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Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : IAIN Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (656.467 KB) | DOI: 10.22515/shirkah.v4i2.267


Madura is well-known as an island which has been identical to the values of religion. One of the values is the important role of religious institutions, such as pesantren. The role of pesantren as a traditional Islamic institution is not limited to religious areas only, but to other social aspects only, including in economic development. This study examines the economic development of pesantren through analyzing santripreneur based on local wisdom in Pamekasan, Madura, East Java, Indonesia. This study outlines descriptive-narrative explanations regarding the value of Madurese local wisdom, and creative economic santripreneur activities in the pesantren, such as batik crafts, pesantren supermarket, and sharia-based pesantren (ikhtisab) as an economic development strategy in the pesantren of Miftahul Ulum, Pamekasan. Moreover, it offers the idea of pesantren economic development in Madura, especially in the context of strengthening the economic independency and sustainability. Keywords: Madura, santri, entrepreneurship, local wisdom  
Teologi Kemaslahatan Social-Phsycal Distancing dalam Penanggulangan Covid-19 Hannan, Abd Hannan; Wafi Muhaimin; Subairi
KURIOSITAS: Media Komunikasi Sosial Keagamaan Vol 13 No 1 (2020): THE MODERATION OF RELIGION (SINTA 4)
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35905/kur.v13i1.1494


This article discusses the maslahah of COVID-19 mitigation, particularly in the application of social-physical distancing in terms of theological perspective. There are three main problems examined in this study, namely; COVID-19, benefit, and social-physical distancing. Using this type of qualitative research based on the theory of maqashid al-shari'ah, this study found that both social and physical distancing is a form of COVID-19 mitigation that both emphasizes distance protection through protection and preservation activities. In practice, social distancing and phsycal distancing function to present goodness and usefulness (maslahah) and to avoid bad things (mudharat). From a telogical perspective, the function of usefulness and goodness in the enactment of the rules of social distancing and physical distancing, it has the same content as the principle of the benefit of the theory of maqashid al-shari'ah. In maqashid al-shari'ah, an application of Islamic law must contain the purpose of benefit, where this benefit is measured based on three aspects; aspects of the scope of the maslahah, aspects of its influence, and finally are aspects of the strength of the proposition. Although the benchmarks vary, but in substance the three must contain the guiding principle on five things, namely; the safeguarding of religion, life, descent, intellect, and finally the preservation of property.
Mitigasi Covid-19 Melalui Kearifan Lokal Pesantren di Madura Hannan, Abd; Triyaningsih, Heny
Islamika Inside: Jurnal Keislaman dan Humaniora Vol 6 No 2 (2020): DESEMBER
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Humaniora Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/islamikainside.v6i2.87


Abstract: This study discusses strategies to strengthen the global pandemic COVID-19 mitigation in Madura through the utilization of the local wisdom values ​​of pesantren. There are three focus issues raised in this study, namely; COVID-19, the value of local wisdom, and finally pesantren. Using this type of qualitative research based on an analysis of sociological theory, this study found that the pesantren's social position as one of Madura's local wisdom values ​​could actually be used as a strategy to strengthen the COVID-19 transmission and transmission control activities in Madura. The strengths and advantages of pesantren in strengthening COVID-19 mitigation in Madura can be seen from two things; First, pesantren is a popular traditional Islamic institution that is synonymous with magical power and charismatic clerical figures. With this, pesantren can be used as instruments to educate the public about the importance of complying with the health protocol regulations issued by the government; Secondly, pesantren have large and broad social capital, where the social capital is centered on three networks of power such as the kyai, santri, and aumni. In this regard, both the kyai, santri, and alumni, all three can be used to strengthen the COVID-19 control agenda in Madura, specifically to target some areas which have not been adequately addressed by formal policies. The involvement of pesantren and all their social networks such as kyai, santri, and alumni, besides being able to strengthen the COVID-19 mitigation agenda, can also realize an integral role control model by combining two approaches at once, namely structural approaches and value-based approaches of local wisdom.
Dinamika Pesantren dalam Merespons Pandemi Covid-19 di Madura Hannan, Abd; Azizah, Siti; Atiya, Husna
DINIKA : Academic Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 5, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/dinika.v5i2.2923


This study discusses the dynamics of social role done by Islamic boarding schools or pesantrenin response to the Covid-19 in Madura. There are two main research questions in this article; how do people respond to the Covid-19 pandemic in Madura? What are the dynamics of Islamic boarding schools in Madura in response to the Covid-19? By using the qualitative research, this study found two major findings; first, the response of pesantrento Covid-19 in Madura is quite diverse. This is due to the religious paradigm of pesantrenin Madura, some of them are conservative, while some others are non-conservative. The conservative-based Islamic boarding schools are more reserved and they tend to counter the existence of Covid-19 by not fully following the directions of the health protocol recommended by the government. While some others, the non-conservative ones, prefer to be open to all policies taken by the government as an effort to prevent and combat Covid-19; second, although the response of Islamic boarding schools in Madura to Covid-19 tends to vary, their attitude is generally responsive when it comes to preventing the spread of the virus. They carry out this responsive attitude in the form of two approaches; structural-medical approach such as the implementation of social-physical distancing, and cultural-religious approach such as issuing religious edicts which contain theological explanations of the necessity to follow health protocols. They also provide procedures in carrying out religious rituals in emergency situations during pandemic.
Strategi Penguatan Pembangunan Madura Yang Berkelanjutan Melalui Pemberdayaan Nilai Kearifan Lokal Abd Hannan
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/sml.v1i1.4982


Being declared in 2015 in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. development based Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has an aim to operate the development which is not only in progression but also in the orientation of maintenance of social area.Reaching the aim development based SDGs gives high response to universal development, emancipative, and participative that orientate to local wisdom value. This study focus on having an aim of analyzing on going Madura reinforcement through empowerment of local wisdom value. Several main issues become a focus of this analysis namely sustainable development concept, and the concept of local wisdom value. This study is descriptive study by library approach. The theory perspective of this study is development sociology theory. The finding of this study is about description concept and sustainable development theory; the explanation of local wisdom value in a system and social structure of Madura society; and descriptive analysis about sustainable development of Madura through empowerment of local wisdom value. Generally, this paper contributes of explaining the existence of local wisdom value in Madura development dynamic, and the explanation of social change of local society in sustainable development era.
Publisher : State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2021.15.1.47-74


This study focuses on evaluating the socio-religious response of pesantren in Madura towards Covid-19 pandemic. Using qualitative research and analysis based on sociology of religion theory, this study found that pesantren in Madura present anticipatory response to curb the spread of Covid-19 by prioritizing aspects of personal safety and risk-avoiding, be it material or non-material. This responsive move is carried out by pesantren through a series of actions oriented towards protection and preservation principles. At the practical level, these principles are implemented in two approaches at once, structural and cultural. The structural approach refers to pesantren policies implementing health protocols in its vicinity, such as social and physical distancing, using hand sanitizer, temporarily stopping congregational worship activities, and postponing ceremonial religious activities that attract crowds. On the other hand, cultural approach refers to the involvement of pesantren in sounding religious calls to the general public to always abide by the health protocols and procedures for carrying out activities of worship amidst the Covid-19 pandemic crisis.
Post-truth and Islamophobia narration in the contemporary Indonesian political constellation Zainuddin Syarif; Syafiq A. Mughni; Abd Hannan
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies Vol 10, No 2 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/ijims.v10i2.199-225


This article discusses the phenomenon of post-truth politics, role, and its influence on the return of Islamophobic narratives in the dynamics of Indonesian political constellation. There are three main issues discussed in this study: post-truth, Islamophobia in Indonesia, and contemporary Indonesian political constellation. Using qualitative research and analysis of critical theory perspectives, this study found that the development of post-truth political practices indirectly evokes the narrative of Islamophobia in contemporary Indonesian political constellation. The return of the Islamophobia can be seen in three ways. First, the practice of post-truth politics which is rooted in the politicization of religion and ethnicity, it gives negative impact not only because of unhealthy process of leadership circulation in Indonesia, but has also faltered the reality of Indonesia's plurality as a pluralist state, both in terms of ethnicity and religion. Second, post-truth political practices in which contain propaganda, intimidation, lies and hate speech have stimulated the rise of sentiment towards religious social groups, as happened in the “212 Movement”. Third, the return of Islamophobic narratives due to political Post-truth appears to be increasing clashes and practices of religious intolerance in Indonesia, where intolerance is practiced by the majority against minority groups. Artikel ini mengkaji fenomena politik post-truth, peran dan pengaruhnya terhadap kembalinya narasi Islamophobia dalam dinamika konstelasi politik Indonesia kontemporer. Terdapat tiga permasalahan pokok yang dibahas dalam kajian ini: post-truth, Islamophobia, dan konstelasi politik Indonesia kontemporer. Dengan menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dan analisis perspektif teori kritis, studi ini mendapati temuan bahwa berkembangnya praktik politik post-truth, secara tidak langsung telah membangkitkan kembali narasi Islamophobia dalam konstelasi politik Indonesia kontemporer. Kembalinya narasi Islamophobia tersebut terlihat dalam tiga hal. Pertama, praktik politik post-truth yang berakar pada politisasi agama dan etnisitas, telah menimbulkan dampak negatif bukan saja pada tidak sehatnya proses sirkulasi kepemimpinan di Indonesia, namun juga telah membuat goyah realitas kemajemukan Indonesia sebagai negara pluralis, baik dari segi etnisitas maupun agama. Kedua, praktik politik post-truth yang di dalamnya berisikan propaganda, intimidasi, dan kebohongan, telah menstimulus bangkitnya sentimen terhadap kelompok-kelompok sosial keagamaan, seperti yang terjadi dalam gerakan Aksi Bela Islam 212. Ketiga, kembalinya narasi Islamophobia akibat politik post-truth nampak pada semakin meningkatnya benturan dan praktik intoleransi keagamaan di Indonesia, di mana intoleransi dilakukan oleh kelompok mayoritas terhadap kelompok minoritas.
Kearifan Lokal Pesantren sebagai Bangunan Ideal Moderasi Islam Masyarakat Madura Zainuddin Syarif; Abd Hannan
Islamica: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 14 No. 2 (2020): Maret
Publisher : Postgraduate Studies of Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/islamica.2020.14.2.220-240


In many social studies, Madura is known as an archipelago with its various local wisdom, embodied in the socio-religious systems and structures of pesantren. Pesantren is a social system and structure that contains local values which have great influence especially on the formation of Islamic traditions among the Madurese community. This study employs a qualitative approach with a library method, combined with the perspective of the sociology of religion. Theoretically, this study is aimed to enrich the scholarship on social and religious studies, and practically to build Islamic culture that upholds the values of moderatism. The findings of this study contain an in-depth description of local wisdom values of pesantren in Madura, their role in, and influence on, the formation of Islamic moderatism among the Madurese community.
HEGEMONI RELIGIO-KEKUASAAN DAN TRANSFORMASI SOSIAL Mobilisasi Jaringan Kekuasaan dan Keagamaan Kyai dalam Dinamika Sosio-Kultural Masyarakat Abd Hannan; Kudrat Abdillah
Sosial Budaya Vol 16, No 1 (2019): Juni 2019
Publisher : Lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/sb.v16i1.7037


Madura society has identical religiosity. One of their religiosities are in glorifying the tradition, institute, and religious symbol. Dealing with it, the existence of kyai (scholar) is a religious symbol which has strong effect toward the existence of social culture of local society. This study specially will analyze Network Mobilization of Scholar Religious Authority in socio-culture of Madura society. Some crucial issues become a focus of explanation in this study namely; existence of kyai, network mobilization of Kyai religious authority, the effect toward politic reality in socio-culture of Madura society. This study is field study which uses qualitative research. The data of this paper is primary and secondary data. Whereas the theory used is sociology theories; Hegemony Gramsci theory, and authority theory of Michel Foucault. The finding of this study is descriptive-Narrative of kyai existence in social system of Madura society. And the description of scholar religious authority network in in socio-culture of Madura society. This writing contribute in describing a direction of politic dynamic of Madura society. And the description of participation and effect of kyai (scholar) religious authority network in socio-culture of Madura society.
ISLAMIC DISRUPTION: How Digital Platform Changes Religious Pattern of Muslim Society in Contemporary Indonesia Zainuddin Syarif; Abd Hannan
AL-TAHRIR Vol 22, No 1 (2022): Islamic Studies
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/altahrir.v22i1.3730


This study discusses the phenomenon of Islamic disruption among contemporary Muslims in Indonesia. There are three research questions discussed in this study; How is the existence of Muslim netizens in Indonesia today? What are the religious dynamics that occur among Muslim netizens in Indonesia? How does the disruption of Islam affect their religious patterns and behavior? By conducting an in-depth analysis based on the perspective of postmodern sociological theory, this study found three findings; First, contemporary Indonesian Muslims are Muslim netizens who have a high dependence on technology and information media with digital platforms. Second, the Islamic disruptions among native Muslims occur in two aspects, namely the aspect of worship marked by a shift in religious behavior from traditional rituals to modern rituals. Next is the education aspect, shifting the Muslim netizen's religious learning tradition which is no longer centered in the conventional space, but shifts to a digital-based virtual space. Third, religious disruption affects the religious culture of Muslim netizens through three elements; speed, surprise, and finally a sudden shift.