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Journal : AGRIPEAT

PEMATAHAN DORMANSI BENIH KELAPA SAWIT (Elaeis guinensis Jacq.) MENGGUNAKAN KALIUM NITRAT (KNO3) DAN AIR KELAPA Kaliamsyah Sinaga; Chotimah Hastin Ernawati Nur CC; Yusurum Jagau
AgriPeat Vol. 22 No. 01 (2021): JURNAL AGRIPEAT VOLUME 22 NO. 01 MARET 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36873/agp.v22i01.3307


The aim of this study were, 1) to find out and study the effect of KNO3 immersion treatment on oil palm seed germination; 2) to find out and study the effect of coconut water immersion treatment on oil palm seed germination; 3) to find out and study the interactions that occur between KNO3 immersion treatment and coconut water to oil palm seed germination. This research was conducted in July 2019 until August 2019 in the Laboratory of the Department of Agriculture Cultivation, Faculty of Agriculture, Palangka Raya University using a Completely Randomized Design with 2 factors. The first factor is the concentration of KNO3: K0 (0%); K1 (0.2%); K2 (0.4%); K3 (0.6%) and the second factor is coconut water concentration, B0 (0%); B1 (60%); B2 (80%); B3 (100%). The parameters observed were first count germination, maximum growth potential, germination power, growth speed, radicle length, plumular length and dormancy intensity. The results showed that the treatment of KNO3 concentration significantly affected first count germination, maximum growth potential, germination rate, growth speed and dormancy intensity. Treatment of coconut water concentration significantly affected first count germination, maximum growth potential, germination rate, growth speed and dormancy intensity. The interaction between the treatment of KNO3 concentration and coconut water concentration had no significant effect on all observed parameters
APLIKASI PUPUK KNO3 DAN ZPT EKSTRAK KECAMBAH KACANG HIJAU TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN, PENINGKATAN RASA MANIS DAN HASIL MELON (Cucumis melo L.): The Effects of KNO3 Fertilizer and Growth Regulator Of mung Bean sprout Extract on the Growth, Sweetness Increase and Yield of melon (Cucumis melo L.) Suratmi Suratmi; Hastin Ernawati Nur Chusnul Chotimah; Abdul Syahid
AgriPeat Vol. 23 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL AGRIPEAT
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36873/agp.v23i1.4454


This study was aimed to discover the effect of KNO3 fertilizer and growth regulators on the sweetness level of melon and to determine the best dose of KNO3 and growth regulator fertilizers that can increase the sweetness of melon. This study used a randomized block design of two factors, namely: Factor I dose of KNO3 fertilizer with 4 levels: K0 (0g/plant), K1 (6g/plant), K2 (9g/plant), and K3 (12g/plant). Factor II: concentration of mung bean sprout extract with 3 levels: C0 (0 g/l), C1 (100 g/l), C2 (200 g/l). The results showed that the KNO3 fertilizer treatment had no significant effect on all observation variables, while the treatment with mung bean sprout extract at a dose of C1 (100 g/l), showed the best treatment
PENGARUH PUPUK ORGANIK CAIR DAN PUPUK MAJEMUK NPK TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN SETEK BATANG CINCAU HIJAU: Effect of Liquid Organic Fertilizer and NPK Compound Fertilizer On The Growth of Green Grass Cincau (Premna oblongifolia Merr) Stem Cuttings in Peat Soil Agung Prasetyo; Sih Winarti; Siti Zubaidah; Yustinus Sulistiyanto; Hastin Ernawati Nur Chusnul Chotimah
AgriPeat Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL AGRIPEAT
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36873/agp.v23i2.5960


This study was to determine the effect of NPK and liquid organic fertilizers and the interaction on the growth of green grass jelly stem cuttings on peat soil. The research was carried out in September - December 2020, located in the plastic house of the Experimental Garden Installation Department of Agricultural Cultivation, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Palangka Raya. This experiment used a factorial completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 2 (two) treatment factors with 3 (three) replications. The first factor was the concentration of POC administration consisting of 4 (four) levels (0, 3, 6 and 9 mL of POC L-1 water) and the second factor is the dose of NPK 15: 15: 15 fertilizer consisting of 4 (four) levels ( 0, 1, 2 and 3 g NPK polybag-1). The results showed that there was an interaction between the administration of 3 mL POC L-1 water and 3 g NPK polybag-1 on shoot length (77.57 cm) and the treatment of 9 mL POC L-1 water and 3 g NPK polybag-1 on weight. fresh leaves (53.83 g). A single factor of 3 g NPK polybag-1 fertilizer was able to give a significant effect on the number of shoots (4.58 pieces), shoot length (75.31 cm), number of leaves (38.33 strands), leaf area (3032.77 cm2), heavy fresh leaves (54.86 g) root length (30.99 cm) and root volume (7.00 cm-3). The provision of 9 mL of POC L-1 water gave a significant effect on the number of roots in the treatment (10.58 fruit) and root weight in the treatment of 9 mL of POC L-1 water (2.39 g)
RESPON PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL TANAMAN SEMANGKA (Citrullus vulgaris Schard) AKIBAT PEMBERIAN POC LIMBAH BUAH BUAHAN DI TANAH GAMBUT: Plant Growth and Yield Response Watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris Schard) due to Application of Liquid Organic Fertilizer of Fruit Waste on Peat Soils Sando Johnwick Sibuea; Hastin Ernawati Nur Chusnul Chotimah; Susi Kresnatita; Oesin Oemar; Ahmat Sajarwan
AgriPeat Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL AGRIPEAT
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36873/agp.v23i2.5970


This study aims to determine the best interaction between watermelon varieties and the application of liquid organic fertilizer from fruit waste, the best dose, and the suitable varieties for cultivation on peat soils. The design used was a 4 x 2 factorial RCBD (Randomized Completely Block Design) with 3 replications. The factors studied arethe variety (V) consists of two levels, namely: V1: Amara F1, V2: Garnis F1, and liquid organic fertilizer (P), consists of four levels, namely: P0: 0/liter of water, P1: 30 mL +970 mL of water/plot, P2: 60 mL+940 mL of water/plot, P3: 90 mL+910 mL of water/plot. The results showed that there was no interaction between varieties and liquid organic fertilizers. The varieties had a significant effect on plant length, the number of leaves, flowering time, and fruit length. The suitable variety was Garnis F1. The liquid organic fertilizers had a significant effect on fruit weight per plot, and fruit diameter with the best dose of 30 mL+970 mL of water/plot on the Garnis F1 variety. The highest fruit sweetness rate (7.72 Brix) at the best dose 90 mL+910 mL of water/plot on the Garnis F1 variety