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IDENTIFICATION OF SNP SPESIFIC MARKER FOR CRUSTACEAN HYPERGLYCEMIC HORMONE GENE: A SOMATIC GROWTH-RELATED IN GIANT FRESHWATER PRAWN (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Asep Sopian; Alimuddin Alimuddin; Imron Imron; Harry Krettiawan; Fajar Anggraeni; Desy Nurul Astuti
Indonesian Aquaculture Journal Vol 12, No 1 (2017): (June 2017)
Publisher : Center for Fisheries Research, Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research and Human Resource

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (336.842 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/iaj.12.1.2017.7-13


High size variation of giant freshwater prawn was found in harvest and resulting in low productivity. Marker assisted selection may be useful to generate broodstock that produces progeny with high growth and homogeneity. This study was conducted to obtain growth related molecular marker in giant freshwater prawn. Genomic DNA was extracted from swimming leg (pleiopods) of 10 giant freshwater prawns fifth Generation for existence of SNP identification, consisted of 5 fast growth (FG) and 5 slow growth (SG).  While for SNP confirmation and resolving power of specific primer studies. The pleiopods sample was taken from six generation of 201 giant freshwater prawns, consisted of 129 fast-growth (FG) with 16.06 ± 2.48 g body weight and 72 slow-growth (SG) with 6.05 ± 0.90 g body weight. Oligonucleotide primers were designed according to Gene Bank database of crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) gene sequence. The amplified DNA fragment was then sequenced. The results of sequencing showed there was one base different in nucleotides of FG and SG prawns. Six set of primers were designed based on those CH gene sequence. PCR analysis resulted one set of primers which showed a specific amplification product of 280 bp for growth. The result of sequence analysis using the basic local alignment search tools showed that the nucleotide sequence of those PCR products had similarity of 99%-100% with CHH gen of M. rosenbergii. Thus, a candidate of growth related molecular marker have been identified for giant freshwater prawn.
Jurnal Riset Akuakultur Vol 16, No 2 (2021): (Juni, 2021)
Publisher : Pusat Riset Perikanan, Badan Riset dan Sumber Daya Manusia Kelautan dan Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (97.38 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/jra.16.2.2021.83-91


Salah satu permasalahan pada budidaya udang galah adalah keberadaan udang galah betina bertelur pada saat pembesaran. Penghambatan pema tangan gonad menggunakan hormon medroxyprogesterone acetat (MPA) yang diberikan secara injeksi pada udang galah dapat menekan indeks kematangan gonad (IKG), perkembangan gonad, dan meningkatkan laju pertumbuhan. Namun, pemberian MPA secara injeksi dapat meningkatkan stres dan kematian pada udang galah, Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengaruh pemberian hormon medroxy progesteron acetat melalui pakan terhadap performa reproduksi dan pertumbuhan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental, desain penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan dan lima kali pengulangan. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah kontrol (hormon MPA pada konsentrasi 0 mg/kg pakan), P-1 (hormon MPA pada konsentrasi 50 mg/kg pakan), P-2 (hormon MPA pada konsentrasi 100 mg/kg pakan), dan P-3 (hormon MPA pada konsentrasi 150 mg/kg pakan) yang diberikan pada udang galah betina selama 60 hari. Parameter yang diamati adalah kematangan gonad, egg clutch somatic index (ESI), fekunditas, kadar estradiol, laju pertumbuhan spesifik, dan sintasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian hormon MPA dengan konsentrasi 50, 100 dan 150 mg/kg pakan secara signifikan menghambat reproduksi dan pada konsentrasi 100 mg/kg pakan dapat meningkatkan laju pertumbuhan pada udang galah betina umur lima bulan. ESI, fekunditas dan tingkat sintasan tidak terpengaruh oleh perlakuan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pemberian hormon medroxy progesteron acetat melalui pakan pada konsentrasi 100 mg/kg pakan secara signifikan dapat menghambat pematangan gonad dan peningkatan pertumbuhan udang galah betina.One of the problems in giant freshwater prawn farming is female prawns laying eggs during grow-out, leading to reduced somatic growth of the prawns. Inhibition of gonad maturation using medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) hormone via injection in giant freshwater prawns can suppress the gonad maturity index (GSI), gonad development, and increase the growth rate. However, the administration of MPA by injection could increase stress and mortality in giant freshwater prawns. The purpose of this study was to examine the application of MPA through dietary administration on the reproductive performance and growth of female giant freshwater prawns. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with four treatments and five replications. Treatments of MPA at concentrations of 0 mg/kg feed (as control), 50 mg/kg feed (P-1), 100 mg/kg feed (P-2), and 150 mg/kg feed (P-3) were supplemented in a commercial artificial feed and fed to the freshwater prawns for 60 days. Parameters of gonad maturation, egg clutch somatic index (ESI), fecundity, oestradiol concentration, specific growth rate, and survival rate were measured during the research period. The result showed that MPA administration at concentrations of 50, 100, and 150 mg/kg feed significantly inhibited gonad maturation, and at concentration 100 mg/kg feed increased growth of female giant freshwater prawn at five-month age. The ESI, fecundity and survival, however, were not affected by the treatment. This study concludes that the administration of medroxyprogesterone acetate hormone through feed significantly inhibited gonad maturation and increasedthe growth of female giant freshwater prawns.