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Pengaruh Country Image Terhadap Minat Berkunjung Ke Korea Selatan Pada Komunitas Korean Jjang Garut Ridian Gusdiana; Novie Susanti Suseno; Zikri Fachrul Nurhadi; Yulia Yulistina
JIKA (Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Andalan) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): Vol 4. No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Majalengka

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This research is motivated by the increasing number of Indonesian tourists visiting South Korea every year and the growing popularity of the phenomenon of South Korean popular culture in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of country image on interest in visiting South Korea, explain the effect of cognitive country image on South Korea's affective country image, explain the respective effects of cognitive country image and affective country image on interest in visiting South Korea. This research approach is quantitative with hypothesis testing using path analysis technique. The subjects in this study were members of the Korean Jjang Community Garut with a total sampling of 77 people, so this research is a population study. The data collection uses an online questionnaire with the help of Google Form media. The results showed that country image consisting of cognitive country image and affective country image influenced the interest in visiting South Korea at the Korean Jjang Community Garut by 49.8%. If further reviewed, cognitive country image has an effect on the formation of South Korea's affective country image by 32.9%, then the influence of cognitive country image on interest in visiting South Korea is 17.4% and affective country image has an influence on interest in visiting South Korea by 32.4%. while the effect of cognitive country image through affective country image on interest in visiting South Korea is 16.2%.
Pelatihan Teknologi Berbasis Aplikasi Web: Membantu Tenaga Kerja Meningkatkan Kompetensi dan Daya Saing Ridian Gusdiana; Ridwan Setiawan; Muhammad Farhan
Jurnal Algoritma Vol 20 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Algoritma
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/algoritma/v.20-1.1270


Errors in recruiting prospective employees can have an impact on company performance, prospective employees who are recruited need to prove their abilities and expertise. The purpose of this research is to design an integrated and easily accessible web-based prospective employee training information system that can help improve the skills of prospective employees who will be recruited. The research method used is the Rational Unified Process (RUP) with the stages of Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition with system modeling using the Unified Modeling Language (UML), namely UseCase Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, and Class Diagrams. This research resulted in a system design and Web-Based Candidate Training Information System with available features including information on training data, training registration data, training materials, assignment assessments, and training management. This research was conducted at one of the service companies in information technology in Garut Regency, namely CV. Asgardian Techno Service. Using an information system for prospective employee training is made into a solution for companies to improve the quality of employees through training that can be accessed by both participants, mentors and decision makers.
Implementasi Tanda Tangan Digital pada Pembuatan Surat Keterangan dengan Metodologi Scrum Fikri Fahru Roji; Ridwan Setiawan; Ridian Gusdiana; Moch. Rizky Cahyadiputra; Wildan Hidayatul Hamdi
Jurnal Algoritma Vol 20 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Algoritma
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/algoritma/v.20-1.1301


In the current era of information technology, digital signatures are used as a mathematical method to identify a person or document electronically. This digital signature provides proof that the document was sent by an identified sender, and ensures the authenticity and validity of the information. The application of digital signatures, including in tertiary institutions such as the Faculty of Economics, University of Garut, can increase efficiency and change the way administrative services are carried out. Document authenticity can be verified online through a verification system that validates information. Thus, the use of digital signatures is expected to ensure document authenticity while increasing work effectiveness. This research uses the Scrum methodology, one of the Agile methodologies in product development. Scrum consists of sprint milestones that are done in no more than a month without breaks and are time-boxed. This methodology ensures an understanding of time limits and work cycles. The research stages consist of A1 Initiate, A2 Planning and Estimating, A3 Implementing, A4 Retrospect and Reviewing, and A5 Releasing. These stages are well organized to arrive at findings that are supported by scientific analysis on a regular basis. Activities in these stages include defining the project vision, building the Scrum team, user stories, sprint backlog, evaluating the sprint backlog, weekly meetings, updating the sprint backlog, reviewing and validating previous sprints, technical documentation, and application system submission. The survey results show that the Scrum methodology ranks third in the survey results with 20.3% of respondents using the Scrum methodology in the software development process.
Jurnal Teknik Informatika (Jutif) Vol. 4 No. 5 (2023): JUTIF Volume 4, Number 5, October 2023
Publisher : Informatika, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52436/1.jutif.2023.4.5.1014


In February 2023, an incident occurred involving the child of an official from the Indonesian Directorate General of Taxes who committed violence against a member of the GP Ansor organization. The news spread widely and brought a new issue, namely suspicious reporting of the official's wealth with an amount of up to 56 billion Indonesian Rupiahs. In order to determine public sentiment towards the "RUBICON" case, which was receiving attention, sentiment analysis of tax payment interest was conducted using text mining techniques. Data processing was done using the R language and RStudio application, taking a dataset of 23,785 tweets from the public about paying taxes on Twitter. Next, text cleaning was done to remove numbers, symbols, and URLs, as well as text processing using stemming, tokenizing, stopword removal, and TF-IDF methods. The TF-IDF method shows that the words "rafael" and "case" are the top keywords. This study used a supervised model by comparing SVM, KNN, and Naive Bayes algorithms, and evaluation was done using a confusion matrix with accuracy results in descending order of 0.8922, 0.8049, and 0.7369. The conclusion of this study is that the SVM algorithm successfully classified sentiment with the highest level of accuracy and obtained the highest negative sentiment of 5,616 sentences.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Bimbingan Skripsi Online (SIBIMO) dengan SCRUM Framework Fikri Fahru Roji; Diqy Fakhrun Shiddieq; Ridian Gusdiana; Evi Puspita
Jurnal Algoritma Vol 20 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Algoritma
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/algoritma/v.20-2.1459


The development of technology and the internet has opened up opportunities for advances in information systems. In this context, the Online Thesis Guidance Information System (SIBIMO) is an efficient solution in the thesis guidance process in higher education. With the SCRUM method, SIBIMO allows students to submit thesis titles, interact with supervisors, and manage seminar and trial stages through a designed user interface. This methodology combines stages such as UI design, functionality testing, and progress evaluation. Testing each SIBIMO menu ensures the system is running as intended. SCRUM allows achieving development time targets and efficient adaptation at each iteration. This research concludes that SIBIMO, which was developed using the SCRUM method, was successful in designing an Information System that was carried out effectively and efficiently in managing the Online Tutoring Information System design process.