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MANDALA of Health Vol 7, No 3 (2014): Mandala Of Health
Publisher : Jurusan Kedokteran FK Unsoed

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Pulmonary tuberculosis (Pulmonary TB) infected one third of the world population. Since 2009, Indonesia was  the fifth that had the highest tuberculosis case in the world. In 2011, Case Detection Rate (CDR) of Central Java was 49,24%. The prevalence of pulmonary TB in RSUD Prof. dr. Margono Soekarjo  Purwokerto was 472 patients in 2012 until August 2013. Chest x-ray was the first investigation to diagnose pulmonary TB. The aims of this study was to knowing the differences  of lesion area on chest x-ray between new cases of  pulmonary TB patient with AFB smear  positive and AFB smear negative. This is  an Observational analytic with cohort retrospektif study, conducted 22 pulmonary TB patients with AFB smear positive and 22 pulmonary TB patients with AFB smear negative in RSUD Prof. dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto. Data were analyzed by Chi-square with significance level of p<0,05. Univariate analysis showed that the highest number of respondents were male (56,8%), and the highest of the age group  was 15-25 years old group (27,3%). Bivariate analysis using Chi-square was obtained  p= 0,011 (p<0,05). There were differences lesion area on chest x-ray between new cases of  pulmonary TB patient with AFB smear positive  and AFB smear negative.
HUBUNGAN ANTARA INDEKS MASSA TUBUH (IMT) DENGAN TES FUNGSI PARU Rujito, Lantip; Ristianingrum, Ika; Rahmawati, Indah
MANDALA of Health Vol 4, No 2 (2010): Mandala Of Health
Publisher : Jurusan Kedokteran FK Unsoed

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Body mass index (BMI) is a tool of measuring the nutritional status of individu. One of the effects ofobesity is the mechanics disturbance led to abnormality on pulmonary function tests. This study was aimed todetermine the relationship between body mass index with pulmonary function tests (PFTs) on medical studentJenderal Soedirman University. Analityc observational study with cross sectional design was used in thisinvestigation. The sampling technique used proportional random sampling with 82 samples. Pulmonaryfunction tests was classified into vital capacity (VC), tidal volume (TV), inspiration reserve volume (IRV),expiratory reserve volume (ERV), inspiration capacity (IC), forced vital capacity (FVC) dan FEV1.Univariate analysis, which was using table of frequency to see chategorichal variables and central tendencymeasurement to see numerical variables, and bivariate analysis, which was using Pearson and Spearmancorrelation to see the relationship between BMI with PFTs; unpaired t tests and Mann Whitney to know thedifferences of PFTs results between men and women, were used in this research. From the results weconcluded that there are significant relationship between between BMI with VC (p = 0,015), IRV (p = 0,026),IC (p = 0,016), FVC (p = 0,004) and FEV1 (p = 0,021) with low power relationship and was no relationshipBMI with TV (p = 0,489) and ERV (p = 0,231). In the unpaired t test and Mann Whitney we found that thereare differences all PFTs in a group of men and women.
EDMODO AS EDUCATIONAL SOCIAL NETWORK IN TEACHING COURSE DESIGN OF EYL Puspitaloka, Nina; Rahmawati, Indah; Sonjaya, Derinda Octaviyenty
Script Journal: Journal of Linguistic and English Teaching Vol 3, No 2 (2018): October
Publisher : Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (263.772 KB) | DOI: 10.24903/sj.v3i2.212


This research is conducted to find out Edmodo can increase student’s ability in learning course design of EYL and student’s perception in learning course design of EYL by using Edmodo. A mixed method was used to collect quantitative and qualitative data. In answering those two research questions, the researcher used test (pre-test and post-test) to collect quantitative data and also used interview as data gathering technique to collect qualitative data. The findings of the research showed that: (1) Edmodo can increase student’s ability in learning course design of EYL. It is proven by the score of Independent T-test -0,741 and sig (2 tailed) was higher than degree of significance (0,462 < 0,05). (2) Student’s perception in learning course design of EYL by using Edmodo showed that Edmodo in learning course design of EYL can help students more understand the materials because they can get more information about materials of EYL especially course design of EYL; they can discuss the materials each other anywhere and anytime; they felt more interesting and happy; they are more confident to express their ideas, therefore they can be more active in learning course design of EYL.
Lingua Litteria Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2014): Octobre 2014
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (362.38 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/ll.v1i2.10062


Le roman L?Homme rompu de Tahar Ben Jelloun est un roman qui décrit la vie des marocains dans les années 1990. Ce roman raconte des gens qui commettent la corruption et des gens qui s?y opposent. En outre, ce roman raconte de l?oppression des minorités par les majorités. Dans ce roman, il y a des éléments del?héritage colonial français. Cette recherche a pour but d?expliquer les éléments du post-colonialisme qui se trouvent dans le roman de L?Homme rompu basé sur Edward Said, GayatriSpivak, et HomiBhabha. Ces éléments se composent de l?hégémonie, le subalterne, le mimétisme, l?hybridité, la marginalité, et del?aliénation. La donnée de cette recherche est le roman L?Homme rompu de Tahar Ben Jelloun. Cette recherche utilise une approche sociologique avec les objets des recherches matériel et formel. L?objet matériel dans cette recherche est le roman L?Homme rompu de Tahar Ben Jelloun, tandis que l?objet formel dans cette recherche est la théorie du post-colonialisme. Cette recherche utilise les sources de donnéesprimaires et secondaires. La source de donnée primaire dans cette recherche est les phrases du roman L?Homme rompu, tandis que la source de donnée secondaire est le roman de l?Homme rompu qui a été traduit en indonésien dont le titre est Korupsi par Okke K.S. Zaimar. La méthode de cette recherche est laméthode de descriptif analytique, tandis que la technique d?analyse de donnée est la technique d?analyse de contenue. La conclusion de cette recherche est l?explication des éléments du postcolonialisme d?Edward Said, GayatriSpivak, Homi Bhabha dans le romanL?Homme rompu. Les éléments du post-colonialismesont 1) l?hégémonie qui se compose l?hégémonie Occidentale dans la socioculturelle au Maroc, l?hégémonie économique, l?hégémonie de la class social, et l?hégémonie morale,2) le subalterne, 3) le mimétisme, 4) l?hybridité, 5) la marginalité, et 6) l?aliénation. Il est prévu que le résultat de cetterecherche pourra servir à comprendre les éléments du post-colonialisme et à analyser le roman du postcolonialisme. Il est aussi prévu que les étudiants de la littérature française puissent effectuer des recherches similaires dans les romans francophones.
Lingua Litteria Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2014): Mai 2014
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (204.047 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/ll.v1i1.11049


Le roman L?Homme rompu de Tahar Ben Jelloun est un roman qui décrit lavie des marocains dans les années 1990. Ce roman raconte des gens qui commettentla corruption et des gens qui s?y opposent. En outre, ce roman raconte del?oppression des minorités par les majorités. Dans ce roman, il y a des éléments del?héritage colonial français. Cette recherche a pour but d?expliquer les élémentsdu post-colonialisme qui se trouvent dans le roman de L?Homme rompu basésur Edward Said, GayatriSpivak, et HomiBhabha. Ces éléments se composentde l?hégémonie, le subalterne, le mimétisme, l?hybridité, la marginalité, et del?aliénation.La donnée de cette recherche est le roman L?Homme rompu de TaharBen Jelloun. Cette recherche utilise une approche sociologique avec les objets desrecherches matériel et formel. L?objet matériel dans cette recherche est le romanL?Homme rompu de Tahar Ben Jelloun, tandis que l?objet formel dans cette rechercheest la théorie du post-colonialisme. Cette recherche utilise les sources de donnéesprimaires et secondaires. La source de donnée primaire dans cette rechercheest les phrases du roman L?Homme rompu, tandis que la source de donnée secondaireest le roman de l?Homme rompu qui a été traduit en indonésien dontle titre est Korupsi par Okke K.S. Zaimar. La méthode de cette recherche est laméthode de descriptif analytique, tandis que la technique d?analyse de donnéeest la technique d?analyse de contenue. La conclusion de cette recherche estl?explication des éléments du postcolonialisme d?Edward Said, GayatriSpivak,Homi Bhabha dans le romanL?Homme rompu. Les éléments du post-colonialismesont 1) l?hégémonie qui se compose l?hégémonie Occidentale dans la socioculturelleau Maroc, l?hégémonie économique, l?hégémonie de la class social,et l?hégémonie morale,2) le subalterne, 3) le mimétisme, 4) l?hybridité,5) la marginalité, et 6) l?aliénation. Il est prévu que le résultat de cetterecherche pourra servir à comprendre les éléments du post-colonialisme et à analyserle roman du postcolonialisme. Il est aussi prévu que les étudiants de la littératurefrançaise puissent effectuer des recherches similaires dans les romans francophones.
Derivatif : Jurnal Manajemen Vol 15, No 2 (2021): November
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/jm.v15i2.677


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah ada pengaruh pelatihan, motivasi, dan stres kerja terhadap produktivitas karyawan pada PT. Hyup Sung Indonesia. Sampel penelitian ini adalah karyawan produksi bagian knotting PT. Hyup Sung Indonesia  dengan jumlah 115 responden. Menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan data diperoleh dari responden dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa variabel pelatihan, motivasi, dan stres kerja secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas karyawan. Hasil uji analisis secara parsial menunjukan bahwa pelatihan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produktivitas karyawan, motivasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produktivitas karyawan, dan stres kerja berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap produktivitas karyawan.Kata Kunci: Pelatihan, Motivasi, Stres Kerja, dan Produktivitas Karyawan 
Google Trends Potential for Detecting a Large-scale Mental Health Issue: A Study during Pandemic in Indonesia Hisan, Urfa Khairatun; Amri, Muhammad Miftahul; Sulisworo, Dwi; Rahmawati, Indah; Pramesti, Tarisa Afira
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 8, No 2: June 2023
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (648.771 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v8i2.1695


Background: Attempts have been made to overcome COVID-19. However, one problem remains present: mass-mental health issues. Numerous studies have shown increased mental problems during the pandemic. The feasibility of using search engine trends and online sentiment analysis as an additional surveillance tool to detect large populations’ problems has been explored. Objective: We examined Google Trends' potential to detect early symptoms of mass-mental issues. Methods: This study is conducted on the Indonesian population. We investigate Bahasa Indonesia words related to signs of mental disorders: ‘merasa sendiri’, ‘khawatir’, ‘mudah marah’, ‘pemarah’, ‘cemas’, and ‘takut’. Each keyword means 'loneliness', 'afraid', 'easy to get angry', 'short-tempered', 'anxious', and 'fear'. The search range is set between February 2020-2022. The assumptions are that people tend to self-diagnose by online searching with keywords that match their condition, find solutions on the internet due to the limited offline interactions during the pandemic, and find information online before going to professionals. Results: It is observed that the search frequency on Google search engine follows the COVID-19 infection trends in Indonesia. It does suggest that with the increase in the COVID-19 infection rate, the search frequency of keywords associated with signs of mental issues also increased. Following the improved pandemic conditions, the search frequency of those keywords is also reduced. Conclusion: This work has demonstrated Google Trends’ potential as an adjuvant surveillance tool to detect mass-mental health issues. It should be noted that these tools should be used only to provide insight into the populations’ conditions rather than as the main indicators. Abstrak: Latar Belakang: Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk mengatasi COVID-19. Namun, terdapat satu masalah yang tetap bertahan: isu kesehatan mental massal. Sejumlah penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan masalah mental selama pandemi. Akhir-akhir ini, kelayakan menggunakan tren mesin pencari dan analisis sentimen daring sebagai alat surveilans tambahan untuk mendeteksi masalah populasi massal semakin sering dieksplorasi. Tujuan Penelitian: Kami menginvestigasi potensi Google Trends untuk mendeteksi gejala awal masalah mental massal. Metode: Studi ini dilakukan pada populasi Indonesia. Kami menginvestigasi kata-kata Bahasa Indonesia yang berhubungan dengan tanda-tanda gangguan kesehatan jiwa: 'merasa sendiri', 'khawatir', 'mudah marah', 'pemarah', 'cemas', dan 'takut'. Setiap kata kunci berarti 'loneliness', 'afraid', 'easy to get angry', 'short-tempered', 'anxious', dan 'fear' dalam Bahasa Inggris.  Rentang pencarian ditetapkan antara Februari 2020-2022. Asumsinya, masyarakat cenderung melakukan self-diagnosis dengan melakukan pencarian daring dengan kata kunci yang sesuai dengan kondisinya, mencari solusi di internet karena terbatasnya interaksi luring selama pandemi, dan mencari informasi secara daring sebelum ke profesional. Hasil: Teramati bahwa frekuensi pencarian di mesin pencari Google mengikuti tren infeksi COVID-19 di Indonesia. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa seiring dengan peningkatan tingkat infeksi COVID-19, frekuensi pencarian kata kunci yang terkait dengan tanda-tanda masalah mental juga meningkat. Mengikuti kondisi pandemi yang membaik, frekuensi pencarian kata kunci tersebut juga berkurang. Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini telah mendemonstrasikan potensi Google Trends sebagai alat surveilans tambahan untuk mendeteksi masalah kesehatan mental massal. Perlu diingat bahwa alat seperti Google Trends harus digunakan hanya untuk memberikan gambaran indikasi tentang kondisi suatu populasi alih-alih sebagai indikator utama.