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PROFIL PENGGUNAAN OBAT PADA PASIEN COVID-19 DI SALAH SATU RUMAH SAKIT DI BANJARMASIN Yusrinie Wasiaturrahmah; Aditya Maulana Perdana Putra; Nahdha Nahdha; Nahdiya Rahmah
Jurnal Insan Farmasi Indonesia Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Insan Farmasi Indonesia
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan ISFI Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36387/jifi.v5i1.917


Coronavirus 19, Knowing as COVID-19, is a disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). COVID-19 treatment is still limited to supportive and oxygen therapy. The use of drugs is on the complaints felt by patients and comorbidities. This study aims to look at drug use profiles in COVID-19 patients. This research was included in descriptive research with a retrospective cross-sectional design. This research data was the entire prescription sheet and medical records of COVID-19 patients for March-August 2020 that meet the inclusion criteria. The result from collecting COVID-19 patient data for March-August 2020 obtained 114 medical records that met the criteria for research inclusion. Research Result: Characteristics of study subjects of the male sex are more infected with COVID-19. The age range with the highest number of COVID-19 patients was 46-55 years. Treatment profiles often used in COVID-19 patients are Supplements and Vitamins for 6538 prescriptions and Antibiotics for 2813 prescriptions. The most prescribed supplements and vitamins are Vitamin C, Lakto B, Zinc, and Vitamin C. The most prescribed antibiotics are Azithromycin, Meropenem, and Levofloxacin. The conclusion obtained in this study is that Supplements and vitamins, and Antibiotics are the most prescribed drug class.
PROFIL PENGGUNAAN OBAT PADA PASIEN COVID-19 DI SALAH SATU RUMAH SAKIT DI BANJARMASIN Yusrinie Wasiaturrahmah; Aditya Maulana Perdana Putra; Nahdha Nahdha; Nahdiya Rahmah
Jurnal Insan Farmasi Indonesia Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Insan Farmasi Indonesia
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan ISFI Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36387/jifi.v5i1.917


Coronavirus 19, Knowing as COVID-19, is a disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). COVID-19 treatment is still limited to supportive and oxygen therapy. The use of drugs is on the complaints felt by patients and comorbidities. This study aims to look at drug use profiles in COVID-19 patients. This research was included in descriptive research with a retrospective cross-sectional design. This research data was the entire prescription sheet and medical records of COVID-19 patients for March-August 2020 that meet the inclusion criteria. The result from collecting COVID-19 patient data for March-August 2020 obtained 114 medical records that met the criteria for research inclusion. Research Result: Characteristics of study subjects of the male sex are more infected with COVID-19. The age range with the highest number of COVID-19 patients was 46-55 years. Treatment profiles often used in COVID-19 patients are Supplements and Vitamins for 6538 prescriptions and Antibiotics for 2813 prescriptions. The most prescribed supplements and vitamins are Vitamin C, Lakto B, Zinc, and Vitamin C. The most prescribed antibiotics are Azithromycin, Meropenem, and Levofloxacin. The conclusion obtained in this study is that Supplements and vitamins, and Antibiotics are the most prescribed drug class.
Edukasi Beyond Use Date dan Expired Date pada Pasien Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Martapura Diah Aulia Rosanti; Sri Oktaviana Sari; Sindwi Rinanda Sari; Rachul Ridho Mahendra; Nahdha Nahdha; Helsawati Helsawati; Anggi Fridewini; Nadya Rahmi; Dita Ayulia Dwi Sandi; Okta Muthia Sari; Rina Astiyani Jenah; Noor Hafizah
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Panacea Vol 1, No 4 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Panacea
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jpmp.v1i4.10888


Perilaku masyarakat dalam menyimpan dan membuang obat perlu dibarengi dengan pengetahuan yang benar agar tidak berdampak terhadap pengobatan yang tidak optimal. Oleh sebab itu, penting dilakukan promosi kesehatan memgenai batas penggunaan obat atau beyond  use date (BUD) dan expired date. Tujuan sosialisasi adalah untuk memberikan edukasi tentang Beyond Use Date (BUD) dan expired date kepada masyarakat dalam penyimpanan obat yang tepat. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan dengan dibantu media seperti leaflet, banner, dan video edukasi. Sasaran edukasi adalah pasien dan/atau keluarga pasien yang sedang menunggu obat di rawat jalan rumah sakit. Evaluasi pengetahuan peserta terkait BUD diperoleh hasil 88% menjawab dengan tepat. Kesimpulannya pemberian edukasi memberikan dampak terhadap pengetahuan peserta terkait BUD dalam penyimpanan obat. Kata Kunci:  Kualitas Obat, Penggunaan Obat, Penyimpanan Obat, Sosialisasi   The behavior of the community in storing and disposing of drugs needs to be accompanied by correct knowledge so as not to have an impact on treatment that is not optimal. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct health promotion regarding the limitations of drug use or beyond use date (BUD) and expiration date. The goal of socialization is to inform the public about beyond use date (BUD) and expired date in regards to proper drug storage. The technique is counseling with the aid of media like flyers, banners, and instructional videos. Patients who are waiting for medications in hospital outpatient care and/or their families are the target audience for education. Evaluation of participants' knowledge related to BUD resulted in 88% answering correctly. In conclusion, the provision of education has an impact on participants' knowledge related to BUD in medicine storage.