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Analisis Model Pendidikan Tauhid di Pesantren al-Ikhlash Lamongan Muhammad Hambal Shafwan; Din Muhammad Zakariya
TSAQAFAH Vol 17, No 1 (2021): Islamic Education
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v17i1.6662


This study aims to explore how the thoughts of the director and the teachers of al-Ikhlash Islamic Boarding School about tauẖîd education, and how the implementation of tauẖîd education in al-Ikhlash Lamongan Islamic Boarding School. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with a type of phenomenology. The results showed that: First, tauẖîd received special attention at al-Ikhlash Islamic Boarding School because the main target of education in this Islamic boarding school was the formation of a generation of Muslims who had pure monotheism that colored their entire life, because the concept of monotheism contains doctrinal implications that the purpose of human life must be within the framework of worshiping Allah and from this concept of monotheism will emerge moral standards. Second, tauẖîd education at al-Ikhlash Islamic Boarding School uses the 3P method, namely doctrine values of tauẖîd, understanding, and practice. This is because tauẖîd education has more to do with things that are unseen which require that faith be prioritized over reason in order to become individuals who fear Allah. While the tauẖîd learning method at Pesantren al-Ikhlash Lamongan uses the halaqah system in the mosque by studying the monotheistic books written by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab and also the learning system in the classroom by studying the monotheism books written by Dr. Salih Fauzan.
Studia Religia : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam Vol 5, No 1 (2021)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/sr.v5i1.8996


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali tentang ibrah pendidikan dalam Kitab Shahih Bukhari. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian pustaka (library research), dan teknik analisis datanya menggunakan induktif dan deduktif.  Temuan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan: (1) Motivasi diri dan semangat yang tulus dari pribadi imam Bukhari sendiri sejak dini. Umur 16 tahun sudah berani meninggalkan kampung halaman pergi ke berbagai daerah dan negara untuk mencari guru dan belajar hadits, tanpa bekal yang memadai; (2) Dalam lawatan ilmiah dan amaliah selama 16 tahun, Beliau bertemu dan belajar langsung kepada 4000 guru yang menghasilkan kurang lebih 600.000 hadits beliau kumpulkan; (3) Hafalan imam Bukhari sangat luar biasa, tetapi dalam setiap perjalanan dari suatu daerah dan negara ke negara lainnya, kelihatan di tangannya selalu ada alat tulis; kertas dan pena yang sangat sederhana, sehingga selain menulis hadis, juga menulis nama-nama gurunya. Inilah yang kemudian menjadi daftar nama periwayat dalam sanad; (4) Rasa tanggung jawab yang sangat tinggi. Salah satu bentuk tanggung jawab ilmiahnya adalah menuliskan karya-karyanya lebih 20 judul kitab, yang diwariskan kepada generasi berikutnya termasuk kepada kita, sehingga ilmu dan pengalaman yang pernah dicapai tidak hilang begitu saja dengan wafatnya Beliau.
Studia Religia : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam Vol 5, No 2 (2021)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/sr.v5i2.10237


The problem of the study; First, How to overcome juvenile delinquency of students at MAM 4 Sedayulawas? Second; How is the role of moral education in the prevention of juvenile delinquency at MAM 4 Sedayulawas? The type of research in this study is field research the purpose is to create description or on overview sistematically, factually and accuratelly about facts with qualitative approach the method to collect data are; observation, interview nd documentation. Result of study First: effort which is used to overcome  juvenile delinquency of students (1)Through moral education, (2)Held  religious competition, (3)Studying religious science (4)Action by modeling good role models, (5)Guidance of reading and writing classical Arabic books, (6)Developing positive personality values by fostering cooperation, solidarity, tawadhu’,  (7)Familiarizing students to be discipline at school and through moral education held in school well, it is hoped that  students will be able to avoid those disgraceful characters and have good personality. Second: role of moral education against juvenile delinquency of students at MAM 4 Sedayulawas are, (1)As its concern for juvenile delinquency, (2)Youth coach to be true muslims, (3)Forming a pious believers,  (4)As broad insight in good attitude, (5)Play a role as noble character, (6)As a guide in achieving happiness of hereafter. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali tentang bagaimana upaya penanggulangan kenakalan remaja pada siswa MAM 4 Sedayulawas? Dan bagaimana peran pendidikan akhlak dalam penanggulangan kenakalan remaja dilingkungan MAM 4 Sedayulawas? Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif dalam bentuk penelitian lapangan. Tujuannya adalah untuk membuat deskripsi, gambaran atau lukisan secara sisematis, faktual dan akurat tentang fakta-fakta, dengan pendekatan kualitatif, metode pengumpulan datanya : observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian; Pertama Upaya yang digunakan MAM 4 Sedayulawas dalam penanggulangan kenalan remaja pada siswa yaitu (1)Melalui pendidikan ahklak, (2)Mengadakan lomba, (3)Mengkaji ilmu keagamaan, (4)Tindakan dengan memberi contoh suri tauladan yang baik, (5)Bimbingan baca tulis kitab-kitab arab klsikal, (6)Mengembangkan nilai-nilai kepribadian yang memupuk kerja sama, kesetiakawanan, tawadhu’, (7) Membiasakan siswa berdisiplin di Madrasah dan Melalui pendidikan ahklak yang diselenggarakan di sekolah dengan baik, diharapkan para siswa akan dapat menghindari sifat-sifat tercela tersebut dan dapat berakhlakul karimah. Kedua Peran pendidikan Ahklak terhadap kenalan remaja pada siswa MAM 4 Sedayulawas yaitu (1)Sebagai keprihatinannya terhadap kenalan remaja, (2)Pembina remaja menjadi muslim sejati (3)Membentuk manusia mukmin yang bertakwa, (4)Sebagai wawasan yang luas dalam berakhlakul karimah, (5)Berperan sebagai berbudi pekerti yang tinggi, (6)Sebagai pedoman dalam mencapai kebahagiaan dunia akhirat.
Studia Religia : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Juni 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/sr.v6i1.13187


Wasathiyah Islam is Islam that is rahmatan lil 'alamin, not Islam such as the understanding of extremists who tend to put forward a hard attitude without compromise (ifrâth), or the understanding of liberal groups who often interpret religious teachings very loosely, freely, even almost leaving the line of religious truth. tafrîth). This article aims to explore the prophetic hadiths which are the basis for being moderate in Islam, both in aqidah, worship, and muamalah. This will result in a complete understanding of true religious moderation. This research is a qualitative research through literature study. The method used in the research is the thematic method, by collecting hadith and correlating it with the object of research. The results of the study indicate that there are several hadiths that prohibit Muslims from being extreme in religion, both in aqidah, worship, and muamalah with others. Sahih hadiths that exist invite to understand and practice religion must go through the path of balance and be in the middle way so that religion seems friendly, gentle and affectionate. The principle of moderation in religion (wasathiyah) described in the nabawi hadith is the principle of al-khairiyah (being the best), al-tawazun (balance), raf'u al-haraj (removing difficulties), al-'is (being fair), and al-tasamuh (tolerant). Islam wasathiyah adalah islam yang rahmatan lil ‘alamin, bukan Islam seperti pemahaman para ekstremis yang cenderung mengedepankan sikap keras tanpa kompromi (ifrâth), atau pemahaman kelompok liberalis yang sering menginterpretasikan ajaran agama dengan sangat longgar, bebas, bahkan nyaris meninggalkan garis kebenaran agama sekalipun (tafrîth). Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggali hadits-hadits nabawi yang menjadi dasar untuk bersikap moderat dalam beragama Islam, baik dalam beraqidah, beribadah, dan bermuamalah. Sehingga akan menghasilkan pemahaman yang utuh tentang moderasi beragama yang sesungguhnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif melalui studi pustaka. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode tematik, dengan cara pengumpulan hadis dan mengorelasikan dengan objek penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa hadis yang melarang umat Islam untuk bersikap ekstrim dalam beragama baik dalam beraqidah, beribadah, dan bermuamalah dengan sesama. Hadits-hadits shahih yang ada mengajak untuk memahami dan mengamalkan agama harus melalui jalur keseimbangan dan berada di jalan tengah sehingga agama terkesan ramah, lembut dan kasih sayang. Prinsip moderasi dalam beragama (wasathiyah) yang diterangkan dalam hadis nabawi adalah prinsip al-khairiyah (menjadi yang terbaik), al-tawazun (keseimbangan), raf’u al-haraj (menghilangkan kesulitan), al-‘adalah (bersikap adil), dan al-tasamuh (toleran).
Implementasi Kurikulum Kekhasan dalam Meningkatkan Karakter Kebangsaan Muhammad Hambal Shafwan; Abdul Waris Husni
Jurnal Praktik Baik Pembelajaran Sekolah dan Pesantren Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022): Jurnal Praktik Baik Pembelajaran Sekolah dan Pesantren
Publisher : The Indonesian Institute of Science and Technology Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (562.756 KB) | DOI: 10.56741/pbpsp.v1i02.85


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan kurikulum kekhasan. Aspek yang diamati terkait dengan faktor-faktor penghambat dan upaya penanganannya. Metode penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Data di analisis secara interaktif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas taruna MA. Mambaul Ulum Bata-Bata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kurikulum kekhasan digunakan sebagai pedoman dan penjamin mutu yang sistematis dan terencana. Kurikulum ini digunakan untuk mengembangkan potensi peserta didik baik di bidang akademik, karakter dan kepribadian. Hambatan yang dialami adalah jumlah pembimbing tidak seimbang dengan jumlah siswa dan sarana latihan kurang  memadai. Upaya yang dilakukan adalah berkoordinasi dengan Ketua Ma’hadiyah. Selain itu, sekolah menunda kegiatan ke jam yang lain atau ke hari yang lain. Kegiatan dalam penerapan ini sangat tergantung pada kreativitas guru.
Konsep Pendidikan Tauhid menurut Syeikh Abdurrahman Bin Nȃsir Al-Sa’di Muhammad Hambal Shafwan; Nurul Yaqin
Studia Religia : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Juni 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/sr.v7i1.18259


This study explains the concept of monotheism education according to Sheikh Abdurrahman bin Nȃsir al-Sa'di in the book Taisȋr al-karȋm al-Rahmȃn fi tafsȋr kalȃmi al-Mannȃn. The research method in this study used a literature review. The data collection technique is through the process of organizing and selection. Where the data is organized and managed selectively according to categorization based on content analysis (content analysis). Then the data is managed as it is with the maudhu'i method. The mauhu'i method in question is a method that discusses and analyzes the tasfir of monotheistic verses, so that they become a unified whole. The results of the author's research can be concluded that Sheikh al-Sa'di believes that the monotheism of the apostles is the determination of the oneness of Allah who has no partners in His names, attributes, deeds and rights. And the concept of education is to stipulate that the Prophet Muhammad was the educator, the best and successful role model of all times. The purpose of education is to realize servitude only to Allah as the purpose of human creation. The learning method used in conveying monotheism education is the method of exemplary, soul practice, thought processing and good deeds habituation. Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang bagaimana konsep pendidikan tauhid menurut syekh Abdurrahman bin Nȃsir al-Sa’di dalam kitab Taisȋr al-karȋm al-Rahmȃn fi tafsȋr kalȃmi al-Mannȃn. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan penelaahan kepustakaan. Teknik pengumpulan datanya melalui proses organizing and selection. Di mana data-data diorganisasi dan dikelola secara selektif sesuai katergorisasi berdasarkan content analisis (analisis isi). Kemudian data tersebut dikelola secara apa adanya dengan metode maudhu’i. Metode mauhu’i yang dimaksud adalah metode yang membahas dan menganalisis tasfir ayat-ayat Tauhid, sehingga menjadi satu kesatuan yang utuh. Hasil penelitian penulis dapat disimpulkan bahwa Syeikh al-Sa’di menyakini tauhid para rasul adalah penetapan keesaan Allah yang tidak ada sekutu bagiNya pada nama-nama, sifat-sifat, perbuatan-perbuatan dan hak-hakNya. Dan Konsep pendidikannya adalah menentapkan  bahwa Nabi Muhammad adalah pendidik, teladan sukses dan terbaik di semua zaman. Tujuan pendidikan adalah merealisasikan penghambaan hanya kepada Allah sebagaimana tujuan manusia diciptakan. Metode pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam menyampaikan pendidikan tauhid adalah metode keteladanan, olah jiwa, olah pikir dan pembiasaan amal shalih.
Analisis Model Pendidikan Tauhid di Pesantren al-Ikhlash Lamongan Muhammad Hambal Shafwan; Din Muhammad Zakariya
TSAQAFAH Vol. 17 No. 1 (2021): Islamic Education
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v17i1.6662


This study aims to explore how the thoughts of the director and the teachers of al-Ikhlash Islamic Boarding School about tauẖîd education, and how the implementation of tauẖîd education in al-Ikhlash Lamongan Islamic Boarding School. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with a type of phenomenology. The results showed that: First, tauẖîd received special attention at al-Ikhlash Islamic Boarding School because the main target of education in this Islamic boarding school was the formation of a generation of Muslims who had pure monotheism that colored their entire life, because the concept of monotheism contains doctrinal implications that the purpose of human life must be within the framework of worshiping Allah and from this concept of monotheism will emerge moral standards. Second, tauẖîd education at al-Ikhlash Islamic Boarding School uses the 3P method, namely doctrine values of tauẖîd, understanding, and practice. This is because tauẖîd education has more to do with things that are unseen which require that faith be prioritized over reason in order to become individuals who fear Allah. While the tauẖîd learning method at Pesantren al-Ikhlash Lamongan uses the halaqah system in the mosque by studying the monotheistic books written by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab and also the learning system in the classroom by studying the monotheism books written by Dr. Salih Fauzan.
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pendidikan Vol 5 No 2 (2023): STAIKA (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pendidikan Agama Islam)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


In the range of the academic year 2020/2021, the value of the Arabic language learning outcomes of the students of the Thaybah Islamic boarding school, Surabaya with the book of DL 1 did not show the expected level because it had not reached the standard value set by Thaybah's internal parties, 80.50. Then the researcher offered to collaborate with Thaybah to use a patterned Arabic learning module, the Deep Q & A written by the researcher as a supporting book in order to upgrade the value of student learning outcomes.This study has the following problem formulation: (1) How is the result of learningArabic from the Book of DL 1 of Pesma Thaybah students in the academic year 2020/2021?, (2) How is the implementation of the book of DL 1 learning method using patterned learning module, the Deep Q & A written by the researcher?, and (3) How to upgrade the results of learning Arabic from the Book of DL 1 for Pesma Thaybah students in the academic year 2021/2022? This thesis used descriptive qualitative research because it is in accordance with the themes and cases raised in this study. The results showed that the implementation of the Arabic book of DL 1 learning method using pattern learning module, the Deep Q & A written by the researcher succeeded in upgrading the average index of student learning outcomes in the range of academic year 2020/2021; it's just that it still hasn't been able to reach the standard level of value set by the internal Pesma Thaybah. This is possible because of the other factors affecting student learning outcomes that have not been identified in this study.
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pendidikan Vol 5 No 2 (2023): STAIKA (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pendidikan Agama Islam)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research was motivated by: First, the current generation is far from the values ​​of faith in Allah in every worship. Second, the lack of faith character education in schools. Third, the lack of cooperation between home and school in education. The purpose of this research: First, to find out how the concept of faith learning in Kuttab Al-Fatih Sidoarjo. Second, what is the strategy of the Kuttab teacher in internalizing the value of faith in God at Kuttab Al-Fatih Sidoarjo. Third, the supporting factors and obstacles in internalizing the value of faith in Allah. This type of research was a field research with primary data through interviews with the head of the Kuttab, teachers and the founder of the Kuttab Al-Fatih Sidoarjo. Secondary data from the literature, all data collected and analysed by qualitative methods in descriptive form. The results showed that the strategy for internalizing the value of faith in Allah in Kuttab Qonuni 3 and 4 is to motivate, adjust to the psychological conditions of students, build good cooperation between Faith teachers and Qur’an teachers, cooperate with students’ parents and pray. The supporting factors for the students were conditioned, the cooperation of the Faith teacher, the Qur'an teacher and the students' parents. The barrier factor was gadgets and students’ parents.
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pendidikan Vol 6 No 1 (2023): STAIKA (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pendidikan Agama Islam)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research was based on efforts to realize educational institutions that were consistent with superior qualifications as an achievement of the school’s vision and mission. The formulation of the problem of this thesis is first, how is the development of educational institutions in SD Muhammadiyah 1 Pucanganom Sidoarjo at this time, secondly how the implementation of strategic management of the principal in the development of educational institutions at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Pucanganom Sidoarjo, and third, what are the only factors that support and hinder the implementation of the principal's strategic management in the development of educational institutions in SD Muhammadiyah 1 Pucanganom Sidoarjo. This type of research was field research that collected primary data through in-depth interviews from the principal, and teachers in SD Muhammadiyah 1 Pucanganom Sidoarjo. Secondary data of this research were obtained from the literature and administrative file documents in SD Muhammadiyah 1 Pucanganom Sidoarjo. The results showed that the strategic management of the principle in SD Muhammadiyah 1 Pucanganom Sidoarjo uses the RIRE approach which translated as the strength of the implementation of the principal’s strategic management. This strength consisted of the values of religiosity, integrity, respect, and excellence which are grounded to all teachers and employees as well as students in SD Muhammadiyah 1 Pucanganom Sidoarjo. Keywords : Strategic Management; Educational Institutions; RIRE