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Gagasan Democratic Peace Dalam Politik Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat Nursita, Rizki Dian; Surwandono, Surwandono
Journal of Islamic World and Politics Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (376.438 KB) | DOI: 10.18196/jiwp.1102


Tulisan ini menganalisa tentang pengaruh gagasan dalam Democratice Peace Theory terhadap politik luar negeri Amerika Serikat dengan menggunakan metode library research. Tulisan ini menemukan bahwa democratic peace secara jelas telah menggerakkan politik luar negeri Amerika Serikat pada era Bill Clinton dan George W. Bush. Pada era Obama, sentuhan akan democratic peace juga memengaruhi politik luar negerinya. Politik luar negeri Amerika Serikat saat ini di bawah kepemimpinan Trump lebih dipengaruhi oleh gagasan nasionalisme dibandingkan dengan ide-ide demokratisasi.
Dauliyah Journal of Islamic and International Affairs Vol 4, No 1 (2019): DAULIYAH (JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS)
Publisher : UNIDA Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.788 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/dauliyah.v4i1.2934


Globalization and inter-connectivity in international relations are the results of the development of internet technology. Global internet governance involving various elements has contributed to a number of global changes in terms of economy and industry, politics, and the emergence of social movements. This article aims to provide an overview of the global governance of cyberspace, its elements, dilemmas and debates among actors and elements, and problems in cyber global governance. Through some literature research, the researcher found that global governance of cyberspace requires a new approach that can manage the conflicts between elements, bridge the dilemmas, overcome problems in cyberspace, and become an umbrella for all cyberspace elements; including the stakeholders and cyberspace values.
Polemik Kebijakan Wisata Halal di Indonesia serta Tinjauannya dalam Maqashid Syariah Surwandono Surwandono; Rizki Dian Nursita; Rashda Diana; Ade Meiliyana
TSAQAFAH Vol 16, No 1 (2020): Islamic Economics
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v16i1.3594


AbstractHalal tourism has recently become jargon in Indonesia. The concept of halal tourism as the embodiment of Islamic tourism is considered ambiguous by certain groups. The concept of Halal Tourism or other similar terms such as Muslim-friendly or Islamic Tourism now raises a number of debates, whether the concept has a strong ontological basis with Islam, or it is merely a manifestation of economic interest that seeks to build competitive tourism and increase acceptance from the foreign Muslims segment. We apply the perspective of maqâshid syarî’ah to analyze the accuracy of the concept of Halal Tourism as a derivation of Islamic tourism and compare it with indicators used by Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI). The result shows that the term Halal Tourism can proportionately represent the concept of tourism in Islam. However, the adoption of maqâshid syarî’ah in Indonesian halal tourism is still neglected. The need for the adoption of legal policy based on sharia’s principles is something that we should consider in the future.Keywords: Muslim-Friendly Tourism, Maqâshid Syarî’ah, Tourism, Halal Tourism. AbstrakWisata halal telah menjadi jargon di Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Sejumlah kelompok menilai bahwa konsep wisata halal sebagai reseprentasi dari pariwisata islami adalah hal yang ambigu. Konsep wisata halal atau istilah lain seperti halal tourism atau Muslim-friendly tourism kini menimbulkan sejumlah perdebatan, apakah konsep tersebut memiliki basis ontologis yang kuat dengan Islam, ataukah sebagai bentuk strategi ekonomi untuk membangun pariwisata yang kompetitif dan meningkatkan penerimaan dari segmen Muslim asing. Dalam tulisan ini, kami menggunakan perspektif maqâshid syarî’ah untuk menimbang keakuratan konsep wisata halal sebagai derivasi dari pariwisata yang Islami, dan membandingkannya dengan sejumlah indikator dalam penyusunan indeks Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI). Hasil telaah terhadap tata kelola dan praktik wisata halal menunjukkan bahwa Wisata Halal adalah konsep yang tepat dan proporsional dalam merepresentasikan pariwisata yang Islami. Namun masih terdapat distorsi dalam tata kelola pariwisata halal di Indonesia yang mengabaikan prinsip maqâshid syarî’ah. Adanya kebijakan legal yang mengadopsi prinsip-prinsip dalam syariah adalah hal yang patut kita pertimbangkan di masa mendatang.Kata Kunci: Muslim-Friendly Tourism, Maqâshid Syarî’ah, Pariwisata, Wisata Halal.
The Concept of Peace in Islam and Its Relevance to International Relations Rizki Dian nursita; Ahmad Sahide
Al-Albab Vol 8, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Graduate Program of Pontianak Institute of Islamic Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/alalbab.v8i2.1218


Islam is often described as a religion that emphasizes the use of violence in its da'wah method. The stereotype is formed by a number of literature and media that depicted Islam as a religion of violence. This paper aims to analyze the causes of stereotype against Islam, and provides an overview of the concept of peace in Islamic perspective, and seek the relevance of the concept of peace in Islam to the study of conflict and peace in international relations. Through some literature research, the author finds that the stereotype is caused by the gap in the discourse on war and peace in Islam, thus the discourse related to the peace in Islam needs to be buzzed. Unlike the two mainstreams in International Relation Studies (Realism and Idealism), al-Quran, as the primary source of Islamic teaching, describes that a human is basically both keen to cooperate and prone to conflict, and favoring to managing the conflict through peaceful settlement. Three terms-as-silmu, as-shulhu, and al-amanu are used to conceptualize the three levels of peace in the Quranic perspective.
Gagasan Democratic Peace Dalam Politik Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat Rizki Dian Nursita; Surwandono Surwandono
Journal of Islamic World and Politics Vol 1, No 1 (2017): December
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (376.438 KB) | DOI: 10.18196/jiwp.1102


Tulisan ini menganalisa tentang pengaruh gagasan dalam Democratice Peace Theory terhadap politik luar negeri Amerika Serikat dengan menggunakan metode library research. Tulisan ini menemukan bahwa democratic peace secara jelas telah menggerakkan politik luar negeri Amerika Serikat pada era Bill Clinton dan George W. Bush. Pada era Obama, sentuhan akan democratic peace juga memengaruhi politik luar negerinya. Politik luar negeri Amerika Serikat saat ini di bawah kepemimpinan Trump lebih dipengaruhi oleh gagasan nasionalisme dibandingkan dengan ide-ide demokratisasi.
Critical Discourse Analysis on Islam Nusantara in Indonesia's Foreign Policy Rizki Dian Nursita
Hasanuddin Journal of International Affairs Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Department of International Relations, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31947/hjirs.v3i1.25611


The concept of Islam Nusantara is a concept and perspective of Islam that Nahdlatul Ulama promoted at the NU Congress in 2015. It is used to mention the indigenization of Islamic practice in Indonesia, often contrasted with Arabization. The discourse of Islam Nusantara which is developing well among the government, Islamic organizations, and the community is aging several pros and cons for Indonesia's domestic politics. Furthermore, Islam Nusantara is also often used as the trademark of Indonesia's foreign policy with countries in the Middle East. This study tries to explain how Islam Nusantara Islam as a discourse has been applied in Indonesia's foreign policy towards countries in the Middle East. The study primarily relies on a critical discourse analysis method.
Polemik Kebijakan Wisata Halal di Indonesia serta Tinjauannya dalam Maqashid Syariah Surwandono Surwandono; Rizki Dian Nursita; Rashda Diana; Ade Meiliyana
TSAQAFAH Vol. 16 No. 1 (2020): Islamic Economics
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v16i1.3594


AbstractHalal tourism has recently become jargon in Indonesia. The concept of halal tourism as the embodiment of Islamic tourism is considered ambiguous by certain groups. The concept of Halal Tourism or other similar terms such as Muslim-friendly or Islamic Tourism now raises a number of debates, whether the concept has a strong ontological basis with Islam, or it is merely a manifestation of economic interest that seeks to build competitive tourism and increase acceptance from the foreign Muslims segment. We apply the perspective of maqâshid syarî’ah to analyze the accuracy of the concept of Halal Tourism as a derivation of Islamic tourism and compare it with indicators used by Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI). The result shows that the term Halal Tourism can proportionately represent the concept of tourism in Islam. However, the adoption of maqâshid syarî’ah in Indonesian halal tourism is still neglected. The need for the adoption of legal policy based on sharia’s principles is something that we should consider in the future.Keywords: Muslim-Friendly Tourism, Maqâshid Syarî’ah, Tourism, Halal Tourism. AbstrakWisata halal telah menjadi jargon di Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Sejumlah kelompok menilai bahwa konsep wisata halal sebagai reseprentasi dari pariwisata islami adalah hal yang ambigu. Konsep wisata halal atau istilah lain seperti halal tourism atau Muslim-friendly tourism kini menimbulkan sejumlah perdebatan, apakah konsep tersebut memiliki basis ontologis yang kuat dengan Islam, ataukah sebagai bentuk strategi ekonomi untuk membangun pariwisata yang kompetitif dan meningkatkan penerimaan dari segmen Muslim asing. Dalam tulisan ini, kami menggunakan perspektif maqâshid syarî’ah untuk menimbang keakuratan konsep wisata halal sebagai derivasi dari pariwisata yang Islami, dan membandingkannya dengan sejumlah indikator dalam penyusunan indeks Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI). Hasil telaah terhadap tata kelola dan praktik wisata halal menunjukkan bahwa Wisata Halal adalah konsep yang tepat dan proporsional dalam merepresentasikan pariwisata yang Islami. Namun masih terdapat distorsi dalam tata kelola pariwisata halal di Indonesia yang mengabaikan prinsip maqâshid syarî’ah. Adanya kebijakan legal yang mengadopsi prinsip-prinsip dalam syariah adalah hal yang patut kita pertimbangkan di masa mendatang.Kata Kunci: Muslim-Friendly Tourism, Maqâshid Syarî’ah, Pariwisata, Wisata Halal.
Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Humanitarian Diplomacy in Assisting Refugees During Pandemic Rizki Dian Nursita; Putri Regina Ayu Wulansari; Esti Wahyu Ningtyas; Angelina Iskandar Saputri
Journal of Islamic World and Politics Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : Prodi Hubungan Internasional Program Magister Univ. Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jiwp.v7i2.78


The pandemic that has occurred since the end of 2019 has become a scourge for the global people. The number of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), which reached 82 million people, has caused them to become the most vulnerable group during the pandemic. According to the latest UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) report, over 116,000 COVID cases have been reported among the refugees. Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), as the world's second-largest inter-governmental organization, should tackle this vulnerability, considering that one of the OIC’s Programme Actions programs is developing the Joint Islamic Humanitarian Action. This study used humanitarian diplomacy as the conceptual framework to explore the extent of diplomacy carried out by OIC in assisting IDPs and refugees during the pandemic. This research applied qualitative methods for data collection and analysis. This research found that, during the pandemic, OIC has carried out actions to address the issue of refugees, such as promoting international norms relating to refugees, initiating international discussions and forums related to the condition of refugees during the pandemic, and collaborating with other international organizations in monitoring refugee assistance during the pandemic. However, most OIC’s roles are limited to organizing or facilitating international forums rather than engaging in the affected area.