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Profetika Vol. 15, No. 2, Desember 2014
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

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Az-Zarnuji proposes four considerations of strengthening the right intentionin looking for science. First, looking for a science is regarded as the religion task; second, looking for a science must be intended as an effort of getting happiness of life in the future; third, in looking for a science, it is properly awaken again to the Islamic teaching and religion; fourth, looking for a science is supposed to the frame of conveying the thanksgiving to Allah. The characteristic of Az-Zarnuji epistemology says that looking for a science is the religion task. It shows that Az-Zarnuji epistemology becomes Islamic epistemology, standard and traditional with idealistic type. It is a idealism containing many things, integration between organic and thinkingcomprehensively (reality, form) or absolutism consisting of the meaning as 1) view of life, the truth must be valuable, reality, final and forever objective. 2) There is only one belief and one explanation objectively, no change and right to the reality. The religion epistemology of Az-Zarnuji stresses on the characteristics of God, society and individuality with epistemology of principality based on utility principle. The implementation of science system is for thecase of the three characteristics above. The stress goes to the quality or religion ethicvalues. The concept of Az-Zarnuji epistemology is ideological focusing on value and the Islamic religion (theology) or faith epistemology.Key Words: epistemology; Islamic education;science; religion ethic.Az-Zarnuji menawarkan empat pertimbangan yang memperteguh niat yangbenar dalam mencari ilmu pengetahuan. Pertama, menuntut ilmu dianggap sebagaitugas agama; kedua, menuntut ilmu seharusnya dimaksudkan usaha memperolehkebahagiaan hidup di kemudian hari; ketiga, dalam menututi lmu, seyogyanyamembangkitkan kembali agama dan syiar Islam; Keempat, menuntut ilmu ditujukandalam rangka menyampaikan puji syukur kepada Tuhan. Ciri khas epistemologi Az-Zarnuji, epistemologi agama, menuntut ilmu tugas agama, ini menjadikan epistemologiAz-Zarnuji merupakan epistemologi Islam, baku dan kuna (Tradisional) bertipe idealistik.Idealistik adalah pandangan ideal (idealism) atau mencakup segala sesuatu, kepaduanpikiran dan organik saling terkait bersifat sempurna (realitas, wujud) atau Absolutisme,mencakup makna sebagai 1).Pandangan bahwa kebenaran (nilai, realitas) nyata, finaldan abadi secara obyektif. 2) Keyakinan hanya ada satu penjelasan obyektif tak berubahdan benar tentang realitas. Epistemologi religious (agama) Az-Zarnuji menekankanpada ciri Ketuhanan, individualitasdan masyarakat, dengan azas epistemologi yangmendasarinya azas manfaat (utility). Pelaksanaan sistem ilmu pengetahuan dalamrangka ketiga ciri tersebut. Penekanan pada kualitas atau pada nilai etika religious.Konsep epistemologi Az-Zarnuji bersifat ideologis, bertumpu pada nilai dan ajaran(teologi) Islam atau epistemologi iman (ketauhidan).Kata Kunci: epistemology; pendidikan Islam; ilmu Pengetahuan; etika Religius.
Profetika Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 15, No. 2, Desember 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/profetika.v15i02.1996


Az-Zarnuji proposes four considerations of strengthening the right intentionin looking for science. First, looking for a science is regarded as the religion task; second, looking for a science must be intended as an effort of getting happiness of life in the future; third, in looking for a science, it is properly awaken again to the Islamic teaching and religion; fourth, looking for a science is supposed to the frame of conveying the thanksgiving to Allah. The characteristic of Az-Zarnuji epistemology says that looking for a science is the religion task. It shows that Az-Zarnuji epistemology becomes Islamic epistemology, standard and traditional with idealistic type. It is a idealism containing many things, integration between organic and thinkingcomprehensively (reality, form) or absolutism consisting of the meaning as 1) view of life, the truth must be valuable, reality, final and forever objective. 2) There is only one belief and one explanation objectively, no change and right to the reality. The religion epistemology of Az-Zarnuji stresses on the characteristics of God, society and individuality with epistemology of principality based on utility principle. The implementation of science system is for thecase of the three characteristics above. The stress goes to the quality or religion ethicvalues. The concept of Az-Zarnuji epistemology is ideological focusing on value and the Islamic religion (theology) or faith epistemology.Key Words: epistemology; Islamic education;science; religion ethic.Az-Zarnuji menawarkan empat pertimbangan yang memperteguh niat yangbenar dalam mencari ilmu pengetahuan. Pertama, menuntut ilmu dianggap sebagaitugas agama; kedua, menuntut ilmu seharusnya dimaksudkan usaha memperolehkebahagiaan hidup di kemudian hari; ketiga, dalam menututi lmu, seyogyanyamembangkitkan kembali agama dan syiar Islam; Keempat, menuntut ilmu ditujukandalam rangka menyampaikan puji syukur kepada Tuhan. Ciri khas epistemologi Az-Zarnuji, epistemologi agama, menuntut ilmu tugas agama, ini menjadikan epistemologiAz-Zarnuji merupakan epistemologi Islam, baku dan kuna (Tradisional) bertipe idealistik.Idealistik adalah pandangan ideal (idealism) atau mencakup segala sesuatu, kepaduanpikiran dan organik saling terkait bersifat sempurna (realitas, wujud) atau Absolutisme,mencakup makna sebagai 1).Pandangan bahwa kebenaran (nilai, realitas) nyata, finaldan abadi secara obyektif. 2) Keyakinan hanya ada satu penjelasan obyektif tak berubahdan benar tentang realitas. Epistemologi religious (agama) Az-Zarnuji menekankanpada ciri Ketuhanan, individualitasdan masyarakat, dengan azas epistemologi yangmendasarinya azas manfaat (utility). Pelaksanaan sistem ilmu pengetahuan dalamrangka ketiga ciri tersebut. Penekanan pada kualitas atau pada nilai etika religious.Konsep epistemologi Az-Zarnuji bersifat ideologis, bertumpu pada nilai dan ajaran(teologi) Islam atau epistemologi iman (ketauhidan).Kata Kunci: epistemology; pendidikan Islam; ilmu Pengetahuan; etika Religius.
Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 15, No. 2, Desember 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/profetika.v15i02.1996


Az-Zarnuji proposes four considerations of strengthening the right intentionin looking for science. First, looking for a science is regarded as the religion task; second, looking for a science must be intended as an effort of getting happiness of life in the future; third, in looking for a science, it is properly awaken again to the Islamic teaching and religion; fourth, looking for a science is supposed to the frame of conveying the thanksgiving to Allah. The characteristic of Az-Zarnuji epistemology says that looking for a science is the religion task. It shows that Az-Zarnuji epistemology becomes Islamic epistemology, standard and traditional with idealistic type. It is a idealism containing many things, integration between organic and thinkingcomprehensively (reality, form) or absolutism consisting of the meaning as 1) view of life, the truth must be valuable, reality, final and forever objective. 2) There is only one belief and one explanation objectively, no change and right to the reality. The religion epistemology of Az-Zarnuji stresses on the characteristics of God, society and individuality with epistemology of principality based on utility principle. The implementation of science system is for thecase of the three characteristics above. The stress goes to the quality or religion ethicvalues. The concept of Az-Zarnuji epistemology is ideological focusing on value and the Islamic religion (theology) or faith epistemology.Key Words: epistemology; Islamic education;science; religion ethic.Az-Zarnuji menawarkan empat pertimbangan yang memperteguh niat yangbenar dalam mencari ilmu pengetahuan. Pertama, menuntut ilmu dianggap sebagaitugas agama; kedua, menuntut ilmu seharusnya dimaksudkan usaha memperolehkebahagiaan hidup di kemudian hari; ketiga, dalam menututi lmu, seyogyanyamembangkitkan kembali agama dan syiar Islam; Keempat, menuntut ilmu ditujukandalam rangka menyampaikan puji syukur kepada Tuhan. Ciri khas epistemologi Az-Zarnuji, epistemologi agama, menuntut ilmu tugas agama, ini menjadikan epistemologiAz-Zarnuji merupakan epistemologi Islam, baku dan kuna (Tradisional) bertipe idealistik.Idealistik adalah pandangan ideal (idealism) atau mencakup segala sesuatu, kepaduanpikiran dan organik saling terkait bersifat sempurna (realitas, wujud) atau Absolutisme,mencakup makna sebagai 1).Pandangan bahwa kebenaran (nilai, realitas) nyata, finaldan abadi secara obyektif. 2) Keyakinan hanya ada satu penjelasan obyektif tak berubahdan benar tentang realitas. Epistemologi religious (agama) Az-Zarnuji menekankanpada ciri Ketuhanan, individualitasdan masyarakat, dengan azas epistemologi yangmendasarinya azas manfaat (utility). Pelaksanaan sistem ilmu pengetahuan dalamrangka ketiga ciri tersebut. Penekanan pada kualitas atau pada nilai etika religious.Konsep epistemologi Az-Zarnuji bersifat ideologis, bertumpu pada nilai dan ajaran(teologi) Islam atau epistemologi iman (ketauhidan).Kata Kunci: epistemology; pendidikan Islam; ilmu Pengetahuan; etika Religius.
Gaya Belajar Siswa Bagi Burhanuddin Zarnuji Hilman Haroen
Ulumuddin : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 8 No 1 (2018): Ulumuddin: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (269.824 KB) | DOI: 10.47200/ulumuddin.v8i1.171


This paper explores the learning styles in classical Islamic education. The focus is on the learning process recommended by BurhanuddinZarnuji in his famous work of Ta'līm Al-Muta'allim. Through literature research, it is known that the learning styles developed are still not as they are now expected to be. More established classifications and categorizations are still in need of further steps.
Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Kemasyarakatan Di Pesantren Modern Ahmad Nadjib H.; Muh. Jamaluddin; Hilman Haroen; Taufik Nugroho; Paiman Paiman
Nuansa Akademik: Jurnal Pembangunan Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Lembaga Dakwah dan Pembangunan Masyarakat Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta (LDPM UCY)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47200/jnajpm.v4i1.503


The modern Pabelan Islamic boarding school has received awards in relation to community welfare development including the international Aga Khan Award and the Kalpataru Environment national award. The noble values ​​in the pesantren culture that are to be implanted in the Pabelan modern Islamic boarding school require further exploration so that the strengthening of character education (PPK) based on the culture of the pesantren has various alternatives according to the specifics of each, especially those related to the process of cultivating social values ​​in extra-curricular activities. The case study research in a qualitative approach concludes that the internalization of social values ​​in Panca Jiwa, the motto of the boarding school and its educational orientation has been evident in the culture of Pesantren in extracurricular activities of trilingual speech and scouting with active participation of all parties in the pesantren and clear rules and regulations. hence strengthening the interaction between the community and the pesantren is needed by actively involving the community in extracurricular activities as a whole. Collective and individual initial guidance for new santri on societal values ​​also has a positive impact on the internalization of the pesantren culture for each Pabelan Pesantren student on an ongoing basis.
Manajemen Mutu Layanan Ta’lim Quran lil Aulad (TQA) di Yayasan Team Tadarus “AMM” Yogyakarta Supriati H. Rahayu; Hilman Haroen; TW Budiutomo; Nginayatul Khasanah; Nuryati Nuryati
Nuansa Akademik: Jurnal Pembangunan Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Dakwah dan Pembangunan Masyarakat Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta (LDPM UCY)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47200/jnajpm.v5i2.578


Qualitative research on the quality of Quran education services has a specificity according to the character of the material that prioritizes recitation and reading recitation, especially for TQA education organized by the Tadarus Team Foundation for the Young Generation Mosque and Musholla (YTT "AMM") Kotagede Yogyakarta. It takes the form of further education after the children study at TPA or TPQ. This requires a specific quality of service in learning for child santri compared to those who are beginners. Academic services are no longer limited to mastering the Iqro book as an important reference for learners at the beginner level at TPA "AMM". However, the learning services cannot be compared to those of advanced Quran learners for more independent adults. The data were analyzed descriptively after being collected through observation, documentation, in-depth interviews with informants who were equipped with triangulation. The quality assurance of Quran learning services at TQA has been carried out consistently in improving the quality of teachers. in services The closeness of ustaz/ah with TQA education students is an advantage that must be cultivated and developed.
Politik Islam Indonesia (Memahami Nomokrasi Islam dalam Dinamika Politik Kebhinnekaan Indonesia) Hilman Haroen P
Mukaddimah: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah III Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/mjsi.22.1374


Sebagai penjaga pilar-pilar kesatuan dan keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI)serta ideology negara, memang seharusnya pemerintah memiliki senjata itu. Pemerintah tidak boleh kalah dan menyerah, dari kemungkinan adanya sebagian rakyat bangsa ini yang “nakal” yang menyebarkan bibit-bibit perpecahan negara, karena menyempal dari ideology negara.Diterbitkannya PP No. 2 Th 2017 itu nampaknya pemerintah melihat adanya indikasi dan kecenderungan itu.Indikasi dan kecenderungan itu seperti misalnya tampaknya terlihat pada HTI (Hisbut Tahrir Indonesia). Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia yang sering disingkat HTI adalah salah satu kelompok gerakan Islam sebagaimana Salafy, Ihwanul Muslimin, Jamaah Tabligh, dan beberapa kelompok Islam lainnya, yang pada dasarnya merupakan implementasi gagasan pembaruan Islam. Gerakan semacam ini pada tahapan tertentu mengambil bentuk organisasinya sendiri hingga terbentuk kelompok kelompok yang saling terpisah berdasarkan ciri masing masing.
Kompetensi Konselor Sebaya Bagi Remaja Berbasis Keagamaan Hartatik Hartatik; Subari Subari; Fabroy Fauziyatul Munawwaroh; Hilman Haroen; Supriati Hardi Rahayu
Asas Wa Tandhim: Jurnal Hukum, Pendidikan Dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol 1 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (238.509 KB) | DOI: 10.47200/awtjhpsa.v1i1.1115


In this article, it can be seen through a literature review that peer-to-peer relationships are often associated with adolescent life. Students as academics are mostly still in that range, especially at the undergraduate level. They are the ones who are vulnerable to national turmoil that triggers violent behavior. They require intense interaction with the same age group in responding to existing changes and developments.