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POLA PERTUMBUHAN KAPANG Monascus purpureus PADA MEDIA BERAS, JAGUNG, DAN KOMBINASI BERAS - JAGUNG Retnowati, Yuliana; Abdurrahmat, Asep S.; Kumaji, Syam; Umadji, Nurinda
Jurnal Entropi Vol 5, No 2, 2009
Publisher : Jurnal Entropi

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The aim of the study was to determine the pattern of Monascus purpureus growth on the rice, corn, and rice-corn combination medium. The study was done at microbiology laboratory of Biologi Departement, Gorontalo State University. The study was based on descriptive methods that describe the pattern of Monascus purpureus growth on rice, corn and rice-corn combination medium. The changes of mycelium colour and the addition of mycelium pigmentation area on 0-16 days observations as the indikator of fungal growth. The results showed that the ability of Monascus purpureus to grow at rice, corn,and rice-corn combination medium was different. The difference was showed on the adaptation time or lag grouth phase at each of the growth medium. The stationary growth phase of Monascus purpureus was reached at fifth days after adaptation periode. The pigment production of Monascus purpureus was different at each of growth medium, while 75 %, 95 %, 100 % at rice, corn, and ricecorn combination medium.
Sainstek VOL 07, NO 02, 2013
Publisher : Sainstek

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas bakteri Lactobacillus bulgaricus pada fermentasi susu jagung dengan penambahan sukrosa dan laktosa. Aktivitas bakteri ditentukan melalui pengukuran kadar asam laktat dengan data pendukung jumlah bakteri dan pH lingkungan. Kadar asam laktat dianalisis menggunakan Metode Mann Acid Test. Penelitian didasarkan pada metode eksperimen menggunakan rancangan acak blok dengan 3 perlakuan (susu jagung murni, susu jagung dengan penambahan sukrosa dan susu jagung dengan penambahana laktosa) dengan 9 ulangan. Hipotesis diuji dengan analisis statistik nonparametrik menggunakan kruskall wallis dan untuk menentukan perbedaan pada setiap perlakuan dilanjutkan dengan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penambahan sukrosa dan laktosa tidak berbeda nyata dengan hasil kadar asam laktat 1,624% dan 1,953%. Pada perlakuan fermentasi susu jagung murni berbeda nyata dengan kedua perlakuan tersebut dengan hasil kadar asam laktat yaitu 1,062%.
Sainstek Vol 6, No 1, 2011
Publisher : Jurnal Sainstek

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The aim of the study was to obtain and determine the mercury utilizing bacteria from the contaminated river sediment by gold mining wastes. Mercury utilizing bacteria were isolated through batchwise enrichment culture techniques using modified nutrient broth containing 0.1 mgL-1 methyl mercury chloride (CH3HgCl). Selection of isolates was carried out through the growth experiment based on their abilities to grow on different methyl mercury concentrations, in terms of generation time (g) and specific growth rates (?). Three types of bacteria showing the highest, moderate, the lowest generation time were selected and purified for futher identify experiments. The selected isolates were identified using standard methods. The results revealed that fourteen mercury utilizing bacteria were succesfully isolated from river sediment (133.5x106 CFU/ml). Only four isolates were able to grow on growth medium containing 24 mg L-1 at generation times of 1.35.5 h and specific growth rates of 0.10.5 generation h-1. The four selected isolates were identified as Bacillus sp. (strain YLN002), Alcaligenes sp. (strain YLN004 and strain YLN005) and Pseudo-monas sp. (strain YLN006).
Sainstek Vol 2, No 3, 2007
Publisher : Sainstek

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The objectives of this study were to count the microbial biomass on sediment and water of Limboto lake and to determinate the microbial diversity on sediment and water based on their metabolic activity through the enrichment ex-situ microcosmos technique. The study done in 2 steps were sampling of sediment and water on Limboto lake and laboratorium observation. pH and temperature were physical indicator of sample and laboratory observation was microbial count (bacteria) based on plate count method. The microbial diversity determinated by the enrichment ex-situ microcosmos technique (winogradky colomn). The microbial diversity observed in 21 days base on the physical and chemistry changing. The study was succesfully counting microbial biomass on sediment and water Limboto lake. The count of microbial biomass was 6.45x107 CFUgr-1 (in sediment) and 2.18x106 CFUml-1 (the water). The enrichment ex-situ microcosmos technique with winogradsky colomn was succesfully determinate microbial diversity based on microbial metabolic activity. The microbial metaolic activity was show through physical, chemistry and biological change on sediment and water sample. That means was aquatic ecosystem on Limboto lake contain some microbial metabolic groups (guilds). The guilds were show microbial activity in the ecosystem, especially on sediment colomn, microaerophylic and water colomn.
POTENSI PENGHASILAN HORMON IAA OLEH MIKROBA ENDOFIT AKAR TANAMAN JAGUNG (Zea mays) Retnowati, Yuliana; Uno, Wirnangsi D; Putri, Siti Humairah Eka
Sainstek VOL 06, NO 06, 2012
Publisher : Jurnal Sainstek

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The aim of the study was to obtain an endofityc microorganisms that potential to produce IAA hormone in the root of corn and to analyze the ability to produce IAA by manipulating of the growth medium that used the liquid waste of tofu industry. The method based on descriptive methode that describe the ability of ed endofityc microorganism in IAA hormone producing at the liquid waste of tofu industry. The isolation of endofityc bacterial based on Radu and Kqeen method (2002), then characterization and ion was done. The ability producing IAA hormone test was based on colorimetry method used spectrophotometer on 530 nm of wavelength. The results showed that there were six isolates of endophytic bacteria isolated from the roots of Bisi and Motoro II maize varieties which shows the character of colony morphology and cell-specific forms. The results of measurements of the ability of the hormone IAA in vitro income showed an increase in levels of IAA until the seventh day of incubation. the test results of hormone production on the medium tofu industrial wastewater know precisely a decline compared to in vitro tests and the highest IAA levels achieved at 48 hours of incubation.
Sainstek Vol 6, No 2, 2011
Publisher : Sainstek

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The aim of study was to determine the growth of Staphylococcus aureus on The Medium that Exposed with sambiloto leaf infusion. The study was done at microbiology laboratory, Biology Department, Gorontalo State University. The descriptive method was used, that describes of the effect of sambiloto leaf infusion to S. aureus growth, which refers to the specific growth rate and generation time in bitter leaf infusion concentration variation during the incubation period 72 hours. The results showed that the sambiloto leaf infusion have bacteriostatic effect on S. aureus growth with specific growth rates at concentrations (v/v) of 0%, 25%, 50% and 75% were 0.362, 0.260, 0.169 and 0.974 / h and each of generation time were 1.92, 2.66, 4.09 and 9.29 hours. Keywords: Growth, S. aureus, infusion sambiloto leaf, bacteriostatic effect.
PERTUMBUHAN KAPANG Monascus purpureus, Aspergillus flavus DAN Penicillium SP PADA MEDIA BERAS, JAGUNG DAN KOMBINASI BERAS JAGUNG Retnowati, Yuliana; D.Uno, Wirnangsi; Kumaji, Syam; Humokor, Yulianti
Sainstek Vol 5, No 3, 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Sainstek

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The object of this study was to know the growth of Monascus purpureus, Aspergillus flavus and Penicillium sp at the rice, corn and rice-corn combination media which based on the description method. The observation of study was done for sixteen days while the increasement of percentage of myselium mass fungus as indicator of the growth. The result of study shown that the growth of Monascus purpureus, Aspergillus flavus and Penicillium sp at each of the rice, corn and ricecorn combination media was dominated by Aspergillis flavus and their forming amensalysm symbiosis. Keywords : growth, Monascus purpureus, Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium sp.
Sainstek Vol 1, No 3, 2006
Publisher : Jurnal Sainstek

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The aim of this research was to classify strain of genus Actinobacillus, Haemophillus and Pasteurella based on numerical taxonomy through Simple Matching Coefficient (SSM) and Jaccard Coefficient ( SJ ) analyze. Fifty character units of thirds genus were collected from Bergeys manual compiled in n x t matrix. Phena was detected based on taxospecies concept. MVSP Plus version 2.0 and UPGMA algorithm was used to construct of similar matrix and dendogram. The result of this research are classified the genus Actinobacillus, Haemophillus and Pasteurella into 4 (four) clusters through SSM analyze and 10 (ten) clusters through SJ analyze with coefficient correlation 0.4055 (SSM) and 0.824 (SJ). It show that the dendogram was constructed from SJ analyze more accurate than SSM analyze.
Isolasi dan Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Actinomycetes dari Rhizosfer Bakau di Hutan Bakau Torosiaje Gorontalo Yuliana Retnowati; Langkah Sembiring; Sukarti Moeljopawiro; Tjut S. Djohan; Endang S. Soetarto
Prosiding SNPBS (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Biologi dan Saintek) 2017: Prosiding SNPBS (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Biologi dan Saintek)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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Actinomycetes penghasil antibiotik telah dieksplorasi dari berbagai sumber di lingkungan, terutama lingkungan ekstrim.Hutan bakau Torosiaje di Provinsi Gorontalo memiliki kondisi geomorfologi yang unik berupa ekosistem hutan bakau karsdengan dua tipe area yaitu tipe fringe dan overwash mangrove yang tersusun oleh jenis bakau yang bervariasi. Penelitian inidi desain untuk mendapatkan isolat Actinomycetes dari rhizosfer berbagai jenis bakau di hutan bakau Torosiaje Gorontalodan menganalisis aktifitas antibakteri melawan bakteri patogen. Sampel tanah dikoleksi dari rizosfer tujuh jenis pohon bakauyaitu Rhizophora mucronata dan Bruguiera gymnorhiza pada tipe hutan overwash, Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguieragymnorhiza pada zona middle tipe hutan Fringe, Avicenia marina, Xylocarpus sp, Ceriops tagal dan Soneratia alba padazona upper tipe hutan fringe. Pre-treatmen sampel tanah berdasarkan metode panas basah pada suhu 60oC selama 15 menit.Isolasi selektif Actinomycetes menggunakan medium Starch Casein Agar yang disuplementasi dengan cyclohexamide dannystatin. Seleksi isolat penghasil antibiotik berdasarkan metode agar blok menggunakan bakteri uji Eschericia coli,Staphylococcus aureus dan Bacillus subtillis. Aktifitas antibakteri ditandai dengan pembentukan zona hambat disekitarpertumbuhan actinomyctes. Diameter zona hambat dan diameter koloni Actinomycetes diukur untuk menentukan indekszona hambat. Hasil penelitian diperoleh sebanyak 167 isolat Actinomycetes yang terdistribusi pada rizosfer 7 jenis bakau. 77isolat Actinomycetes menunjukkan aktifitas antibakteri melawan bakteri patogen, terdiri dari 52 isolat melawan bakteriGram-positif (narraw spectrum) dan 25 isolat melawan bakteri Gram-positif dan Gram-negatif (broad spectrum). IsolatActinomycetes penghasil antibiotik memiliki karakter morfologi yang bervariasi yang didominasi oleh koloni berwana putihdan pigmen terdifusi berwarna kekuningan sampai coklat dan dikelompokkan kedalam 15 grup.
Isolation and Identification of Hg-Resistant Bacteria as Bioremediator Agents and Their Potential in Reducing Mercury Contamination SORAYA FITRIA NASIR; ANI M. HASAN; ARYATI ABDUL; YULIANA RETNOWATI
Microbiology Indonesia Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Indonesian Society for microbiology

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This study aims to describe Hg-resistant bacteria in soil contaminated with gold mining waste and its ability to reduce mercury contamination. This research was initiated by taking soil samples at the gold processing plant in Ilangata Village, Anggrek District, North Gorontalo Regency. Then the research was carried out at the Microbiology Laboratory of the Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Mercury analysis was carried out at the Laboratory of Fisheries Product Quality Development and Testing (LPPMHP) Gorontalo Province and bacterial identification was carried out at the HumRC Research Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University. The study was conducted from July to October 2020. This study used a descriptive method. The parameters observed were the types of Hg resistant bacteria and the ability of the bacteria to reduce mercury contamination. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that there were four bacterial isolates on the soil contaminated with mercury at 4.5 ppm. Two of them could not be resistant to levels of 10 ppm mercury. However, these four isolates had the ability to reduce mercury levels by 99%. Based on the reconstruction of the phylogenetic tree, bacterial isolate 01 has a close relationship with Stenotrophomonas sp. SB67, while bacterial isolate 02 had a close relationship with Enterobacter cloacae strain CM 1 16S, bacterial isolate 03 was identified as Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and bacterial isolate 04 was a bacterium from the genus Bacillus which was closely related to Bacillus albus strain SQ30 16S.