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Molecular marker is useful in the development of testicular cells transplantation for detecting donor-derived germ cells in the recipient gonad. In this study, a giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy) vasa-like gene (GgVLG) was cloned and characterized for use as a molecular marker for germ cells in this species. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that GgVLG comprises 2,340 bps with an open reading frame of 1,962 bps encoding 653 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence contained 17 arginine- . ALIMUDDIN; IRMA ANDRIYANI; MUHAMMAD ZAIRIN JUNIOR; HARTON ARFAH; ANNA OCTAVERA; ODANG CARMAN; GORO YOSHIZAKI
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 18 No. 3 (2011): September 2011
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.18.3.135


Molecular marker is useful in the development of testicular cells transplantation for detecting donor-derived germ cells in the recipient gonad. In this study, a giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy) vasa-like gene (GgVLG) was cloned and characterized for use as a molecular marker for germ cells in this species. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that GgVLG comprises 2,340 bps with an open reading frame of 1,962 bps encoding 653 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence contained 17 arginine-glycine or arginine-glycine-glycine motifs and eight conserved motifs belonging to the DEAD-box protein family. The GgVLG sequence showed high similarity to Drosophila vasa, common carp vasa homolog and tilapia vasa homolog for 66.2, 85.9, and 90.7%, respectively. In adult tissues, the GgVLG transcripts were specifically detected in ovary and testis. In situ hybridization analysis showed that GgVLG mRNA was detected in oocytes of the ovary and spermatogonia of the testis. There was no signal detected in the spermatocytes, spermatids and other gonadal somatic cells. Thus, consensus sequences, specific localization of GgVLG mRNA in the germ cells, amino acid sequence similarity and phylogenic analysis all suggest that GgVLG is the giant gourami vasa-like gene. Further, GgVLG can be used as a molecular marker for giant gourami germ cells.
Growth Response and Feed Utilization of Giant Gourami (Osphronemus goramy) Juvenile Feeding Different Protein Levels of the Diets Supplemented with Recombinant Growth Hormone DARMAWAN SETIA BUDI; . ALIMUDDIN; MUHAMMAD AGUS SUPRAYUDI
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 22 No. 1 (2015): January 2015
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1463.812 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.22.1.12


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of dietary supplementation with recombinant growth hormone (rGH) on the growth and dietary utility of juvenile giant gourami. The rGH was mixed with chicken egg yolk and sprayed on to artificial feed with different protein levels (34, 28, and 21%; isoenergy). Each treatment group of gourami was paired with a control group that received feed of the same protein level, but without rGH supplementation. Juvenile of giant gourami (weight 15.83 + 0.13 g) were fed diets containing rGH, to apparent satiation, 2 times a week. Fish were reared from less than 2 months old  for 42 days in 100 L glass aquaria at an initial density of 10 fish per aquarium. At the end of this period, the biomass and daily growth rate (SGR) of the fish were measured and the feed conversion ratio calculated and compared. Our data showed that fish fed rGH-supplemented diets experienced higher growth than fish in the control groups and showed that fish with higher protein diets experienced higher growth than the groups with less protein diets. The group with the highest biomass gain, SGR, and lowest feed conversion ratio (FCR) was the group fed a 34% protein diet supplemented with rGH. Furthermore, biomass gain, SGR, and FCR in the rGH treatment group with a 28% protein diet matched the measurements of the non-rGH control group receiving a 34% protein diet (P > 0.05). We conclude that giant juvenile gourami given feed supplemented with recombinant growth hormone will experience increased growth and dietary utility compared with gourami given the same feed without supplementation.
Growth, Morphology and Growth Related Hormone Level in Kappaphycus alvarezii Produced by Mass Selection in Gorontalo Waters, Indonesia Siti Fadilah; . Alimuddin; Petrus Rani Pong-Masak; Joko Santoso; Andi Parenrengi
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 23 No. 1 (2016): January 2016
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1072.105 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.23.1.29


The use of high quality seed can support the success of the seaweed cultivation. This study was conducted to evaluate the growth performance, morphology and growth related hormone level of brown strain seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii seed produced by mass selection. Selection was performed in the Tomini Gulf, Gorontalo, based on mass selection of seaweed seed protocol with a slight modification in cut-off 10% of the highest daily growth rate. Selection was carried out for four generations. The selected 4thgeneration of seed was then used in cultivation performance test in the Celebes Sea, North Gorontalo, for three production cycles. The results showed that the selected K. alvarezii has higher clump weight and daily growth rate, longer thallus, more number of branches, and shorter internodes compared to the unselected control and seaweed from the farmer as external control. Furthermore, total sugar content, levels of kinetin hormone and kinetin:indole-3-acetic acid ratio were higher in selected seaweeds than that of unselected control and external control. Thus, mass selection method could be used to produce high growth of seed, and kinetin and indole-3-acetic acid play an important role in growth of K. alvarezii.
Growth, Survival, and Body Composition of Transgenic Common Carp Cyprinus carpio 3rd Generation Expressing Tilapia Growth Hormone cDNA . Kurdianto; . Alimuddin; Nurly Faridah; Goro Yoshizaki; Sri Nuryati; Mia Setiawati
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 23 No. 3 (2016): July 2016
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (518.622 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.23.3.150


Transgenic has been known as one of the applicable methods to improve growth performance of cultured fish. This study was performed to evaluate the growth performance, survival, and body composition of the 3rd generation of growth hormone (GH) transgenic common carp (TG). Juveniles (BW: 1.53 ± 0.03 g) were reared for 60 days in 250-L glass aquarium with stocking density of 25 fishes/aquarium. Fishes were fed with commercial feed (protein content 36%), three times a day to satiation. Growth and survival were measured every 20 days. Our results showed that TG fish has 1.49 times higher in average weight growth (p < 0.05) compared with the non-transgenic common carp (NT). Higher total feed consumption, survival, body protein content, protein and lipid retention, hepatosomatic index, and lower feed conversion ratio were also shown on TG fish compared with NT fish (p < 0.05). However, body lipid content and blood glucose level of TG fish were lower (p < 0.05) compared with the NT fish. Total ammonium nitrogen level in rearing media of TG fish was 51.78% lower (p < 0.05) than that of the NT fish. In conclusion, culturing of GH-TG common carp showed potential to achieve high productivity, efficient, and environmental-friendly aquaculture.
Behavior, Histopathology and Physiological Responses of Rat Fed Diets Containing Growth Hormone Transgenic Fish Meal Alimuddin Alimuddin; Sri Murtini; Nurly Faridah; Sri Nuryati
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 26 No. 1 (2019): January 2019
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (577.678 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.26.1.1


  The animal model response against genetically modified product may provide food safety information. This study was performed to observe behavior, histopathology and physiological responses of Wistar rat fed on the diet containing growth hormone (GH) transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio) meal (Ccm). Thirty rats of three-month-old (BW: 115.67–139.50g) were divided into five treatments (six rats per treatment). The treatments were rats fed on the commercial diet without Ccm (control), a re-pelleted diet containing 15% (NT-15) and 45% non-transgenic Ccm (NT-45), a re-pelleted diet containing 15% (TG-15) and 45% GH transgenic Ccm (TG-45). Rats were kept for three weeks, fed twice a day according to treatment by 30 g/day/rat and water was provided ad-libitum. Rat behavior was observed every day during feeding. Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT), serum glutamic pyvuric transaminase (SGPT), urea, and creatinine were measured at initial and the end of the experiment. Histology observation was made for liver, kidney, and brain tissues. Our results showed that behavior, histopathology, SGOT, SGPT, urea and creatinine levels of rat fed with control, NT- and TG-Ccm diets were similar. All rats survived until the end of the experiment. Thus, within the dose level of this study, GH transgenic Ccm showed no toxicity or effect on behavior and physiology of Wistar rats.
The Phenotype of Diploid and Triploid F1 of Female Kohaku and Sanke Koi with Males White and Red Koi . Alimuddin; K. Sumantadinata; Yani Hadiroseyani
Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 3 (2002): Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Scientific Aquaculture (ISSA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (86.578 KB) | DOI: 10.19027/jai.1.97-100


ABSTRACTThis study was done to discover the effect of addition of chromosome number on phenotype F1 hybrid of females kohaku (white-red) and sanke (white-red-black) koi with males white and red koi. The white and red males koi were the F1 of gynogenesis. Spawning of koi was done by hormonal (ovaprim 0,5 ml/kg body weight) and fertilization was done artificially. Triploidization was done by heat shock at 40°C during 1,0-1,5 minutes after 2-3 minute from egg fertilization. Colour analysis was done on 4 months old fish. Triplodization was succeeding on 86,67%.  Addition of chromosome number on koi due to triploidization was suppressed the percentage of koi with combination color (kohaku, shiro-bekko, hi-utsuri, and sanke). It was seen on hybridization of sanke vs white koi as much as 5,55%, while on sanke vs red koi reached 45,02%. Hybridization of kohaku vs white koi as well as kohaku vs red koi produced higher percentages of kohaku compared to kohaku vs kohaku.Key words: Phenotype, diploid, triploid, koi fish, hybrid, chromosome AbstrakStudi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan jumlah set kromosom terhadap fenotipe keturunan persilangan ikan koi kohaku (putih-merah) dan sanke (putih-merah-hitam) betina dengan jantan putih dan merah. Ikan koi jantan putih dan merah merupakan hasil ginogenesis generasi pertama. Pemijahan ikan koi dilakukan dengan rangsangan hormonal ovaprim 0,5 ml/kg induk dengan sistim pembuahan buatan. Triploidisasi dilakukan dengan memberikan kejutan panas 400C selama 1,0-1,5 menit pada saat 2,0-3,0 menit setelah pembuahan telur. Analisis warna dilakukan setelah ikan berumur 4 bulan. Tingkat keberhasilan triploidisasi yang diperoleh cukup tinggi, yaitu sebesar 86,67%. Penambahan jumlah set kromosom ikan koi akibat triploidisasi menurunkan persentase ikan koi yang berwarna kombinasi (putih-merah, putih-hitam, merah-hitam dan putih-merah-hitam) sebesar 5,55% untuk persilangan sanke vs putih, dan 45,02% untuk persilangan sanke vs merah. Tingginya penurunan koi warna kombinasi diduga disebabkan adanya dominansi warna tertentu, misalnya dominansi warna hitam yang persentasenya meningkat sebesar 31,7% pada persilangan sanke vs merah. Pada persilangan kohaku dengan koi putih dan dengan koi merah, persentase kohaku lebih besar daripada perkawinan normal kohaku yang diperoleh pada tahap pertama. Persentase kohaku dari perkawinan normal kohaku hanya sebesar 18,6%, sedangkan kohaku vs putih atau dengan merah adalah sekitar 27% untuk triploidisasi dan 33% untuk persilangan  normal. Tingkat kelangsungan hidup ikan normal lebih besar daripada ikan hasil triploidisasi, kecuali persilangan sanke vs putih.Kata kunci : Fenotipe, diploid, triploid, ikan koi, hibrid dan kromosom
Effect of Temperature on Reproduction and Sex Ratio of Guppy (Poecilia reticulata Peters) H. Arfah; S. Mariam; . Alimuddin
Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 1 (2005): Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Scientific Aquaculture (ISSA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (109.932 KB) | DOI: 10.19027/jai.4.1-4


Water temperature could affect the reproduction of broodstock and sex ratio of progeny.  In this study, broodstock of guppy (Poecilia reticulata Peters) was reared in different temperature to determine its effect on reproduction of broodstock and sex ratio of their progeny. The result of study show that broodstock reared at 27°C produced more fry (16 males mean) than that of 30°C (10 males), while broodstock reared at 33°C produced no progeny.  Percentage of male fish produced by broodstock reared at 30°C is higher than that of 27°C.  Incubation time of embryo before birth is sorter in broodstock reared at 30°C (4-12 days) compared with 27°C (18-22 days).  However, several progeny of broodstock reared at 30°C had abnormal vertebrae. Keywords: guppy, Poecilia reticulata, sex reversal, reproduction, monosex   ABSTRAK Suhu air inkubasi diduga dapat mempengaruhi reproduksi induk ikan dan nisbah kelamin keturunannya.  Pada penelitian ini, induk ikan gapi (Poecilia reticulata Peters) dipelihara pada suhu 27°C, 30°C dan suhu 33°C untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap reproduksi dan rasio kelamin keturunannya.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa induk ikan gapi yang dipelihara pada suhu 27°C menghasilkan anak lebih banyak (rata-rata 16 ekor) daripada di suhu 30°C (10 ekor), sementara induk gagal melahirkan pada suhu pemeliharaan 33°C. Proporsi anak jantan yang dihasilkan oleh induk yang dipelihara pada suhu 30°C lebih banyak dibandingkan pada suhu 27°C.  Waktu inkubasi embrio sebelum dilahirkan oleh induk yang dipelihara pada suhu 30°C lebih singkat, yaitu 4-12 hari, dibandingkan pada  suhu 27°C, 18-22 hari.  Namun demikian beberapa anak ikan yang lahir dari induk yang dipelihara pada suhu suhu 30°C mengalami abnormalitas pada bagian tulang belakangnya.  Kata kunci: ikan gapi, Poecilia reticulata, sex reversal, reproduksi, monoseks
Effectiveness of hCMV, mEF1a and mAct promoters on driving of foreign gene expression in transgenic zebrafish . Alimuddin; G. Yoshizaki; O. Carman; T. Takeuchi
Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia Vol. 6 No. 1 (2007): Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Scientific Aquaculture (ISSA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.782 KB) | DOI: 10.19027/jai.6.65-77


Highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA), especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have long been recognized for its beneficial effect for human health and development.   The D6 fatty acid desaturase is generally considered to be the rate-limiting factor in HUFA biosynthesis.  Here, as the first step of study, we conducted experiment to select an appropriate construct that allows higher expression levels of masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) D6-desaturase gene in zebrafish (Danio rerio) in order to increase its activity for synthesizing EPA/DHA.  Salmon D6-desaturase cDNA (sD6) was separately ligated with human cytomegalovirus (hCMV), medaka elongation factor 1a (mEF1a) and medaka b-actin (mAct) promoters.  The resulted construct was designated as hCMV-sD6, mEF1a-sD6 and mAct-sD6, respectively.  Each of the constructs in circular DNA form was microinjected into 1-cell stage embryos at a concentration of 30mg/ml. Transgenic individuals were identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and their expression levels were analyzed by reverse transcription PCR.  The first (F1) and second (F2) generation was produced by crossing the transgenic founder F0 and F1, respectively, with wild-type fish.  The results showed that the highest transient gene expression level was obtained from the mAct-D6 construct, followed respectively by EF1a-D6 and hCMV-D6 construct. The transmission rate of transgene into F1 generation was 4.2%-44.1%, and into F2 was followed the Mendellian segregation pattern.   Expression of transgene in F2 generation was varied between strains regarding as the mosaics of F0 fish.  Now, a transgenic system to study the modification of fatty acid biosynthesis pathways in fish was established.  Further investigations are to produce fish containing higher levels of EPA and DHA. Keywords: desaturase, nutraceutical fatty acid, transgenic, zebrafish, masu salmon   Abstrak Promoter merupakan regulator yang menentukan tempat, waktu dan tingkat ekspresi gen.  Pada penelitian ini, kami melakukan seleksi kontruksi plasmid yang tepat yang menghasilkan tingkat ekspresi yang tinggi dari gen D6-desaturase-like ikan masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) yang ditransfer ke ikan zebra (Danio rerio) untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam mensintesa EPA/DHA.  cDNA D6-desaturase-like (OmD6FAD) dari ikan salmon masu diligasi secara terpisah dengan promoter dari cytomegalovirus manusia (hCMV), elongation factor 1a (mEF1a) dan b-actin (mbAct) dari ikan medaka, untuk membuat konstruksi plasmid yang berturut-turut disebut sebagai hCMV-OmD6FAD, mEF1a- OmD6FAD dan mbAct-OmD6FAD. Konstruksi tersebut dengan konsentrasi 30mg/ml disuntikkan ke embrio pada saat fase satu sel. Individu transgenik diidentifikasi menggunakan PCR dan tingkat ekspresi transgen dianalisa dengan RT-PCR.   Hasil menunjukkan bahwa tingkat ekspresi sementara yang tertinggi dari gen asing adalah diperoleh dari konstruksi mbAct-OmD6FAD, diikuti selanjutnya oleh EF1a-OmD6FAD dan hCMV- OmD6FAD. Transgen telah ditransmisikan ke ikan generasi F2 dengan mengikuti pola segregasi Mendel. Tingkat ekspresi transgen yang tinggi pada jaringan ikan F2 yang diperiksa telah diperoleh.  Dengan demikian, sebuah sistem transgenik untuk memodifikasi biosistesa asam lemak pada ikan telah dikembangkan.  Kata kunci: promoter, desaturase asam lemak, transgenik, ikan zebra, ikan salmon masu
Rapid method for identification of transgenic fish zygosity . Alimuddin; G. Yoshizaki; O. Carman
Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia Vol. 6 No. 2 (2007): Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Scientific Aquaculture (ISSA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (178.956 KB) | DOI: 10.19027/jai.6.177-182


Identification of zygosity in transgenik fish is normally achieved by PCR analysis with genomic DNA template extracted from the tissue of progenies which are derived by mating the transgenic fish and wild-type counterpart.  This method needs relatively large amounts of fish material and is time- and labor-intensive. New approaches addressing this problem could be of great help for fish biotechnologists.  In this experiment, we applied a quantitative real-time PCR (qr-PCR) method to analyze zygosity in a stable line of transgenic zebrafish (Danio rerio) carrying masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou D6-desaturase-like gene. The qr-PCR was performed using iQ SYBR Green Supermix in the iCycler iQ Real-time PCR Detection System (Bio-Rad Laboratories, USA).  Data were analyzed using the comparative cycle threshold method.  The results demonstrated a clear-cut identification of all transgenic fish (n=20) classified as a homozygous or heterozygous.  Mating of those fish with wild-type had revealed transgene transmission to the offspring following expected Mendelian laws. Thus, we found that the qTR-PCR to be effective for a rapid and precise determination of zygosity in transgenic fish. This technique could be useful in the establishment of breeding programs for mass transgenic fish production and in experiments in which zygosity effect could have a functional impact. Keywords: quantitative real-time PCR; zygosity; transgenic fish; mass production   ABSTRAK Identifikasi sigositas ikan transgenik biasanya dilakukan menggunakan analisa PCR dengan cetakan DNA genomik yang diekstraksi dari jaringan ikan hasil persilangan antara ikan transgenik dan ikan normal.   Metode ini memerlukan ikan dalam jumlah yang banyak, dan juga waktu serta tenaga.  Pendekatan baru untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut akan memberikan manfaat besar kepada peneliti bioteknologi perikanan.  Pada penelitian ini, kami menggunakan metode PCR real-time kuantitatif (krt-PCR) untuk menganalisa sigositas pada satu strain ikan zebra (Danio rerio) transgenik yang membawa gen D6-desaturase-like dari ikan salmon masu, Oncorhynchus masou.  krt-PCR dilakukan menggunakan iQ SYBR Green Supermix pada mesin iCycler iQ Real-time PCR Detection system (Bio-Rad Laboratories, USA).  Data dianalisis menggunakan metode pembandingan nilai cycle threshold.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua ikan transgenik (n=20) yang diidentifikasi dapat diklasifikasikan secara jelas sebagai ikan homosigot atau heterosigot.  Persilangan antara ikan transgenik tersebut dengan ikan normal menunjukkan transmisi transgen ke keturunannya mengikuti hukum segregasi Mendel.  Dengan demikian, metode krt-PCR adalah efektif untuk penentuan sigositas secara cepat dan tepat pada ikan transgenik.  Teknik ini dapat berguna dalam program produksi ikan transgenik secara massal dan dalam percobaan dimana faktor sigositas memberikan pengaruh nyata. Kata kunci: kuantitatif real-time PCR; sigositas, ikan transgenik; produksi massal
Oral Administration of 17α-Methyltestosterone Increased Male Percentage of Freshwater Crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus O. Carman; M.Y. Jamal; . Alimuddin
Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia Vol. 7 No. 1 (2008): Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Scientific Aquaculture (ISSA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (278.216 KB) | DOI: 10.19027/jai.7.25-32


Cherax quadricarinatus is one of freshwater crayfish species that has enormous potential for expanding its farming in future.  Application of monosex male culture using steroid sex hormone administration method during the period of sex differentiation or early developmental stage might be increased efficiency in farming.  This study was aimed to increase male of C. quadricarinatus by oral administration of diet containing 17α-methyltestosterone (MT) towards production efficiency.  Two-week-old of Cherax quadricarinatus were fed ad libitum on diets containing various dose of MT, i.e., 25, 50, 75, 100 and 150 mg/kg diet or diet containing no MT as control, 3 times daily for 30 days.  After MT-treatment, crayfish were fed frozen Chironomus sp.  and shrimp diet.  Sex ratio, survival and growth rate (by length and weight) were observed at the end of experiment.  Sex was determined by visual observation; the male sex organ is located at the fifth walking leg while the female is at the third.  Data was analyzed by F and BNT tests.  The results of study show that administration of MT was significantly changed the male ratio of crayfish.  Treatment dose of 50 mg/kg diet was effective to increase male sex percentage from 24.93% (control) to be 59.96%. Growth was also significantly being improved, while survival rate was insignificant.  Thus, oral administration of MT is an effective way to increase male sex percentage of crayfish, although other methods and the time of hormone administration are needed to be verified to obtain maximal results. Keywords: monosex, 17α-methyltestosterone, sex reversal, Cherax quadricarinatus   ABSTRAK Salah satu jenis lobster air tawar yang berpotensi tinggi untuk dikembangkan usaha budidayanya adalah Cherax quadricarinatus. Aplikasi teknik budidaya tunggal kelamin (monoseks) dengan metode pemberian hormon seks steroid yang diberikan pada saat diferensiasi kelamin atau masa perkembangan awal ikan diduga dapat meningkatkan efisiensi usaha.  Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk meningkatkan persentase C. quadricarinatus jantan menggunakan metode seks reversal melalui pemberian pakan yang mengandung 17α-metiltestosteron (MT) sebagai upaya efisiensi produksi.  C. quadricarinatus umur 2 minggu diberi pakan yang mengandung MT dengan dosis 25, 50, 75, 100 dan 150 mg/kg pakan atau tanpa hormon secara ad libitum, 3 kali sehari selama 30 hari.  Setelah perlakuan lobster uji diberi pakan alami Chironomus sp. beku dan pakan udang. Parameter yang diamati meliputi nisbah kelamin, kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhannya (panjang dan berat mutlak), yang dilakukan pada akhir penelitian. Identifikasi jenis kelamin dilakukan secara visual; alat kelamin lobster jantan terdapat pada bagian pangkal kaki jalan kelima, yang betina terletak pada bagian dasar kaki jalan ketiga.  Data dianalisis menggunakan uji F dan BNT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian hormon MT berpengaruh nyata terhadap persentase kelamin jantan lobster. Perlakuan dengan dosis 50 mg/kg pakan efektif untuk meningkatkan persentase jantan C. quadricarinatus dari 24,93% (kontrol) menjadi 59,96%.  Pertumbuhan panjang dan berat mutlak  juga menunjukkan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata, sementara kelangsungan hidup tidak berbeda.  Dengan demikian pemberian hormon MT melalui pakan cukup efektif untuk meningkatkan persentase lobster jantan yang dihasilkan, meskipun penggunaan metode lain dan waktu pemberian hormon MT masih perlu diteliti untuk memperoleh hasil maksimal.  Kata kunci: tunggal kelamin, 17α-metiltestosteron, seks reversal, Cherax quadricarinatus
Co-Authors , Yuliyanti . Kurdianto . Sukenda A. Aliah Hidayani A. Octavera A. Santika Ade Sunarma Ade Sunarma Adhana Nur Fitrih Adinda Rizky Tasrianty Afpriyaningrum MD Afriani Ramadhan Agus Oman Sudrajat Agus Priyadi Ahmad Muzaki Ahmad Ramzi Ghulam Syam Andi Aliah Hidayani Andi Parenrengi Andi Parenrengi Andi Tenriulo Angela Mariana Lusiastuti ANNA OCTAVERA Antharest Sugati Apriana Vinasyiam, Apriana Aras Syazili Arief Boediono Arief Eko Prasetiyo Asep Permana Asep Sopian Ayi Santika Ayu Dhita Juliadiningtyas Azis Ali Boyun Handoyo DARMAWAN SETIA BUDI Darussalam DEDI JUSADI Deny Sapto Chondro Utomo Desy Nurul Astuti Devi Wardan Sari Dewi Yuniati Dian Hardiantho Dian Hardiantho Dian Hardiantho Dinamella Wahjuningrum Dinar Tri Soelistyowati Dodi Hermawan Dody Dh. Trijuno Dwi Hany Yanti Dwi Hany Yanti Emma Suryati Enang Harris Enang Harris Eni Kusrini Epro Barades ERLINA F.H. Pasaribu Fadhila Maharani Putri Fajar Anggraeni Fajar Maulana . Fauzan Wahib Alsani Fitriadi Fitriyah Husnul Khotimah Fredinan Yulianda G. Yoshizaki GORO YOSHIZAKI Goro Yoshizaki H. Arfah Hadi Nasbey Handika Gilang Pramana Putra Hardiantho D Harley Gustianus Sitau Harton Arfah Harton Arfah Hary Krettiawan Haryanti Haryanti Hasan Nasrullah Hasan Nasrullah Hijriani Ibnu Izzah Iis Diatin Imron Imron Indah Mastuti IRMA ANDRIYANI Irmawati Irvan Faizal Irzal Effendi Jasmadi Jasmadi Jean-Christophe Avarre Joko Santoso Julie Ekasari K. Chaitanya Deepti K. Sumantadinata Ketut Mahardika Ketut Sugama Khoirotun Nisa Siregar Komar Sumantadinata Komar Sumantadinata Komar Sumantadinata Kukuh Nirmala La Ode Bariun La Ode Muhram Lilis Nurjanah Luky Adrianto M. Zairin Junior M.Y. Jamal Mala Nurilmala Mia Setiawati Mira Mawardi Mitra Abadi Muh Alias L. Rajamuddin MUHAMMAD AGUS SUPRAYUDI Muhammad Awal Ramadhan Muhammad Muttaqin Muhammad Safir Muhammad Zairin Jr. Muhammad Zairin Jr. Muhammad Zairin Jr. Munti Yuhana Muslim Muslim Muzahar Muzahar N.A. Maswan Nenima Halawa Novi Megawati Nunak Nafiqoh Nur Bambang Priyo Utomo Nur Bambang Priyo Utomo Nur Bambang Priyoutomo Nurlaelah Syarifuddin Nurly Faridah Nurly Faridah O. Carman O.Z. Arifin Odang Carman P. Ratna Kumar Petrus Rani Pong-Masak Pustika Ratnawati Putri Zulfania Qorie Astria R.D. Soejoedono Rahmat Hidayat Ratu Siti Aliah Reni Agustina Lubis Ridwan Ridwan Affandi S. Mariam Samsu Adi Rahman Sari Budi Moria Sembiring Sekar Sulistyaning Hadiwibowo Setiawati M Sholeh Ridwan Siti Fadilah Soelistyowati DT Soko Nuswantoro Sri Khayati sri murtini . Sri Nuryati Sri Nuryati Sri Setyo Wulandari St. Fatmawati. L Suharyanto Suharyanto Sukenda Sukenda Sukenda Sumie Etoh T. Takeuchi Triayu Rahmadiah Utut Widyastuti Wartono Hadie Widanarni Widanarni Y. Hadiroseyani Yanti Inneke Nababan Yogi Himawan Yulintine Yulintine Yuni Puji Hastuti Yushinta Fujaya Zairin Jr M Zakki Zainun