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Memertabatkan Semula Sejarah Maritim Sebagai Suatu Disiplin dan Cadang Ilmu dalam Mendepani Perkembangan Semasa Ilmu Kelautan Modern Ismail Ali; Singgih Tri Sulistiyono; Encep Supriatna
Jurnal Kemaritiman: Indonesian Journal of Maritime Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

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Laut dan lautan secara tradisinya  telah  menjadi sumber  inspirasi  untuk mencari kebenaran dan seterusnya berjaya menidakkan worldview manusia yang mengaitkannya dengan pelbagai unsur metos dan tahyul.  Laut dan lautan  juga merupakan  satu tempat yang mempunyai kelebihannya tersendiri bagi menyatukan perhubungan di antara negara, membentuk semangat bersatu, saling  memahami dan bersatupadu serta menjana kekayaan. Ia adalah satu harta yang tidak ternilai, tidak boleh ditukar ganti dan diubah suai. Dalam pensejarahan awal martitim dunia telah memperlihatkan  bagaimana para pelaut kuno dengan hanya berbekalkan kearifan lokal yang  terhad terhadap alam kelautan tetap berhasil menakluki laut dan lautan utama dunia sehingga telah berjaya membangunkan sebuah peradaban sepertimana yang kita warisi pada masa kini. Seiring dengan perubahan ilmu pengetahuan dan perkembangan teknologi pada masa ini telah memperlihatkan kewujudan pelbagai  bidang, disiplin  dan aliran baharu dalam ilmu kelautan yang kini lebih dikenali sebagai oceanografi sahaja. Justru itu penelitian dan penulisan makalah ini  bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan  bagaimana  sejarah maritim masih lagi releven  untuk terus dikaji dan dipelajari dan diangkat sebagai suatu bidang dan disiplin ilmu dalam ilmu kelautan dalam mendepani perubahan dan perkembangan terkini ilmu kelautan atau oceanografi dalam mencorakan perkembangan ilmu kelautan dan hala-tuju pembangunan agenda kelautan sesebuah negara.
Jurnal Kemaritiman: Indonesian Journal of Maritime Vol 4, No 1 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijom.v4i1.59929


Traditionally, seas and oceans have become sources of inspiration in seeking the truth from facts to dispell the worldview of those who tended to asscoiate it with myths and superstitions. In fact, it is not far-fetched to suggest  that the change and development in present day Southeast Asia, from traditional kingdoms to modern nation-states are intimately rooted in and shaped by the contributions of our seafaring ancestors. History demonstrates how they risked as well as as sacrificed their lives crossing treacherous waters and encountering stormy weathers just to ensure their legacy and continuity of the future generations of seafarers, and turning this region into an epicentre of civilization that was second to none in the world of civilizations. Yet, their thousands of years of contributions and sacrifices appear trivial and paled to insignificance like ”shipwrecks laying at the bottom of the sea in their forgotten watery graves”. Based on several theories of the development of traditional civilizations in the Nusantara like the Out of Yunan and Out of Taiwan theories by western scholars, it appears that these theoretical paradigms have marginalized the realities of history, and therefore require to be ”straightened” via a Southeast Asia centric perspective. This writing is to revisit the salience of the ancient epoch and pre-historic man marked by the arrival of the homo-eractus  and homo-sapiens from mainland Asia to this region in the early journey and development of the history of maritime civilization; to explain how the seafaring communities  from the eras B.C. (Before Christ) to A.D. (Anno Domini)  were able to utilise seas and oceans as a source of emancipation and development, and eventual rise as feared and respected searfarers of the ancient world.
Revalution and Reconstruction of the Maritime Historiography in Southeast Asia Archipelago Ismail Ali; MOSLI TARSAT; Douglas Nyeging Taong
International Journal of Business and Social Science Research Vol. 5 No. 5 (2024): Vol. 5 No. 5 (2024): May (IJBSSR)
Publisher : The Institute of Academic Research and Publication (IARP)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47742/ijbssr.v5n5p1


Seas and oceans are equally realms with their advantages in bridging nations, inculcating a sense of unity, mutual understanding, and cooperation as well as in generating wealth. They are considered priceless treasures, which can neither be exchanged nor modified. At the same time, seas and oceans are also capable of changing their function as theaters of conflict and routes towards colonization/imperialism that has ultimately led to the demise of various ancient kingdoms. In the historiography of the Southeast Asia Archipelago, the relationship between men known as seafarers and seas like the South China Sea, Sulu Sea, Celebes Sea, Flores Sea, Jawa Sea, Banda Sea, and others, all of which are within the confines of the Indian and Pacific oceans, is indisputable. It is not far-fetched to suggest that the change and development in present-day Southeast Asia, from traditional kingdoms to modern nation-states are intimately rooted in and shaped by the contributions of our seafaring ancestors. History demonstrates how they risked as well as sacrificed their lives crossing treacherous waters and encountering stormy weathers just to ensure their legacy and continuity of the future generations of seafarers, and turning this region into an epicentre that was second to none in the world of civilizations. Yet, their thousands of years of contributions and sacrifices appear trivial and pale into insignificance like” shipwrecks laying at the bottom of the sea in their forgotten watery graves”. This article aims to discuss the diversity of terminology and fields in maritime historiography; the glory of the maritime kingdoms in the Southeast Asia Archipelago as leading powers, emporiums, and empires; and to reevaluate and reconstruct the facts of maritime history in the Southeast Asia Archipelago.  
Ancient Seafarer and Maritime Early Civilization in Southeast Asia: Theoretical Debate and New Approach Ismail Ali
International Journal of Business and Social Science Research Vol. 5 No. 4 (2024): Vol. 5 No. 4 (2024): April (IJBSSR)
Publisher : The Institute of Academic Research and Publication (IARP)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47742/ijbssr.v5n4p1


Traditionally, seas and oceans have become sources of inspiration in seeking the truth from facts to dispel the worldview of those who tended to associate it with myths and superstitions. Seas and oceans are equally realms with their advantages in bridging nations, inculcating a sense of unity, mutual understanding, and cooperation as well as in generating wealth. They are considered priceless treasures, which can neither be exchanged nor modified. In the South East Asia or Nusantara historiography, the relationship between men known as seafarers is indisputable. It is not far-fetched to suggest that the change and development in present-day Southeast Asia, from traditional kingdoms to modern nation-states are intimately rooted in and shaped by the contributions of our seafaring ancestors. By taking into consideration past maritime historiography, namely the roles and contributions of these seafaring communities, and the presence of the surrounding seas and oceans, it can be deduced that they have contributed immensely to the development of various civilizations in this region.