling family nutrition to prevent stunting. Various methods and counseling to mothers to increase knowledge have been widely given, but most are still traditional or one-way models. The learning approach that is currently being developed is a learning model that involves an active role or maximum participation so that the learning target is more involved. Participatory Learning Approach PLA) is a method that is believed not only to increase knowledge but also increase awareness about learning materials to a deeper extent. Through a combination of lectures, demonstrations, discussions and presentations, it is hoped that there will be an increase in knowledge and awareness of mothers will be better. This study aims to identify the influence of participatory learning approach techniques in increasing maternal awareness and knowledge in stunting prevention. The research was conducted using the Quasi Experimental method, with the Pre And Post Test With Control Group Design model. Data collection was carried out through a 3S (Sehari Sadar Stunting) learning program to 50 mothers divided into two groups. The intervention group was given a one-day learning program with a Participatory Learning Approach approach, namely a combination of lectures, demonstrations, discussions and presentations.While the control group was given a joint program but with a traditional learning model.  The two groups then conducted a pre and post test looking for differences in scores through the paired t test. The results of the study obtained by the implementation of PLA were able to increase maternal knowledge about stunting with the results of paired t tests in pre-post tests increased significantly p 0.001 (p > 0.005). This method is also able to increase maternal awareness in stunting prevention measures through pregnancy screening, exclusive breastfeeding, supplemental feeding and food processing varyingly. The conclusion of this study is that the implementation of the Participatory Learning Approach method is able to increase the understanding and awareness of mothers and mothers-to-be in stunting prevention measures. The implementation of methods of increasing maternal participation needs to be improved in the form of maternal empowerment actions in stunting prevention
Kemampuan Mengenal Faktor-Faktor Stress Eksternal terhadap Kekambuhan Hipertensi pada Wanita Raju Kapadia; Yuslana achmad; Umi Esteria
Publisher : STIKes Karya Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (839.603 KB) | DOI: 10.46233/jk.v3i02.110


Abstrak. Wanitaterpapar stress dan beban yang berasal baik dari internal maupun eksternal dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Faktor stress eksternal biasanya bersumber dari lingkungan kerja, beban kerja maupun faktor lainnya. Stress tersebut bisa saja memicu peningkatan tekanan darah pada wanita yang menderita hipertensi. Kondisi tersebut terkadang tidak disertai gejala yang spesifik, namun merupakan suatu keadaan kekambuhan. Kemampuan mengenal sumber stress eksternal memungkinkan penderita hipertensi untuk mengurangi risiko kekambuhan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui hubungankekampuan mengenalfaktor stress eksternal dengan kekambuhan hipertensi pada wanita di Puskesmas Singkawang Tengah Desain dalam penelitian ini menggunakan observasional analitik cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan kuesioner yang berisi 12 item pertanyaan kemampuan mengenal faktor stress eksternal dan tabel observasi tekanan darah tinggi untuk mengidentifikasi gejala kekambuhan hipertensi. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 42 responden dari wanita yang menderita hipertensi. Analisa data menggunakan uji statistic Chi square. Hasil dari penelitian dengan hubungan kemampuan mengenal faktor stress eksternal menghasilkan P value sebesar 0,000 dengan nilai signifikan sebesar 0,05. Jadi nilai P < 0,05 ( Ha diterima)ada hubungan faktor stress eksternal dengan kekambuhan hipertensi pada wanita di Puskesmas Singkawang Tengah. Kemampuan yang baik dalam mengenal faktor-faktor stress eksternal mampu menghindarkan kekambuhan pada wanita penderita hipertensi Abstract Women are exposed to stress and burdens originating from both internal and external in everyday life. External stress factors usually originate from the work environment, workload and other factors. Stress can trigger an increase in blood pressure in women suffering from hypertension. The condition is sometimes not accompanied by specific symptoms, but is a condition of recurrence. The ability to recognize external stressors allows hypertension sufferers to reduce the risk of recurrence. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of the ability to recognize external stress factors with hypertension recurrence in women at the Central Singkawang Health Center. The design in this study used cross sectional analytic observational studies. The sampling technique used a questionnaire containing 12 items of ability to recognize external stress factors and a high blood pressure observation table to identify symptoms of hypertension recurrence. The number of samples in this study were 42 respondents from women suffering from hypertension. Data analysis uses Chi square statistical test. The results of the study with the relationship between the ability to recognize external stress factors produce a P value of 0,000 with a significant value of 0.05. So the value of P <0.05 (Ha accepted) there is a relationship between external stress factors and hypertension recurrence in women in the Central Singkawang Health Center. A good ability to recognize external stress factors can prevent recurrence in women with hypertension
Implementation of Online Problem-Based Learning And Nursing Students' Engagement With Modified Online Discussion With Seven Jumps (MOODS7) Raju Kapadia; Mita Agustina; Niya Fitarsih
Jurnal Keperawatan Terpadu (Integrated Nursing Journal) Vol 5, No 1 (2023): APRIL
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan, Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32807/jkt.v5i2.376


The problem-Based Learning method is a problem-oriented case-based learning approach recommended for nursing education This study describes the trial application of the Problem-Based Learning learning method in the online system. The seven jumps discussion, usually done face-to-face and conventionally, in this study, was changed to an online forum by going through the same seven stages. The purpose of this study is to describe and assess the effectiveness of the online discussion process using Modified Online Discussion With Seven Jumps (MOODS7) application. The quasi-experimental method was carried out on 47 students of the DIII Nursing study program. They were given seven jumps online discussion discussing the case scenario of diabetes mellitus in the medical-surgical nursing field. The mood7 application is a medium for inputting cases, dividing small groups, and discussing via chat. Data analysis using T-Test counted every good discussion at each stage of the seven jumps. Student’s involvement was identified through the Online Student Engagement Scale. The MOODS7 obtained 273 valid chats conducted by five small groups during the discussion. The intervention group showed an increased ability to think critically in solving vignette problems with a significant mean pre-post p-value (0.001>0.005). Online discussions with the Mood7 application are suffucient to help students understand learning content better, be more active, and participate in making learning more enjoyable. The implementation of seven jumps with MOODS7 can be applied to nursing students. An online discussion is an option for increasing engagement and in accordance with the characteristics of learners in era of information and technology.