Nur Rochman
Program Studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, Jurusan Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

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Prosiding SNATIF 2017: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan informatika (BUKU 1)
Publisher : Prosiding SNATIF

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AbstrakTeknologi komputer, terutama robotika di masa sekarang sudah menjadi bagian penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Robot adalah peralatan eletro-mekanik atau biomekanik, atau gabungan peralatan yang menghasilkan gerakan yang otonomi maupun gerakan berdasarkan gerakan yang diperintahkan. Robot dalam beberapa hal dapat menggatikan peran manusia, hal ini terihat pada robot-robot yang diterapkan dalam berbagai bidang seperti industri, kesehatan (health), pertahanan (defense), pertanian (agriculture), penelitian (research), permainan (game), dan lain-lain. Dalam industri modern, robot telah mengambil alih posisi para pekerja di pabrik-pabrik. Misalnya dalam industri automotif, alat elektronik, peranti komputer, robot telah menjadi penggerak utama dari industri ini. Alasan utama penggunaan robot adalah karena, robot dalam kondisi tertentu (syarat minimum operasi terpenuhi) dapat menjadi pekerja yang ideal, robot memiliki tingkat akurasi dan efisiensi yang tinggi, serta yang lebih penting adalah biaya operasinya rendah dengan output yang dihasilkan lebih tinggi.  Kata kunci: navigasi, realtime, mobile robot.
JURNAL PERTANIAN Vol 5, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (219.509 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/jp.v5i1.543


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh naungan dan berbagai dosis pupuk urea terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi vegetatif alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Petak Terbagi. Petak utama adalah tingkat naungan (0%/tanpa naungan, 25%, 50%, dan 75%), sementara subplot/anak petak adalah dosis pupuk urea (0%/tanpa urea, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, dan 125% rekomendasi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat naungan berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah daun, lingkar batang, jumlah cabang, bobot basah tajuk, bobot basah akar, bobot basah total, bobot kering tajuk, bobot kering akar, dan bobot kering total, tapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman, luas daun, dan panjang akar. Pupuk urea sampai 100% rekomendasi berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah daun, lingkar batang, jumlah cabang, panjang akar, bobot basah tajuk, bobot basah akar, bobot basah total, bobot kering tajuk, bobot kering akar, dan bobot kering total, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun. Jumlah cabang terbanyak dihasilkan oleh tanaman dengan kombinasi tingkat naungan 0%/tanpa naungan dan pupuk urea rekomendasi.
REPELLENT ABILITY OF LERAK (Sapindus rarak DC) FRUIT EXTRACT AND KIRINYUH (Chromolaena odorata L.) LEAF EXTRACT ON Callosobruchus maculatus F WAREHOUSE PESTS Suryaningsih, Siti; Rochman, Nur; Adi, Setyono
JURNAL AGRONIDA Vol 3, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1152.179 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/jag.v3i1.1012


The aim of this research is to know the repellent ability of lerak fruit extract (Sapindus rarak DC.) and kirinyuh leaf extract (Chromolaena odorata) against Callosobruchus maculatus warehouse pests. The research activity was conducted in October - December 2016 at Entomology Laboratory, SEAMEO BIOTROP Bogor. This research used two experiments that were using lerak fruit extract and kirinyuh leaf extract. The experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design with three replications for each concentration level of extract material. The extract concentrations used for the preliminary test were 1.0%; 2.0%; 3.0%; 4.0% and 5.0%. In the main test the concentration refers to the results of the preliminary test. The concentration of lerak fruit  extract used for the main test were 1.5%; 3.0%; 4.5%; 6.0% and 7.5% (v / v), the concentration of kirinyuh leaf extract were 0.0%; 2.5%; 5.0%; 7.5% and 10.0% (v / v). The effectiveness of repellent ability be classified well if repellent ≥80%, good enough if 60% ≤ repellent <80% and less good if repellent <60%. The highest repellent content of lerak fruit extract on 72  hours after treatment (JSP) was 77.9% occurring at 4.5% extract concentration and highest repellent of kirinyuh leaf extract on 72 JSP was 82.73% occurring at 10.0% extract concentration. Repellent ability of kirinyuh leaf extract is better than repellent ability of lerak fruit extract. Keywords: repellent power, vegetable extract, extract concentration, pest controlling
Efektivitas penggunaan pestisida biorasional daun kipahit (Tithonia Diversifolia) dan atau daun mindi (Melia Azadirach) dalam pengendalian hama dan penyakit penting tomat (Licopersicon Esculentum Mill) Supriatna, Hendi; Mulyaningsih, Yanyan; Rochman, Nur
JURNAL AGRONIDA Vol 1, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (607.289 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/jag.v1i2.151


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ekstrak daun Kipahit dan atau daun Mindi serta perbedaan konsentrasi dapat mengendalikan hama dan penyakit penting tomat. Selain itu, apakah ada interaksi antara ekstrak daun Kipahit dan daun Mindi.Metode penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari dua faktor. Faktor pertama yaitu dengan pemberian ekstrak daun Kipahit (Tithonia diversifolia) dan daun Mindi (Melia azadirach) terdiri atas 5 taraf : P0 = (kontrol), P1 = (Kipahit 16 kg berat basah), P2 = (Kipahit 10 kg bb + Mindi 6 kg bb), P3 = (Kipahit 6 kg bb + Mindi 10 kg bb), P4 = (Mindi 16 kg bb). Faktor ke dua yaitu konsentrasi ekstrak daun Kipahit dan daun Mindi terdiri dari 2 taraf yaitu : K1 = 8 kg bb, K2 = 16 kg bb.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun Kipahit dan atau daun mindi serta perbedaan konsentrasi tidak berpengaruh nyata pada Ulat Buah (Helicoverpa armigera) pada umur 66, 73, 80 dan 87 HST, Kutu Kebul (Bemicia tabaci) pada umur 45, 52, 59, 66, 73 dan 80 HST, Ulat Grayak (Spodoptera litura) pada Umur umur 45, 52, 59, 66, 73, 80 dan 87 HST dan penyakit busuk daun (Phytophthora infestans) pada umur 45, 52, 59, 66, 73, 80 dan 87 HST. Selain itu tidak terdapat interaksi antara ekstrak daun kipahit dan daun mindi.
GROWTH AND PRODUCTION OF POHPOHAN {Pilea melastomoides (Poir.) Wedd.} DAN REUNDEU (Staurogyne elongate Kuntze) AND ON VARIOUS SHADING LEVELS Sutandi, Intan Apriani; Rahayu, Arifah; Rochman, Nur
JURNAL AGRONIDA Vol 3, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (645.564 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/jag.v3i1.1013


This study was aimed at assessing the effects of shade on the growth, productivity of indigenous vegetables pohpohan and reundeu.   A split-plot design was used.  The main plot was shade treatments consisting of four levels, namely 0% (no shade), 25%,  50%, and 75%.  The subordinate plot was the seed origins, namely Sukabumi, Cianjur, and Bogor.  The arrangement of the main and sub plots was done based on a completely randomized design.  Results showed that  in pohpohan increased plant height was found in 50% shade treatment, while leaf length and width was found to be increased in shade treatment up to 75%.  Leaf length and width of pohpohan plants of Bogor origin were higher than those of pohpohan plants of Cianjur and Sukabumi origins. In reundeu plants, no effects of shade treatments were found in all variables measured.  Reundeu plants of Bogor and Cianjur origin were found to be superior in plant height, leaves number, length, and width, and fresh and dry  weight. Pohpohan plants were potential to be grown under shades.    Key words: seed origin, plant height, pohpohan, reundeu, Bogor  
PERTUMBUHAN KANTONG SEMAR {Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Druce} PADA BERBAGAI KOMPOSISI MEDIA TANAM DAN TINGKAT NAUNGAN Sukarta, Daden; Rahayu, Arifah; Rochman, Nur
JURNAL AGRONIDA Vol 2, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (682.882 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/jag.v2i2.940


Pitcher Plant {Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Druce} Growth in Different Compositions of Planting Medium and Level of ShadingABSTRACTThis research aimed to determine the effects of various compositions of planting medium and level of shading on the vegetative growth of the pitcher plant (Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Druce). The experiments were arranged in a split plot arrangement on randomized blok design. The main plot was paranet shading (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%), and the sub-plots were planting medium compositions (cocopeat : rice husk charcoal (1:0) (1:0), cocopeat : rice husk charcoal (0:1) (0:1), cocopeat : rice husk charcoal (1:1) (1:1), cocopeat : rice husk charcoal (1:2) (1:2), cocopeat : rice husk charcoal (2:1) (2:1)). Increased shading levels from 0% to 75% caused N. mirabilis plants to be shorter and rosetted, with larger leaf surface area and more leaves and pitchers, but with smaller-sized pitcher. Nepenthes mirabilis which were planted in 1:1 medium showed have more leaves, and pitchers, larger pitchers, greater leaf surface area and longer roots, compared with those planted in 1:2 medium. However, the number of leaves and root length of plants in 1:1 medium was not significantly different to those in 1:0 and 2:1 medium. Pitcher size of N. mirabilis  planted in 1:1 medium was not significantly different to those planted in 1:0 and 0:1 medium. The number of pitchers and leaf area of N. mirabilis planted in 1:1 medium was not significantly different to those planted in 0:1 and 2:1 medium. The pH level of 1:0 medium was lower than 0:1 medium at different levels of shading.Key words : Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Druce, cocopeat, rice husk charcoal, pitchers ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh berbagai komposisi media tanam dan tingkat naungan pada pertumbuhan vegetatif kantong semar (Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Druce. Penelitian ini disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) pola petak terpisah (split plot design). Petak utama adalah naungan paranet (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%), sebagai anak petak adalah kombinasi media cocopeat dan arang sekam dengan perbandingan 1:0, 0:1, 1:1, 1:2 dan 2:1. Pertambahan tingkat naungan dari 0% ke 75% menyebabkan pertumbuhan tanaman N. mirabilis lebih pendek dan berbentuk roset dengan luas daun lebih besar, jumlah daun dan kantong lebih banyak tetapi ukuran kantong lebih kecil. Nepenthes mirabilis yang ditanam pada komposisi media 1:1 menunjukan jumlah daun, jumlah kantong, ukuran kantong, luas daun dan panjang akar yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan yang ditanam pada komposisi media1:2, walaupun demikian jumlah daun dan panjang akar pada 1:1 tidak berbeda nyata dengan yang ditanam pada 1:0 dan 2:1, ukuran kantong N. mirabilis yang ditanam pada media 1:1 tidak berbeda nyata dengan yang ditanam pada media 1:0 dan 0:1, jumlah kantong dan luas daun N. mirabilis yang ditanam pada media 1:1 tidak berbeda nyata dengan yang ditanam pada 0:1 dan 2:1. Tingkat kemasaman (pH) pada media tanam 1:0 lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan pH media tanam 0:1 pada berbagai tingkat naungan.Kata kunci: Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Druce, cocopeat, arang sekam,  kantong
MORPHOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF VARIOUS PUMMELO (Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr.) ACCESSIONS FROM MAGETAN REGENCY Rahayu, Arifah; Nahraeni, Wini; Rochman, Nur; Ardiansyah, Rizki Yora
JURNAL AGRONIDA Vol 3, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (721.785 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/jag.v3i2.1043


Magetan Regency was the production centre of pummelo that have many accessions  with various morphological and chemical characteristics, but only a few of them were identificated. This study was aimed at identifying morphological and chemical characteristics of pummelo fruits in Magetan Regency.  The study was conducted in the Biology Laboratory of Djuanda University, Bogor from May to July 2015.  Results showed with regard to their morphological characteristic, pomelo plants in this region were found to have spheroid and spheroid-pyriform fruits and the weight of their fruit parts, fruit core width, mesocarp thickness, fruit circle before peeling, fruit circle after peeling, number of fruit segments, number of developed seeds, and edible parts of the fruit were varied.  Chemical characteristics were also found to be varied with vitamin C content of 29.80−44.66 mg/100g, total soluble solids (TSS) content of 8.10−9.72°Brix, total titratable acidity (TAA) of 0.31−0.53 g/100 ml, and TSS/ TAA ratio of 17.69−28.58. Key words: production centre of pummelo, spheroid, vitamin C, TSS
DISTRIBUTION OF PUMMELO {Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr.} ACCESSIONS IN MAGETAN REGENCY Yora, Rizky; Rahayu, Arifah; Nahraeni, Wini; Rochman, Nur
JURNAL AGRONIDA Vol 3, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1549.085 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/jag.v3i1.1016


Pummelo plants in Magetan Regency were found to spread over several villages and their accessions have their own morphological and chemical characteristics.  This study was aimed at assessing the distribution and the number of pummelo accessions in Magetan Regency.  The study was conducted in Magetan Regency East Java from May to July 2015.  Observation was conducted on distribution marking and accession characteristics by using a survey method.  Results showed that the accessions of pummelo plants grown by farmers in Tambak Mas Village were varied but they were not evenly distributed.  Meanwhile, pummelo plants grown by farmers in Dukuh Village had uniform accessions with uneven distribution.  Results of  field observation obtained 13 pummelo accesions, namely Adas Duku, Adas Nambangan, Bali Putih, Bali Merah 1, Bali Merah 2, Gulung 1, Gulung 2, Gulung 3, Magetan, Jawa 1, Jawa 2, Jawa 3, dan Sri Nyonya.  The most commonly pummelo accessions found in Tambak Mas Village were Adas Nambangan and Adas Duku.  Meanwhile the most accessions planted in Bendo Village were Adas Duku and Sri Nyonya. Key words: pummelo, Adas Nambangan, Tambak Mas, Dukuh, survey method
Daya insektisidal ekstrak daun tembelekan(Lantana camara Linn.) dan buah lerak (Sapindus rarak DC.) pada hama gudang callosobruchus chinensis Pratiwi, Indah; Setyono, Setyono; Rochman, Nur
JURNAL AGRONIDA Vol 1, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (819.933 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/jag.v1i2.157


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan ektrak daun tembelekan (Lantana camara Linn.) dan buah lerak (Sapindus rarak DC.) dalam mengendalikan hama gudang Callosobruchus chinensis. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2014 sampai Januari 2015 di Laboratorium Entomologi, SEAMEO BIOTROP. Pada penelitian ini terdapat dua percobaan yaitu dengan ekstrak daun tembelekan dan buah lerak. Rancangan yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan tiga kali ulangan untuk setiap taraf konsentrasi bahan ekstrak. Konsentrasi ekstrak daun tembelekan yang digunakan untuk uji pendahuluan masing-masing adalah 0.0%; 0.5%; 1.0%; 1.5%; 2.0%; 2.5% dan 3.0% (v/v). Konsentrasi ekstrak buah lerak masing-masing 0.0%; 1.0%; 1.5%; 2.0%; 2.5%; 3.0% dan 3.5% (w/v). Konsentrasi yang digunakan untuk uji utama ditentukan berdasarkan hasil uji pendahuluan
FERTILIZER GIVING EFFECT OF BIOLOGICAL AND CALCIUM ON THE GROWTH AND PRODUCTION PLANT BEAN (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Mutaqin, Indra Rohman; Tobing, Oktavianus Lumban; Rochman, Nur
JURNAL AGRONIDA Vol 3, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (696.407 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/jag.v3i2.1052


This study aims to obtain a doses of biological fertilizer and calcium doses that gives the best effect on the growth and production of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) upright type. This experiment was carried out from February until April 2014, at the experimental field of Depatment of Agrotechnology, University of Djuanda Bogor. The experimental design used is a factorial completely randomized design with 5x3 treatments and 3 replications. The first factor biofertilizers (rich bio), A0: control (without biofertilizer), A1: Biological Fertilizer doses of 10 kg / ha, A2: biological fertilizer doses of 20 kg / ha, A3: biological fertilizer dose of 30 kg / ha, A4: microbial doses (as recommended), while the second factor doses of dolomite (CaMg (CO3) 2) consists of: B0: 0 ton / ha (without calcium), B1: 2 tons / ha, B2: 4 tons / ha. The results showed a doses of calcium 4 tons / ha showed a better response in plant height (2 weeks after plant) and the weight of the third harvest pod. Provision of calcium which is accompanied by adequate dosage of biological fertilizer can increase the wet weight and dry weight of stover.  Keywords: bean seed upright type, dosage biological fertilizer, calcium