Dedi Bastanta
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Makna Frasa Oleh Bilur-Bilurnya Kamu Telah Sembuh (Studi Intertekstualiti Yesaya 53:4-9 dan 1 Petrus 2:22-25) Hulman Simanungkalit; Elim Simamora; Dedi Bastanta
Jurnal Teologi Cultivation Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Juli
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46965/jtc.v5i1.646


Abstract There are so many usages of Old Testament and New Testament in the Bible survey. The New Testament authors have used Old Testament as one of the sources of their writings. In general, events that the authors had seen undergone are taken from their beliefs towards the Old Testament. For example, one of the well-known biblical verses in the First Book of Peter, “…by whose stripes ye were healed.” (1 Pet.2:24). The apostle Peter quoted the verse from the book of Isaiah. This biblical verse is very frequently quoted and has always been used as a healing prayer for the sick. In his letter, the apostle Peter speaks about Christ, that is Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the One who is anointed. This writing, in fact, refers to the biblical verses in the book of Isaiah which prophesied the event undergone by Messiah. Therefore, in this study, it is important for the writer to conduct such as textual survey between the Book of First Peter and Isaiah that a clear and appropriate understanding of the the two authors will be obtained and then can be applied in daily life of Christians nowadays. Keywords: intertextuality, phrase “by whose stripes ye were healed” Abstrak Dari keseluruhan pembacaan Alkitab, banyak didapati penggunaan PL oleh PB. Para penulis PB menggunakan PL sebagai salah satu sumber tulisannya. Pada umumnya peristiwa yang dilihat maupun dialami oleh penulis masih dilatarbelakangi oleh pemberitaan PL yang dipahami dan diyakin mereka. Seperti salah satunya, sebagian dari kutipan nats yang cukup terkenal dari Surat pertama Petrus, “Oleh bilur-bilur-Nya kamu telah sembuh.” (1 Petrus 2:24). Jika memperhatikan nats dalam surat Petrus ini, ia sedang mengutip nats ini dari Kitab Yesaya. Nats Firman TUHAN ini banyak diucapkan dan menjadi kata-kata doa yang menguatkan bagi umat Kristen saat ini terlebih lagi bagi yang sedang sakit dan menantikan kesembuhan. Dalam tulisannya, Petrus sedang membahas mengenai Kristus, yakni pribadi Yesus Sang Mesias – yang diurapi. Tulisan ini ternyata merujuk pada tulisan di Yesaya yang menubuatkan peristiwa yang harus dialami oleh Mesias. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis merasa sangat perlu untuk melakukan study intertekstual antara tulisan Petrus dan Yesaya sehingga diperoleh pemahaman yang tepat mengenai maksud yang hendak disampaikan oleh masing-masing penulis Kitab Suci dan dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan iman Kristen sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: intertekstual; frasa “oleh bilur-bilur-Nya kamu telah sembuh”
Metode Penafsiran Narasi Injil Markus Margareth Christian Gozali; Dedi Bastanta; Parsaoran Tambunan
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v4i2.85


This article focuses on the interpretation of the type of narrative literature (story) which is directed at the interpretation of the narrative in Mark’s Gospel. The theory used set off from The Hermeneutical Spiral book by Grant R. Osborne which combined with another narrative interpretation theory. The Hermeneutic principles in narrative interpretation are as follows: first, structural analysis, that are macro and micro structures. The macro structure examines the narrative text as a whole to find the author's intention as a whole. The micro structure examines the narrative text in detail so that it can divide the story into action units. Second, analysis of narrative style writing. The principle of this interpretation investigates whether there is chiasmus, inclusion (framework techniques), repetition (repetition) and other literary traits. At this step, various information from primary source commentaries are collected to determine whether there is a particular narrative writing style used by the story writer. Third, editorial analysis of a narrative. This principle of interpretation examines the ways in which narrative writers use sources in the writing of each story. Fourth, the exegetical analysis of a narrative. This principle of interpretation deals with the original grammar of the biblical authorship and semantics (word study). Fifth, a theological analysis of a narrative. In principle a narrative is a theology presented in the form of stories. Sixth, contextualization a story. This principle of interpretation means applying lessons from the story to certain concrete situations today.                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Makna Teologis Hari Raya Yahudi Dalam Injil Yohanes Elim Simamora; Dedi Bastanta; Edy Syahputra Tarigan
Jurnal Teologi Cultivation Vol 6, No 1 (2022): JULI
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46965/jtc.v6i1.1194


Abstract:Feasts are important in the Jewish tradition. In this study, the writer highlights the theological meaning of the Jewish holidays recorded by the writer of the Gospel of John. The main reason for conducting this study is to see the theological meaning contained in this section and which is considered important for Christians to understand considering that in the history of the development of Christian theology, there is still a connection between OT Judaism and New Testament theology. Easter is a Jewish tradition that is still preserved and celebrated in Christianity, where Easter is closely related to Christ's sacrifice in saving human sins. Through this exegesis study approach, it will be found the depth of the meaning of the Jewish holiday and is associated with theological and practical meanings that can be drawn. In-depth study of the text is indeed a step taken by the author.Abstrak:Hari raya merupakan hal yang penting dalam tradisi Yahudi. Dalam kajian ini penulis menyoroti makna teologis hari raya Yahudi yang dicatat oleh penulis Injil Yohanes. Alasan utama dalam melakukan studi ini adalah untuk melihat makna teologis yang terkandung di dalam bagian ini dan yang dianggap penting untuk dipahami oleh orang-orang Kristen mengingat memang dalam sejarah perkembangan teologi Kristen, tetap saja ada kaitan antara Yudaisme PL dengan teologi Perjanjian Baru. Paskah merupakan tradisi Yahudi yang tetap dipelihara dan dirayakan dalam kekristenan, dimana paskah erat kaitannya dengan korban Kristus dalam menyelamatkan dosa manusia. Melalui pendekatan study eksegesis ini, maka akan didapati kedalaman arti dari hari raya Yahudi tersebut dan dikaitkan dengan makna teologis dan praktis yang bisa ditarik. Studi mendalam atas teks memang merupakan langkah yang diambil oleh penulis.
Konsep Pembenaran Menurut Roma 5:1-11 Suatu Studi Eksegesis Martini Hia; Dedi Bastanta; Parsaoran Tambunan
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 5, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v5i1.87


One of the worst consequences of the man's fall into the sin is death. The first humans, Adam and Eve, after violating God's command by eating the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden of Eden, made them violate God's commandment (sinful), this violation has brought the heaviest punishment, namely death for that human. The Lord God is faithful and infinite justice to what He has said, giving rewards, life to everyone who sincerely does His will and carries out the punishment, death for everyone who violates His word. But the Lord God in all His omniscience (providensia) along with the passage of time and His design, has determined the only way and rule for everyone to be justified before God, is If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9-10), He is a real form of God who is Loving and has come into the world (Incarnation), He has sacrificed / died on the cross and rose from the grave on the third day to save mankind, then the sinner has the status of "justified" before God. The purpose of the study was to find the original meaning of the word "justification" according to Romans 5:1-11 by using the descriptive exegesis method and answering various questions regarding salvation only by faith in Christ Jesus.Keywords: Jesus Christ; Salvation; Justification.  
Masa Dan Meriba: Karya Allah terhadap UmatNya yang Bersungut-sungut Ketika Menghadapi Kesulitan (Eksegesis Keluaran 17:1-7) Freddy Simamora; Dedi Bastanta
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v2i2.35


Abstract:This article seeks to show God's work for His people who are experiencing difficulties in their life journey. It is undeniable that challenges and difficulties in the course of human life are issues that always adorn every period of mankind's era. Therefore, the author tries to present a Bible study regarding God's actions to help His people in the difficulties they are experiencing. The Bible passage that will be studied is a test of the faith of the Israelites through God's upbringing in difficult situations at the events of Masa and Meribah (Exodus 17:1-7). In this incident, it is known that this nation is not easy to understand God's way, in fact they tend to attack their leader whom God has entrusted to them. However, God revealed His work before them to overcome the difficulties they were facing. This paper will expose the narrative of “Masa and Meriba” with the study of exegesis. It then lays out its practical principles for today's Christian faith.Keywords: Masa and Meriba, God’s work, grumble Abstrak:Artikel ini berupaya untuk menunjukkan karya Allah bagi umatNya yang sedang mengalami kesusahan dalam perjalanan hidup mereka. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa tantangan dan kesulitan dalam perjalanan hidup manusia adalah isu yang selalu menghiasi setiap periode zaman umat manusia. Maka dari itu, penulis mencoba untuk menghadirkan kajian Alkitab berkenaan dengan tindakan Allah untuk menolong umatNya dalam kesulitan yang sedang dialami.  Bagian Alkitab yang akan diteliti adalah ujian terhadap keimanan bangsa Israel melalui didikan Allah dalam situasi yang sulit pada peristiwa di Masa dan Meriba (Keluaran 17:1-7). Pada peristiwa ini, diketahui bahwa bangsa ini tidak mudah memahami cara Allah, bahkan mereka cenderung menyerang pemimpin mereka yang Allah percayakan. Namun, Allah menyatakan karyaNya di hadapan mereka untuk mengatasi kesulitan yang sedang mereka hadapi. Tulisan ini akan mengekspos narasi “Masa dan Meriba” dengan kajian eksegesis. Kemudian memaparkan prinsip-prinsip praktisnya bagi keimanan Kristen masa kini.Kata Kunci: Masa dan Meriba, karya Allah, sungut-sungut
Yesus dan Hermeneutik Gezerah Shavah (Tinjauan Teks Kontroversi Sabat) Wahyu Triwira Tarigan; Dedi Bastanta; Hulman Simanungkalit
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 5, No 2 (2023): OKTOBER 2023
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v3i2.108


Abstract: This article reviews the story of the Jesus controversy that occurred on the Sabbath in the synoptic gospel records (Mark 2:23-28; Matthew 12:1-8; Luke 6:1-5) in which the Pharisees encountered the actions that had been committed. by the disciples was a "breaking" of the sabbath, Jesus' response first referred to David's incident recorded in the controversial account 1 samuel 21, where David ate the holy bread that only priests could eat, his action against the law but justified because David's life was at stake (piqquach nefesh). However, Jesus' problem with the Sabbath by referring to David's controversy seems unparalleled, some even think that Jesus failed to respond to the Pharisees' questions by quoting David's story, because in principle an analogy must be parallel to what he wants to explain (gezerah shavah). So, this article will not discuss every detail or narrative difference from the three synoptic gospels, this research only goes so far as to review gezerah shawah and piqquach nefesh on quotes to David not as a failure.    Keywords: Hermeneutic; Gezerah Shavah; Piqquach Nefesh; Halakhah; Haggadah. Abstrak:Artikel ini mengulas cerita tentang kontroversi Yesus yang terjadi pada hari sabat dalam catatan injil sinoptik (Markus 2:23-28; Matius 12:1-8; Lukas 6:1-5) yang pada kesempatannya Orang-orang Farisi menemui tindakan yang telah diperbuat oleh murid-murid adalah “pelanggaran” atas haris sabat, respons Yesus pertama-tama merujuk pada peristiwa Daud yang tercatat dalam akun 1 samuel 21 yang kontroversial, di mana Daud memakan roti kudus yang hanya bisa dimakan para imam, tindakannya yang melawan hukum namun dibenarkan karena nyawa Daud sedang dipertaruhkan (piqquach nefesh). Namun, masalah Yesus atas hari sabat dengan merujuk pada kontroversi Daud terlihat seolah tidak paralel, bahkan beberapa menganggap Yesus gagal menanggapi pertanyaan orang-orang Farisi dengan mengutip cerita Daud, karena pada prinsipnya sebuah analogi harus sejajar dengan apa yang hendak dijelaskan (gezerah shavah). Maka, artikel ini, tidak akan membahas setiap detail maupun perbedaan  narasi dari ketiga injil sinoptik, penelitian ini hanya sejauh meninjau gezerah shavah dan piqquach nefesh atas kutipan kepada Daud bukan sebagai kegagalan.    Kata Kunci: Hermeneutik; Gezerah Shavah; Piqquach Nefesh; Halakhah; Haggadah.