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Journal : Journal of Judicial Review

Journal of Judicial Review Vol 21 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Internasional Batam

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The purpose of this study is to describe clearly and carefully about the process of dispute resolution on Sharia insurance in Indonesia referring towards law regulations and to acknowledge the law-effectiveness of BA-SYAR-NAS and the Religious Court as the institutions with equal authorities for Sharia insurance dispute settlement in Indonesia. The research method applied on this study is sociological legal approach. The data utilized are secondary and primary data. After the entire data have been collected, they were being processed and analyzed. The qualitative method were used to analyzed aspects as they were studied. Furthermore, the conclusion was drawn according to this study, alongside a descriptive elaboration. Based on the result of this research-study, it has been accounted that the process of dispute resolution of insurance could be settled by two legal institutions. According to the theory of the “Effectiveness of Law” by Soerjono Soekanto, BA-SYAR-NAS is more effective in terms of settling the dispute of Sharia insurance corresponding to the court principles of simple, efficient and low-cost. Nevertheless in reality, that the legal culture of the society leans more towards the Religious Court.
Co-Authors Abdurrahman Alhakim Abdurrakhman Alhakim Ampuan Situmeang Angelina Oei Anisa Tia Mulyani Anly Suryadhana Ar-Raudah Ar-Raudah Autia Kurnia Putri Hapsari Aviany Yanti Ayu Arthalaini Limbong Chairunisa Aj Reqha Christofer Paskah De La Cruz Nongsina Cindy Amelia Darwin Darwin Defi Arika Della Delia Dhenisa Octavia Irawan Dinda Lucida Siswan Dylan Perdinando Eko Nurisman Ela Rahmawati Elisabeth Ronauli Ina Sedo Langodai Elvina Enjelica Erika Emilia Putri Evelyn Fenecia Fariz Rayhan Felix Filbert Felix Sastro Lino Felysha Putri Divia Ferinna Lidya Fionna Angeline Hana Renata Tan Peiru Hardy Winata Lie Hien Trinh Jacelyn Jack Taosen Jason Jason Jeny Jessica Jane Jesslyn Larissa Junisa Putri Salsabila Karen Amaris Keltine Richelle Chan Kevin Chandra Wijaya Kevin John Paul Manurung Kyushu Davina Shebiartha Liand Maulidina Marsya Asyikin Melisa Melisa Melvin Louisly Melvin Melvin Muhammad Firza Herianto Muhammad Naufal Anshari Muhd. Wildan Riyansyah Nadia Salsabilla Nicholas Nicholas Novi Wira Sartika Zebua Novita Putri Novri Winson Nuryoga Aji Sakti Oda I.B. Hariyanto Oda Ignatuis Besar Hariyanto Permata Andini Sinaga Princessa tan Widiana Putri Deviana Insti Regina Uliana Sirait Rini Rini Rismauli Br Gultom Rynando Sadrakh Halim Sakilah Dwi Cahyani Selli Selli Sheerleen Sheerleen Shely Fitria Binti Adi Azhar Shenti Agustini Sri Mulyeni Steven Marlin Trillian Lim Vanessa Angel Vendryan Vendryan Vichadiya Vichadiya Vivi Handayani Williem Aditya Sion Purba Winsherly Tan Yana Oetary Yehezkiel Christian Angga Anjula Purba Yohannes DS Sitorus Zahratul Aini