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Sifat-Sifat Pembakaran Bioetanol Gel Dari Buah Berenuk (Crescentia Cujete L.) Nurkholis Nurkholis; Abdul Fajar; Sopyan Ali Rohman
Jurnal Teknologi Vol 7, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Teknologi
Publisher : Universitas Jayabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.747 KB) | DOI: 10.31479/jtek.v7i1.32


Salah satu sumber bahan bakar nabati yang berpotensi misalnya adalah buah berenuk (crescentia cujete L.), karena mempunyai kandungan karbohidrat yang cukup tinggi yaitu 15,56% (wet basis) dan 68,13% (dry basis). Bioetanol cair dapat diubah menjadi gel dengan penambahan pengental yang mempunyai nilai ekonomis, misalnya carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat-sifat pembakaran gel etanol dari buah berenuk (crescentia cujete L.) menggunakan bahan pengental CMC yang dihasilkan, seperti: nilai kalor, dan uji pembakaran (laju pembakaran, nyala api dan residu hasil pembakaran), sehingga dapat diketahui formulasi terbaik untuk menghasilkan gel etanol. Pembuatan gel bioetanol dilakukan proses gelasi yaitu dengan mencampurkan bahan pengental CMC sebanyak 1, 2, dan 3 gram dengan 20 mL akuades, dan bioetanol cair sebanyak 100 g sedikit demi sedikit dengan pengadukan menggunakan magnetic stirrer selama 15 menit dengan kecepatan 600 rpm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sifat-sifat pembakaran terbaik adalah pada variasi berat (CMC) sebesar 3 gram dengan nilai kalor sebesar 2.334 kal/ gram, laju pembakaran 0,0369 gram/ detik dan residu pembakaran berkisar antara 45-47%.
Simulasi Penyebaran dan Persentase Fatalitas Oleh Gas SO2 dan CO2 Hasil Pembakaran PLTU Independent Power Producer (IPP) Lombok Timur (50 MW) Dengan Low Rank Coal Menggunakan Model Gaussian Shafwan Amrullah; Sopyan Ali Rohman; Lalu Heri Rizaldi
Jurnal Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan (JPPL) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): JPPL, Maret 2022
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (P3M)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35970/jppl.v4i1.1193


The Sembelia Steam Power Plant is located in East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara and is managed by PT. Lombok Energy Dynamic uses the light coal until 200,000 tons per year. This case can be the environmental pollution. This study aims to calculate the SO2 and CO2 exhaust gases into the environment by the simulation as well as included the %fatality due to coal combustion of the The Sembelia Steam Power Plant with the model of Gaussian. This research was carried out by calculating the SO2 and CO2 concentrations released concentration. At the end of these project, we calculated the SO2 and CO2 released by the dispersion potential and %fatality at four points around it. The result of this research showed that the dispersion mass of SO2 dispersion was 0.096 kg per second (with distance of 2,000 to 46,000 m). This result showed that the increases (6.876x10-46 ppm to 1.276x10-5 ppm), and then showed that the decreases to 0 ppm. % Fatality in this study is 0%. The potential of CO2 dispersion with an outgoing mass of 8,252 kg/second increased (2,000-58,000 m) with a concentration of 62.47x10- 63 ppm to 7.9x10-4ppm. In the other hand, the concentration of CO2 was reduced to 0 ppm. In the end of this study showed that %fatality by the CO2 released is 0%, and the calculation of dispersion at four points around the The Sembelia Steam Power Plant is safe from the SO2 and CO2 dispersion.
Pengaruh Kecepatan Udara Primer Dan Sekunder Terhadap Kenerja Kompor Biomassa Berbahan Bakar Cangkang Kemiri Sopyan Ali Rohman; Abdurrahman Abdurrahman; Shafwan Amrullah
Jurnal Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan (JPPL) Vol 4, No 1 (2022): JPPL, Maret 2022
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (P3M)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35970/jppl.v4i1.1200


Household energy need in Indonesia, especially for cooking, are still dominated by LPG fossil fuels with 70% of LPG needs being imported. On the other hand, the availability of biomass waste, especially candlenut shells, is abundant. One way to optimize the use of candlenut shells is to use candlenut shells as fuel for biomass stoves by optimizing the efficiency of biomass stoves. In this study, a biomass stove with primary and secondary airflow was used with a combustion chamber diameter of 200 mm and a height of 340 mm. The biomass waste used is candlenut shells as fuel. The purpose of this study was to explain the increase in the performance of a biomass stove fueled with candlenut shell which is influenced by primary and secondary air velocity. Biomass stove testing includes thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption, CO and CO2 emissions. The performance test results show that the biomass stove with a primary air velocity of 3.7 m/s, a secondary air velocity of 3.7 m/s has the highest thermal efficiency of 45.77%. The lowest specific fuel consumption is obtained from a biomass stove with a primary air velocity of 1.5 m/s, a secondary air velocity of 1.5 m/s, which is 0.583 kg/hour, and the emission test results show that complete combustion occurs with 0% CO emotion. on all air velocity variables studied.
Karakteristik Bioetanol Gel dari Buah Berenuk (Crescentia cujete L.) Nurkholis Nurkholis; Abdul Fajar; Sopyan Ali Rohman
Reka Buana : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 5, No 1 (2020): EDISI MARET 2020
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (972.419 KB) | DOI: 10.33366/rekabuana.v5i1.1613


 Berenuk (Crescentia cujete L.) is one of the non-food plants that can be converted into bioethanol, where the carbohydrate in the pulp is quite high at 15.56% (wet basis) and 68.31% (dry basis). The bioethanol produced is liquid, so when used it will be at risk of spilling and flammable, because it is volatile. The physical properties of bioethanol can be modified into gels by adding thickening agents such as carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), so they are relatively safe when used. The aim of this study was to produce bioethanol gel from berenuk fruit (Crescentia cujete L.) and determine the characteristics of the biotenol gel, which includes: water content, ash content, and heating value. In this study, bioethanol gel was made by mixing liquid bioethanol with CMC thickener using magnetic stirrer for ±15 minutes at a speed of 600 rpm From the results of this study it can be concluded that the best characteristics of bioethanol gel were obtained by adding 3 grams of CMC (6% w/ v), namely 94.94% moisture content, 0.75% ash content and 2,344 cal/ gr heat value.ABSTRAK Berenuk (Crescentia cujete L.) merupakan salah satu tumbuhan non-pangan yang dapat dikonversi menjadi bioetanol, dimana kandungan karbohidrat dalam dagingnya cukup tinggi yaitu 15,56% (wet basis) dan 68,31% (dry basis). Bioetanol yang dihasilkan berwujud cair, sehingga pada saat digunakan akan beresiko tumpah dan mudah terbakar. Sifat fisik bioetanol dapat dimodifikasi menjadi gel dengan penambahan bahan pengental seperti carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), sehingga relatif aman ketika digunakan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan bioetanol gel dari buah berenuk (Crescentia cujete L.) dan mengetahui karakteristik dari biotenol gel tersebut, yang meliputi: kadar air, kadar abu, dan nilai kalor. Pada penelitian ini, bioetanol gel dibuat dengan mencampurkan bioetanol cair dengan bahan pengental CMC menggunakan magnetic stirrer selama ±15 menit dengan kecepatan 600 rpm. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpukan bahwa karakteristik bioetanol gel terbaik diperoleh pada penambahan CMC sebanyak 3 gram (6% b/v) yaitu kadar air 94,94%, kadar abu 0,75% dan nilai kalor 2.334 kal/ gr. Kata kunci: karakteristik; bioetanol gel; buah berenuk
Karakteristik Bioreaktor Dengan Sistem Kontrol Suhu Sebagai Instrumen Feremetnasi Pembuatan Produk Masin Bebahan Baku Udang Rebbon (Mysis relicta) Sopyan Ali Rohman; Shafwan Amrullah; Diana Rahayu Maulana; Nurkholis -
AME (Aplikasi Mekanika dan Energi): Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 7, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/ame.v7i2.4135


Saaat ini pengolahan hsail laut dilakukan dengan metode sederhana, sehingga perlu adanya teknologi otomatis yang dapat menanggulangi masalah tersebut, terutama pengontrolan suhu, sebab merupakan faktor utama keberhasilan fermentasi masin. Tujan penelitian ini adalah perencangan serta karakterisasi bioreaktor proses pembuatan masin dengan control suhu otomatis. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara perancangan bioreactor berbentuk kotak dengan ukuran 10cm x 5cmx800 cm. Tahap krakterisrik dilakukan pengujian kestabilan suhu reaktor (37oC) sebagai suhu optimal proses fermentasi. Selain itu dilakukan pengujian kimia dan biologi produk masin dengan melihat kadar air produk, kadar proten dan kadar lemaknya serta jumlah mikroba. Percobaan dilakukan pada hari ke-3 dan 7 fermentasi. Hasil memperlihatkan kontrol suhu bekerja dengan maksimal, baik hari ke-3 maupun ke-7. Hasil memperlihatkan nilai rata-rata persentase error pengujian kontrol suhu hari ke-3 untuk tiga kali pengulangan adalah sebesar 1,52%, 0,30% dan 0,39% dengan suhu rata-rata adalah 37,24oC. Sedangakan pada hari ke-7 suhu rata-rata bioreaktor sebesar 37,1°C dengan nilai rata-rata persentase error untuk tiga kali ulangan adalah sebesar 0,37%, 0,45% dan 0,38%. Kadar air terbaik didapatkan pada penggunaan bioreaktor hari ke-7. Kadar protein pada hari ke-3 menggunakan bioreaktor yaitu 12,32%. Kadar lemak terbaik pada hari ke-7 dengan bioreaktor. Sedangkan kadar mikroba terbaik hari ke-3 tanpa reaktor yaitu 18x104.
Jurnal Warta Desa (JWD) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Warta Desa (JWD)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jwd.v4i1.176


Dusun Punik, Desa Batudulang, Kecamatan Batulanteh Kabupaten Sumbawa, merupakan salah satu desa penghasil kopi terbaik dengan didukung oleh letak geografis yang sangat cocok untuk budidaya kopi yaitu sekitar 900 mdpl. Saat ini, masyarakat Dusun Punik membudidayakan kopi robusta dan arabika dengan jumlah produksi mencapai 1.000 ton per tahun. Sejauh ini, kopi punik sudah dipasarkan baik ditingkat regional maupun nasional oleh Kelompok Tani Muda Mandiri II. Selama ini, kelompok tani Muda Mandiri II telah banyak melakukan pembinaan kepada masyarakat Dusun Punik Desa Batu Dulang dalam proses penanaman dan pengolahan kopi namun pengelolaan kopi masih membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan terkendala oleh cuaca yang tidak menentu. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut, pengusul dan mitra mampu mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut yaitu di bidang mengelolaan kopi dengan konsep pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas produksi kopi khas punik di Desa Batu Dulang, Kecamatan Batu Lanteh, Kabupaten Sumbawa. Adapun tahap-tahap pelaksanaan program kemitraan adalah Identifikasi, perumusan dan solusi permasalahan; pelaksanaan Program; partisipasi Mitra; evaluasi keberlanjutan program. Simpulan dari program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah: (1) Mitra atau sasaran mengalami peningkatan kapasitas dalam hal pembuatan dan penggunaan mesin pengering kopi hybrid dengan sumber energi kombinasi antara energi surya dan biomassa dalam proses produksi kopi, serta meningkatkan pemahaman dalam pengelolaan usaha, (2) Mitra atau sasaran berkomitmen dalam mendukung pengembangan program secara berkelanjutan.
Karakterisasi Proses Gasifikasi Menjadi Listrik Berbahan Baku Sampah Padat Perkotaan Menggunakan Reaktor Tipe Downdraft di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Shafwan Amrullah; Sopyan Ali Rohman; Cyrilla Oktaviananda; Fadhli Dzil Ikram
Jurnal Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan (JPPL) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): JPPL, September 2022
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (P3M)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35970/jppl.v4i2.1433


Indonesia is currently experiencing the problem of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), energy and environmental crisis. Gasification by electric generator is the solution. This study about the design and characterization of the gasification reactor with MSW feed. This research was conducted by examining the effect of gasification temperature (550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850oC) and Air Fuel Ratio variations (0,5; 0,51; 0,53; 0,54l; and 0,55). The variabel test of temperature variations is syngas concentration, fuel conversion (FC), cold gas efficiency (CGE), carbon conversion efficiency (CCE), and specific fuel consumption (SCF). The AFR evaluated syngas and SCF. The result showed an increase the syngas levels with the increasing the gasification temperature, except CO2. The FC value increased(71% to 74%) and The CGE increases (77 to 97%). The CCE increases from 69% to 78% (550-650oC) and decreases again to 66% (850oC), and SCF decreased (4.5-0.5 kg/kWh). In the AFR variation, syngas levels increase with increasing AFR, but scf decreased (5.3 to 2), this proves efficient combustion.
Pengaruh Kecepatan Udara Primer dan Sekunder terhadap Kenerja Kompor Biomassa Berbahan Bakar Cangkang Kemiri Sopyan Ali Rohman; Abdurrahman; Shafwan Amrullah
Jurnal Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan (JPPL) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): JPPL, Maret 2022
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (P3M)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35970/jppl.v4i1.1462


Household energy need in Indonesia, especially for cooking, are still dominated by LPG fossil fuels with 70% of LPG needs being imported. On the other hand, the availability of biomass waste, especially candlenut shells, is abundant. One way to optimize the use of candlenut shells is to use candlenut shells as fuel for biomass stoves by optimizing the efficiency of biomass stoves. In this study, a biomass stove with primary and secondary airflow was used with a combustion chamber diameter of 200 mm and a height of 340 mm. The biomass waste used is candlenut shells as fuel. The purpose of this study was to explain the increase in the performance of a biomass stove fueled with candlenut shell which is influenced by primary and secondary air velocity. Biomass stove testing includes thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption, CO and CO2 emissions. The performance test results show that the biomass stove with a primary air velocity of 3.7 m/s, a secondary air velocity of 3.7 m/s has the highest thermal efficiency of 45.77%. The lowest specific fuel consumption is obtained from a biomass stove with a primary air velocity of 1.5 m/s, a secondary air velocity of 1.5 m/s, which is 0.583 kg/hour, and the emission test results show that complete combustion occurs with 0% CO emotion. on all air velocity variables studied.
Hexagon Jurnal Teknik dan Sains Vol 1 No 2 (2020): HEXAGON - Edisi 2
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Lingkungan dan Mineral - Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (656.892 KB) | DOI: 10.36761/hexagon.v1i2.612


Seaweed is one of the superior commodities of aquaculture in Kertasari Village, Taliwang District, Sumbawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat, with an area of ??1,550 ha in 2013 with a production of 9,850 tons. Post-harvest handling and processing of seaweed is still conducted traditionally, efficiency and the quality of seaweed produced is low. Long enough drying can affect the growth of microorganisms in seaweed, causing the growth of mold and fungus. The explanation of the problem above makes the writer try to find a solution of the problems faced by seaweed farmers in Kertasari Village, with a maker of seaweed dryers based on Solar Dryer. The solar dryer uses a corrugated plate solar collector with a slope angle of 45o and a zinc plate material with a thickness of 0.4 mm with a conductivity value (k) of 116 W / moC. In addition it uses a clear glass cover with a thickness of 3 mm with a slope of 15o. This tool uses a framework in the form of aluminum, with the tilt angle used can produce a Tout of 70.64 oC and Tin of 56.11 oC.
Hexagon Jurnal Teknik dan Sains Vol 1 No 2 (2020): HEXAGON - Edisi 2
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Lingkungan dan Mineral - Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (442.31 KB) | DOI: 10.36761/hexagon.v1i2.618


The amount of plastic used in this era has many impacts, one of which is plastic waste, but this shows that plastic has many benefits and advantages so that it is used in almost all things in everyday life. Reuse (recycling) of plastic will be very helpful in dealing with plastic waste problems. One alternative to plastic recycling is the use of plastic waste as a material for making lightweight bricks. Problems that are often encountered in the use of conventional brick in this era are the density (density) and compressive strength, where the expected results are with a low density (density), can produce high compressive strength. Presentation of the above problems makes the writer interested in researching the use of plastic waste to be used as raw material for making lightweight bricks. In this study used 4 variations of plastic types, namely PP, LDPE, and HDPE, making plastic specimens mixed with pumice waste because it has porous and lightweight characteristics, with a ratio of 50:50 from volume. With each variation consists of 2 (two) beam-shaped samples to be tested for density (?) and compressive strength (P). A total of 6 samples. The results showed that LDPE plastic material mixed with pumice has the best density and compressive strength compared to other types of mixtures with the value of ? = 0.76g / cm2, and P = 123.15kg / cm2 or 12.08MPa.