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Numerical Modelling Based on Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Analysis of Debris Flow at Rinjani Volcano, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Muhammad Fatih Qodri; Noviardi Noviardi; Al Hussein Flowers Rizqi; Lindung Zalbuin Mase
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum Vol. 7 No. 3 (September 2021)
Publisher : Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jcef.63417


Debris flow is a disaster occurring in cases where a sediment particle flows at high speed, down to the slope, and usually with high viscosity and speed. This disaster is very destructive and human life-threatening, especially in mountainous areas. As one of the world’s active volcanoes in the world, Rinjani had the capacity to produce over 3 million m3 volume material in the 2015 eruption alone. Therefore, this study proposes a numerical model analysis to predict the debris flow release area (erosion) and deposition, as well as the discharge, flow height, and velocity. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was analyzed in ArcGIS, to acquire the Cartesian coordinates and “hillshade” form. This was also used as a method to produce vulnerable areas in the Jangkok watershed. Meanwhile, the Rapid Mass Movement Simulation (RAMSS) numerical modeling was simulated using certain parameters including volume, friction, and density, derived from the DEM analysis results and assumptions from similar historical events considered as the best-fit rheology. In this study, the release volume was varied at 1,000,000 m3, 2,000,000 m3, and 3,000,000 m3, while the simulation results show movement, erosion, and debris flow deposition in Jangkok watershed. This study is bound to be very useful in mitigating debris flow as disaster anticipation and is also expected to increase community awareness, as well as provide a reference for structural requirements, as a debris flow prevention.
Seismic Site Response Simulation of Jakarta subsoils due to 5.4 MW Banten Earthquake July 7th 2020 Muhammad Fatih Qodri
Retii 2020: Prosiding Seminar Nasional ReTII ke-15
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta

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The potential descruction could be affected by long-distance earthquakes since the vibrations could appear amplification of ground shake during the wave propagation. On July 7th 2020, the 5.4 Mw earthquake happened at Banten Province affiliated with intraslab activities where the Indo-Australian Plate is submerged beneath the Eurasian Plate. The earthquake epicenter is relatively far away from the downtown Jakarta, i.e. about 95 km. However, some people in Jakarta could feel the shaking during the earthquake. It indicates that the long-period shaking could happen during the earthquake. Futhermore, this study aims to interpret the amplification effect in Jakarta. The next generation attenuation (NGA) model is implemented to generate the ground motion for the investigated sites. Simulation of non linear one-dimensional seismic site response is then performed to observe the soil behavior and ground motion parameters on the investigated sites. In general, the results could describe the amplification effect on Jakarta subsoils. The results are also addressed to make the awareness of the earthquakes for people of Jakarta and Indonesia in general.
Mapping of Landslide Susceptibility based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Sermo Dam and its Surrounding Areas, Kokap, Kulon Progo Al hussein Flowers Rizqi; Vilman Sidik; Fatimah Fatimah; Herning Dyah Kusuma Wijayanti; Muhammad Fatih Qodri
Retii 2021: Prosiding Seminar Nasional ReTII ke-16
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta

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The Nanggulan Formation as the oldest formation in the Kulon Progo Mountains is not only exposed in a type location in the Nanggulan area, Kalibawang. However, in the western area of ​​the Sermo Reservoir, precisely in the hills around the Kokap, the Nanggulan Formation is found in several places. The existence of the Nanggulan Formation around the Sermo Reservoir is suspected to have triggered the occurrence of ground movements in this area. The purpose of this research is to map the ground motion. The purpose of the study was to determine the potential for ground motion in the study area. The research area is included in the southern Kulon Progo Dome Mountain Zone. This ground motion zoning mapping was carried out based on the AHP (methodAnalytical Hierarchy Process) using the weighted values ​​of four parameters. The parameters used are slope, lithology, land use and rainfall. The results of AHP processing using Arc GIS software produce a landslide susceptibility zoning map which is divided into 5 classes (very low, low, medium, high and very high). Based on the results of mapping using the AHP method, the most vulnerable area is Hargowilis Village which is composed of claystone lithology from the Nanggulan Formation. Keywords: Landslides, Nanggulan, Sermo, AHP, Kulon Progo
Pengolahan Data Digital Elevation Model Untuk Pembuatan Peta Aliran Debris Pada Sungai Palung Pulau Lombok Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Noviardi Noviardi; Muhammad Fatih Qodri; Al Hussein Flowers Rizqi
Retii 2021: Prosiding Seminar Nasional ReTII ke-16
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta

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Debris flow is one type of mass movement that occurs where a combination of loose soil, rock, organic materials, air, and water moves down to a slope. Debris flow usually occurs due to intense surface water flow and heavy rainfall, which erodes and mobilizes loose soil or rock on steep slopes. In the last decade, debris flow disaster have occurred in Lombok Regency which caused many casualties and infrastructure damage. The method used in this modeling is generated from the processing of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data which is correlated with several parameters such as volume, friction, etc. Furthermore, the parameters determined are simulated using the RAMMS application. The results of this modeling are numerical data and zonation maps of debris flow prone areas. This Research is expected to be an effort to mitigate debris flow disasters around the Palung watershed, Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province. Keyword : debris flow, modeling, RAMMS, Palung Watershed.
KURVATEK Vol 8 No 1 (2023): Energy Management and Sustainable Environment
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33579/krvtk.v8i1.4028


Air telah menjadi salah satu kebutuhan manusia yang sangat penting, terutama di sungai yang berkaitan dengan pengolahan limbah industri. Parameter kualitas limbah cair yang berkaitan erat dengan kehidupan manusia adalah kadar pH, Total Dissolve Solids (TDS), dan suhu air. Dengan kemajuan teknologi informasi, solusi cerdas untuk pemantauan kualitas air menjadi lebih populer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sebuah sistem pemantauan kualitas limbah cair dari hasil industri plastik berbasis teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) dan terproteksi Wireguard. Sistem pemantauan dirancang menggunakan Sensor pH Meter Analog untuk mengukur pH, Sensor TDS Meter untuk mengukur tingkat kekeruhan limbah cair, dan Sensor DS18B20 untuk mengukur suhu air. Perancangan sistem ini menggunakan jaringan wifi yang terhubung internet untuk mengirimkan data sensor ke pusat data. Untuk menjaga data agar tidak bisa dibaca oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab, sistem diintegrasikan dengan VPN Wireguard, sehingga seluruh data yang dikirimkan dari sistem pemantau akan terenkrpsi dengan sempurna dan hanya bisa dibuka oleh client yang memiliki kuncinya saja. Hasil pembacaan sensor tersebut yang telah dikirimkan ke pusat data, dapat diakses oleh pengguna terotentifikasi melalui website yang dapat diakses melalui aplikasi smartphone ataupun browser laptop. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, sistem pemantauan dapat bekerja dengan baik untuk menatau limbah cair pada industri plastik. Selanjutnya, apabila terdapat hasil yang kurang baik untuk lingkungan mengenai limbah cair dari hasil pengukuran dapat segera ditangai sengat cepat dan efisien.