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A Critical Analysis of Language Variation In The Traditional Art Market Senggigi and Sade (Sociolinguistic Studies) I Wayan Wirata; Arif Rahman
Jurnal Pendidik Indonesia (JPIn) Vol 4, No 1: April 2021
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Intan Cendekia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47165/jpin.v4i1.27


The researcher interested in language variations that occur in the traditional markets of Senggigi West Nusa Tenggara and Traditional House of Sade. Thus, this study analyzes the language variations in the process of buying and selling in the realm of Senggigi traditional markets and Traditional House of Sade. The author conducted research by taking the title "A Critical Analysis of Language Variation in the Senggigi Art Market and Traditional House of Sade (Sociolinguistic Studies)". Method used in this study is qualitative with data collecting technique with observation In this research, there was one type of data. The qualitative data consist of interview transcripts and observation sheets report in the form of field notes. These data were analyzed namely data display until final reporting. The findings of this research shows that there are several kinds of the language variation used by people in trading transaction at Senggigi art market, I.e., a) variation in term of speaker base on sociolect (dialek social) is concerning all personal problems of speaker such as age, sex, and social economy condition and b) Language variation in term of formality base on formal variety, Variety of Consultative Variety, casual variety, and Familiar Variety or Intimate Variety. There are factors influence of language variation base on situational factor. Situational factors include who speaks, to whom to speak, what language to use, where, when and what. and Language variation function mention related to sociolinguistic language functions namely instrumental functions, representational functions, interactional functions, and personal functions. There are The implications of the variety of languages used in communication in the traditional art markets of Senggigi and Sade are as follows: 1) Improve Social Interaction Relationships; 2) Increase Intelligence in Communicating; 3) Increase Income; and 4) Increasing Regional Cultural Identity.
Komunikasi Simbolik Upacara Mapag Rare Di Dusun Pemunut Desa Suranadi Kecamatan Narmada Kabupaten Lombok Barat I Nengah Putra Kariana; I Wayan Wirata; Ni Putu Sudewi Budhawati
Sadharananikarana: Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi Hindu Vol 1 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister S2 Ilmu Komunikasi Hindu Institut Agama Hindu Negeri Gde Pudja Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (260.898 KB)


Mapag Rare Ceremony is a tradition or ceremony that continues to be carried out by the people in Pemunut. In the process of carryiod out mapag rare ceremony activity, of course there is a symbol that is communicated so that it can be understood by the people in Pemunut or who carried out the ceremony. The aims of this research is to uncover the form, process and meaning of the mapag rare ceremony which was carried out in Pemunut, Suranadi Village, Narmada District, West Lombok Regency. This research is a qualitative descriptive paradigm using the foundation of George Herbet Mead's symbolic Interactional theory and Koencaraningrat's religious theory. The teknick of collection the data is observation, interviews, and documentation. The location of this research in Pemunut, Suranadi Village, Narmada District, West Lombok Regency. The results of the reseachhowed that the form of communication carried out was a form of intrafersonal communication and interpersonal communication. The type of communication carried out is verbal and non verbal communication and transcendental communication is a type of ritual communication which is also a communication process in a mapag rare ceremony. The meaning of communication symbolic of a mapag rare ceremony is a meaning about self-cleansing born and bhatin and there is a religious meaning that is reflected through the procedures symbols used in the mapag rare ceremony, socio-cultural meaning reflected in the tradition of saling tulungin, pade gelahan, saling silihin and the meaning of education that is reflected in a brainstorm or sangkep in the process of preparing for the ceremony.
Komunikasi Interpersonal Umat Hindu Dengan Non Hindu Di Dusun Badung Desa Malaka Kecamatan Pemenang Kabupaten Lombok Utara I Made Puja Artana; I Wayan Wirata; Ni Luh Aryani
Sadharananikarana: Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi Hindu Vol 1 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister S2 Ilmu Komunikasi Hindu Institut Agama Hindu Negeri Gde Pudja Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (223.071 KB)


Unity among religious people shows evidence of compromise, where all religions uphold the values ​​of peace and humanity. However, because there are different religious understandings, conflicts between religious communities and internal religious communities can be anticipated based on a human and family approach. This research is a descriptive qualitative research conducted in Badung Hamlet, Malaka Village, Pemenang District, North Lombok Regency. Types and sources of data are primary and secondary data. Data collected by observation, interview and documentation. Furthermore, the data were analyzed with data reduction techniques, data display and data verification. The data from the analysis results are presented by following the method of writing the enhanced spelling. Based on research conducted, obtained research results that show that the interaction or interpersonal communication of Hindus with non-Hindus in Badung Hamlet, Malaka Village, Pemenang District, North Lombok Regency is well established. The forms of interaction that occur between minority Hindus and non-Hindus in carrying out religious activities are the Associative Form and the Dissociative Form. Factors that influence Hinduism in carrying out religious life in a minority environment are religion, self-image, image of others and social environment. The impact of social interaction carried out by Hindus with non-Hindus is positive and negative on social life in the environment.
Strategi Komunikasi Penyuluh Agama Hindu Dalam Meminimalisir Konversi Agama Umat Hindu Di Kota Mataram Pande Putu Dwi Telaksana; I Wayan Sumertha; I Wayan Wirata
Sadharananikarana: Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi Hindu Vol 2 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister S2 Ilmu Komunikasi Hindu Institut Agama Hindu Negeri Gde Pudja Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (232.143 KB)


This research is directed to get a study of Communication Strategies of Hindu Religious Instructors in Minimizing the Conversion of Hindus in the City of Mataram. The problem revealed in this study is how is the form of communication of Hindu religious instructors in minimizing religious conversion, what are the supporting and inhibiting factors experienced by Hindu religious instructors in minimizing religious conversion, and how communication strategies are used by Hindu religious instructors in minimizing religious conversion in the City Mataram This type of research is qualitative research while the data obtained by the method of observation, interviews and documentation of literature, then the data is interpreted by giving meaning, explaining patterns and characteristics between various concepts. To get the patterns and characteristics it is supported by symbolic communication theory, attitude theory and communicative action theory. Some components that can be analyzed and concluded include: First, the form of communication of non-civil servant Hindu religious instructors in minimizing religious conversion to Hindus in the city of Mataram, namely by interpersonal and group communication; Second, supporters and obstacles that are faced by non-civil servant Hindu religion instructors in minimizing religious conversion, that is, religious conversion can no longer be seen as something normal, given the shift in belief in religious teachings, where the behavior of some converts causes others to be influenced. This is very worrying for the further development of Hinduism, where the community is a heterogeneous society or has a high level of diversity and the role of the family is very important in anticipating the conversion of religion; Third, the material mastery strategy, communication skills, and family roles carried out by non-civil servant Hindu religious instructors in minimizing religious conversion can be explained in the implementation of guidance and coaching in the form of dharma discourse and dharmatula which are carried out every month, where the communication process of a Hindu non-religious instructor Civil servants need a strategy in the delivery of material with the aim that the Hindu instructors more easily deliver the material to Hindus in the city of Mataram.
Samvada : Jurnal Riset Komunikasi, Media, dan Public Relation Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Samvada Mei 2022
Publisher : IAHN Gde Pudja Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (254.784 KB) | DOI: 10.53977/jsv.v1i1.521


Komunitas Lombok Influencer merupakan komunitas pertama dan terbesar yang menghimpun para selebgram di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Komunitas ini bertujuan membantu UMKM dan pelaku usaha dalam memilih selebgram untuk mempromosikan produk mereka dan meningkatkan brand awareness dari produk yang dipasarkan. Sejauh ini sudah terdapat dua UMKM Hindu yang menggunakan jasa Komunitas Lombok Influencer yaitu Raos Udeng Bali dan Simfony Kebaya Botique. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis peran komunikasi komunitas, strategi komunikasi, dan implikasi komunikasi anggota Komunitas Lombok Influencer dalam meningkatkan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah Hindu di Kota Mataram. Untuk menganalisis hal tersebut menggunakan teori Stimulis Organism Respons (SOR) dan teori Uses and Gratifications. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komunikasi komunitas Lombok Influencer memiliki peran penting dalam meningkatkan brand awareness UMKM Hindu baik secara internal maupun eksternal. Pemanfaatan media digital yang berkembang merupakan strategi yang dimaksimalkan oleh admin Lombok Influencer, anggota komunitas, dan UMKM Hindu dalam mempromosikan postingan kontennya, serta hasil dari konten tersebut berupa insight postingan dari masing-masing selebgram yang dipilih.