Hulman Simanungkalit
STT Injili Indonesia Medan

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Penggenapan Nubuatan Nabi Yesaya Tentang Immanuel (Studi Intertekstuality Yesaya 7:14 dan Matius 1:23) Hulman Simanungkalit
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v2i1.42


Abstract:The word “immanuel” is on of the greatest attributes given to the Baby Jesus mentioned by the Angel. The other attributes are Wonderful Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace. Eventhough these attributes are frequently used, the word “Immanuel” are mentioned only three times in the Bible (Isaiah 7:14; 8:8, Matthew 1:23). In the book of Isaiah 7:14 and the Gospel of Matthew 1:23, we find that there are a slight difference in giving name of “Immanuel”. In the book of Isaiah, it is written that a young virgin (single) named Him Immanuel, but in the Gospel of Matthew, it is written that Marry and Joseph (couple) named Him Immanuel. Does Matthew, known as a tax collector who worked very thoroughly, make a mistake? Who is actually the young virgin stated by Isaiah? Is she an ordinary virgin? Or does it refer to Mary??   Keywords: intertextuality, imannuel Abstrak:Kata Immanuel ini menjadi salah satu dari tujuh julukan terbesar bagi Bayi Yesus yang diungkapkan oleh malaikat, yakni: Penasehat Ajaib, Allah yang Perkasa, Immanuel, Raja Damai, Bapa yang Kekal, Juruselamat, dan Tuhan.  Meskipun istilah itu akrab dengan diri kita, namun kata Immanuel itu sendiri di dalam Alkitab hanya disebutkan sebanyak 3 kali (Yes. 7:14, 8:8; Mat. 1:23). Dalam Yesaya 7:14 dan Matius 1:23 maka disana kita menjumpai ada beberapa masalah, yaitu: Ada sedikit perbedaan dalam menamai bayi Yesus dengan sebutan Immanuel. Di kitab Yesaya dituliskan bahwa yang menamai Dia Immanuel adalah perempuan itu (tunggal) tetapi di Injil Matius, yang memberi nama adalah mereka (jamak), yaitu Maria dan Yusuf. Apakah Matius, seorang pemungut cukai yang dikenal sangat teliti itu melakukan kesalahan? Siapakah perempuan muda yang dimaksud oleh Yesaya? Apakah ia seorang perempuan biasa ataukah ini mengacu pada Maria? Misteri dari Immanuel itu sendiri.Kata Kunci: Intertekstuality; Immanuel
Eksposisi Terhadap Ketujuh Cawan Penghakiman Allah Atas Babel Dalam Wahyu 16 Hulman Simanungkalit; Parsaoran Tambunan; Anita Suryani Aroean
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 4, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v4i1.75


 The Book of Revelation is a section that remains interesting to be studied in depth. When the writer conducts the study of this passage there is a tremendous admiration for God who is perfect in His design and perfect in His omniscience. The author is interested in highlighting this because of the challenges in conducting a study of texts that have difficulties in interpreting. A large number of symbols in this section and the many other things that need to be considered are difficulties in providing enrichment of New Testament study materials. The exposition of the selected text also considers that there is a dynamic in the interpretation of the Apocalyptic book. Throughout history, many theologians have undertaken this study, and continue to make their contributions. Likewise, the author feels the need to contribute as a form of an active role in enriching the scientific treasures of theology students. The seven bowls in question are dug up with exegesis steps so that the meaning that is most follows the depth of meaning intended by the author of the book is obtained.Keywords: the cup; God's wrath; revelation; exposition.
Makna Frasa Oleh Bilur-Bilurnya Kamu Telah Sembuh (Studi Intertekstualiti Yesaya 53:4-9 dan 1 Petrus 2:22-25) Hulman Simanungkalit; Elim Simamora; Dedi Bastanta
Jurnal Teologi Cultivation Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Juli
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46965/jtc.v5i1.646


Abstract There are so many usages of Old Testament and New Testament in the Bible survey. The New Testament authors have used Old Testament as one of the sources of their writings. In general, events that the authors had seen undergone are taken from their beliefs towards the Old Testament. For example, one of the well-known biblical verses in the First Book of Peter, “…by whose stripes ye were healed.” (1 Pet.2:24). The apostle Peter quoted the verse from the book of Isaiah. This biblical verse is very frequently quoted and has always been used as a healing prayer for the sick. In his letter, the apostle Peter speaks about Christ, that is Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the One who is anointed. This writing, in fact, refers to the biblical verses in the book of Isaiah which prophesied the event undergone by Messiah. Therefore, in this study, it is important for the writer to conduct such as textual survey between the Book of First Peter and Isaiah that a clear and appropriate understanding of the the two authors will be obtained and then can be applied in daily life of Christians nowadays. Keywords: intertextuality, phrase “by whose stripes ye were healed” Abstrak Dari keseluruhan pembacaan Alkitab, banyak didapati penggunaan PL oleh PB. Para penulis PB menggunakan PL sebagai salah satu sumber tulisannya. Pada umumnya peristiwa yang dilihat maupun dialami oleh penulis masih dilatarbelakangi oleh pemberitaan PL yang dipahami dan diyakin mereka. Seperti salah satunya, sebagian dari kutipan nats yang cukup terkenal dari Surat pertama Petrus, “Oleh bilur-bilur-Nya kamu telah sembuh.” (1 Petrus 2:24). Jika memperhatikan nats dalam surat Petrus ini, ia sedang mengutip nats ini dari Kitab Yesaya. Nats Firman TUHAN ini banyak diucapkan dan menjadi kata-kata doa yang menguatkan bagi umat Kristen saat ini terlebih lagi bagi yang sedang sakit dan menantikan kesembuhan. Dalam tulisannya, Petrus sedang membahas mengenai Kristus, yakni pribadi Yesus Sang Mesias – yang diurapi. Tulisan ini ternyata merujuk pada tulisan di Yesaya yang menubuatkan peristiwa yang harus dialami oleh Mesias. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis merasa sangat perlu untuk melakukan study intertekstual antara tulisan Petrus dan Yesaya sehingga diperoleh pemahaman yang tepat mengenai maksud yang hendak disampaikan oleh masing-masing penulis Kitab Suci dan dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan iman Kristen sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: intertekstual; frasa “oleh bilur-bilur-Nya kamu telah sembuh”
Kajian Historis Terhadap Janji Tuhan dalam Kitab Yesaya 42:18-43:21 serta Implikasi Teologisnya. Theofilus Sembiring; Hulman Simanungkalit; Roma Sihombing
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v4i2.86


The purpose of this study is to clarify the concept of the promise that God gave to humans and specifically in the book of Isaiah 42:18-43:21. Because by explaining God's promises it will be easy to understand and easy to understand and clear to whom the promises were delivered and to whom the promises were given. Here the author will use the descriptive method, meaning that the data are collected as true facts from correct and reliable literary sources in order to contribute to the historical study of the text of Isaiah 42: 18 - 43: 21 to get accurate results. And the conclusion that the author makes is that God offers love to humans but there will be punishment too if humans violate the rules and laws that are determined by God. And God also wants to promise humans unconditionally and with conditions but every action has consequences. Blessings if you are obedient and faithful, curses or punishments if you turn loyal and disobedient. Keywords: Promise of God, Isaiah, concept
Sikap Rasul Paulus Terhadap Rintangan Pelayanan dalam Surat Filipi Hulman Simanungkalit
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 5, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


 Abstract: Paul's opposition in the Epistle to Philippians is something interesting to study because this letter implies how to overcome the opposition that often arises in ministry. This letter is a letter written by the apostle Paul from prison, but this letter is a letter of joy that is able to encourage enthusiasm in the midst of the opposite situation. When the author conducted a study of this part of the book, there was a tremendous admiration for God and the determination and courage to keep preaching the Word according to God's will. The author is interested in highlighting this because it was inspired by the example of Paul who faced opposition in every ministry, especially in Philippi. The study of the selected text also considers that there are dynamics in the interpretation of the Philippians letter. Throughout history many theologians have undertaken this study, and continue to make their contribution. Likewise, the author feels the need to contribute as a form of active role in enriching the scientific treasures of theology students. Paul's opposition is explored through the steps of historical theological studies so that the meaning that is most appropriate to the depth of meaning intended by the author of the book is obtained.   Keywords: Gospel; envy; circumcision; enemy. Abstrak: Oposisi Paulus dalam Surat Filipi adalah sesuatu yang menarik yang dapat diteliti karena dalam surat ini tersirat cara mengatasi oposisi yang kerap timbul dalam pelayanan. Surat ini merupakan surat yang ditulis oleh rasul Paulus dari dalam penjara, namun surat ini merupakan surat sukacita yang mampu mendorong semangat ditengah-tengah situasi yang sebaliknya. Ketika penulis melakukan study atas bagian dari kitab ini, tumbuh kekaguman yang luar biasa akan Allah dan keteguhan hati serta keberanian untuk tetap memberitakan Firman sesuai dengan kehendak Tuhan. Penulis tertarik menyoroti hal ini dikarenakan terinspirasi terhadap teladan Paulus yang menghadapi para oposisi dalam setiap pelayanan khususnya di Filipi. Kajian atas teks yang dipilih juga mempertimbangkan bahwa terjadinya dinamika dalam penafsiran surat Filipi. Dalam sepanjang sejarah banyak teolog telah melakukan kajian ini, dan terus memberikan sumbangsih mereka. Demikian juga penulis merasa perlu memberikan kontribusi sebagai wujud peran aktif dalam memperkaya khazanah keilmuan mahasiswa teologi. Oposisi Paulus digali dengan langkah-langkah kajian historis teologis sehingga didapatkan makna yang paling sesuai dengan kedalaman arti yang dimaksud si penulis kitab.   Kata Kunci: Injil; dengki; sunat; seteru.
Penggenapan Tentang Nubuatan Mesias sebagai Batu Hidup dan Penjuru (Studi Intertextuality Yesaya 28:16 dalam 1 Petrus 2:6) Hulman Simanungkalit
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 5, No 2 (2023): OKTOBER 2023
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v5i2.116


Abstract: Isaiah points to another building of protection and safety that is strong and eternal. God Himself laid a firm foundation stone in Zion using tested and precious stones. The foundation was dug and planted deep underground so that it was truly sturdy and could not be shaken by storms or flood waters. This proves God's faithful love throughout all time. It is clear that people who put their trust in the cornerstone will obtain God's faithful love. They will not waver; they will not go astray but they will stand firm because the foundation on which they build their buildings is very expensive and valuable.Keywords: intertextuality; messiah; cornerstone; Isaiah; Peter.                                                      Abstrak:Yesaya menunjuk kepada bangunan perlindungan dan keselamatan lain yang kokoh dan kekal. Tuhan sendiri meletakkan batu pondasi yang teguh di Sion dengan menggunakan batu yang teruji dan berharga. Fondasi itu digali dan ditanam dalam-dalam dibawah tanah, sehingga benar-benar kokoh dan tidak tergoyahkan oleh angin ribut atau air banjir yang melanda. Hal itu membuktikan kasih setia Tuhan sepanjang masa. Hal ini jelas bahwa orang-orang yang meletakkan kepercayaannya diatas batu penjuru akan memperoleh kasih setia Tuhan. Mereka tidak akan goyah, mereka tidak akan  tersesat tetapi mereka akan berdiri kokoh karena dasar tempat mereka mendirikan bangunannya sangat mahal dan berharga.Kata Kunci: intertextual; mesias; batu penjuru; Yesaya; Petrus.