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Jurnal Agasthia Vol 1, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Jurnal Agasthia

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Tulisan ini mencoba untuk membandingkan kontroversi sejarah yang terjadi di Jepang dan di Indonesia. Meskipun kedua negara ini memiliki masalah yang sama dalam kaitannya dengan kontroversi penulisan dan pengajaran sejarah, namun ada beberapa aspek yang berbeda. Kontroversi sejarah Jepang terkait dengan negara-negara tetangga khususnya Korea dan Cina dalam kaitannya dengan kekejaman-kekejaman Jepang selama Perang Dunia, sedangkan kontroversi sejarah dan pembelajarannya sejarah di Indonesia terkait dengan masalah internal bangsa khususnya yang berhubungan dengan peristiwa Gerakan 3 September tahun 1965. Tulisan ini akan menganalisis pengalaman kedua negara tersebut dalam menangani kontroversi tersebut dan termasuk di dalamnya pengalaman guru dan murid.Keywords: Controversy, History Education, Historical Fact
Jurnal Agasthia Vol 2, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Agasthia

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Penelitian dan penulisan sejarah telah menunjukkan perkembangan yang luar biasa dalm era reformasi ini. Berbagai kontroversi dalam penulisan sejarah menyebabkan dunia pengajaran sejarah di sekolah menghadapi dilema. Penulisan sejarah dan kesadaran sejarah memiliki kaitan yang sangat erat. Guru sejarah mampu memberikan pencerahan sosial kepada murid-muridnya melalui pengajaran sejarah. Pengajaran sejarah dengan paradigma yang sesuai dengan hakekat sejarah akan membebaskan masyarakat dari belenggu mitos masa lampau. Penulisan sejarah akan menjadi salah satu sarana untuk menciptakan kesadaran sejarah. Penulisan sejarah bersifat sangat terbuka sesuai dengan penemuan-penemuan bukti baru, interpretasi baru, dan tentu saja juga kepentingan-kepentingan baru. Tidak ada yang kekal dalam penulisan sejarah kecuali penulisan kembali sejarah itu sendiri. Peran guru sejarah dalam melakukan pencerahan sosial melalui pengajaran sejarah di sekolah tidak perlu disangsikan lagi. Para penyusun kurikulum dan bahan ajar ini lah yang banyak mewarnai paradigma pengajaran sejarah di sekolah. Pengajaran sejarah yang memiliki nilai pencerahan sosial merupakan pengajaran sejarah yang sejauh mungkin menghindari narasi yang banyak memuat pola-pola oposisi biner hitam putih.Kata Kunci: Sejarah, Pencerahan
Jurnal Agasthia Vol 1, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Jurnal Agasthia

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Saat ini lembaga sekolah sedang mengalami krisis civic education. Dalam hal ini, pendidikan sejarah merupakan salah satu alternatif yang perlu dipertimbangkan. Perspektif yang perlu dikembangkan adalah cross-cultural communication dan cultural reelativism. Disamping menekankan pandangan bahwa proses terbentuknya bangsa Indonesia tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan perkembangan historis hubungan lintas budaya antar kelompok etnis dan budaya yang ada di Nusantara, juga penggambaran sejarah hendaknya menghindarkan diri sejauh mungkin prasangka-prasangka kultural dan etnisitas. Pendidikan sejarah yang tepat akan memiliki nilai integratif bagi nasion Indonesia jika para guru sejarah memiliki kemampuan untuk mengajar dengan penekanan pada cross-cultural communication dan dengan menggunakan perspektif relativisme kultural.Kata kunci: Pendidikan Sejarah, Integrasi Nasional
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 27, No 1 (2017): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v27i1.9185


By using historical approach, this article intends to examine the problems faced by Indonesia as a developing country in connection to the strengthening process of globalization. The rapid process of globalization has been responded aggresively by Indonesia without considering internal readiness. Since the New Order period, Indonesia has been very eager to appear as a modern nation by coping with the demand of globalization and economic liberalization as has been campaigning by the developed countries. Indonesia has responded excessively to liberalization through the jargon of globalization and regionalization. That is, Indonesia is very open to free competition with the outside world while the internal condition has not been well prepared. Internal conditions include the bureaucracy and other institutions as well as the quality of human resources. Since the New Order government, dozens of bilateral, multilateral, and international agreements have been signed by the Indonesian government for performing economic liberalization in the field of investment, trade, and labor which in turn causing what the so called ‘globalization trap’. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan historis, artikel ini bermaksud untuk meneliti masalah yang dihadapi oleh Indonesia sebagai negara berkembang sehubungan dengan proses    penguatan globalisasi. Proses cepat globalisasi telah direspon agresif oleh Indonesia tanpa mempertimbangkan kesiapan internal. Sejak masa Orde Baru, Indonesia sudah sang-at bersemangat untuk tampil sebagai bangsa modern dengan mengatasi permintaan globalisasi dan liberalisasi ekonomi seperti telah berkampanye oleh negara-negara maju. Indonesia telah menanggapi secara berlebihan liberalisasi melalui jargon globalisasi dan regionalisasi. Artinya, Indonesia sangat terbuka untuk persaingan bebas dengan dunia luar sementara kondisi internal belum siap. Kondisi internal meliputi birokrasi dan lembaga lainnya serta kualitas sumber daya manusia. Sejak pemerintah Orde Baru, puluhan perjanjian bilateral, multilateral, dan internasional telah ditandatangani oleh pemerintah Indonesia untuk melakukan liberalisasi ekonomi di bidang investasi, perdagangan, dan tenaga kerja yang pada gilirannya menyebabkan apa yang disebut globalisasi perangkap. 
Textbook for Small Multiethnics Islands In Indonesia Ramli, Murni; Rochwulaningsih, Yety; Sulistiyono, Singgih Tri; Masruroh, Nailil
Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

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More than five ethnics are living in harmony in five inhabited islands of Karimunjawa, the west southern archipelago of Java Island. Karimunjawa has uniqueness of its society and natural resources. One of the crucial problems of education in Karimunjawa is the lack of reading resources or textbooks, which are contextually promoting the localities. Commonly used textbooks describe facts, culture, or society of common Indonesia, but locality, ethnicity-based indigenous knowledge, nature, environment, fishermen life, indigenous technology, and ethnic’s harmonious life had not been mentioned yet in those textbooks. This research explored and identified what should students of multicultural society learn about their diversity nature and society. The textbooks are suitable for ES grade 4, 5, and 6. The draft of the textbooks had been validated as quite good by three experts, and need to be revised on content and to be more inquiry based, and suitable for ES students.
Textbook for Small Multiethnics Islands In Indonesia Ramli, Murni; Rochwulaningsih, Yety; Sulistiyono, Singgih Tri; Masruroh, Nailil
Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

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More than five ethnics are living in harmony in five inhabited islands of Karimunjawa, the west southernarchipelago of Java Island. Karimunjawa has uniqueness of its society and natural resources. One of thecrucial problems of education in Karimunjawa is the lack of reading resources or textbooks, which arecontextually promoting the localities. Commonly used textbooks describe facts, culture, or society ofcommon Indonesia, but locality, ethnicity-based indigenous knowledge, nature, environment, fishermen life, indigenous technology, and ethnic’s harmonious life had not been mentioned yet in those textbooks. This research explored and identified what should students of multicultural society learn about their diversity nature and society. The textbooks are suitable for ES grade 4, 5, and 6. The draft of the textbooks had been validated as quite good by three experts, and need to be revised on content and to be more inquiry based, andsuitable for ES students.
THE IMPORTANCE OF GEOMORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS IN UNDERSTANDING THE PRE-MODERN ERA AT SOUTHEAST SUMATRA COAST Sulistiyono, Singgih Tri; Dhont, Frank; Subekti, Slamet; Rochwulaningsih,, Yety; Hartatik, Endah Sri; Masruroh, Noor Naelil
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 29, No 1 (2019): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v29i1.17436


This article re-examines the importance of geomorphological analysis in order to provide more comprehensive explanation of various historical events, especially in the coastal area of Southeast Sumatra, Indonesia. Many historical sources regarding this region need a deeper interpretation related to the geomorphological dynamics of this region as well as the Strait of Malacca. Comprehensive analysis of this element will prevent an anachronistic story of the past. Many historians of Indonesia and the Malacca Strait region have erroneously tended to narrate events that occurred in the early first millennium or more than 1500 years ago based on the contemporary maps. It is important for historians to be aware of the fact that geologically and geographically the coastal area of Southeast Sumatra and the Strait of Malacca region have undergone very rapid geomorphological changes. In fact, there were many kingdoms in Southeast Asia that emerged and developed before the dominance of Sriwijaya, located in the west cost of Sumatra and the coastal parts of Java.Keywords: Geomorphological Analysis; Strait of Malacca; Maritime History; Southeast Sumatra Coast; Anachronistic History. Artikel ini mengkaji kembali pentingnya analisis geomorfologi untuk memberikan penjelasan yang lebih komprehensif tentang berbagai peristiwa bersejarah, terutama di wilayah pesisir Sumatera Tenggara, Indonesia. Banyak sumber sejarah mengenai wilayah ini membutuhkan interpretasi yang lebih dalam terkait dengan dinamika geomorfologi wilayah ini serta Selat Malaka. Analisis komprehensif dari elemen ini akan mencegah cerita anakronistik masa lalu. Banyak sejarawan Indonesia dan wilayah Selat Malaka telah cenderung untuk menceritakan peristiwa yang terjadi pada awal milenium pertama atau lebih dari 1500 tahun yang lalu berdasarkan peta kontemporer. Pen-ting bagi para sejarawan untuk menyadari fakta bahwa secara geologis dan geografis wilayah pesisir Sumatera Tenggara dan Selat Malaka telah mengalami perubahan geomorfologi yang sangat cepat. Bahkan, ada banyak kerajaan di Asia Tenggara yang muncul dan berkembang sebelum dominasi Sriwijaya, yang terletak di bagian barat Sumatera dan bagian pesisir Jawa.Kata kunci: Analisis Geomorfologi; Selat Malaka; Sejarah Maritim; Pantai Sumatra Tenggara; Sejarah anakronistik.  
HUMANIKA Vol 15, No 9: Juni 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (258.13 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/humanika.15.9.


We can track from history that Indonesian ancestors have long used maritime resources as food supply. They created many smart tools to catch fish and other edible creatures. Since colonial era up to now, the technology to exploit the sea is more and more modernized, from the gathering to preserving and packaging stage. Indonesian fishermen face challenges in competing with foreign fishermen on the matter of this kind of technology. Therefore it is important that the government keep on giving support and assistance and creating further innovations in order to manifest and secure its vision of self-sufficient country in the matter of food supply. Keywords: marime food resources
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 12, No 1 (2011): Nationalism and History Education
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (62.789 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v12i1.12127


This Working Paper is actually a wide research plan of its effort to review Indonesianess spirit which is lately facing a hard test and challenge. The odd thing is the threat to Indonesianess continue to occur when the age of NKRI (Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia) becomes older and older (currently, the age is 66 years old) and the macro economy is developed more (included in G20 Countries), the world respects formal existence of any country, human rights, the information technology development becomes more sophisticated.There are sufficient reasons to prepare indications that the glue for Indonesianess becomes more fragile and experiences deterotiation process. The question may arise: awhat is the glue and adhesive material for Indonesian people and what is the function of the flue and adhesive material in formation and development process of Indonesian nation? This glue and adhesive material are very important because Indonesian nation is formed by various and different ethnic, social, religion, race which in pre-Indonesian era, they became the cause of any serious conflict. Moreover, in many cases, race and ethnic become the glue in formation process of nation. In relation to the question concerning the glue and adhesive material in Indonesian nation formation process, leaders of the first national movement quoted Ernest Renan opinion that the collective wish and hope (in order to become a nation) will become the glue and adhesive material of the nation itself. He said that a nation is a soul, a  spiritual  principle. 
The Compliance-Based Coffee Growers of Bondowoso on Regent Amin Said Husni in the Culture of Madurese Society Izzah, Latifatul; Sulistiyono, Singgih Tri; Rochwulaningsih, Yety; Salindri, Dewi; Handayani, Sri Ana; Januar, Jani; Afiah, Neneng
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 27, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v27i2.2152


This study discussed the compliance of the coffee farmers particularly in Sumberwringin Bondowoso against the figure Amin Said Husni. The Regent concerns for the fate of the coffee farmers and public welfare in Bondowoso cannot be inseparable from the religious life of the Regent; implementing policies based on the principles of the Islamic religion. This study aimed to answer the question regarding the causes of the emergence of people’s compliance with coffee farmers to switch the Arabica coffee plant according to the instructions given by the Regent. This study applied the habitus concept developed by Pierre Bourdieu and sharpened using the historical method. The studied population was coffee farmers at district of Sumberwringin (Sukorejo, Rejoagung and Sumberwringin village). This study found that the compliance of the coffee farmers could attract people who originally planted Robusta switched to Arabica coffee as their Regent’s instruction. The compliance of coffee farming communities (majority of Madurese) was hierarchical obedience that became a necessity to be actualized in daily praxis as “normative” binding. The compliance of produce luck to economic conditions as well as improving the welfare of coffee farmers, because the selling price of Arabika is higher than the Robusta coffee.