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Mengenal Pembelajaran Daring Pada SMA Negeri 1 Turi Aulia Habibah
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pembelajaran Vol 7, No 1 (2022): April
Publisher : UNDIKMA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jtp.v7i1.4762


Abstract The more advanced and developing the world of education, the quality of human resources will have more potential. Online learning during a pandemic is a surefire way to continue to carry out the teaching and learning process. Not only students who find it difficult, teachers also have to adapt to online-based learning models. There are various kinds of obstacles related to the economic and geographical factors of students. Many of the students have difficulty getting internet access to support online schools. And even teachers face the same problem. However, the obligation to teach online does not dampen the enthusiasm of a teacher in distributing knowledge. Teachers have to spend a lot of internet quota to be able to teach all day because this pandemic situation makes teaching hours so there is no time limit. The school provides a solution by distributing quotas from the government and allowing students and teachers to be able to access the internet at school while still implementing health protocols.Abstrak Semakin maju dan berkembang dunia pendidikannya maka kualitas sumber daya manusianya akan memiliki potensi yang lebih. Pembelajaran daring di masa pandemi merupakan cara jitu untuk tetap bisa melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar. Tidak hanya siswa saja yang merasakan kesulitan, guru pun harus beradaptasi dengan model pembelajaran berbasis online. Ada berbagai macam kendala yang berkaitan dengan faktor ekonomi dan geografis siswa. Banyak diantara siswa yang kesulitan mendapatkan akses internet sebagai penunjang sekolah daring. Dan bahkan guru pun mengalami kendala yang sama. Namun kewajiban mengajar secara daring tidak menyurutkan semangat seorang guru dalam menyalurkan ilmu. Guru harus menghabiskan banyak kuota intenet untuk bisa mengajar seharian dikarenakan situasi pandemi ini membuat jam mengajar menjadikan tidak adanya batasan waktu. Pihak sekolah memberikan solusi dengan membagikan kuota dari pemerintah serta mengizinkan para siswa dan guru untuk bisa mengakses internet di sekolah dengan tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan.
Pengembangan Pendidikan melalui Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional Inda Lestari; Aulia Habibah; Alfi Khoiriyah; Fauziyah Indriyani
TSAQOFAH Vol 2 No 1 (2022): JANUARI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (423.65 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v2i1.267


The Indonesian government, that intiated the legislation of the treaty system was a prelude to its annual efforts to promote schools to meet the international standardsof school (SBI),the 2003 school teaching system (SBI) specifically the stature no 20,Report that “government and/or abupatent increases the one school minimum ata rate to be promoted at school with inferior international (SBI) set up SBI could only give birth to the students who is capable of advanced intelligence and more exclusive education servicesas if by the wealthy or the wealthy,and a great deal of commercial education. In this study,reserchers have attempted to describe a school of Internatiobal it relates to understanding,managemen of characteristics and how developming a multi world school,with students parents showing stidents keen interest in education and more.