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Lakar: Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 2, No 01 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1113.128 KB) | DOI: 10.30998/lja.v2i01.3429


The South Bogor District which is a conservation area who has a function and the role of conservation area and land that can provide portection for the area of his men, and is the settlement with congestion low. But the development of the settlement within 10 years, from the 2007-2016 has resulted in the change in the use of the land in this area of 481,91 Ha or an average of 48.19 Ha/year. The purpose of this research is composed a strategy that needs to be done to control the develop housing area, so that the existence of a conservation are stay awake. Methods used is method superimpose and scoring then do the factors that most influential on the aberration of utilization of land. From the analysis of the level of threat is conservation areas, most of the area included in the middle classification with an area of 938.58 Ha (46.55 %), a high threat level of 283.30 Ha (14.05%), while low threat level with an area reaching 794.26 Ha (39.40%). In addition, from the overlay of the spatial pattern map contained in the RTRW with the existing conditions, it shows existence land use mismatches specified in the spatial plan an area of 1,662.40 Ha or 59.77%. The factors that cause the change in land use in this conservation area are population development, socio-economic conditions, accessibility, supervision of settlement construction, and licensing problems. Output the study of internal factors and external factors is conducted then a strategy can be done improve the supervision of development involving with communities by cracking down on violations of the utilization of space in the area that are not in accordance with the spatial plans, as well as maintain and preserve conservation areas through the housing development that environmentally.
Karakteristik Daya Tarik Fungsional Kawasan dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Inisiasi Aglomerasi Kawasan Alhas Baso Umar; Soekmana Soma
Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Edisi April 2022
Publisher : Prodi Kajian Pembangunan Perkotaan dan Wilayah

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi daya tarik fungsional yang dapat menjadi faktor dalam memulai aglomerasi regional. Metode Analisis didasarkan pada analisis konten yang dilakukan untuk identifikasi aglomerasi regional, berdasarkan kuesioner preferensi yang diungkapkan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik wisatawan; metode lain yang digunakan analisis determinan untuk mengidentifikasi daya tarik fungsional yang mempengaruhi inisiasi aglomerasi di dua daerah sumber air panas di daerah Rancabali, Ciwidey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada enam daya tarik yang mempengaruhi inisiasi daerah: pemenuhan kegiatan utama; parkir gratis; jam operasional; pemenuhan kegiatan tambahan; bentuk pengembangan; dan keterjangkauan. Keenam objek wisata tersebut menunjukkan tingkat daya tarik yang mempengaruhi inisiasi aglomerasi di kawasan pemandian air panas Cimanggu dan Walini. Dalam penelitian terkait Karakteristik daya tarik fungsional terhadap inisiasi aglomerasi disimpulkan bahwa lokasi pemandian air panas yang memiliki fasilitas lebih lengkap (ketersediaan fasilitas, tempat ibadah, rest area, toilet, kualitas toilet, ketersediaan air, dan penginapan) tidak berbanding lurus dengan aglomerasi yang dapat dibuat dari aktivitas utama berupa sumber air panas. Tapi, daya tarik enam yang disebutkan di atas adalah daya tarik utama yang mempengaruhi inisiasi aglomerasi di dua bidang.
Pengendalian Perubahan Fungsi Rumah Tinggal Menjadi Bangunan Gedung Tempat Usaha Di Kawasan Perkotaan soekmana soma; Ernawati Ernawati; Budi Suprayitno
Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Prodi Kajian Pembangunan Perkotaan dan Wilayah

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Limited land area and its high price in urban areas causes invasion of commercial functions into residential areas. Change of residential houses into business buildings are caused by population growth within a city and increased activities, when the land remains constant and hence unable to accommodate urban community needs. Among the phenomena is the increase of twofold use of residential house – for residence and for business - to secure families’ additional income/ economy improvement. As a result, spatial planning pattern is uncontrolled, and functions specified in spatial plans are not achieved. This in turn has disrupted activities and environmental comfort of residential function as proper shelter. This research aims to produce a formulation of Control of Changes of Function of Residential Houses into Business Buildings, where change of function of residential house into business buildings has occurred since 2008 where Act No 51 of 2008 concerning the Establishment of Kota Tangerang Selatan as Autonomous Region. The research hypothesis proposed is uncontrolled change function of residential house into business building causes inappropriateness of spatial planning for residential area along the corridor of the main roads. The case study is undertaken along the corridor of Jalan Anggrek Loka and Boulevard Residence BSD starting from the intersection of Kencana Loka to intersection of Kencana Loka 1-2, Kelurahan RawaBuntu, Kecamatan Serpong Kota Tangerang Selatan. The method employed is qualitative and quantitative approach with overlay analysis, descriptive analysis, policy analysis and supervision and control analysis relevant to the intensity of spatial utilization. The population specified for this research is (1) Population occupying business building units with direct access to the road; (2) Population occupying housing clusters within the buffering for the Research Area in the corridor of Jalan AnggrekLoka and Boulevard Residence BSD starting from the intersection of KencanaLoka to the intersection of KencanaLoka 1-2. Analysis performed identifies the major causal factors for change of function of residential houses into business buildings (land value characteristic, completeness of utilities, land accessibility, personal characteristic of landowner, land use regulation, commercial building initiative). Change factors are a concept of control of change of functions of residential houses into business buildings, strengthened by SWOT analysis performed during this research. This ensures that the aim and purpose of the research envisioned by the researcher are achieved. The formulation of this research on control of change of function of residential house into business buildings can serve as inputs for future academic researches and technical and non-technical practical inputs for the public agencies within cities, particularly KotaTangerang Selatan
Arahan Penataan Guna Lahan Dalam Upaya Menjaga Keselamatan Operasi Penerbangan nina supartika; Soekmana soma; irwan Prasetyo
Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Prodi Kajian Pembangunan Perkotaan dan Wilayah

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The growth of air transportation in the city of Bandung is quite high. The importance of air transportation services is threatened by the disruption of inappropriate land use and this has a big impact on the safety of the airport and the community around the airport. This research aims to answer problems related to violations of requirements for using land, water or air in the flight operations safety area of Husein Sastranegara Airport. This research uses a descriptive approach method. The analysis used is land use pattern analysis, Spatial Planning policy analysis, and requirements analysis for using land, water or air in flight operations safety areas. Based on the results of a study of land use patterns in the area around the safe flight operations of Husein Sastranegara Airport, there is a mismatch in space use with the typology of space use incompatibility from local protected areas, housing, public service facilities, defense & security to industry, and natural protected areas to religious services and government offices. From the study of the four variable requirements for using land, water or air in the flight operations safety area of Husein Sastranegara Airport, it shows that these four variables are no longer fulfilled. 
Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Perencanaan Tata Ruang Bagi Pengembangan Aktivitas Paralayang Kabupaten Sumedang Ryan Ryan; Zefri Zefri; Soekmana Soma
Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Edisi Oktober 2022
Publisher : Prodi Kajian Pembangunan Perkotaan dan Wilayah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61488/jkwk.v1i2.311


The development of the tourism sector has an unlimited positive impact on regional economic income. Sumedang as one of the districts located in West Java Province is a district with a dominance of hilly and mountainous morphology. This condition results in several locations in Sumedang Regency having water difficulties so that a lot of land is not optimally utilized for agriculture. This less than optimal land from the agricultural side turns out to have no small potential for tourism development, especially paragliding special interest sports tourism. This type of research is descriptive qualitative which aims to describe the extent to which spatial planning policies in Sumedang Regency have accommodated the sustainability of paragliding tourism. Spatially, the analysis uses map instruments as part of the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) spatial policy. The support of the spatial planning sector for the continuity of paragliding potential in Sumedang Regency is still not optimal, this can be seen through existing spatial planning in locations around Kampung Toga. Spatial control and restrictions on building intensity have not been fully planned in order to preserve the potential of paragliding in Sumedang Regency
Studi Tentang Bangkitan Lalu Lintas Di KawasanPerumahan Terhadap Jalan Raya Hankam Bekasi Mardanih Mardanih; Zefri Zefri; Soekmana Soma
Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Edisi Oktober 2022
Publisher : Prodi Kajian Pembangunan Perkotaan dan Wilayah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61488/jkwk.v1i2.316


The purpose of this research is to study and calculate the volume of traffic generated byhousing activitieson Jalan Raya Hankam, Estimating the addition of traffic volume with the growth of movement fromhousing on Jalan Raya Hankam. Identify the decline in the level of road service, provide alternativesolutions to problems that arise as a result of additional traffic volumes on Jalan Raya Hankam, to analyzethe effect of transportation problems on road performance, to analyze the effect of environmental pollutionon road performance. Data collection techniques using field surveys and direct communication throughinterviews. The analysis of traffic generation in the residential area of Jalan Raya Hankam requires dataon the socio-economic characteristics and travel movement patterns of residential residents. To obtainthese data, it is necessary to conduct a field survey method, as described below, which includes trafficcounting to determine the amount of trip generation at the entrance and exit of housing as well as theamount of trip generation and the home interview method. The theoretical model in analyzing thehypothesized relationships was developed and tested with the help of multiple regression analysistechnique procedures through the SPSS program. The results of this study show that there is an influenceof transportation problems, environmental pollution, energy consumption, land and aesthetics, trafficcongestion, and public policy on road performance