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Linguistik Indonesia Vol 35, No 2 (2017): Linguistik Indonesia
Publisher : Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1223.366 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/li.v35i2.69


This paper discusses the ethnobotanical-linguistic documentation of sago (sago Metroxylon Rottb.) in Marori. Sago is a plant of high socio-cultural and economic values for the Papuan people in general and for the Marori ethnic group in particular. Socio-culturally, sago plays a central role in everyday life: it is used in a variety of important rituals, from birth to funeral ceremonies, which involve certain social obligation and responsibility. It is the identity of the Mahuze clan. Traditionally sago has a high economic value too, as staple food. However, there has been a widespread process of acculturation and change resulting in a shift, among other things, in the consumption patterns of staple food, from sago to rice. In addition, the Marori language is highly endangered; the local indigenous knowledge related to sago (and also other plants) is also increasingly endangered. This is mainly due to external socio-historical-cultural factors that have affected and shaped the current ecology in Merauke and in modern Indonesia. The role of language is central in the intergenerational transmission of indigenous knowledge. Collaborative efforts of all stakeholders are therefore urgently needed to do language and cultural documentation, as part of the conservation and preservation of language and culture of this ethnic group. The discussion on the entholinguistics of sago in this paper addresses two related aspects, namely  documentation aspects and ethnobotanical-linguistic aspects. The discussion on the folk taxonomy and lexical items in relation to sago plants and sago processing highlights rich vocabulary related to socio-cultural knowledge of sago.  The paper also discusses the socio-cultural and economic significance of sago, outlining a sago-trading taboo posing a delicate problem in maximizing the economic potential of sago, and the efforts so far done to address the issues by relevant stakeholders.  
Kerta Dyatmika Vol 17 No 2 (2020): Kerta Dyatmika
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Dwijendra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46650/kd.17.2.974.1-12


Abstrak Peraturan Presiden yang menjadi dasar Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia Nomor 113/Pmk.05/2012 tentang Perjalanan Disa Dalam Negeri Bagi Pejabat Negara, Pegawai Negeri dan Pegawai tidak tetap yang dijadikan dasar dibuat dan diberlakukannya Peraturan Gubernur Nomor 18tahun 2018 tentang Perjalanan Dinas Di Lingkungan Provinsi Bali menjadikan perbedaan pandangan hukum tentang pemahaman harga dasar (riil cost) yang harus dibayarkan oleh instansi pemerintah yang melakukan perjalanan dengan menggunakan Biro Perjalanan Wisata atau Perusahaan Usaha Jasa Perjalanan Wisata. Rumusan masalah dalam tesis ini adalah tentang (1) Apakah biro perjalanan wisata masih boleh melakukan pungutan jasa wisata?, (2) Adakah konsekuensi biro perjalanan wisata setelah memungut imbalan sesuai Perda Provinsi Bali Nomor 1 Tahun 2010? Metode penelitian yang penulis gunakan adalah tipe penelitian empiris dengan tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui boleh tidaknya biro perjalanan wisata melakukan pungutan jasa wisata dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif yang berpedoman pada teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara kepada yang berkompeten dengan menggunakan teori sistem hukum, teori efektivitas hukum, teori tanggungjawab hukum, teori keadilan dan teori kepastian hukum untuk mengkaji fenomena yang berkaitan dengan konsekuensi biro perjalanan wisata setelah memungut imbalan sesuai perda provinsi no.2 tahun 2010. Hasil penellitian menunjukkan kesimpulan sebagai berikut: pertama, Sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di sektor pariwisata Biro perjalanan (travel agency) yang mengeluarkan produk berupa “Janji Jasa Perjalanan” yang dijual dalam bentuk brosur “paket wisata” sesuai dengan tujuan bisnis Perseroran Terbatas diperbolehkan punguntan atau meminta suatu imbalan atas jasa yang telah dijual atau diberikan kepada konsumen untuk mendapatkan hasil atau keuntungan bagi perusahaaan didalam bisnis atau usaha. Kata Kunci : Usaha Jasa, Perjalanan Wisata, Pungutan Jasa Wisata ABSTRACT Presidential Regulation which forms the basis of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 113 / Pmk.05 / 2012 concerning Domestic Disa Travel for State Officials, Civil Servants and Temporary Employees as the basis for making and enacting Governor Regulation No. 18 of 2018 concerning Provincial Travel in Provincial Environments Bali makes a difference in legal views about understanding the basic price (real cost) that must be paid by government agencies that travel by using a Travel Bureau or a Travel Services Business Enterprise. The formulation of the problem in this thesis is about (1) Is the travel agent still permitted to charge tourism services ?, (2) Are there any consequences for the tour and travel agent after collecting fees according to Bali Province Regulation No. 1 of 2010? The research method that the author uses is the type of empirical research with the aim of this research is to find out whether or not the travel agency can charge tourism services with the type of descriptive research guided by data collection techniques by interviewing those who are competent using legal system theory, legal effectiveness theory, legal responsibility theory, justice theory and legal certainty theory to study phenomena related to the consequences of a travel agency after collecting fees according to provincial regulation no.2 of 2010. The results of the study show the following conclusions: first, As a company engaged in the tourism sector, travel agencies issue products in the form of "Travel Service Promises" which are sold in the form of a "tour package" brochure in accordance with the business objectives of the Limited Company. a reward for services that have been sold or given to consumers to obtain results or profits for the company in the business or business. Keywords: Business Services, Travel
Kerta Dyatmika Vol 18 No 2 (2021): Kerta Dyatmika
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Dwijendra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstract The Denpasar City Government through PERUMDA Bhukti Praja Sewakadarma has made several cooperation agreements with traditional villages in Denpasar City in terms of parking management. From the implementation side, the agreement between the Denpasar City government and the Denpasar traditional village is still experiencing various obstacles and is still not optimal, that the entrepreneur or land owner in this agreement does not get a profit sharing, if the land owner makes a lawsuit against both parties to get the right on the parking lot where they do business, what efforts will be made by both parties. Based on the background of the problems described above, the authors formulate the problem as follows: Does the Denpasar Traditional Village have the authority to manage parking areas in its Traditional Village area? And how is the authority of the Traditional Village to implement the agreement in the management of the parking lot between the Denpasar Traditional Village and the Denpasar City Government?The Denpasar Traditional Village has the authority to manage parking areas in its Traditional Village area where this authority is regulated in Article 103 of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. The authority of the traditional village which consists of; regulate and implement government based on the original structure, management of areas under customary authority, preserving socio-cultural values ​​in traditional villages, resolving disputes that occur based on customary law in traditional villages that are in harmony with human rights principles by consensus, peace hearings with customary village court which is in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations, maintains a sense of peace and order in the customary village community, develops customary law life in accordance with the socio-cultural conditions of the village community. So that the authority to manage parking areas in the area of ​​their Traditional Village is part of the authority of the Traditional Village in the field of managing areas that are under customary authority. The authority of the Traditional Village in implementing the agreement in the management of the parking area where the Denpasar Traditional Village and the Denpasar City Government are both legal entities so that they have the ability to enter into agreements, in this case the Traditional Village and the Denpasar City Government are in charge of the Perumda Bhukti Praja Sewakadharma to cooperate in management of parking lots in the Denpasar City area with a profit-sharing system, where both parties each have rights and obligations in accordance with the contents of the agreed agreement.
Kekuatan dan Kekuasaan (dalam) Bahasa: Potret Tradisi Ritual Etnik Rongga, di Manggarai Timur Ni Wayan Sumitri; I Wayan Arka
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mozaik.v19i2.12369


Kekuatan dan Kekuasaan (dalam) Bahasa:Potret Tradisi Ritual EtnikRongga, di ManggaraiTimur Ni Wayan SumitriFPBS IKIP PGRI BaliJalanSeroja, Tonja, Denpasar Utara, Telepon 081916744675wsmitri66@gmail.comI Wayan ArkaAustralian National University/ FIB Universitas UdayanaJalanNias No 13, Denpasar AbstrakPenelitian ini mengkaji kekuatan dan kekuasaan dalam bahasa pada etnikRongga dalam konteks kehidupan kontemporer di Manggarai Timur. Fokus kajiannya pada aspek sosio-etnolinguistik terkait dengan bentuk-bentuk linguistik dan non linguistik, sistem nilai budaya yang terkait dengan nilai-nilai kekuasaan, proses pemerolehan, pewarisan, pemertahanannya di masa lampau dan kini, serta prospeknya di masa mendatang. Penelitian deskriptif-kualitatif ini menggunakan pendekatan etnografi, ditopang data  wawancara, studi dokumentasi, rekam dan catat, memaparkan inovasi kajian kapital lingusitik sebagai bagian dari kapital lainnya (sisiokultural dan ekonomis).Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa secara linguistik, terdapat kekhasan satuan bentuk ujaran bahasa ritual bersifat puitis arkais dalam pola-pola bersajak dengan tingkat kesulitan bentuk dan irama yang tinggi. Secara etnolinguistik, ada pesan/makna yang sarat nilai sosial budaya dan pengetahuan etnik Rongga terutama terkait dengan kekuasaan. Relasi kekuasaan dan bahasa ritual terbangun secara alamiah melalui  sejumlah kualitas persona dengan mendapatkan pengakuan/ligitimasi atas posisi hirarki sosial seperti kemampuan, keterampilan, dan kepekaan dalam penguasaan pengetahuan adat. Semua itu, sebagai bentuk kapital linguistik dan kultural bagi seseorang, dan juga otoritas rohaniah yang bersifat genealogis menjadi sumber daya potensial pada pengaruh dan kekuasaan menggerakkan kepatuhan dan penghormatan warga lain.Walaupun mengalami penyusutan, danl egitimasinya tergerus karena kehadiran sistem kekuasaan pemerintahan/birokrasi modern Indonesia, namun sistem pewarisan kekuasaan tradisional masih mengikuti garis kekuasaan kepada orang yang memiliki kapital linguistik-budaya, umumnya tokoh adat yang berpengaruh, yang mampu menguasai bahasa ritual dan memanfaatkan pengetahuan adat dan energi lembaga adat untuk berbagai kepentingan, baik ritual/tradisi maupun kontemporer. Kata kunci: kekuatan, kekuasaan,bahasa, tradisi ritual, capital linguistic/budaya AbsractThis study examines power within and behind language with reference to the Rongga people in the contemporary East Manggarai context. The focus is on socio-ethnolinguistic aspects as seen in linguistic and non-linguistic forms and cultural value systems reflecting power, the process of acquiring and preserving it in the past and present, and its prospect in the future. This is a qualitative-descriptive study, using an ethnographic approach, supported with data collected by means of interview and documentation. It provides a description and offers a fresh analysis of linguistic capital as part of other kinds of capital (cultural and economic).  The findings show that ritual language linguistically has peculiarities with a high degree of difficulty in terms of poetic and archaic expressions and patterns of rhyme and rhythm.Ethnolinguistically, the ritual language carries messages reflecting socio-cultural values and knowledge, especially in relation to traditional power.  Power within and behind ritual language is acquired and developed naturally through personal qualities (such as ability, skill, and sensitivity in mastering indigenousand linguistic knowledge), with legitimation and recognition of the authority gained by inhereted positions in the traditional social hierarchies. All these form a socio-cultural capital by which one can earn power and respect, driving influence and compliance by fellow members of the community.  While shrinking with eroding legitimacy due to modern Indonesian bureaucratic system, the acquisition of traditional power still relies on heredity, combined with ability in mastering ritual language and indigenous knowledge as part of linguistic-cultural capital for various purposes in both traditional and contemporary contexts.Keywords: power, language, ritual tradition, linguistic/cultural capital
Linguistik Indonesia Vol 36, No 2 (2018): Linguistik Indonesia
Publisher : Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (538.326 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/li.v36i2.78


This paper discusses a preliminary corpus-based study of benefactives in Balinese, from a socio-cognitive theory of situated socio-cultural meaning (cf. Langlotz 2015, Danielle and Evans 2017). It is part of larger corpus-based research on parallel texts in the international SCOPIC (Social Cognition Parallax Interview Corpus) project ( Benefactive constructions are defined as those expressing states of affairs (SoA) hold to someone’s advantage (Kittilä and Zúñiga 2010).  The notion of '(someone's) advantage' in Balinese benefactive meaning is tightly embedded in Balinese cultural worlds, having complex positive social meanings in which concepts such as 'self', 'reciprocity', 'in-.out-group', and spiritual rewards are central. The socio-cultural worlds are evidently reflected the speech level system in Balinese. There are different forms with fine-grained social meanings such as three words for 'give' in Balinese depending on the relative social relations of event and/or speech participants. An incorrect choice of linguistic device would lead to incorrect social indexing; hence socially unacceptable or inappropriate, not giving rise to the intended positive benefactive meaning. Our findings show that benefactive meaning is expressible through different means (lexical, morphological, and analytical/constructional). Surprisingly, the lexical benefactive 'give' is 100% expressed through the verb baang in our Balinese SCOPIC corpus, suggesting that the corpus is rather skewed towards the common (or low) register.
Linguistik Indonesia Vol 38, No 2 (2020): Linguistik Indonesia
Publisher : Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/li.v38i2.174


This paper reports our preliminary findings on the assessment of language vitality of Sembiran Balinese in the larger socio-cultural transformation of contemporary Bali.  Sembiran Balinese, also known as Bali Aga, is a conservative mountain dialect of Balinese spoken by around 5,000 speakers in the Sembiran village, 30 km east of Singaraja northern Bali. The language and its culture reflect Bali in antiquity (Ardika, et al. 1991; Ardika, et al. 1997), with the language quite distinct from Lowland Balinese (Bali Dataran), for example in terms of its pronominal system and the absence of speech level system (Astini 1996, Sedeng 2007, Arka & Sedeng 2018). The study is based on the data collected through questionnaires focusing on subjective views of ethno-linguistic vitality such as in-/out-group interactions and domains of language use in contemporary multilingual settings, supported by ethnographic data. The analysis makes use of the current development in the sociolinguistics of vitality, particularly the notions of ethnolinguistic vitality (Giles, et al 1977) and theories of language shift and endangerment (Grenoble & Whaley 2006, Fishman 1991). The findings reveal that Sembiran Balinese appears to have a relatively strong linguistic vitality even though the speech community itself is a minority group in Bali.
Maha Widya Duta : Jurnal Penerangan Agama, Pariwisata Budaya, dan Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Hindu Negeri Mpu Kuturan Singaraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55115/duta.v3i2.743


on. Creating quality human resources, then all managers and teams of educational devices must be able to work professionally and sustainably. School Supervisors are authorized to conduct education supervision in schools by carrying out assessment and coaching in terms of technical education and administration at education units at the preschool, elementary and secondary levels. Efforts to create good and conducive teaching and learning situations are not denied by various negative factors that arise by inhibiting the process of achieving the goals set. To ensure its quality, the education process must be monitored. Analyzing the motivation and performance of school supervisors is very important to improve the quality of teaching of teachers in improving the quality of student learning. Based on the results of research on the analysis of motivation and performance of elementary school supervisors in the Abiansemal District shows that it is not optimal, so that it can make recommendations to the Government as a policy maker to build competent and professional school supervisors in carrying out their duties as educational supervision.Keywords: Motivation, Performance, School Superintendent
Kekuasaan dan Kekuatan Bhuta dalam Teks Lontar Roga Sanghara Bhumi dan Covid-19 di Bali: Analisis Etnolinguistik Ni Wayan Sumitri; I Wayan Arka
Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa Vol 11, No 1 (2022): Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa
Publisher : Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/rnh.v11i1.4504


This paper discusses the power of bhuta in the lontar (palm leaf) manuscript of Roga Sanghara Bhumi (RSB), in the context of Covid-19 in Bali, from an ethnolinguistic perspective. The RSB manuscript is a treasure documenting local knowledge reflecting Balinese Hindu culture about the existence of bhuta as a negative force causing disease outbreaks. The linguistic aspects examined and discussed include the integration of various lexico-grammatical elements, textually and contextually related to power and pandemics. The study is qualitative descriptive; important findings include the use of ethnolinguistic capital and local Balinese-Hindu symbols related to the conception/role of bhuta's power and rituals practiced by the Balinese, and how the Balinese maintain the dynamic balance of the universe's harmony and well-being. Evidence of ethnolinguistic resources includes multi-lingual diglossic features of Old Javanese-Sanskrit-Balinese and local Balinese-Hindu symbols, including the Balinese script and evil force repellent rituals such as caru offerings. RSB's striking textual feature is the persuasive narrative in the imperative mood. This is closely related to the function of RSB as a reference of advice to deal with pandemics. Cultural contextual features in RSB describe the cosmology, description and explanation of the occurrences of various outbreaks (sasab, gering, mrana, grubug) and the role of butha and its handling. Analysis in the context of Covid-19 is also provided. This paper underscores the importance of using local-traditional wisdom approaches in pandemic management to complement modern ones. AbstrakMakalah ini mengkaji power (kekuasaan/kekuatan) bhuta dalam teks lontar Roga Sanghara Bhumi (RSB), terkait Covid-19 di Bali, dari perspektif etnolinguistik. Teks RSB merefleksikan khazanah budaya Hindu-Bali terkait dengan keberadaan bhuta sebagai kekuatan negatif penyebab wabah penyakit. Aspek kebahasaan yang diperiksa dan dibahas mencakup integrasi berbagai elemen lexico-grammar kekuasaan/kekuatan, secara tekstual dan kontekstual terkait dengan pandemi. Kajiannya bersifat deskriptif kualitatif, menunjukkan temuan penting diantaranya penggunaan sumber daya etnolinguistik (ethno-linguistic capital) dan simbol-simbol lokal Bali-Hindu terkait konsepsi/peran power bhuta dan praktik-praktik ritual, serta dinamikanya untuk menjaga keseimbangan kerahayuan alam semesta. Bukti-bukti sumber daya etnolinguitik mencakup fitur diglosik multi/dwibahasa Jawakuna-Sanskerta-Bali dan simbol-simbol lokal Bali-Hindu termasuk aksara Bali dan ritual penolak kekuatan jahat seperti sesaji caru. Fitur tekstual RSB yang mencolok adalah naratif persuasif bermodus imperatif; ini terkait erat dengan fungsi RSB sebagai sumber petujuk/acuan untuk menghadapi pandemi. Fitur kontekstual kultural menggambarkan kosmologi, deskripsi dan penjelasan terjadinya berbagai wabah (sasab, gering, mrana, grubug) dan peran butha serta penanganannya. Analisisnya dalam konteks Covid-19 juga diberikan. Makalah ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya penggunaan pendekatan kearifan lokal-tradisional dalam penanganan pandemi untuk melengkapi pendekatan modern.
Grammatical Relations and Semantic Roles of Arguments in English Verbs of Transfer “Convey” Ida Bagus Janardana Dwipayana; I Wayan Arka; I Nyoman Sedeng
Udayana Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 7 No 1 (2023): UJoSSH, February 2023
Publisher : Research and Community Services Institutes of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/UJoSSH.2023.v07.i01.p03


This study entitled Grammatical Relations and Semantic Roles of Arguments in English Verbs of Transfer “Convey”. It focused on grammatical relations and semantic role of argument within a certain argument structure. The particular and only data source of this study is Corpus of Contemporary American English. This study used accidental sampling method. Therefore, every data found are constructed with transfer verb “convey” proposed by Levin. Base theories of the analysis are Grammatical Relation and Semantic Role by Kroeger, while it supported by theory of Proto-Roles by Dowty and Taylor. The data representation chosen are presented both in formal and in-formal method. There are 3 different argument structures found within the 100 samplings. Transitive Structure turn out to be the most dominant structure, while the other which are intransitive and ditransitive are reasonably represented. All the grammatical relations are found, they are Subject, Object, Oblique, and Adjunct. In the other hand, all the semantic roles are found except stimulus, beneficiary, and accompaniment. Terms proto-agent and proto-patient supports the mapping of the semantic content. Some roles such as theme and instrument have different lexical understanding. It divided into three terms; physical, perceptive, abstract entities. Specifically, the agent classified into three different indication they are non-symbolic agent, metaphorical agent, abstract agent.