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Penanganan Bencana Erupsi Gunung Sinabung Ditinjau dari Aspek Komunikasi dan Koordinasi Lubis, Fatma Wardy; Sabarina, Yovita; Masril, Munzaimah
JURNAL SIMBOLIKA: Research and Learning in Communication Study Vol 5, No 1 (2019): JURNAL SIMBOLIKA APRIL
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/simbollika.v5i1.2258


This study aims to determine how disaster management is carry out by the government and stakeholders in dealing with the Mount Sinabung Eruption disaster, especially in the mitigation phase. By using the Qualitative Method, data collection was done through in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Observations to get an overview of the handling of the Mount Sinabung Eruption in terms of two aspects; Communication and Coordination. The FGD was held in three locations; Simacem, Bekerah, and Sukameriah Villages, while FGD participants involved three categories; teenagers, women and men. The results showed that the eruption victims did not receive adequate communication regarding the knowledge of the Mount Sinabung Eruption disaster, both from the government and other organizations outside the government, even though in the mitigation phase awareness efforts should be made to the community through counseling, training, mentoring and inputting topics about the eruption of Mount Sinabung in the learning curriculum in schools ranging from kindergarten to senior high school, as well as conducting regular training. However, the training was not carried out as a result of the eruption victims had no preparation, guidelines and did not know the anticipatory measures in the face of Mount Sinabung every time an eruption occurred, while this eruption could not be ascertained when it will end. Until now there has been no organized and permanent coordination between the government and community groups outside the government, so that disaster management is still carried out spontaneously without any specific guidelines for inter-agency coordination..
KONSTRUKSI IDENTITAS SUPORTER SEPAKBOLA DI INDONESIA Fransiska Desiana Setyaningsih, Yovita Sabarina Sitepu
PERSPEKTIF Vol 1, No 1 (2012): Perspektif Januari
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v1i1.82


Focus of this research is to describe how the member of Persija FC?s supporter constructing their identities before and after they become the member of The Jakmania. Case study method is used with multi case-single level analysis design. It is found that, in each of three informants? self, the changing of identities are really happened. One of the changing identities about for example is their social status after they have joined with The Jakmania. In the beginning, before they join with The Jakmania, people did not pay attention to them. It was because their low socio-economic status. Now, after joined The Jakmania, they have their own ingroup that strengthen their individual identity.
Penanganan Bencana Erupsi Gunung Sinabung Ditinjau dari Aspek Komunikasi dan Koordinasi Fatma Wardy Lubis; Yovita Sabarina; Munzaimah Masril
JURNAL SIMBOLIKA: Research and Learning in Communication Study (E-Journal) Vol 5, No 1 (2019): JURNAL SIMBOLIKA APRIL
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/simbollika.v5i1.2258


This study aims to determine how disaster management is carry out by the government and stakeholders in dealing with the Mount Sinabung Eruption disaster, especially in the mitigation phase. By using the Qualitative Method, data collection was done through in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Observations to get an overview of the handling of the Mount Sinabung Eruption in terms of two aspects; Communication and Coordination. The FGD was held in three locations; Simacem, Bekerah, and Sukameriah Villages, while FGD participants involved three categories; teenagers, women and men. The results showed that the eruption victims did not receive adequate communication regarding the knowledge of the Mount Sinabung Eruption disaster, both from the government and other organizations outside the government, even though in the mitigation phase awareness efforts should be made to the community through counseling, training, mentoring and inputting topics about the eruption of Mount Sinabung in the learning curriculum in schools ranging from kindergarten to senior high school, as well as conducting regular training. However, the training was not carried out as a result of the eruption victims had no preparation, guidelines and did not know the anticipatory measures in the face of Mount Sinabung every time an eruption occurred, while this eruption could not be ascertained when it will end. Until now there has been no organized and permanent coordination between the government and community groups outside the government, so that disaster management is still carried out spontaneously without any specific guidelines for inter-agency coordination..
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jupiis.v13i2.28373


Studies in the presence of new media and its relationship with conventional media recently could be mapped into three trends. Firstly, studies in media competition between traditional and online media. These studies, generally put online media both in a position that is superior to traditional media, and also as a complement to the existence of traditional media. Second, studies that explore patterns of online and print media consumption that show dualism in the use of media by the public. These study highlight how consumers use online and print media together and are complementary (complementary models). Third, studies that look at the impact of social media on journalism practices that give a new character to the system and mechanism of media work. This article will explain the relationship between the growth of new media, media competition and its impacts on the mode of news reporting in North Sumatra, Indonesia. This article starts with the assumption that the massive expansion of new media can also have a positive impact on the industry and media organizations.
Sociae Polites Vol. 15 No. 1 (2014): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Kristen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/sp.v15i1.443


Abstract: As an internet user (netizen), we often feel irritated when there is an advertisement posted ontoour wall without any permission or we are tagged into an ads. Otherwise, we always see comments warthat spread into ethnic, religion and certain group issues. What we should/should not do in cyber world isthe same with what we should/should not do in the real life. In Indonesia, Facebookers mostly comesfrom the adolescent aged between 18 to 24 years old. They are not only have a facebook account but alsotwitter and often read online news. This research aims to know the knowledge and the perception ofFISIP USU students about netiquette. Only 47 of 302 have heard about netiquette, and only 37respondents can answer what netiquette is correctly. 185 respondents say “strongly agree” and 113respondents say “agree” that netizen should obey the netiquette. 3 respondents say “not agree” and 1respondent says “strongly not agree”.Key Words: Perception, Netiquette, Netizen, FISIP USU Students Abstrak: Sebagai pengguna internet (netizen), tidak jarang kita merasa kesal saat pengguna lainmentautkan nama kita pada iklan bisnisnya, ataupun beriklan di dinding akun kita. Selain itu, tidakjarang kita menemukan perang komentar di situs berita online yang pada akhirnya merembet ke urusanagama, suku ataupun golongan tertentu. Etiket bergaul di dunia maya tidak ubahnya dengan yang didunia nyata. Di Indonesia, untuk situs jejaring sosial Facebook, penggunanya didominasi remaja usia18-24 tahun. Dan biasanya selain memiliki akun Facebook, mereka juga memiliki akun Twitter dan rajinmembaca berita di situs berita online. Berangkat dari fenomena tersebut, penelitian ini ingin melihatbagaimana pengetahuan dan penerapan Netiket (etiket di dunia maya) pada mahasiswa FISIP USU. Dari302 responden, hanya 47 responden yang pernah mendengar netiket, dan hanya 37 responden yangdapat menjawab dengan benar apa itu netiket. 185 responden menyatakan “sangat setuju” dan 113responden menyatakan “setuju” bahwa netizen harus menerapkan netiket. 3 orang respondenmenyatakan “tidak setuju” dan 1 orang responden menyatakan “sangat tidak setuju”.Kata Kunci: Persepsi, Netiket, Netizen, Mahasiswa FISIP USU
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komunikasi Communique Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi Communique
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jikq.v3i2.43


This article presents the communication disaster treatment received by the refugees of Mount Sinabung Eruptions in Karo Regency. The main problem here is that the government very focused on physical development that communcation matters for the refugees. Communication disaster treatment is very effective to reduce the risk in disaster. This treatment supposed to held in every phase of disaster, mitigation, preparedness, respond, and recovery. Most of the time, the government did not pay attention about communication process at all especially at the mitigation and preparednes phases. There was some communication treatment at the respond and recovery phases, but it is not maximal. Even in recovery phase, the action is having an unfinish solution. They build the building, the gave land to the refugees, they gave food, but they did not gave enough information about the important situations.
Digital Literacy Competence Survey in Medan City Yovita Sabarina Sitepu; Mickhael Rajagukguk
Jurnal ASPIKOM - Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi (ASPIKOM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24329/aspikom.v7i1.1067


This study measures Medan’s level of digital literacy competence. This study aims to obtain an overview of the digital literacy competencies of smartphone users in Medan City. This research was part of the National Digital Literacy Research, initiated by the Network of Digital Literacy Activists (Japelidi), conducted in 18 cities in Indonesia, involving 125 respondents from Medan City, and divided into five age segments. The research used the descriptive quantitative method. As the instrument, the research used ten Components of Japelidi’s Digital Literacy, which are the ability to access, select, understand, analyze, verify, evaluate, distribute, produce, participate, and collaborate. Digital literacy competence in Medan City showed an imbalance between the younger generation and the elderly. This inequality is not only based on age differences alone but also differences in culture and use of technology in each era.  
GOVERNANCE: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Politik Lokal dan Pembangunan Vol. 6 No. 4 (2020): 2020 Juni
Publisher : Lembaga Kajian Ilmu Sosial dan Politik (LKISPOL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56015/governance.v6i4.60


Media massa memiliki peran yang strategis dalam membentuk persepsi dan opini masyarakat terhadap suatu pemberitaan. Dalam konteks pembangunan daerah kebijakan yang ditempuh kepala daerah akan mudah diketahui oleh masyarakat secara luas melalui pemberitaan di media massa, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konstruksi pemberitaan tentang pencitraan Bupati Bireuen pada program pemberian beasiswa dan bedah rumah kepada masyarakat tidak mampu di Kabupaten Bireuen di Koran Serambi Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan paradigma konstruktivisme. Data diperoleh dari studi dokumentasi dan studi pustaka serta wawancara dengan redaktur koran. Dalam melakukan analisis studi ini menggunakan analisis framing yang dikembangkan oleh Pan dan Kosicki. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat konstruksi pemberitaan yang menciptakan makna positif bagi citra diri Bupati Bireuen
PEMAKNAAN PENONTON PEREMPUAN MENGENAI SUPERHERO PEREMPUAN DALAM FILM: (Analisis Resepsi Terhadap Karakter Superhero Perempuan Dalam Film Captain Marvel Produksi Marvel Studios) M Zulfikar Triadi Sucipto; Yovita Sabarina Sitepu
KomunikA Vol. 17 No. 1 (2021): Komunikasi Organisasi, Komunikasi Pemasaran dan Komunikasi Massa
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/komunika.v17i1.6809


Penelitian ini berjudul ”Pemaknaan Penonton Perempuan mengenai Superhero Perempuan dalam Film, dengan sub bab Analisis Resepsi terhadap Karakter Superhero Perempuan Dalam Film Captain Marvel Produksi Marvel Studios)”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana resepsi penonton terhadap karakter superhero yang ditampilkan dalam film Captain Marvel. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis resepsi. Teori dasar yang digunakan adalah teori encoding-decoding yang dikemukakan oleh Stuart Hall tentang bagaimana khalayak memproduksi sebuah pesan dari suatu teks media. Proses tersebut akan menghasilkan makna yang tidak selalu sama karena dipengaruhi oleh kapasitas setiap penonton. Paradigma yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan paradigma konstruktivisme. Data diperoleh dari wawancara mendalam terhadap lima informan yang telah menonton film Captain Marvel yang memiliki latar belakang pendidikan dan pengalaman budaya yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan film Captain Marvel dimaknai oleh informan sebagai film superhero yang menampilkan perjuangan seorang pahlawan super untuk membantu sesama. Selain itu film ini juga mencoba menyampaikan pesan feminisme di dalam beberapa adegan dan juga jargon film ini yang berbunyi higher, further, faster. Dalam proses konsumsi dan produksi makna terhadap film Captain Marvel, perbedaan latar belakang pendidikan, sosial budaya, pengalaman bekerja, dan referensi informan dalam menonton film menjadi faktor yang penting yang membedakan pemaknaan mereka.
PENYULUHAN PENINGKATAN KUALITAS PARIWISATA BERBASIS CHSE DI KABUPATEN SAMOSIR Yovita Sabarina Sitepu; Fatma Wardy Lubis; Munzaimah Masril; Mickhael Rajagukguk
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jpkm.v29i2.38374


Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang hendak dijalankan ini berjudul Penyuluhan Peningkatan Kualitas Pariwisata Berbasis CHSE di Kabupaten Samosir. Judul pengabdian ini diangkat karena pada masa pandemi Covid-19 ini, masih banyak pelaku usaha yang acuh dengan penerapan protokol kesehatan. Kabupaten Samosir yang menjadi salah satu bagian dari destinasi wisata super prioritas oleh Kemenparekraf pun tidak luput dengan sikap kurang peduli dengan permasalah Covid-19. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan masih sangat sedikitnya usaha wisata yang tersertifikasi CHSE di Kabupaten Samosir. Maka dari itu, sangat penting dilakukan penyuluhan; bukan hanya menghimbau para pelaku usaha untuk mengurus sertifikat CHSE, namun juga bagaimana mengajarkan mereka strategi pemasaran dengan memanfaatkan media sosial, guna menarik atensi masyarakat luas. Target luaran yang ingin dari penyuluhan ini adalah para pelaku usaha wisata secara khusus restoran atau rumah makan dapat memahami pentingnya CHSE dan bagaimana menyusun strategi untuk menggaet wisatawan melalui media sosial. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini bekerja sama dengan mitra pemerintah daerah, yakni Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Samosir. Kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan oleh tim pengabdian dimulai dari pembekalan akan pentingnya penyediaan fasilitas-fasilitas berbasis CHSE; Sosialisasi kiat-kiat memperoleh sertifikat CHSE untuk menunjang kualitas tempat wisata; dan Melakukan pelatihan pemasaran dan pemanfaatan media sosial sebagai alat promosi wisata.Kata kunci: Pariwisata, Sertifikasi CHSE, Pelaku Usaha Wisata, Kabupaten Samosir