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Jurnal Pemberdayaan: Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (76.177 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/jp.v1i2.325


Lidah buaya terkenal akan beragam khasiat yang dimilikinya. Tanaman ini sangat cocok tumbuh pada iklim tropis Indonesia. KWT (Kelompok Wanita Tani) An-Naba’ sebagai salah satu organisasi kemasyarakatan di Desa Ambarketawang, Sleman berfokus pada peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat setempat melalui budidaya tanaman lokal. Salah satu tanaman yang saat ini digalakkan untuk dibudidayakan adalah lidah buaya. Lidah buaya dipilih karena sangat mudah untuk ditanam dan memiliki beragam manfaat. Saat ini kendala yang masih dihadapi KWT An-Naba’ Desa Ambarketawang adalah sulitnya memasarkan hasil tanaman mereka tersebut. Pelepah lidah buaya hanya dihargai dengan harga yang murah. Salah satu cara untuk membantu meningkatkan daya jual pelepah lidah buaya yaitu dengan mengolah lidah buaya tersebut menjadi berbagai macam olahan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi. Lidah buaya dapat diolah menjadi berbagai macam olahan minuman dan makanan yang memiliki nilai gizi tinggi. Tujuan dari program pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu meningkatkan pengetahuan anggota KWT An-Naba’ tentang manfaat, kandungan gizi serta potensi lidah buaya serta meningkatkan keterampilan anggota KWT An-Naba’ dalam mengolah lidah buaya menjadi berbagai produk makanan. Produk makanan tersebut diantaranya yaitu teh Aloe vera, nata de Aloe vera, selai Aloe vera dan manisan Aloe vera. Program pengabdian masyarakat ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei-Agustus 2017 di Balai Desa Ambarketawang, Kecamatan Gamping, Kabupaten Sleman, D.I.Yogyakarta. Program pengabdian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penyuluhan dan pelatihan. Kegiatan diawali dengan penyuluhan tentang manfaat dan khasiat tanaman lidah buaya kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pelatihan tentang cara pembuatan olahan lidah buaya. Peserta sangat antusias dalam mengikuti pelatihan. Peningkatan keterampilan masyarakat melalui pelatihan pengolahan produk lidah buaya ini diharapkan mampu mendorong kemajuan perekonomian masyarakat dan tumbuhnya industri rumah tangga di Desa Ambarketawang.
Bakteri Endofit Tanaman Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantifolia) Penghasil Asam Indol Asetat (AIA) Aji, Oktira Roka; Lestari, Iva Dita
Al-Kauniyah: Jurnal Biologi Vol 13, No 2 (2020): AL-KAUNIYAH JURNAL BIOLOGI
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islami

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/kauniyah.v13i2.13044


AbstrakBakteri endofit hidup dalam suatu tanaman tanpa menyebabkan gangguan bagi tanaman yang berperan penting dalam menstimulasi pertumbuhan tanaman, yaitu dengan memproduksi fitohormon seperti asam absisat, asam indol asetat, dan sitokinin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi, menyeleksi, dan mengidentifikasi bakteri endofit yang terdapat pada daun, batang, dan akar tanaman jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia). Isolat bakteri endofit diseleksi berdasarkan kemampuannya dalam menghasilkan asam indol asetat (AIA). Isolat bakteri endofit ditumbuhkan pada media nutrient broth (NB) yang ditambah dengan L-triptofan. Konsentrasi AIA dihitung dengan penambahan reagen salkowski dan diukur menggunakan spektrofotometer pada panjang gelombang 530 nm. Identifikasi bakteri endofit dilakukan dengan analisis uji biokimia. Isolat bakteri endofit yang berhasil diisolasi sebanyak 12 isolat, yaitu 4 isolat dari daun, 4 isolat dari batang, dan 4 isolat dari akar. Hasil pengamatan pada uji AIA menunjukkan bahwa semua isolat bakteri endofit dapat menghasilkan hormon AIA. Isolat yang menghasilkan konsentrasi hormon AIA tertinggi adalah isolat B2 (6,51 ppm). Isolat bakteri yang berhasil diidentifikasi berasal dari genus Enterobacter, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, dan Staphylococcus. Bakteri endofit yang dapat menghasilkan AIA berpotensi dikembangkan sebagai biofertilizer untuk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman. Abstract Endophytic bacteria live inside plants without causing disruption to plants and play an important role in stimulating plant growth. This study aims to isolate endophytic bacteria from lime plant (Citrus aurantifolia) and characterize its ability to produce indole acetic acid (IAA). Bacterial isolates were grown on media supplemented with L-tryptophan as IAA precursor. The bacterial supernatant was mixed with salkowski reagents and then measured using a spectrophotometer at 530 nm. Bacterial identification was carried out using biochemical characteristic analysis. A total of 12 endophytic bacterial isolates were successfully isolated from leaves, stem and roots of plants. Quantitative test results showed that all isolates can produce IAA. The highest concentration of IAA was produced by B2 (6.51 ppm). Biochemical analysis indicated that the isolates were from the genus Enterobacter, Bacillus, Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus. Endhophytic bacteria that can produce IAA have the potential to be developed as biofertilizers to increase crop productivity.
Aktivitas Antifungi Ekstrak Etanol 96% Rimpang Lempuyang Wangi (Zingiber aromaticum Val.) terhadap Cendawan Pythium sp. secara In Vitro Aji, Oktira Roka; Zakkiyah, Hasna Chaerani
Biota : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati Vol 6, No 1 (2021): February 2021
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24002/biota.v6i1.3220


Pythium sp. menyebabkan penyakit rebah kecambah pada berbagai macam tumbuhan. Semangka, mentimun, dan pisang adalah beberapa contoh tanaman yang sering terkena penyakit rebah kecambah yang disebabkan oleh cendawan tersebut. Lempuyang wangi (Zingiber aromaticum Val.) merupakan bahan alami yang bisa dijadikan sebagai biofungisida karena mengandung zat aktif, yaitu zerumbon, flavonoid, alkaloid, saponin, kurkumin dan lain-lain, sehingga perlu dilakukan kajian mengenai pemanfaatannya sebagai antifungi pada tanaman. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menentukan konsentrasi optimum ekstrak rimpang lempuyang wangi (Zingiber aromaticum Val.) dalam menghambat pertumbuhan cendawan Pythium sp. dan menentukan persentase aktivitas antifungi optimum dari ekstrak lempuyang wangi (Z. aromaticum Val.). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi optimum dari ekstrak lempuyang wangi dalam menghambat pertumbuhan cendawan Pythium sp. adalah 50%. Persentase aktivitas antifungi optimum dari ekstrak lempuyang wangi sebesar 51,9725%.
Abundance of Associated Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi with Pioneer Plants in Affected Area by Mount Merapi Eruption Oktira Roka Aji; Inggita Utami; Cucu Cahyanti
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 27 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.7226/jtfm.27.2.100


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) with mutualism symbiosis with plants are associated with the Fabaceae family's pioneer plants. This study aims to determine the percentage of AMF in the roots and the AMF spore's abundance in the rhizosphere of pioneer plants Calopogonium mucunoides Desv. and Vigna Unguiculata (L.) Walp in Mount Merapi National Park after the 2010 eruption. The methods used for root infection analysis were slide methods and root staining, while spore analysis was wet sieving methods. The results showed the highest percentage of AMF infection in C. mucunoides root was found in an area with moderate damage. The highest percentage of AMF infection in V. unguiculata was found in an area with minor damage. The highest number of spores in the two plants' rhizosphere soil was found in an area with minor damage with an average of 10.4 and 9. The levels of damage by Mount Merapi's eruption did not significantly affect the percentage of AMF infection and the number of spores. Glomus dominates all study sites in both plants. Soil organic carbon is one of the abiotic factors correlated with the number of spores in rhizosphere soil.
Antagonistic Activity of the Endophy Fungi of Lime Plant (Citrus Aurantifolia) on Candida Albicans Oktira Roka Aji; Sri Wahyuni
Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris Biologi Vol 12, No 1 (2021): Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris Biologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (507.208 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/biosfer.v12i1.6367


This study aims to isolate and determine the antagonistic activity of lime's endophytic mushrooms on Candida albicans. Antagonism tests were performed in vitro with dual culture methods. The study obtained 14 isolates that were successfully isolated from the stem, roots, leaves, and peels of lime fruit. A total of 8 isolates could inhibit Candida albicans through antibiosis mechanisms and healthy competition. The isolates with the highest inhibition percentage were KD2 and MA1 (42.85%).
In Vitro Pancreatic Lipase Inhibitor Activity of Mangifera foetida Leaves Extract Oktira Roka Aji; Riris Asyhar Hudaya; Diah Asta Putri
Jurnal Biodjati Vol 6, No 1 (2021): May
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/biodjati.v6i1.10646


Obesity is a condition where there is excessive fat in the body. Weight loss can be accomplished by inhibiting fat absorption through the inhibition of pancreatic lipase activity, a key enzyme in fat metabolism. Natural products from plants contain various phytochemical compounds that can act as pancreatic lipase inhibitors. This research was conducted to determine the lipase inhibitor activity of the methanol extract of Mangifera foetida leaves. Mangifera foetida leaves were extracted and then the total phenolic and flavonoid levels were determined. The extract was tested for its ability to inhibit pancreatic lipase in vitro. The inhibitory activities of the extract and Orlistat were measured using p-nitrophenyl palmitate as a substrate at concentrations of 31.25, 62.5, 125, 250, and 500 µg/mL. The results showed that the extracts of young leaves (YL) and mature leaves (ML) contained phenol and flavonoid compounds. The IC50 values of young leaf extract (YL) and mature leaves (ML) were 45.22 and 35.50 µg/ml, respectively. In conclusion, the Mangifera foetida leaf extract can be promoted as a good source of anti-obesity compounds
Antifungal Activity of Morinda citrifolia leaf extracts against Colletotrichum acutatum Oktira Roka Aji; Larasati Haliimah Roosyidah
Biogenesis: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 8 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Sci and Tech, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/bio.v8i1.12009


Anthracnose is a plant disease that can infect a variety of plants worldwide. Fungal pathogen groups are the cause of anthracnose, one of which is Colletotrichum acutatum. Morinda citrifolia is famous for having antimicrobial activity. This study aims to determine the antifungal activity of M. citrifolia leaves extract against the growth of the fungus C. acutatum. The extract solvent used was 96% ethanol. The experiment consisted of five treatments (0%, 20%, 40%, 60% and propineb 0.1% as positive control). The method used in this study was the poisoned food technique. In this technique, C. acutatum was grown on PDA media mixed with M. citrifolia leaves extract. Antifungal activity was observed based on reduced mycelium growth compared to control. Observations were made every day by measuring the diameter of the fungus mycelium for eleven days. The analysis showed that 60% M. citrifolia leaves extract effectively inhibited the growth of the mycelium C. acutatum on the eleventh day of observation.
Antibacterial Activity of Coffee Arabica (Coffea arabica L.) Fruit Skin Methanol Extract On Bacteri Eschericia coli and Staphylococcus aureus Rita Maliza; Jannati Aulah; Oktira Roka Aji
Bioscience Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Biology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/0202042108692-0-00


Coffee fruit skin is a waste from coffee bean processing. Arabica coffee bean extract (Coffea arabica L.) is known to contain anthocyanin compounds, polyphenols, beta-carotene, and vitamin C which have the potential as antimicrobial agents. The purpose of this study is identification and anaysis the optimal concentration of Arabica coffee peel extract which inhibits the bacteria Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. This study used an experimental method consisting of 3 extract concentration treatments, positive control, and negative control with 3 repetitions. The treatments tested were 25%, 50%, 75% coffee fruit peel, negative control (sterile distilled water) and positive control (Ampicillin 2 µg / ml). The bacterial test was carried out using the in vitro method. The parameters measured were the amount of inhibition zone (mm) formed on the Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA) and Mac Conkey media. Analysis of research data using the One-way ANOVA test and Duncan test at α = 0.05. The results showed that the optimum concentration of the extract against Staphylococcus aureus was 50%, while the optimum concentration of Escherichia coli was 25%. The results of this study indicate that the extract can be an antibacterial that can inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria optimally.  
Deteksi Keberadaan Coliform dan Escherichia Coli pada Es Batu dari Penjual Minuman di Sekitar Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Oktira Roka Aji; Nofa Nur Fiani
Metamorfosa: Journal of Biological Sciences Vol 8 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Prodi Magister Ilmu Biologi, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/metamorfosa.2021.v08.i02.p05


Ice cubes are a complement to drinks. Ice cubes must not contain Coliform or Escherichia coli. Coliform and Escherichia coli are indicator microorganisms used in water quality analysis. Its presence indicates fecal contamination. The purpose of this study was to analyze the presence of Coliform and E.coli on ice cubes found in drinks sold around the Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Sampling was done by purposive sampling. The sample used in this study was 7 ice cube samples taken from different stalls around the campus. This study used the MPN (Most Probable Number) method which consists of a presumptive test, a confirmative test and the Escherichia coli test. A positive result was indicated by changes in the turbidity of the media and the presence of gas bubbles in the durham tube. Data analysis was performed by comparing the number of positive tubes in the observation results with the MPN table. Based on the data obtained, samples of ice cubes from 7 sellers around Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan were positive for Coliform and Escherichia coli bacteria. The principles of food sanitation hygiene need to be improved to prevent bacterial contamination on ice cubes.
Aktivitas Antifungi Ekstrak Etanol 96% Rimpang Lempuyang Wangi (Zingiber aromaticum Val.) terhadap Cendawan Pythium sp. secara In Vitro Oktira Roka Aji; Hasna Chaerani Zakkiyah
Biota : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati Vol 6, No 1 (2021): February 2021
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24002/biota.v6i1.3220


Pythium sp. menyebabkan penyakit rebah kecambah pada berbagai macam tumbuhan. Semangka, mentimun, dan pisang adalah beberapa contoh tanaman yang sering terkena penyakit rebah kecambah yang disebabkan oleh cendawan tersebut. Lempuyang wangi (Zingiber aromaticum Val.) merupakan bahan alami yang bisa dijadikan sebagai biofungisida karena mengandung zat aktif, yaitu zerumbon, flavonoid, alkaloid, saponin, kurkumin dan lain-lain, sehingga perlu dilakukan kajian mengenai pemanfaatannya sebagai antifungi pada tanaman. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menentukan konsentrasi optimum ekstrak rimpang lempuyang wangi (Zingiber aromaticum Val.) dalam menghambat pertumbuhan cendawan Pythium sp. dan menentukan persentase aktivitas antifungi optimum dari ekstrak lempuyang wangi (Z. aromaticum Val.). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi optimum dari ekstrak lempuyang wangi dalam menghambat pertumbuhan cendawan Pythium sp. adalah 50%. Persentase aktivitas antifungi optimum dari ekstrak lempuyang wangi sebesar 51,9725%.