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Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 4 (2021): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Oktober 2021
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v5i4.12159


Napza was substances or drugs derived from plants or non-plants, either artificial (synthetic) or semi-artificial (semi-synthetic) that can cause addiction. The results of Narcotics Information System in 2018 in Surabaya explained that based on the education level of drug users, 7.6% graduated from junior high school, 9.4% graduated from high school and graduated from higher education (5.5%). These data prove that it was important to make efforts to increase knowledge as an effort to prevent drug abuse. Permenkes Number 25 the year 2014 mandates health services for school-age children and adolescents to involve school health cadres and peer counselors and it is important to involve youth in providing youth care health services. Community service activities aim to increase adolescent knowledge about drug abuse through empowering Adolescent Health Cadres. The activity was carried out in two stages, namely the first stage, namely conducting training for Youth Health Cadres (KKR). The second stage is implementing peer activities. The results of the pre and post-test knowledge explained that there was an increase in the level of knowledge of adolescents both in KKR training activities and peer seminars. The conclusion is that there is an increase in the knowledge of adolescents after participating in the KRR training and peer-to-peer seminars so that it is hoped that similar activities will continue to be carried out because peers are part of environmental factors that contribute to the prevention of problems in adolescents, especially in drug abuse. --- Napza adalah zat atau obat yang berasal dari tanaman atau bukan tanaman, baik buatan (sintetis) atau semi buatan (semi sintetis) yang dapat menyebabkan ketagihan. Hasil Sistem Informasi Narkoba tahun 2018 di Surabaya menjelskan berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan pengguna Napza sebesar 7,6% berpendidikan tamat SMP, 9,4% tamat SMU dan tamat pendidikan Tinggi (5,5%). Data tersebut membuktikan bahwa penting melakukan upaya peningkatan pengetahuan sebagai upaya pencegahan penyalahgunaan Napza. Permenkes Nomor 25 Tahun 2014 mengamanatkan pelayanan kesehatan anak usia sekolah dan remaja melibatkan kader kesehatan sekolah dan konselor sebaya serta penting melibatkan remaja dalam melakukan pelayanan kesehatan peduli remaja. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja tentang penyalahgunaan Napza melalui pemberdayaan Kader Kesehatan Remaja. Kegiatan dilaksanakan melalui dua tahap yaitu pada tahap pertama yaitu melakukan pelatihan kepada Kader Kesehatan Remaja (KKR). Tahap kedua yaitu melaksanakan kegiatan teman sebaya. Hasil dari pre dan post test menjelaskan bahwa terjadi peningkatan tingkat pengetahuan remaja baik dalam kegiatan diklat KKR maupun  seminar sebaya.  Kesimpulan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan remaja setelah mengikuti pelatihan KKR dan Seminar teman sebaya sehingga diharapkan kegiatan serupa terus dilaksanakan karena teman sebaya merupakan bagian dari faktor lingkungan yang berkontribusi penting dalam pencegahan masalah pada remaja khususnya dalam penyalahgunaan Napza.
Maximizing Millennial Students Role in Combating COVID-19 Hoaxes and Myths Astri Dewayani; Euvanggelia Dwilda Ferdinandus; Rizki Putra Prastio; Indah Fahmiyah; Amila Sofiah; Rodik Wahyu Indrawan; Mochammad Nurul; Gagas Gayuh Aji; Nanda Rachmad Putra Gofur; Siti Khaerunnisa; Dewi Sriani; Yankel Sena
Biomolecular and Health Science Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Biomolecular and Health Science Journal
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/bhsj.v4i1.26910


Introduction: Since the outbreak of Corona Disease-19 (COVID-19) spreads all over the world, various ways of health attempts have been conducted. However, overflowed information intertwines with mis/disinformation could raise public anxiety and stigma-related diseases. We aimed to assess the help of the young generation of millennials and Gen-Z whom are active college students in debunking hoaxes and myths of COVID-19 into their community.Method: The selected students were given a short course on COVID-19 basic information, prevention, and circulated myths. Later, they become ambassadors and actively educated via offline and online platforms. The impact of outspread information on audiences was investigated through a qualitative survey.Result: The knowledge of students were measured by pre- and post-test within the short course. Prior knowledge showed the least understanding part was prevention and myth of COVID-19. There was a significant improvement of knowledge in post-test after receiving seminar (p=0.0002). There were 97 respondents who filled the online survey that predominantly in young adulthood age. Respondent's insight was enhanced and they likely intend to spread the actual information to their surroundings.Conclusion: Appointing student as the spokesperson for health education can raise their social responsibility. Clarifying misinformation and health behaviour could be more influential within the same sharing community. In addition, the use of various online platforms could efficiently reach massive target, especially young ages.
Management of Perineal Massage in Pregnant Women as an Effort to Prevent Perineal Rupture in Vaginal Delivery (Literative Review) Euvanggelia Dwilda Ferdinandus; Gusti Ayu Gita Maharani; Ratna Dwi Jayanti
Jurnal KESANS : Kesehatan dan Sains Vol 1 No 7 (2022): KESANS : International Journal of Health and Science
Publisher : Rifa'Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54543/kesans.v1i7.74


When approaching the time of delivery in the third trimester of pregnancy, pregnant women experience anxiety about the stigma that childbirth will hurt and injure the perineum,prevention of perineal rupture can be done by perineal massage. The method used in this research is to use a literature review study This discussion aims to collect and analyze articles to identify the effectiveness of perineal massage management as an effort to prevent rupture. Results In this discussion it was found that perineal massage has significant results in reducing the occurrence of perineal rupture. Perineal massage is also beneficial in reducing the rate of episiotomy as well as providing other benefits to the mother and the newborn. However, these studies have drawbacks, namely, this perineal massage does not yet have global clinical guidelines on the standard of implementing perineal massage, in some studies the sample experienced dropout in research and differences in research results that affect perineal massage on the prevention of perineal rupture. further research is needed regarding the standard of perineal massage and the support of husbands and midwives in education and implementation of perineal massage.
Delivery Mode On Myopic Women (Literature Review) Ratna Dwi Jayanti; Noor Syafaatin Udhma; Euvanggelia Dwilda Ferdinandus; Ivon Diah Wittiarika; Nurul Azizah
Jurnal KESANS : Kesehatan dan Sains Vol 1 No 7 (2022): KESANS : International Journal of Health and Science
Publisher : Rifa'Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54543/kesans.v1i7.79


Hormonal changes and hemodynamic changes in pregnancy cause an increase in blood volume and water retention which causes a thickening of the cornea of ??the eye and affects blood flow in the eye. This condition is thought to trigger temporary myopia or worsen myopia that occurred before pregnancy. This will have an impact on the choice of delivery method because pushing in the second stage of labor can increase the risk of retinal detachment. The aim of the study was to determine the method of delivery in patients with myopia, using a meta-analysis. The results showed that obstetrics and gynecology specialists, as well as ophthalmologists, recommended instrumental delivery or cesarean section for women with myopia citing concerns that vaginal delivery would increase the risk of detachment. In addition, the impact of labor on the ocular system was found to be not so significant. While the method of delivery in women with myopia, it was found that most of the vaginal deliveries were spot-on.
Parental Bonding Dengan Perilaku Seksual Pada Remaja Berpacaran di SMKS Persatuan 1 Tulangan Sidoarjo Wenny Ayu Larasati; Euvanggelia Dwilda F.S; Nining Febriyana
JURNAL ILKES : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 13 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilkes (Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan)
Publisher : STIKES Karya Husada Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35966/ilkes.v13i1.225


An attachment that exists between parents and children which forms the basis for the formation of an emotional relationship between the two so that it is one of the driving factors for adolescent sexual behavior. Parental involvement greatly influences risky or non-risky sexual behavior in adolescents, especially teenagers dating. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between parental bonding and sexual behavior in adolescent dating. This type of research is quantitative with an observational analytical research design using a cross sectional approach. This study has a sample of 145 respondents or students according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique. Data collection in this study used a closed questionnaire via google form. Based on the results of the analysis of the Spearman's Rho correlation test, the correlation coefficient value is -0.265 with a p value of 0.017 (p <0.05) so it can be concluded that there is a relationship between parental bonding and sexual behavior in adolescent dating at SMKS Unity 1 Tulangan Sidoarjo with a negative relationship direction. which means that the quality of parental bonding given by parents to their children, then the involvement of children in risky sexual behavior will be less. Parents are expected to improve the quality of parental bonding with their children to prevent risky sexual behavior in adolescents Keywords: Parental bonding, sexual behavior, teenagers
Parental Attachment, Peer Influence and Adolescent Sexual Behavior at Vocational High School Trenggalek Regency Shafira Meidy safitri; Zakiyatul Faizah; Euvanggelia Dwilda Ferdinandus
Jurnal KESANS : Kesehatan dan Sains Vol 1 No 10 (2022): KESANS: International Journal of Health and Science
Publisher : Rifa'Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54543/kesans.v1i10.97


Introduction: Adolescence is a transitional phase from childhood to adulthood characterized by a heightened curiosity and courage to take risks. SDKI data from 2012 and 2017 showed an increase in cases of adolescents who had had premarital sexual intercourse, with the breakdown of cases in adolescent boys by 4.5% then increasing to 8% and in adolescent girls by 0.7% increasing to 2%. Objective: this study is to determine the relationship between parental attachment and peer influence with adolescent sexual behavior. Method: The type of research is correlational analytics with a cross-sectional approach. The study was conducted at SMKN 1 Pogalan, Trenggalek Regency in June 2022. The population used was grade 11 students of SMKN 1 Pogalan with a sample of 86 people. Sampling using simple random sampling. Data analysis used the spearman rho test with a 95% confidence level. Results and Discussion: Based on correlational tests, results were obtained that the variables of maternal attachment (p=0.002), father's attachment (p=0.001), and peer influence (p=0.000) had a value of p<0.05. Conclusion: this study shows there is a relationship between parental attachment and peer influence with adolescent sexual behavior in Trenggalek District Vocational High School
Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan Dengan Persepsi Ibu Hamil Tentang Vaksin Covid-19 Inda Permata Sari; Yuniarti Mbuik; Euvanggelia Dwilda Ferdinandus
Jurnal Sehat Mandiri Vol 17 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Sehat Mandiri, Volume 17, No.2 Desember 2022
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33761/jsm.v17i2.802


Pregnancy with Covid-19 increases the risk of maternal morbidity. Covid-19 vaccination in pregnant women as an effort to reduce the transmission of Covid-19 in pregnancy. The low Covid-19 vaccination achievement of 38 out of 1,150 pregnant women coverage can be influenced by the perception of pregnant women. This study aims to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge and perceptions of pregnant women about the Covid-19 vaccine. Cross sectional design, purposive sampling technique with 169 pregnant women as respondents. Univariate data analysis in frequency distribution and bivariate analysis of chi-square test. The results showed the characteristics of pregnant women Respondents were 134 pregnant women (79.3%) aged 20-35 years, 52 pregnant women (30.8%) with less knowledge about the Covid-19 vaccine and 65 pregnant women (38.5%). ) has a negative perception. The test results obtained p-value = 0.000 (p <0.05), there is a relationship between the level of knowledge and the perception of pregnant women about the Covid-19 vaccine. The level of knowledge of pregnant women is sufficient and the perception is positive at the Plaju Palembang Health Center, but there are still some who have a negative perception. It is recommended to increase the knowledge of pregnant women with education about the Covid-19 vaccine in pregnancy through pregnant women involving their husbands and families to vaccinate Covid-19 without hesitation.