Sectio Caesarea is a surgical method of delivering a baby that causes anxiety. What nurses do in maintaining good cooperation Anxiety / Anxiety is a feeling of fear of something happening due to the anticipation of danger and is a signal that helps individuals to be prepared to take action to face threats. The anxiety experienced by patients undergoing section caesarean will certainly greatly affect the patient's physical condition. One way to reduce anxiety is with complementary therapies for anxiety, namely aromatherapy. Aromatherapy Lavender has linalool and linalyl acetate components which reduce anxiety. The research objective was to determine the effect of lavender aromatherapy in reducing anxiety levels in patients with preoperative section caesarean. This research method used a quasy experiment, the level of anxiety can be measured by the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) assessment instrument, with a pretest and posttest design carried out on 40 preoperative patients with section caesarean with a purposive sampling technique. The data measured is the level of anxiety before and after inhaling aromatherapy. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test to compare the results of the pretest and posttest. There is an effect of the level of anxiety before and after being given Lavender aromatherapy with the results of the analysis of the level of anxiety in the pretest average score of 17.35 and posttest with a score of 15.95 so that the difference in score reduction is found to be 1.4. The value of z table with significance α = 5% 1.96 and Z count -5.380 with p value = 0.000 so that it can be concluded that lavender aromatherapy reduces the level of anxiety preoperative section caesarean in the Operation Room.