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Implementasi Teknik Clustering Untuk Pengelompokan Mobil Bekas Berdasarkan Grade Pada Mobi Auto Diana Yusuf; Ellya Sestri; Fahrul Razi
Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Sistem Komputer TGD Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): J-SISKO TECH EDISI JULI
Publisher : STMIK Triguna Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53513/jsk.v6i2.8352


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan teknik clustering dalam pengelompokan mobil bekas berdasarkan grade pada perusahaan Mobi Auto. Metode clustering yang digunakan ialah K-Means Clustering untuk mengelompokkan mobil bekas ke dalam  3 (tiga) grade yakni grade A (Mobil Kualitas Sangat Baik), grade B (Mobil Kualitas Baik), dan grade C (Mobil Kualitas Rata-Rata). Data fitur kendararaan, kondisi fisik, riwayat perawatan, harga dan atribut tambahan dikumpulkan dan digunakan sebagai variabel dalam analisis klasterisasi. Hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan pengelompokkan mobil bekas sesuai dengan grade yang ditetapkan oleh perusahaan. Hal ini akan membantu Mobi Auto dalam mengelola stok mobil bekas dengan lebih efisien, memberikan informasi yang akurat kepada pelanggan dan meningkatkan pengalaman pembelian mobil bekas. Implementasi K-Means Clustering ini dapat menjadi alat yang bermanfaat dalam pengelompokkan mobil bekas berdasarkan grade di perusahaan Mobi Auto. Penelitian ini memberikan dasar bagi pengembangan sistem pengelompokkan yang lebih canggih dan efektif di masa depan, serta memberikan manfaat dalam pengolahan dan analisis data secara keseluruhan untuk perusahaan penjualan mobil bekas.    
Comparison of EfficientNet B5-B6 for Detection of 29 Diseases of Fruit Plants Vany Terisia; Widi Hastomo; Adhitio Satyo Bayangkari Karno; Ellya Sestri; Diana Yusuf; Shevty Arbekti Arman; Nada Kamilia
Sainteks Vol 20, No 2 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/sainteks.v20i2.18691


In initiatives to meet food needs and enhance the wellbeing of farmers and society at large, crop production performance is essential. For early attempts to be made for quick handling to prevent crop failure, farmers must be able to readily and quickly receive information in order to detect plant illnesses. In this study, two Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures namely, EfficientNet versions B5 and B6 are used to develop a classification model for plant disease using Deep Learning (DL). The 66,556 visuals in the dataset, which is from, are used. To create a model, the training method uses 57,067 images data and 3,170 image data for validation. The EfficientNet architecture versions B5 and B6 received very good accuracy scores for the total test results, namely 0.9905 and 0.9927. The model testing phase was carried out through testing phases utilising 3.171 images data. Future analysis can compare CNN architectures and try it with different datasets.
Metode Decision Tree Dalam Klasifikasi Kredit Pada Nasabah PT Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (Studi Kasus : PT BPR Lubuk Raya Mandiri) Diana Yusuf; Ellya Sestri
Jurnal Sistem Informasi (JUSIN) Vol 1 No 1 (2020): JUSIN
Publisher : ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32546/jusin.v1i1.855


Data mining is a new technology that has been successfully applied in many fields. Many problems are solved by data mining algorithms C4.5 as a supporter.Classification is one of the methods contained in data mining and not a few researchers who use the classification methods in solving problems. Credit analysis will be done with the digging data against existing data customer credits based on atribut-atributnya with tekanik data mining algorithm C4.5. The algorithm C4.5 is itself a group of decision tree algorithm. This algorithm has input in the form of training and samples. Data mining technique used to classify loans with algorithm C4.5. Analysis and processing of data use applied tools of RapidMiner v 7.3
Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Tetelo Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor Vany Terisia; Ellya Sestri; Dendi Raihan
Jurnal Sistem Informasi (JUSIN) Vol 3 No 1 (2022): JUSIN
Publisher : ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32546/jusin.v3i1.1646


In today's technological era, computers are not only used as a tool to complete human work but can also run applications designed to access information quickly. Expert systems are one part of artificial intelligence. An Expert Systems application is an application that transfers expert knowledge to a computer. That way the computer can also solve problems as is usually done by experts. Expert systems have been widely developed in various fields, including the field of animal husbandry. Detection of tetelo disease can use an expert system application. One of them is to detect Tetelo disease. Therefore, breeders can access information about Tetelo disease that is diagnosed with the help of an expert system that uses the Certainty Factor method. The Certainty Factor method serves to determine the degree of certainty of the diagnosis result.
Mengiplementasikan Vector Space Model Similarity Euclidean Distance Menggunakan TFIDF Pada Klasifikasi Teks Bahasa Indonesia Reza Fitriansyah; Ellya Sestri; Vany Terisia
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi (JUTECH) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): JUTECH: Jurnal Teknologi Informasi
Publisher : ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32546/jutech.v3i2.2034


Weighting based on the term with stemming techniques to get the basic word form term in question. This will the application of the Indonesian language text classification machine using the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm and the Vector Space Model method on the TFIDF frequency weighting of the number of words and the Euclidean Distance function. comparison between the test documents and the test sample collection Using news documents as learning documents, a total of 10 (10) documents with 3 (three) categories, produces an Precision and Recall 90.00% for k = 5 using frequency weighting in words with the Euclidean Distance function.
Perancangan Alat Peringatan Dini Banjir dengan Sensor HC SR-O4 Dan NODEMCU Berbasis IOT Aldin Tegar Wahyudi; Diana Yusuf; Elliya Sestri
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi (JUTECH) Vol 3 No 1 (2022): JUTECH: Jurnal Teknologi Informasi
Publisher : ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32546/jutech.v3i1.2115


With current technological advances we can minimize or possibly prevent the effects of flooding by utilizing IoT (Internet of Things). On January 1, 2020 the volume of water in Cisadane overflowed which resulted in Panungnggang Barat Village being submerged by floods reaching 2.5 meters which had reached the roofs of houses, causing residents to flee their homes, look for medicines due to itching, and lose some of their assets. Panungnggang Barat Village currently does not have a tool to warn of flooding if at any time the Cisadane river overflows, therefore this research was made to make a flood early warning tool for residents to be vigilant if at any time the volume of water in the Cisadane river overflows into settlements. By focusing on research, observation, and interviews related to the matter being researched, researchers have observed and analyzed the problems in the Panungnggang Barat Village that there are no flood early warning devices, so residents are only guessing when the flood will come. From the problems that have been described, the researcher aims to create a flood early warning tool so that it can be useful for residents of Panungnggang Barat Village if at any time the water in the Cisadane River overflows, this tool will function as a warning to residents to be prepared for floods.
Sistem Penyiraman Otomatis Pada Tanaman Hias Dengan Menggunakan Blynk dan NodeMCU Rizky Nur Prasetyo; R. Tommy Gumelar; Elliya Sestri
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi (JUTECH) Vol 3 No 1 (2022): JUTECH: Jurnal Teknologi Informasi
Publisher : ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32546/jutech.v3i1.2141


The development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology has had a major impact on various aspects of life, including agriculture and plant care. This research aims to design a solution that can overcome the challenges of irrigating ornamental plants by utilizing soil moisture sensors and IoT technology. The approach used in this study is Hardware Programming. This approach involves leveraging hardware and programming to design and implement an IoT-based automatic watering system for ornamental plants. In its implementation, the NodeMCU ESP8266 acts as the control center, while the soil moisture sensor is used to measure soil moisture levels, the DHT11 sensor is used to measure ambient temperature, and the ultrasonic sensor is used to measure the volume of water in the container. The data obtained from these sensors is integrated with the Blynk application. The test results show that the system is able to provide an accurate and fast response regarding soil moisture conditions, as well as making it easier for users to monitor watering through mobile devices. This research contributes to overcoming plant care challenges by utilizing IoT technology and integration with the Blynk platform. It is hoped that this solution will provide benefits, especially for Tangerang Express Park rangers, so that they can monitor plant conditions in real-time.
E-Commerce Berbasis Android Pada Man Creative Sheren Tasyana Saputri; Elliya Sestri; Diana Yusuf
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi (JUTECH) Vol 4 No 2 (2023): JUTECH: Jurnal Teknologi Informasi
Publisher : ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32546/jutech.v4i2.2150


The background of research is able to listed as How to design application Android based, How to implement the design of applications Creative Man, how to test applications based on Android Agile Scrum methods will be used to build this application. Scrum is a methode based on agile principles is focus on effective teamwork, incremental products, and iterating processes to achieve the end result. Scrum, according to Schwaber & Sutherland, is a framework that can handle complex and ever-changing problems. In addition, it is considered to have the ability to provide high-quality products that match the desires of innovative and productive users in MAN Creative's medium-sized business of building an sales system that can be accessed online rather than replacing it. The old system still using offline system. Plan of built new system hopefully can expand the market with android applications. Customers can easily get information about any product sold without having go to Man Creative store. With new online system, MAN Creative can easily provide information about any product, such as product name, price, etc. MAN Creative can be known by many people.. Analysis of sales transaction security issues. In order for more expeditions to be available in the future, couriers or expeditions must be present. In the process of product development, its appearance will be updated to provide more complete information, including new or additional types of products.