Parsaoran Tambunan
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Journal : Jurnal Kerugma

Kristen Yang Terpuji Karena Teruji Berdasarkan Kitab Matius 15:21-28 Parsaoran Tambunan
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 3, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v3i1.46


Abstract:The Gospel written by Matthew which is referred to as the Gospel of Matthew consists of 28 chapters whose writing focus is the Person of Jesus Christ. A certain appreciation of who He is and what He does can be obtained by observing the various titles given to Him, also through what He said and did can give an understanding of who Jesus was, and why He was a worthy object of faith. Matthew 15:21-28 is a narrative that tells of an important event where Jesus departed from the Gennesaret region (14:34) to a non-Jewish region namely Tyre and Sidon, Jesus' first experience in that area is told of his meeting with a Canaanite woman whose daughter demon possessed. It can be said that this passage is a case of healing of a non-Jewish sick person but in its plot it is more prominent in the testing of Faith. In the storyline written by Matthew at least, there are five different responses that the woman received, first Jesus was silent, the two disciples were about to throw her out, then Jesus seemed to refuse, then Jesus seemed to rebuke her, and finally Jesus gave her a compliment for her faith. and heal their children. the first four responses were a test of the canaanite woman's Faith, and the fifth was the result of that test.Keywords: Christian; Commendable; Tested: Matthew  Abstrak:Injil yang ditulis oleh Matius yang disebut sebagai Injil Matius terdiri dari 28 pasal yang fokus penulisannya adalah Pribadi Yesus Kristus. Penghargaan tertentu mengenai siapa Dia dan apa yang Dialakukan dapat diperoleh dengan memperhatikan berbagai gelar yang diberikan kepada-Nya, juga  melalui apa yang Dia katakana dan Dia lakukan dapat memberikan paham siapakah Yesus, dan mengapa Ia menjadi objek iman yang pantas. Matius 15:21-28 merupakan sebuah narasi yang menceritakan peristiwa penting dimana Yesus berangkat  dari wilayah Genesaret (14:34) menuju wilayah non-Yahudi yakni Tirus dan Sidon, pengalaman pertama Yesus didaerah itu yang diceritakan adalah pertemuannya dengan seorang perempuan Kanaan yang anak perempuannya kerasukan setan. Dapat dikatakan perikop ini adalah kasus kesembuhan orang sakit non-Yahudi namun dalam alurnya lebih menonjol kepada pengujian Iman. Dalam alur cerita yang dituliskan oleh Matius, setidaknya ada lima respon yang berbeda yang diterima perempuan itu, pertama Yesus diam, kedua murid-murid hendak mengusirnya, kemudian Yesus seolah-olah menolak, selanjutnya Yesus sepertinya menegurnya, dan terakhir Yesus menghadiahi dia pujian atas imanserta memberi kesembuhan anaknya. empat respon pertama merupakan ujian bagi Iman perempuan kanaan tersebut, dan yang kelima adalah hasil dari ujian itu.Kata Kunci :Kristen; Terpuji; Teruji: Matius
Eksposisi Terhadap Ketujuh Cawan Penghakiman Allah Atas Babel Dalam Wahyu 16 Hulman Simanungkalit; Parsaoran Tambunan; Anita Suryani Aroean
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 4, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v4i1.75


 The Book of Revelation is a section that remains interesting to be studied in depth. When the writer conducts the study of this passage there is a tremendous admiration for God who is perfect in His design and perfect in His omniscience. The author is interested in highlighting this because of the challenges in conducting a study of texts that have difficulties in interpreting. A large number of symbols in this section and the many other things that need to be considered are difficulties in providing enrichment of New Testament study materials. The exposition of the selected text also considers that there is a dynamic in the interpretation of the Apocalyptic book. Throughout history, many theologians have undertaken this study, and continue to make their contributions. Likewise, the author feels the need to contribute as a form of an active role in enriching the scientific treasures of theology students. The seven bowls in question are dug up with exegesis steps so that the meaning that is most follows the depth of meaning intended by the author of the book is obtained.Keywords: the cup; God's wrath; revelation; exposition.
Metode Penafsiran Narasi Injil Markus Margareth Christian Gozali; Dedi Bastanta; Parsaoran Tambunan
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v4i2.85


This article focuses on the interpretation of the type of narrative literature (story) which is directed at the interpretation of the narrative in Mark’s Gospel. The theory used set off from The Hermeneutical Spiral book by Grant R. Osborne which combined with another narrative interpretation theory. The Hermeneutic principles in narrative interpretation are as follows: first, structural analysis, that are macro and micro structures. The macro structure examines the narrative text as a whole to find the author's intention as a whole. The micro structure examines the narrative text in detail so that it can divide the story into action units. Second, analysis of narrative style writing. The principle of this interpretation investigates whether there is chiasmus, inclusion (framework techniques), repetition (repetition) and other literary traits. At this step, various information from primary source commentaries are collected to determine whether there is a particular narrative writing style used by the story writer. Third, editorial analysis of a narrative. This principle of interpretation examines the ways in which narrative writers use sources in the writing of each story. Fourth, the exegetical analysis of a narrative. This principle of interpretation deals with the original grammar of the biblical authorship and semantics (word study). Fifth, a theological analysis of a narrative. In principle a narrative is a theology presented in the form of stories. Sixth, contextualization a story. This principle of interpretation means applying lessons from the story to certain concrete situations today.                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Konsep Pembenaran Menurut Roma 5:1-11 Suatu Studi Eksegesis Martini Hia; Dedi Bastanta; Parsaoran Tambunan
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 5, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v5i1.87


One of the worst consequences of the man's fall into the sin is death. The first humans, Adam and Eve, after violating God's command by eating the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden of Eden, made them violate God's commandment (sinful), this violation has brought the heaviest punishment, namely death for that human. The Lord God is faithful and infinite justice to what He has said, giving rewards, life to everyone who sincerely does His will and carries out the punishment, death for everyone who violates His word. But the Lord God in all His omniscience (providensia) along with the passage of time and His design, has determined the only way and rule for everyone to be justified before God, is If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9-10), He is a real form of God who is Loving and has come into the world (Incarnation), He has sacrificed / died on the cross and rose from the grave on the third day to save mankind, then the sinner has the status of "justified" before God. The purpose of the study was to find the original meaning of the word "justification" according to Romans 5:1-11 by using the descriptive exegesis method and answering various questions regarding salvation only by faith in Christ Jesus.Keywords: Jesus Christ; Salvation; Justification.