Hanura Febriani
Universitas Islam Negeri Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu

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Transformational Leadership Of Integrated Islamic School Principal Rulitawati Rulitawati; Muhammad Zainuddin Nawi; Try Susanti; Muhammad Yusup; Hanura Febriani; Nova Asvio
At-Ta'lim : Media Informasi Pendidikan Islam Vol 20, No 2 (2021): DESEMBER
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/attalim.v20i2.5981


Abstract: Transformational Leadership of Integrated Islamic School PrincipalPurposing of this study was to identify or obtain information about how the transformational leadership of school principals in improving the quality and performance of teachers in teaching activities at the Al-Ihsan Integrated Islamic School (SDIT) during the Covid-19 pandemi. This study uses a qualitative approach that is used to obtain information on decisions, constraints and consequences of the COVID-19 pandemi in teaching and learning activities at SDIT. The results of the principal transformation leadership research in improving the quality and performance of teachers in teaching activities at SDIT Al-Ihsan during the Covid-19 pandemi include: 1) setting good examples for teachers in facing challenges during the Covid-19 pandemi; 2) providing intellectual stimuli such as providing opportunities for SDIT Al-Ihsan teachers to take part in training and counseling activities on the brave learning system; 3) teacher motivation to be able to develop bold learning methods and models; and 4) evaluate the policies that have been implemented. The principal's transformational leadership is expected to be able to overcome learning obstacles by improving communication and coordination between parents and teachers so that parents can guide their children during the learning process at home.Abstrak: Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Sekolah Islam Terpadu.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi atau memperoleh informasi tentang bagaimana kepemimpinan transformasional kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu dan kinerja guru dalam kegiatan mengajar di Sekolah Islam Terpadu (SDIT) Al-Ihsan selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metode kualitatif yang digunakan untuk memperoleh informasi keputusan, kendala dan akibat pandemi covid 19 pada kegiatan proses belajar mengajar di SDIT. Hasil dari penelitian kepemimpinan transformasional kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu dan kinerja guru dalam kegiatan mengajar di SDIT Al-Ihsan selama masa pandemi Covid-19 ini antara lain: 1) memberikan teladan yang baik kepada guru dalam menghadapi tantangan pada masa pandemi Covid-19; 2) memberikan stimulus intelektual seperti memberikan kesempatan bagi guru SDIT Al-Ihsan untuk mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan dan penyuluhan tentang sistem pembelajaran daring; 3) memotivasi guru agar mampu mengembangkan metode dan model pembelajaran daring; dan 4) melakukan evaluasi terhadap kebijakan yang sudah dilaksanakan. Kepemimpinan transformasional kepala sekolah diharapkan mampu mengatasi kendala pembelajaran daring dengan cara meningkatkan komunikasi dan koordinasi orang tua dengan guru sehingga orang tua mampu membimbing anak saat melakukan proses pembelajaran daring di rumah. 
The Effect of Metacognitive Strategy on Students' Reading Comprehension of Academic Text Hanura Febriani
Journal of Social Work and Science Education Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): Journal of Social Work and Science Education
Publisher : Yayasan Karinosseff Muda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52690/jswse.v3i3.388


Reading comprehension is an active reading process in which students can dig up information in reading sources. These skills are very important so that students are able to adapt and compete in facing future challenges. In the reading process, students are required to be active and understand how and when to implement strategies so that reading comprehension is more effective. One strategy that can be used is the metacognitive strategy. Metacognitive abilities are very important for reading achievement. The Purpose of Metacognitive is to prepare further develop readers to become more aware of their thinking alone while reading. Educators provide express preparation on the use of reading strategies. Metacognitive strategy trains students to manage themselves to get reading comprehension. This research aims to investigated whether there was significance difference on students reading comprehension of academic text by using metacognitive strategy and who are not. The research used quasi experiment, all students of six semesters were the population of the research while techniques sampling was purposive sampling. Six semester students from 6A and 6D are the sample in this research. From data analysis and finding, metacognitive give positive effect toward students reading comprehension of academic texts. Sig. (2-tailed) value was 0.015 < 0.05 means that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. It conclude that there was significance difference on students’ reading comprehension of academic text score thought by metacognitive and conventional strategy.