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Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Laboratorium IPA Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran IPA di SMP Negeri 1 Wangi-Wangi Usman Usman; Zul Arham; Samrin Samrin; Jumarddin La Fua
KULIDAWA Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Mei
Publisher : IAIN Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31332/kd.v1i1.1808


Artikel ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Hasil belajar siswa sebelum pemanfaatan laboratorium IPA di SMP Negeri 1 Wangi-Wangi, (2) Hasil belajar siswa setelah pemanfaatan laboratorium IPA di SMP Negeri 1 Wangi-Wangi, (3) Pengaruh pemanfaatan laboratorium  IPA terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPA di SMP Negeri 1 Wangi-Wangi. Desain penelitin menggunakan desain one group pretest postest, artinya penilaian yang dilakukan untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa dengan cara memberikan pretest untuk mengukur penguasaan konsep peserta didik sebelum perlakuan, dan postest untuk mengukur penguasaan konsep setelah perlakuan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas VIII E SMP Negeri 1 Wangi-Wangi. Tehnik analisis data yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (i) Hasil belajar siswa sebelum pemanfaatan laboratorium IPA memperoleh nilai rata-rata pada kelas postest yaitu 52 berdasarkan kategori hasil belajar berada pada kategori rendah. (ii) Hasil belajar siswa setelah pemanfaatan laboratorium IPA memperoleh nilai rata-rata pada kelas pretest 78,25 berdasarkan kategori hasil belajar berada pada kategori tinggi. (iii) Terdapat pengaruh positif antara pemanfaatan laboratorium IPA terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPA, setelah dilakukan uji t diperoleh thitung > ttabel atau 8,33 > 2,042.Kata Kunci: Hasil Belajar, Laboratorium IPA, SMP Negeri 1 Wangi-Wangi
Spectroscopic Analysis of Tempeh Protein Content during the Production Process Zul Arham; Kurniawan Kurniawan; Laode Anhusadar; Ismaun Ismaun
International Journal of Transdisciplinary Knowledge Vol 2, No 1, July 2021
Publisher : IAIN Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (834.504 KB) | DOI: 10.31332/ijtk.v2i1.1


Tempeh is a local Indonesian food that is liked by the community, both locally and internationally. The high protein content is the reason for choosing tempeh as a complementary food. In its production, tempeh is made by two important processes, including treatment and fermentation. During this process, the protein can be damaged, resulting in a decrease in the protein content of tempeh. Based on these problems, this study aims to analyze the reduction of tempeh protein content during the production process. The analysis used two spectroscopic methods, including FTIR and UV-Visible. FTIR spectroscopy was used to observe the reduction in total protein content, while UV-Vis spectroscopy was used to observe the reduction in dissolved protein content. The results of the study for FTIR analysis showed that at the pretreatment and fermentation stages, both caused a decrease in the total protein content of tempeh. This was observed with a decrease in the intensity of IR absorption at a wavenumber of 1745 cm-1 which is identical to the C=O group and 1543 cm-1 which is identical to the N-H group. Based on the results of the UV-Visible study, it shows that the fermentation time affects the amount of dissolved protein. This situation is supported by the increasing pH of tempeh and decreasing water content during fermentation.