Kurniawan Yudianto
Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Padjadjaran

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Adolescent Moslem Students Sleep Hygiene Behaviour Description At Pondok Pesantren Siti Nur Alfiyah; F. Sri Susilaningsih; Kurniawan Yudianto
Journal of Nursing Care Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Journal of Nursing Care
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jnc.v1i1.15760


School activities and socialization consume a lot of time for adolescents and leave a little time for adolescents to rest or sleep. Changes in environment, independence and changes in sleep patterns commonly occur for students who undergo pesantren activities, thus affecting the quantity and sleep quality of students. Sleep deprivation is associated with poor sleep hygiene behaviour. This study used descriptive quantitative method with single variable. Sampling technique used at this study is stratified random sampling. This study involved as many as 161 adolescent moslem students at the age of 11-20 years in Pondok Pesantren Darul Hikmah Tanjungmekar Tanjungkerta Sumedang Distric. Data collected by using Adolescent Sleep Hygiene Scale Questionnaire and analyzed by using mean value. The result of this study showed that more than half of the respondents had good sleep hygiene practices (68,3%). There are four aspects of adolescent moslem students sleep hygiene in good category : cognitive/emotional aspect, sleep environment aspect, sleep stability aspect and substance use aspect. Two aspects of sleep hygiene in bad category are in the daytime sleep aspect and bedtime routine aspects. Meanwhile physiological aspect and behavioural arousal aspect have an almost balance values. Monitoring moslem students sleep schedule not to exceed 24.00, providing separate room for moslem study self study, habits of toothbrush before bed, monitoring of cigarette use in cottage environment, not providing tea at dinner time, and monitoring of moslem students activity outside school or cottage Pesantren is a thing that should be attention.Keyword: Adolescent, moslem students, sleep hygiene. Gambaran Sleep Hygiene Santri Remaja Pondok PesantrenAbstrakAktivitas sekolah dan sosialisasi yang dilakukan oleh remaja mengakibatkan banyaknya waktu yang tersita dan hanya sedikit waktu yang disisakan untuk beristirahat ataupun tidur. Perubahan lingkungan, kemandirian dan perubahan pola tidur yang tajam biasa terjadi bagi siswa yang menjalani kegiatan pesantren, sehingga berpengaruh terhadap kuantitas dan kualitas tidur siswa. Kekurangan tidur ini berhubungan dengan buruknya perilaku sleep hygiene. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran 8 aspek sleep hygiene, serta gambaran sleep hygiene berdasarkan latar belakang demografi santri. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif kuantitatif dengan variabel tunggal. Adapun teknik sampling yang digunakan yaitu stratified random sampling. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 161 santri remaja usia 11-20 tahun di Pondok Pesantren Darul Hikmah Tanjungmekar Kecamatan Tanjungkerta Kabupaten Sumedang. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner Adolescent Sleep Hygiene Scale serta dianalisis menggunakan nilai mean. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 68,3% responden memiliki praktik sleep hygiene yang baik. Aspek-aspek sleep hygiene santri yang berada dalam kategori baik terdapat pada aspek kognitif emosional, aspek lingkungan tidur, aspek stabilitas tidur dan aspek penggunaan substansi. Adapun 2 aspek sleep hygiene yang berada dalam kategori buruk terdapat pada aspek tidur siang dan aspek rutinitas sebelum tidur. Sedangkan aspek fisiologis dan aspek perilaku penggugah memiliki hasil yang hampir seimbang. Memantau jadwal tidur santri agar tidak melebihi pukul 24.00, menyediakan ruangan terpisah bagi santri untuk belajar mandiri, pembiasaan sikat gigi sebelum tidur, pemantauan penggunaan rokok di lingkungan pondok, tidak menyediakan teh pada saat jam makan malam, dan pemantauan kegiatan santri diluar jam sekolah ataupun pondok pesantren merupakan hal yang sebaiknya pengurus pondok pesantren perhatikan.Kata kunci : Remaja, santri, sleep hygiene.
Study of Elderly Needs to Service of Santun Lansia Health Center Kurniawan Yudianto; Fadiah Izzati Salim; Citra Windani Mambang Sari
Journal of Nursing Care Vol 1, No 3 (2018): Journal of Nursing Care
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1312.187 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jnc.v1i3.18523


When a person become elderly people will slowly decline in physical function and psychological aspect affecting the economic and social conditions. The purpose of this study is to identify the needs of the elderly to Age-friendly Community Health Center (Puskesmas Santun Lansia) services in Puskesmas Puter. This research using quantitative descriptive method with 96 respondents who were taken by purposive sampling technique. The data collection technique using a questionnaire based on the concept of Age-friendly Community Health Center. Results were analyzed using univariate analysis with mean/median.The result showed that 86.5% of elderly people requiring Age-friendly Community Health Centerservices and 47% of elderly people consider it important. All of respondent require servicing at dimensions promotive, preventive, rehabilitative, and ease of service. While the dimensions of curative required by all respondents. Most elderly people consider it important dimension of service on promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative, and ease of service.Based on research, it is expected the collaboration between the City Health Department and Community Health Center in the development of special program for elderly to improve quality of care for the elderly.
The Relationship Between Adversity Quotient and Career Adaptability of Internship Nursing Students Annida Nur Shalihah; Kurniawan Yudianto; Nur Oktavia Hidayati
Journal of Nursing Care Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Journal of Nursing Care
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jnc.v1i1.15761


A competitive job market is a challenge that needs to be faced by every university graduate. It is expected that every graduate has capability to keep face with expansion in job sectors. To be able to adapt to the job situation, a specific intelligence to face in facing every challenge and obstacle namely adversity quotient, is required. This study aimed to identify the correlation between adversity quotient (AQ) and career adaptability of internship nursing students. This study was descriptive correlational. Samples were recruited using a total sampling tecnique (n=142). Data were collected using a questionnaire consisting of a demographic survey, an Adversity Response Profile (ARP) Quick TakeTM and a Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Rank Spearman correlation test. The result of this study indicated that no students were in quitter category, only 0,7% of them were in quitter to camper transition, 76,8% of them were campers, 21,8% of the students were in camper to climber transition, 0,7% of all respondents were climbers. No students had a very low career adaptability, only 1,4% of them had a low career adaptability, while the proportions of students with a high and very high career adaptability were 75,4% and 23,2 % respectively. No significant correlation was found between AQ and career adaptability (p value >0,05; Spearman’s ρ +0,122). It can be concluded that most of internship nursing students at Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran were campers and had a high level of career adaptability. There was also no significant correlation between AQ and career adaptability. Further research needs to explore about contributing factors related to career adaptability in internship nursing students.Keywords: Adversity quotient, career adaptability, internship nursing student. Hubungan Adversity Quotient dan Adaptabilitas Karier pada Mahasiswa Profesi NersAbstrakDalam menghadapi pasar kerja yang semakin ketat, setiap lulusan universitas diharapkan memiliki kemampuan untuk menghadapi tantangan dan beradaptasi dengan perkembangan pada dunia kerja. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut diperlukan adanya kecerdasan dalam menghadapi setiap tantangan dan hambatan yang disebut adversity quotient (AQ). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan AQ dan adaptabilitas karier pada mahasiswa profesi ners. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif korelatif. Responden penelitian berjumlah 181orang mahasiswa program profesi ners angkatan 32 dan 33 di Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Padjadjaran yang di ambil dengan teknik total sampling dengan response rate 78,45%. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu Adversity Response Profile (ARP) Quick TakeTM dan Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skoring ARP QuickTakeTM, skoring CAAS, serta uji korelasi Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak seorangpun responden yang berada pada kategori quitter, sebanyak 0,7% dari responden berada pada kategori transisi quitter ke camper, pada kategori camper sebanyak 76,8%, pada kategori transisi camper ke climber sebanyak 21,8%, dan pada kategori climber sebanyak 0,7%. Tidak ada mahasiswa dengan adaptabilitas karier sangat rendah, hanya 1,4% mahasiswa dengan adaptabilitas karier rendah, sedangkan mahasiswa dengan adaptabilitas karier tinggi dan sangat tinggi masing-masing proporsinya sebanyak 75,4% dan 23,2%. Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara AQ dan adaptabilitas karier (p value >0,05; Spearman’s ρ +0,122). Simpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu sebagian besar mahasiswa profesi ners Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Padjadjaran memiliki AQ dengan kategori camper dan memiliki adaptabilitas karier tinggi. Meskipun demikian, tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara AQ dan adaptabilitas karier. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan untuk melakukan penelitian terkait faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi adaptabilitas karier pada mahasiswa profesi ners.Kata kunci: Adversity quotient, adaptabilitas karier, mahasiswa profesi ners.
Use of the Technology Acceptance Model for Electronic Medical Records in Nursing Documentation: Scooping Review Novita Sari; Ati Surya Mediawati; Kurniawan Yudianto
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 6 No 4 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v6i4.3373


Digital transformation in the health sector, especially in health services, where previously health facilities used manual medical records, switched to electronic medical records. The Technology Acceptance Model is a framework used to understand how users accept and adopt technology, in this case electronic medical records. This study aims to identifyuse of the Technology Acceptance Model on nurses' acceptance of the implementation of electronic medical records. This study used the scooping review method. Literature searches were obtained through 3 databases, namely PubMed and CINAHL, as well as Google Scholar with the keywords: Technology Acceptance Model, Nursing Documentation, Electronic Medical Record's. Articles were extracted manually through tabulation and analyzed using a descriptive analysis approach. The publication period in the article search is the last 10 years (2014-2024). Collecting data used manual table. There were 8 articles included in this study, where the results of the scoping showed a significant relationship between perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use on nurses' acceptance of attitudes and attitudes had a strong influence on intentions to use electronic medical records. The importance of management support in preparing electronic medical records from their usefulness and ease of use in supporting nursing service activities in health facilities.
Factors Influencing Turnover Intention in Nurses: A Scoping Review Birry Assidiqy; Hana Rizmadewi Agustina; Kurniawan Yudianto
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 6 No 5 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v6i5.3438


Urnover intention in nurses is a serious concern in the health care industry, affecting workforce stability and the quality of services provided to patients. Complex factors such as job satisfaction, work environment, and personal factors have been identified as the main causes of nurses' intention to leave their jobs. Purpose: This study aims to review the factors that influence turnover intention in nurses. Methods: A scoping review study design was used with the Arksey and O'Malley approach. A literature search was carried out through the Scopus, PubMed, and CINAHL databases using relevant keywords. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were established for study selection, and data were extracted using manual tables. Data analysis was carried out descriptively qualitatively with a thematic analysis approach. Results: The literature review showed that there were 8 articles that met the inclusion criteria to be included in the analysis. Factors that influence turnover intention in nurses include internal aspects such as job satisfaction, work stress, and organizational commitment, as well as external factors such as the work environment and social support. Conclusion: By deeply understanding these factors, health organizations can design appropriate intervention strategies to reduce turnover intention, increase nursing workforce retention, and improve the quality of health services provided to patients.
Overview of Fatherless in Senior High School Adolescents Kurnia Jatiningtyas; Udin Rosidin; Kurniawan Yudianto
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 6 No 5 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v6i5.3708


Family is the main environment in the process of forming a child’s personality, where a good personality results from a good upbringing and education from both mother and father. However, the presence of a father figure is often not felt. Fatherless is the absence of a father’s role and presence in parenting, which occurs due to a particular reason. Objective: This study aims to determine the overview of fatherless in adolescents at SMAN X Bandung. Method: This study is a descriptive-quantitative research using a proportionate stratified random sampling technique, conducted on 291 students of SMAN X Bandung. The research data were measured from The Father Presence Questionnaire (FPQ), which has been translated into Indonesian, with the validity test count of 0.303 - 0.819 and Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.958. The data were analyzed univariately using frequency distribution and percentages. Results: A total 120 students (41.2%) are at high risk of experiencing fatherless, while the other 171 students (58.8%) are not at risk and receive adequate father’s role. Conclusions: The father’s role and presence for students is still necessary to be improved by holding a parenting class, training, and seminar, as these will have a positive impact on the student’s psychological development.