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Waskita: Jurnal Pendidikan Nilai dan Pembangunan Karakter Vol 2, No 1 (2018)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (879.283 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.waskita.2018.002.01.7


This paper will examine the shift in the values / character of children of today's "kids zaman now" with the ancient children "kids zaman old" through memes that have been widely circulated in social media. Each meme contains a discourse that compares between generations past and present. From the proposition will be seen, assessed, and compared based on the positive and negative elements of the moral message presented. The results obtained from both propositions explain that the shift in moral values occurs significantly between generations past and present. Negative moral elements always lie in the proposition of "kids of the times" and positive elements are always emphasized on "kids age old". Of the many memes used as data, one of the factors that led to the shift in moral values is modern technology (gawai).
Waskita: Jurnal Pendidikan Nilai dan Pembangunan Karakter Vol 4, No 2 (2020): WASKITA: Jurnal Pendidikan Nilai dan Pembangunan Karakter

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.waskita.2020.004.02.5


The Influence of Tourism Village Status on Perceptions of Community Happiness in Jodipan, Blimbing, Malang City. The focus of this experiment is the perception of happiness among residents in the Jodipan tourism village. The basic assumption behind this experiment is that changes in the status of slum settlements in the Jodipan village which later turned into a colorful tourist villageof Jodipan are very likely to affect the level of happiness of the people who live there. This study aims to describe (a) the most influential variables in determining the level of happiness in Jodipan Village and (b) whether there is a relationship between the change in status of Kampung Jodipan (from slums to tourism villages) to the perception of happiness of the community. To test these assumptions, this study uses a quantitative-descriptive approach. The data in this study were obtained through questionnaires adjusted for indicators in measuring perceptions of happiness such as: utilization of time and life balance, speech culture and the value of religiosity, physical and mental health, and community solidarity. The data were then validated and analyzed to examine the relationship between independent variables (X), namely the status of tourist village with the dependent variable (Y), which is the perception of happiness. Furthermore, this study also aims to examine the relationship between sub-variable attitudes and sub-variables of perception of happiness as indicators.
BANTUAN KUOTA INTERNET UNTUK PENDIDIKAN DARI PEMERINTAH INDONESIA: SEJAUH APA MANFAATNYA? Dwi Cahya Astriya Nugraha; Diah Priharsari; Ismiarta Aknuranda; Dewi Yanti Liliana; Noveria Anggraeni Fiaji; Buce Trias Hanggara; M. Gilvy Langgawan Putra; Indira Putri Hendini; I Gede Surya Rahayuda; Prima Zulvarina
Jurnal Sistem Informasi, Teknologi Informasi, dan Edukasi Sistem Informasi Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/justsi.v1i2.36


Esai ini adalah ringkasan dari sebuah diskusi yang membahas mengenai sejauh apa manfaat bantuan kuota internet untuk pendidikan yang dilakukan pada tanggal 16 november 2020 dengan total sepuluh peserta. Peserta mewakili beberapa golongan dari penerima pemberian bantuan kuota internet yaitu dosen & guru, mahasiswa dan siswa, dan orang tua siswa. Diskusi tersebut menghasilkan tiga hal terkait area penelitian, saran untuk pendidik dan institusi pendidikan, dan desain sosialisasi bantuan. Area penelitian tersebut adalah proses pembelajaran jarak jauh yang terjadi di Indonesia, perilaku pelajar terhadap teknologi, kondisi pendukung pembelajaran jarak jauh, dan kepentingan berkaitan dengan akses kuota internet yang perlu dibatasi atau tidak, dan bagaimana pembatasannya jika bantuan tersebut perlu dibatasi. Selain itu, dikumpulkan juga saran-saran yang dapat dilakukan pendidik dan institusi pendidikan yaitu: mengetahui kondisi siswa, mendesain proses belajar mengajar sesuai dengan kondisi siswa, dan khusus untuk anak yang belum dewasa dibutuhkan keterlibatan orang tua dalam mendesain pembelajaran. Satu hal yang tampak terlihat disorot oleh peserta diskusi adalah kekurangtahuan peserta diskusi mengenai adanya informasi yang lengkap mengenai bantuan kuota internet untuk pendidikan.
Kesesuaian Higher Order Thinking Skill pada Instrumen Evaluasi Buku Ajar Pendidikan Pancasila di Perguruan Tinggi Prima Zulvarina; Destriana Saraswati; Noveria Anggraeni Fiaji
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1563.077 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um019v7i2p507-515


This study described the diversity of higher order thinking skills in the evaluation instrument for Pancasila Education textbooks in universities and analyzed the level of conformity of higher order thinking skills in the evaluation instrument for Pancasila Education textbooks in universities. This study used a qualitative approach with the type of descriptive research. Data were collected utilizing observation and document study. The data obtained were analyzed by descriptive, interpretive techniques through data reduction, data presentation, and verification. The study results indicated that the evaluation instrument in the Pancasila Education textbook contained all the criteria for higher-order thinking skills, including critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and creative thinking. However, the evaluation instrument in the Pancasila Education textbook, which contained criteria for higher-order thinking skills, was only 36 out of 78 items. Therefore, the Pancasila Education textbook needed to be revised again because the number of analyzing levels was more dominant than evaluating and creating. In addition, the cognitive domain in the Pancasila Education textbook was out of tune with the National Higher Education Standards guidelines.
SOCIALIZATION “ARCA” AS AN INTRODUCING HISTORICAL TOURISM MALANG REGENCY Noveria Anggraeni Fiaji; Prima Zulvarina; Khalid Rahman; In’amul Wafi; Zenitha Kurnia Putri
Wisesa: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): WISESA: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : UPT. PKM UB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.wisesa.2022.01.1.2


The service team targeted the Malang Regency Tourism and Culture Office as the organizer of activities in the tourism sector. The main task of the Department of Tourism and Culture is tourism promotion. Therefore, it is hoped that the ARCA application can be part of a tourism promotion strategy in Malang Regency. Candi Jago is chosen as the object of this application because on the main terrace of the temple there are Reliefs about fables that contain moral values for tourists. With the ARCA Application, tourists do not need to hesitate anymore to be able to visit Candi Jago because ARCA can help tourists to read the Reliefs found on the main terrace with 3-Dimensional AR (Augmented Reality) media in the form of animated videos. The methods used are the online lecture method, the online question and answer method, and the online demonstration method. The results of the evaluation of the outreach, the ARCA application is still limited and available on the Play Store and cannot be downloaded on the App Store, because during the application trial, there were participants who asked why on their smartphone they could not download the application. Meanwhile, another obstacle is that your smartphone does not support being able to download the ARCA application because it requires an upgrade to the latest version.