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Kebijakan exit strategy mengatasi kenaikan harga BBM Sudarso Sudarso
Jurnal Sosiologi Dialektika Vol. 13 No. 1 (2018): Jurnal Sosiologi Dialektika
Publisher : Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.601 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jsd.v13i1.2018.18-30


Di Indonesia, setiap pemerintah mengumumkan kenaikan harga BBM, maka diperkirakan jutaan penduduk menjadi lebih miskin atau jatuh miskin. Penduduk yang sebelumnya masuk kategori near poor, biasanya dengan cepat turun status menjadi orang miskin baru gara-gara kenaikan harga BBM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dampak sosial-ekonomi kenaikan BBM terhadap kelangsungan hidup dan mekanisme survival keluarga miskin di Jawa Timur. Studi ini penting dilakukan agar nantinya dapat dirumuskan program-program exit strategy yang benar-benar tepat. Ada beberapa metode yaitu, Pertama, mengkaji dan menganilisis data sekunder. Kedua, melakukan review terhadap hasil-hasil studi. Ketiga, melakukan survey dan penggalian data primer ke lapangan untuk memperoleh gambaran yang valid dan akurat mengenai kondisi terbaru dan berbagai tekanan yang dihadapi keluarga miskin di Provinsi Jawa Timur Keempat, dari 600 keluarga miskin yang diteliti, dalam studi ini kemudian dipilih 30 keluarga miskin yang telah dicoba diwawancarai secara mendalam (indepth interview). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah upaya kebijakan exit strategy untuk mengatasi kenaikan harga BBM bagi kalangan penduduk miskin. Exit strategy ini mendorong pengembangan ekonomi pedesaan dan sektor pertanian agar tetap dapat menjadi tempat bersandar bagi keluarga miskin meski terkena imbas efek domino kenaikan harga BBM.
Pengembangan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) di Jawa Timur Septi Ariadi; Sudarso Sudarso
Jurnal Sosiologi Dialektika Vol. 13 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Sosiologi Dialektika
Publisher : Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (442.405 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jsd.v13i2.2018.169-182


Gagasan untuk mengembangkan BUM-Des, boleh dikata masih merupakan wacana yang relatif baru. Sebagai sebuah wilayah administratif pemerintahan yang paling bawah, desa di era otonomi daerah seperti sekarang ini, dituntut untuk mampu mengembangkan sikap mandiri di bidang ekonomi, termasuk membiayai sebagian dari kegiatan pembangunan di wilayahnya. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk mengkaji gambaran tentang mekanisme pengelolaan badan usaha milik desa (BUM-Des) yang ada di berbagai desa di Provinsi Jawa Timur. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, secara purposive, kegiatan pengkajian ini dilaksanakan di 5 kabupaten dan 25 desa di Provinsi Jawa Timur. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapati bahwa BUM-Des bukanlah lembaga yang dibentuk dan tumbuh dari bawah (bottom up), melainkan lebih merupakan lembaga bentukan dari atas (top down) yang diinisiasi dari prakarsa Negara. Besar modal awal pembentukan BUM-Des, sebagian besar (60%) di atas 25 juta rupiah, bahkan 24% BUM-Des yang ada didirikan dengan modal awal 100 juta lebih. Sedangkan faktor yang dinilai sangat menghambat perkembangan BUM-Des, menurut 41,8% masyarakat desa adalah modal yang terbatas.
The use of mixed methods to identify typology of poverty in East Java, Indonesia Doddy Sumbodo Singgih; Sudarso Sudarso; Siti Mas'udah
Jurnal Sosiologi Dialektika Vol. 15 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Sosiologi Dialektika
Publisher : Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (481.17 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jsd.v15i1.2020.9-15


This article describes the results of concurrent mixed method testing to identify the typology of poverty in one particular area in East Java, Indonesia known as the "Madura Horseshoe". So far, typology studies of poverty in Indonesia use a single research method. The use of concurrent mixed methods is rarely done and even considered taboo in conventional research. The test results show that the method is very suitable to academic needs and very comprehensive in identifying the typology of poverty, particularly rampant poverty in an exclusive area with specific social structure and culture, namely those dominated by a particular ethnic group. The test concludes that the typology of poverty in the exclusive region of "Madura Horseshoe" is, in majority, a structural typology. The residents suffer from poverty because they do not have productive assets and social networks. Only a small percentage has cultural constraints, of which problems, including poverty, are solved by means of praying to God and asking blessings of sustenance. If this does not yield, they give up and resign to predestined fate.
Feminization of poverty program on female breadwinners in East Java, Indonesia Doddy Sumbodo Singgih; Sudarso Sudarso; Siti Mas'udah
Jurnal Sosiologi Dialektika Vol. 15 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Sosiologi Dialektika
Publisher : Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jsd.v15i2.2020.79-90


This article describes the feminization of poverty-reducing program by directing the program to female breadwinners in 10 regencies in East Java Province, Indonesia. The main activity of such program is to provide productive financial support to a target group, namely poor female breadwinners in rural areas. The main focus of the research is to examine the targeting accuracy of the program in providing productive financial support to the target group. To acquire this objective, a survey was conducted to collect data for the examination. In addition, the targeting accuracy is measured for the accuracy of its recipients, its amount, and its utilization. The results of the study indicate that the feminization of poverty-reducing program has met the target. It means that the funds have really been given to the poor female breadwinners who live in rural areas. The sum of the money has been in agreement with the amount that should be given, and it has been utilized by the target group productively in accordance with the program objectives.
Tekanan Kemiskinan Penyandang Masalah Kesejahteraan Sosial (PMKS) pada Masa Pandemi di Kabupaten Gresik Ratna Azis Prasetyo; Septi Ariadi; Suyanto Bagong; Sudarso Sudarso; Abd Hannan; Risca Yunike Putri
Jurnal Sosiologi Pendidikan Humanis Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Sosiologi Pendidikan Humanis
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um021v7i1p12-26


Pandemi COVID-19 membawa efek domino bagi peningkatan angka kemiskinan Indonesia. Di Kabupaten Gresik, misal, besarnya angka pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) akibat terhentinya aktivitas industri dan usaha-usaha kecil membuat angka kemiskinan meningkat, sehingga jumlah Tekanan Kemiskinan Penyandang Masalah Kesejahteraan Sosial (PMKS) menjadi bertambah. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mendeskripsikan tekanan kemiskinan yang dialami oleh PMKS selama pandemi COVID-19 serta strategi penanganan yang tepat terhadapnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan melakukan wawancara terstruktur kepada 400 PMKS di Kabupaten Gresik. Hasil dari penelitian ini mendapati temuan bahwa tekanan kemiskinan yang dilakukan oleh PMKS di masa pandemi COVID-19 adalah berkurangnya tabungan dan aset yang dimiliki untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup semasa pandemi. Selain itu, mereka juga kehilangan pekerjaan serta usaha yang ditekuni mengalami kemunduran, akibatnya para PMKS kesulitan memenuhi kebutuhan hidup keluarga. Kondisi ini turut berdampak pada tidak harmonisnya rumah tangga dan terancamnya keberlangsungan pendidikan anak mereka di sekolah. Strategi bertahan hidup yang paling mudah dilakukan oleh PMKS adalah melakukan perubahan pada pola konsumsi, sedangkan bantuan kerabat relatif sulit didapatkan serta kegiatan produktif seperti diversifikasi usaha juga relatif sulit dilakukan. Strategi penanganan yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan pemberdayaan PMKS terutama kelompok usia produktif. Selain bertujuan mencegah melemahnya kemampuan dan kesejahteraan,  pemberdayaan usia produktif juga bertujuan memenuhi kebutuhan diri sendiri yang bersifat jangka panjang, yakni keluar dari tekanan kemiskinan yang dialami. Poverty Pressure for People with Social Welfare Problems (PMKS) During the Pandemic in Gresik RegencyThe COVID-19 pandemic has brought a domino effect to increase poverty rates. In Gresik Regency, the number of layoffs (PHK) and small businesses that went out of business added new poor people so the number of PMKS increased. This study intends to describe the poverty pressure experienced by PMKS during the COVID-19 pandemic and the appropriate handling strategy. The research method used is descriptive research by conducting structured interviews to 400 PMKS in Gresik Regency. The results of this study found that the poverty pressure carried out by PMKS during the COVID-19 pandemic was a reduction in savings and assets owned to meet their daily needs during the pandemic where they lost their jobs and the businesses they were engaged in experienced setbacks, difficulties in meeting the needs of life and family nutrition, increased debt to domestic disputes and the threat of children dropping out of school. The easiest survival strategy for PMKS is to make changes to consumption patterns, while help from relatives is relatively difficult to obtain and productive activities such as business diversification are also relatively difficult to do. The coping strategy that can be done is to empower PMKS, especially the productive age group, which aims not only to prevent the fading of PMKS' ability to help themselves but in the long term they can get out of the pressures of poverty they are experiencing.
Gender Relations of Perpetrators and Victims of Sexual Violence During Dating Among Students Siti Mas'udah; Salsabila Damayanti; Asbah Binti Razali; Priyono Tri Febrianto; Merlia Indah Prastiwi; Sudarso Sudarso
Society Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Society
Publisher : Laboratorium Rekayasa Sosial FISIP Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/society.v11i1.497


Sexual violence during dating is a serious issue. The increased sexual violence during dating demonstrates that this phenomenon is becoming increasingly dangerous. This study investigates the gender relationship between perpetrators and victims of sexual violence during dating among university students. This study employed a mixed method. This study included 404 male and female students who had experienced sexual violence as respondents. This study discovered various types of sexual violence that occurred in the context of a loving relationship pattern. The perpetrators tend to control and manipulate the victim, making them want to do whatever they want. The victim loved the perpetrator excessively and was forced to serve the perpetrator’s sexual desires as a form of attention and love for the partner, even though the victim was undergoing psychological treatment. Love is transformed into a “desire to have,” causing the individual to lose himself. The subject has become an object as a result of the dating relationship. The perpetrator was repeatedly abused and was very possessive of their partner. The perpetrator did not consider their partner as a subject but rather as an object for negative emotions that significantly impacted the victim. Repeated sexual violence indicates a dating relationship that leads to a controlling relationship. This occurs because the perpetrator’s hegemony over the victim is carried out persuasively by convincing the victim to approve of the perpetrator’s actions.