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Journal : NADWA

Ilmu Ladunni dalam Perspektif al-Ghazali Agus Sutiyono
Nadwa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 7, No 2 (2013): Inovasi Pendidikan
Publisher : FITK UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/nw.2013.7.2.564


Science Ladunni inspiration is flowing light, which can occur after improvement (taswiyah). Rationally, all knowledge can be acquired through learning. This is key in pursuing the  events and education trips. Learning becomes importantwhen one wants to reach the succes top life in understanding the science. How to get the science ladunni according to al-Ghazali, namely; first, trying to grab all the knowledge and take the highest ration of science the most. Second, proper training (ar-riyad ash sad iqah) and supervision are valid (al-muraqabah as sahihah), and still a fraid God with truth. Third, thinking (tafakur), if the soul has learned and trained to be a science, then he bertafakur. Fourth rabbaniyah purify hearts decorated with zikrullah.AbstrakIlmu Ladunni ialah mengalirnya cahaya ilham, yang bisa terjadi setelah penyempurnaan (taswiyah). Secara rasional, semua ilmu pengetahuan dapat diperoleh melalui belajar. Ini merupakan kunci dalam meniti peristiwa dan perjalanan pendidikan. Belajar menjadi penting Ketika seseorang ingin mencapai puncakkeberhasilan hidupnya dalam memahami ilmu. Cara  mendapatkan ilmu ladunni menurutt al-Ghazali yaitu; pertama, berusaha meraih semua ilmu dan mengambil jatah terbanyak dari ilmu yang paling banyak. Kedua, latihan yang benar ( ar-riyad}ah as}-s}adiqah ) dan pengawasan yang sahih ( al-muraqabah as}-s}ahihah ), serta tetap merasa takut kepada Allah dengan sebenar-benarnya. Ketiga, berfikir (tafakur), apabila jiwa telah belajar dan terlatih akan suatu ilmu, kemudian iabertafakur. Keempat mensucikan hati  rabbaniyah yang dihiasi dengan  z\ikrullah .
Developing the Instrument of Fikih Assessment in Madrasah Aliyah Agus Sutiyono
Nadwa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 16, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : FITK UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/nw.2022.16.1.15384


The study aimed to develop an instrument of Fikih assessment in Madrasah Aliyah (MA) that has good construct validity and at estimating the reliability of the Fikih assessment instrument in MA. This study used Research and Development (R D) Method. The subjects in this study were the students in MAN Cilacap, MAN Banyumas, and MAN Purbalingga. This study found, first, that the instrument of Fikih assessment in the Regency of Cilacap, Banyumas, and Purbalingga has not met its standards as a measurement tool. Second, the development of the Fikih instrument in the MA has used observable variables by conducting a theoretical review of the Fikih learning materials in Grade XI of Senior High School from the 2013 Curriculum. So, the researcher formulated the Fikih Instrument Items and conducted a qualitative analysis with the assistance of the Fikih experts and Evaluation and Assessment experts. Indicators with 30 items have been equal to 0.976, which means that the nine indicators of the Fikih assessment instrument provide reliable estimates for the latent variables of the Fikih instrument.